Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 679

"Silver, thank you for your speech, I am very happy." An Qi: "Hug."


"Thank you for your ordinary support, An Qi, the gods will look at you normally and active."

"Well, a god with black hair and red eyes!"

"That's right."

"Black hair and red eyes, too noble, this character must be very noble, I really hope to see him soon, as if I know the timetable for the coming of the gods."

"Although there is no timetable, you can feel his presence anytime soon."

"Ah, it's so precious." Silver said.

"I'm completely addicted. It is very troublesome to be an enemy of this kind of person." Xiao Ji said.

"But, why just block the tunnel entrance, you are so angry." An Qi said; "Couldn't you, do you want to leave from there? Have you not given up on going out?"

"Have you given up yet?" Mengye said.

"What are you guys doing?" Bai Tian said.

"Speaking of Meitu, you stayed in the computer room yesterday, right?" Bai Yin said.

"So is Xiaochun, he went back to his personal room a while after entering night time." Rotor said.

"Lin Xiao, so are you."

"Well," Lin Xiao said.

"Really, this is not good for everyone. If you live an abnormal life, your mind and body will be abnormal." An Qi said.

"Sure enough, as the god said, people outside the student union should be prohibited from going out at night."

"You said the horse, where is my freedom." Meitu said.

"No, it can't be like this, at least not when everyone still wants to leave." An Qi said.

"In that case, why only people outside the student union can't do it, the group is unfair, right?" Maomiya said.

"Haha, the members of the student union can rest assured, anyway, everyone no longer wants to leave." An Qi said.

"That's right, after all, why do you have to leave? You don't have to worry about food, clothing, shelter, and there are great partners and gods here," said Yumeno.

"What else do you want, don't be so greedy." Bai Yin said.

"Hahaha, everyone in the student union is amazing." An Qi said.

"What stupid thing to say, you want me to stay in this kind of place all the time, so how could it be possible, I haven't been in the universe yet!" Bai Tian said.

Come bear cubs.


"Well, it's probably not a fight."

"Yes, even if it's a quarrel, people think it's a gift with a good relationship."

"What are you doing here, we are busy now." Rotor said.

"I want to make your relationship better, so I brought this one."

"Reminiscence lamp?" Lin Xiao said.

"That's it, use the memory light to remember new memories, discuss those memories with each other, and let your feelings fight better."

"Wow, the name of the battle is really long. My head is running west because my head is broken and it's destroyed. I can't remember it."

"Oh oh, lend me a bit." An Qi classmate threw in and grabbed the memory light.

Kacha, stepped on ruthlessly.

"Haha, although this is also a decision by the student council, we will no longer use the memory light in the future."

"Ah, why?"

"After all, what this lamp can make us sound is only the things of the outside world. An Qi, we no longer need this kind of thing." An Qi said.

"Because for everyone, the world no longer refers to the outside world, but this college for talented prisoners."

"How do you do, we won't have a chance to play without remembering the lights."

"What should I do."

"Ah, ran away."


The bear cubs are gone.

"Wow haha, goodbye." An Qi said.

"Student An Qi, what have you done?" Lin Xiao said.

"Finally, it is possible to think of the funeral and hunting high- and intermediate-level things." Maiya said.

"Thinking of those will not help, anyway, I can't go to the outside world."

"Yes, it doesn't make sense anymore." Quan Tian said.

"No matter how you put it, it's too much." Bai Tian said: "Even if the purpose is to prevent cannibalism, it is too arbitrary."

"Sorry, but it was really arranged by the gods." An Qi said.

'what.No reflection at all, then, what do you plan to do about that matter.'

"Are you talking about the resurrection of the dead? Of course it must be executed."

"You said God Horse." Bai Tian said.

"Sure enough, do you want to execute it?" Lin Xiao said.

"After all, life here with more partners is also more fulfilling, but also just in case." An Qi said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for example, if it is motivated to set a time limit like Tianhai did at that time, let that person be a sacrifice or something."

"It means that when someone has to die, let that person sacrifice himself?"

"Is it resurrected for sacrifice?" Xiaochun said.

"Huhuhu, talking about preventing cannibalism, but the idea was cruel."

"There is no way to be happy in fact, the gods will also make us do cruel things."

An Qi said, "But, I didn't do it. This is also for peaceful college life."

"Since it was said by the gods, there is no way."

"Well, listen to the gods." Yumeno said.

"Speaking of which you really want to do this? Did you forget that it was the motive for cannibalism?"

Bai Tian, ​​what's the matter with you, always feel that his face is getting ugly.

"As long as there is no thought of leaving, who cares about the motivation." An Qi said.

"By the way, who are you going to resurrect?" Maomiya said.

"Well, I discussed with the gods that it is Tianhai who will be resurrected as a transfer student."


"Think about it not to promote Xiaofeng and the maid who killed people."

An Qi said: "Ryoma also went to exchange movies despite the prohibition."

"In this case, Tianhai seems to be the most able to work for the Student Union among them."

The only person in Tianhai who knows about super-high-level hunting, is he coming back?

Impossible, he is dead after all.

"Oh, it's already this time. An Qi is about to leave. She has to pray and prepare for the ceremony."

"Well, yes, it's time to pray to the handsome gods." Yumeno said.

"Then let's go." Rotor said.

"Haha, goodbye."

The members of the student union followed An Qi away leisurely.

"Speaking of gods is actually in accordance with An Qi's ideas." Xiaochun said.

"Nevertheless, I can't disobey her now, it's really scary." Maamiya said.

"In that case, start a full-scale battle against the student union. The current situation is 6 vs. 6, and I don't think I can't win.

And you see, there are assassins on our side, please assassinate them neatly."

"You can't do that, it can be resolved by a method acceptable to both parties." Lin Xiao said.

"So that's it, if there is that way, it would be fine, but no one should think about it, Bai Tian, ​​you haven't said a word since just now, what are you thinking about?"

Bai Tian: ``Ah.what did you say?"

"Said absently."

What happened to Bai Tian? He seemed too strange.

"What's wrong with Baitian, are you feeling sick?"

"Oh, it's okay, it's just a bit chilly."

"In short, how can it be possible for the dead to be resurrected?" Bai Tian said: "That kind of thing is impossible. It's damned, and I feel uncomfortable."

"Sorry, I'll see you in the room first."

Baitian left unsteadily.

"What's wrong with him, it's really just uncomfortable?" Xiaochun said.

"Maybe it was something bad possessed, hahaha really worrying."

"I just think you look very happy." Lin Xiao said.

Afterwards, everyone left the restaurant and returned to their rooms.

Although Classmate An Qi proposed to go back, Lin Xiao had no such plan. Her goal was the same as Classmate Xiao Feng, which was to leave with everyone.

In order to achieve this goal, we must find a way.

Then I came to the underground passage, and it was full of rubble as the student would say.

You can't get in this way.

Only Quantai had the strength to remove the rubble.


After that, it came to night time.

"Baitian, are you okay? Are you feeling better?" Lin Xiao was about to press the electric bell at this moment.

The door opened.

The person who came out of it was Xiaochun.

"Ah, Xiaochun classmate."

I always feel she is very angry.

"Oh, Lin Xiao, you just came here, and I have to tell you the scabbard."

"He said that today's exercise will be suspended."

"Sure enough, you still feel sick."

"Even though I am embarrassed, I can't eat and swallow since yesterday, and I haven't been able to sleep well," said Bai Tian.

"I want to take a little rest, it should get better."

"I see, if that's the case, I can do it."

"If you want to say it, it's better to stagger the night time."

"Didn't the students in the student union also say that going out at night is prohibited," Bai Tian said.

"So, I paused the exercise calculation because of physical discomfort, but I don't want to stagger the time to do this." Xiaochun said.

"It's not necessary."

"Really, but."

"We will not stop today and I will exercise together with Lin Xiao." Xiaochun said.

"Don't you want to, do you want to be killed?"

"Ah, killed?"

"Sorry, that sentence is a bit like my catchphrase, just listen to it."

"There is such a dangerous mantra in this world."

"In short, I don't want to change anymore, I finally want to start facing it, and finally I can think about it a little bit."

"So even if I am alone, I will continue." Xiaochun said.

"I think it was probably caused by physical discomfort, but what I said just now is really not like Bai Tian's style.

Because I think you should be someone who doesn't care what An Qi said, and does things according to your own ideas."Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao is really sorry, before I get better, can I ask you for exercise?" Bai Tian said.

"Of course, I plan to do the same." Lin Xiao said.

After nodding vigorously, Lin Xiao chased classmate Xiaochun behind and ran towards the atrium.

"Student Xiaochun, I don't think you need to care about Baitian's words so much." Lin Xiao said.

"He must have spoken discouraged words because of his discomfort, not thinking it from the bottom of his heart."

She couldn't help stiffening, Xiaochun's eyes, not even the breath that radiated from her whole body, completely changed.

Her eyes were cold and hot at the same time, how should I put it, it was a flame like ice.

But her gaze is not at Lin Xiao, but behind him

"If it's not a rotor, you will not be able to bear it and you will pass out directly. Is this actually your true ability?" Rotor said.

"You may want to drive me away, but I won't go."

"You are not hostile. It seems that you didn't violate the rules, so you came to arrest us." Xiaochun said.

"Well, Xiaochun is right. The Rotor standing here has nothing to do with the Student Union. Rotor has something to ask you. It is Rotor's personal request."

"Please ask us?"

"It has nothing to do with the student union, it's not the idea of ​​a brainwashed person." Xiaochun said.

"Because the rotor has not been brainwashed."


"Not being brainwashed means that the rotor only joins the UI with its own will, which feels more troublesome." Xiaochun said.

"Student Rotor, what do you mean by saying that you have not been brainwashed, you are not a god to Angela."

"Rotor didn't believe in the gods of those people from the beginning."

"Rotor only believes in Aikido and will not be fooled by other things."

"Aikido values ​​spirit, and the realm of spirit is directly reflected in the moves."

"Because of this, the rotor is not easily shaken by the spiritual spindle cultivated by Aikido." Rotor said.

"Then you always pretend to be brainwashed, why do you do this?" Xiaochun said.

"Are you worried about classmate Mengye?" Lin Xiao said.

"That's why I sneaked into the student union."

"Mengye, who is afraid of trouble, is too lazy to think, so I will rely on An Qi next time, but this is very dangerous."

"Although everyone in the student union is addicted to An Qi, she is a very dangerous person. After sneaking into the student union, A Rotor immediately understood this matter. An Qi really believes in gods. Because of this, she can do whatever she wants. All kinds of actions, because she believes that the gods will do it herself, she will not have any sense of guilt to act recklessly."

"So you want me to kill her?" Xiaochun said, "Isn't it just for this to ask me especially?"

"I don't deny that I never thought about her disappearing, but everyone should have thought of killing someone, but this and practice are two different things."

"You must not kill, no matter what the reason, what you cannot do is you cannot do it."

"Are you taunting me?" Xiaochun said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that, but I just wanted to stop An Qi. It would be too dangerous to resurrect the dead." Rotor said.

"That will definitely recruit self-cannibalization. We shouldn't be fooled by black and white bears, but the members of the student union dare not disobey An Qi, and Rotor does not have the confidence to convince her by himself."

"It's free to get rid of you 2 because only you can stop it."


"Because the only ones left are you and the others."

"There is no one else."

"It seems like I have to admit it."

"So please, let An Qi dispel the idea of ​​holding a ceremony."

Rotor said so and bowed his head deeply to the two of them.

"Then go."

"Huh? We haven't answered yet."

"Really don't be verbose, thank you for accepting it, after all, I bowed my head."

"Your personality is really frank, you are not suitable for persuading others at all." Xiaochun said.