Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

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In order to find the final mastermind, the school-level trial began.

"First of all, I would like to ask about Lin Xiao, who said that this school-level trial will be held." Black and White Xiong said.

"What is the purpose of this school-level trial?"

"Yes, there are obviously no dead, but a school-level trial is going to be held." Black and White Kumamoto said: "Ah, I made a louder voice than I thought. My situation today may be pretty good."

"Be louder than speaking, I won't lose."

"You said that as long as you expose the truth and end everything in the school-level trial, what are you going to do?"

"Ah, yes, this is a good question," said the black and white bear.

"But the sound is very small."

"Is it actually related to sound?"

"Well, I will answer you, the purpose of this school-level trial."

Lin Xiao said: "It is to re-examine past incidents."

"Which incident do you mean."

"It was the Tianhai incident that happened at the beginning. I discovered new facts about this incident."

"In order to discuss these facts, we have to reconvene the school-level trial to pick up the incident." Lin Xiao said.

"What can we do if we reconvene? The voting results have already come out." Black and White Bear said.

"Yes, yes."

"What if the voting result is wrong?" Lin Xiao said.

"You said it was wrong."

"The murderer who picked up the incident was Xiaofeng, and the black and white bear also said it was correct." Xiaochun said.

"What do you mean, this is wrong?" Ji Wang said.


"You overreacted so that we are at a disadvantage."

"In order to confirm that the voting result is not wrong, we have to reconvene the school-level trial"

"If the black and white bear's judgment is found to be wrong, it means that the credibility of the school-level trial will be fundamentally shaken." Lin Xiao said.

"In this way, this cannibalism game can't be in the city."

"That's it, you have to catch the mistake of my game manager and make the game invalid." Black and White Bear said.

"If you have done anything wrong, please, it should be acceptable." Lin Xiao said.

"The incident that happened at the beginning will become an issue in the final situation. It is very interesting, and it is a very interesting development. Okay, let's get started."

"So the new fact you discovered is." Xiaochun said.

"There are several, first of all, let us figure out Tianhai's talents."

"About his talents?" Ji Wang said.

"He is a super high school survivor." Lin Xiao said.

"I saw it too, he said the same in the movie." Yumeno said.

"He seems to have survived the cannibalism in the past, so he became a super high school survivor." Lin Xiao said.

"And after erasing the memory, participate in this cannibalism again."

"So this is not the first time Tianhai has participated in cannibalism." Bai Yin said.

"But why does she want to take part in cannibalism?" Ji Wang said.

"I don't know yet, but since Tian Hai is a super high school survivor, his purpose is obvious."

"That's why he came to the library before he was killed, and why he knew the secret door." Lin Xiao said.

"It was only accidental that he found the secret door?" Mengye said.

"I thought so at the time, but that was not right. There was indeed a reason why Tianhai discovered the hidden door." Lin Xiao said.

"Tana would have received a Survivor Black and White Bear Tablet with the overall map of the Academy of Talented Prisoners on it, even including the one that was opened later."

"Of course, there are also hidden rooms marked."

"Survivor bonus, I didn't expect Tianhai to have such a thing." Ji Wang said.

"He just depends on the map to know where the secret door is." Xiaochun said.

"Moreover, there are hints left by Tianhai for him in this black and white tablet." Lin Xiao said.

"When a spare black and white bear is needed, the mastermind will definitely hide the room."

"It is because of this reminder and that sentence that Tian Hai went to the library."

"If you want the black and white bears to come out temporarily, the mastermind will go to the library room, so Tianhai will go to the hidden room deep in the library when the time limit is about to find the mastermind."

"Yes, at that time, Tian Hai was the same as I and Xiao Feng thought." Lin Xiao said.

"Although, it is ironic that he fell into Xiaofeng's trap and lost his life." Mengye said.

"But there is clearly such a clue, why Tianhai didn't discuss with them, he probably couldn't trust us, at that time the cannibalism just started."

"Furthermore, at the end of this reminder it is stated that as long as the information here is shared with someone who can be trusted, I think this passage should further deepen his suspicion."

"Besides, for him, he doesn't even remember that he wrote this. In that case, he can't even judge whether he can trust this record, right." Xiaochun said.

"This should make him even more mysterious, so he can't discuss it with anyone." Lin Xiao said.

"Do you want to believe in this record, or believe in us, or in yourself."

"He should always be confused."

"But as the time limit approaches, he can only gamble on this possibility."

"He said that he has made his sense and wants to end this game."

"Then he did not discuss with anyone, and went to the library alone."

"Then fall into Xiaofeng's trap." Mengye said.

"At that time, only us and Tianhai discovered the hidden room, but I still have classmate Xiao Feng. I think she can be trusted, so I told her about the hidden room."

"The difference between me and Tianhai is that there is no difference between Xiaofeng classmate." Lin Xiao said.

"Anyway, the murderer is Xiaofeng. That's right," said Black and White Bear.

"Yes, what a cruel woman." said the black and white bear.

"Speaking of which, everyone has said yes since just now, is it something I forgot?"

"It can be said that I have never heard of it."

"So, so what? Now, even if you know Tianhai's true identity and purpose, it doesn't make much sense," said Black and White Bear.

"No, this is meaningful. As long as we review the Tianhai incident based on the facts we know now, we can discover the truth hidden in it."

"New truth?"

"I don't quite understand it, but I only need to return to Tianhai classmate's time."

"Then try it."

"We all work together to uncover everything." Ji Wang said.

"Relying on my wisdom and magical power, I turned the body of the black and white bear into a unit drama form." Yumeno said.

"I don't quite understand it, just turn the black and white bear into multiple endings." Bai Yin said.

"When Tianhai went to the library, the time limit was about to come." Xiaochun said.

"He went straight to the secret door because he had a survivor bonus."

"The purpose is to expose the identity of the real mastermind." Mengye said.

"However, he was hit by an iron ball in the head before he achieved his goal."

"The murder weapon is a fully automatic mechanism, and the murderer is not even at the scene of the crime." Black and White Bear said.

"The only one who went to the library during the murder case was Tianhai."

"No, it wasn't just Tianhai who went to the library at the time of the attack. The evidence was this black and white bear tablet for the survivor special." Lin Xiao said..

"Why the black and white bear tablet is the evidence."

"I should have said that this black and white bear tablet is the survivor bonus that only Tianhai has received." Lin Xiao said.

"But when investigating Tianhai's body, he had this on his body. He only had the black and white bear tablet from the student manual."

"That is, after someone died in Tianhai, they took away the survivor bonus."

Black and white bear: "No."

'There is no time to take care of you now.'Lin Xiao said.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Can't let you miscellaneous fish be too arrogant." said the black and white bear cub.

"The blood-stained black and white bear plate is so dirty."

"What are you talking about, show evidence."

"But Tianhai came to the library with the characteristics of survival. Since he will disappear, he can only be stolen by someone."

"I don't think it should be possible."

"He may not have a survivor bonus at all."

"No, Tianhai did bring the survivor bonus to the library,"

"The photos he took before he died, what he holds in his hand is the survivor bonus."

"How would you know that that is the one, or it could be something else."

'No, it is absolutely. The traces on this black and white bear flat plate are exactly the same as the position of his fingers holding the black and white bear flat plate in the photo.'

"Ah, really."

"The moment when this photo was taken, Tianhai's head should have been hit by a shot put. The traces sprayed at that time stained the black and white bear plate."

"So the black and white bear tablet in Tianhai's hand in this photo." Lin Xiao said: "It's definitely a survivor's characteristic."

"What are you talking about."

"Just said that you can't show such a big reaction, we are not at a disadvantage."

"My lovely child lost, and I pressed the button emotionally," said Black and White Bear.

"The lion will push the young lion down the valley."

"Back to the topic."

"By the way, I didn't expect a thief, what a bad guy."

"So who took the black and white bear tablet, other than that, do you have any other findings?" Xiaochun said.

Of course, there are other discoveries. "The person who stole the Survivor's bonus is undoubtedly the mastermind."

"You said it was the mastermind?" Mengye said.

"I really found this survivor bonus in a hidden room deep in the library. There is no one other than the mastermind who can enter that room."

"So, during the time when Tianhai died and was discovered, the mastermind took that to the hidden room?"

"No, that's impossible."

"Why is it impossible?" Ji Wang said.

"Don't know? My children know too." Black and White Bear said.

'Yes, give it to the black and white bear Sirius here.'

"But I am talking about McDull now."

"No, he is going to press it down. We're done."

"Why, the mastermind was not captured by the hidden camera in the library."

"The mastermind is right," Bai Yin said.

"To enter the hidden room, you must move the bookcase of the hidden door, but Lin Xiao, you have set up a camera. If the mastermind enters and exits from there, it should be captured by the hidden camera, right?" Bai Yin said.

"However, there are no photos of similar people."

"Then your reasoning is wrong."

"That's great, you have done something."

'No, please wait, the hidden camera in the library should have a time interval.'Ji Wang said.

"That's a shutter that takes only 30 seconds."

"The mastermind took advantage of this time to act."

"That's it, the mastermind who was hiding in the hidden room was optimistic about the timing, came in and killed Tianhai." Mengye said.

"Wait a minute, the reasoning just now is contradictory," said the black and white bear.

"What are you talking about? There is no contradiction."

'You ask me, how would I find it, this is a question of black and white bear cubs.'

"Although I deny the reasoning, I won't give the reason that this is the discussion style of the black and white bear, so I leave it to the black and white bear. If you don't want to die, hurry up and think about it."

"What are you going to discuss."

"Hide the camera, the camera did not even capture the mastermind."

"The mastermind used the interval time."

"But the camera only has an interval of 30 seconds, and the time is indeed enough."

"Then where is the mastermind hiding?"

"Of course it is a hidden room."

"If you stay in the library room, how can you know the situation outside?"

"Even if she stays in a hidden room, she should know the library maliciously, as long as she uses the surveillance camera."

"What is that, where is there such a thing?"

"It's obviously a black and white bear, but I don't know?" Ji Wang said.

"That's it."

"Ah. Little is so cute."

Black and white bear: "Your brother."

"This kid is called Black and White Xiong Qiqi."

"Because my father wanted me to tell everyone, I completely forgot, now I remember."

"There are countless such little black and white bear cubs appearing here, and the pictures they took are passed from the black and white bear mother to the black and white bear." Ji Wang.

"No, I will pass by the mother of black and white bears. If the mastermind wants to know, it's a little bit. Just ask the mother of black and white bears to tell him when to hide."

"If this is the case, there is no doubt that the mastermind of the abnormal room will take away Tianhai's tablet."

"Why did he steal the black and white bear tablet."

'The mastermind must be the survivors who are afraid of Tianhai's special code, which falls into our hands.'Lin Xiao said.

"of course not."

Black and White Bear: "I'm not scared, just because it is a survival bonus for classmates who reclaimed the sea. If she is willing to share it with everyone, it would be great if she wants to get the survival bonus for other people.

This will not be considered as a survivor bonus for the reclamation students."

"So I collected it after he was i, it's just that." said the black and white bear.

"I don't think so."


'Although you pretend to be at ease, you are actually doing it hard. The survivor bonus clearly states that the mastermind is in this academy.'

"If it is determined at that time that the mastermind does exist, we must not want to kill each other and start looking for the mastermind instead."

"In order not to let the situation become like this, you just turned your attention away." Lin Xiao said.

"Anyway, you have admitted that the mastermind voted." Xiaochun said.

"Yes, yes."

"But this is obviously the mastermind's mistake. If the black and white bear tablet is to be recycled, why should the mastermind not let the black and white bear go?"

"No, no, it's impossible, because the school rules say that I can't intervene in murder, so it's against the regulations to recycle something." Black and White Bear said.

"Since you are so obsessed with the rules, in this cannibalism, there really is an audience, if so, that audience is."

Lin Xiao said.