Bai Yin said: "Of course the others are the same. They were selected after the audition just now."

"You said audition?" Mengye said.

"Yes, that's why you were so happy at that time." Bai Yin said.

"Remember, that was when you got super high school grade clothes."

"We said something like that?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's a lie, I don't have such a memory." Ji Wang said.

'Just because I was illuminated by the memory lamp at the beginning, I forgot.'Silver said.

"Now you are fictional characters, and you are different people from then."

'Speaking of this, you should understand that now you are fictional characters with flesh.'

"So there is no destination at all, because even the place where you live is fictitious." Bai Yin said.

"So, my friends and family, and the life before I came here?" Mengye said.

"That's also fictitious, that is, the role setting."

"In other words, there is no place where you can go back to the outside world. Just like the real world does not have the ten gods chaebols, we who are fictitious can only live in the fictional world, and can only live in the destruction of bullets."

"You can only live in this world?" Xiaochun said.

"That's right, what locked you up is actually a bullet that breaks the world, so you can't leave this world, you can only kill each other in this world."

Bai Yin: "You are the fictional characters born for this, and the world is so eager, so you can't escape."

"Enough is enough." Mengye said, "I don't want to know anything about buying glasses and can't stand this kind of thing."

"Your reaction is desperate? At this time, the most reliable partner is indeed your partner, but you even your partner is fictitious." Bai Yin said: "For example, Bai Tian's disease is like this, he was just given this. Settings."

"It was me who came up with that setting, and I was also the one who gave him the virus. By the way, you will like Baitian, which is also set by me." Bai Yin said.

"What are you talking about?" Xiaochun said.

"What about the rotor, why does she like me so much?" Yumeno said.

"It's just set up like this, it's for setting up a cannibalistic atmosphere." Bai Yin said.

"Is it fake? Even this mood is fake," Xiaochun said; "Even this is a lie."

"If you say that fiction is a lie, it's not wrong. All of this is a world of someone's thinking and outline, producing all words and actions." Silver said.

"All are lies."

"It means that even if you make a brother's oath, it's just a setting." Bai Yin said; "Yes, but I think it's a very good setting."

"Student Xiaofeng's words that moved Lin Xiao the most."

"That's also a lie, because the real Xiaofeng."

"I think my personality is very suitable for cannibalism, because I basically don't trust anyone." Xiaofeng said.

"It's the same with Baitian. Actually, I just want to fulfill the wish of participating in the project and kill a bunch of people. In this way, I will gain both fame and fortune. There is nothing I can't do."

"All are fictitious, all are deceptive." Bai Yin said; "Everything that has happened in cannibalism so far is deceptive."

Everything is deceptive?

It is because of them that I have been able to persist until now. Only with them can I change. Therefore, if I want to live with them, I will continue to work hard.

However, if even this is a lie.

"Why am I here, and for what purpose do I live to this day?" Lin Xiao said.

"Mie is meaningful, because this is fiction." Bai Yin said."The meaning of death and the meaning of survival are nothing but fiction."

"It's really sad, after all, everything has been denied so far. Of course, how about it? Desperate?"

"Because I said that if you don't despair, this lady will be very troublesome. After all, it is finally my turn to appear next. The selling point of Danganlun is despair.

Cannibalism, why is it popular, why can it continue to 53 works.Bai Yin said: "Of course the reason is despair. Your desperate Mo Yang fascinates the audience, so everyone who looks outside is very happy."

"What's going on? The outside world is pursuing this kind of thing, is it pursuing this kind of thing in us?" Lin Xiao said.

This is despair?

"Oh, I don't even have the strength to yell? Anyway, it's useless if the fictional character shouts or asks for help. It will only make the audience feel so pitiful. Such guilt makes the audience addicted." Say.

"Looking at the self who shouldn't be watching the picture, and feeling happy because of bad interests."

"Such a sense of guilt is the charm of the game, the charm of bullets!"

"Then, what should we do?" Lin Xiao said.

"What did you just say?" Bai Yin said.

"What should we do, next?"

"Huh? What did you guys say just now, it's not about letting the trial fail and preventing cannibalism. If you can stop it, try it, so that it can stop the pursuit of cannibalism in the outside world."

"How could they stop, it is impossible to stop this kind of thing."

"Ah, are you about to give up?"

"Because it's all a lie anyway, now I, everyone here, and everyone who died, everything is a lie, how could I fight for this kind of lies."

"Oh, what's wrong with you? I'm desperate. No matter how you grow up, classmate Lin Xiao is still very cowardly. Now that you know that the things that make you grow up are lies, you once again become a cowardly super college detective."

"Hahahaha, great despair, this is worthy of the despair of bullets." Baiyin said: "Although I didn't expect you to be so simple, forget it, this is also according to the script.'

Everything is a lie, everything is meaningless, everything done so far, hard work so far, mind so far.

It's all dark lies, and it doesn't make sense to continue, anyway, the mystery is also a fictional work, it's all lies and meaningless.

Is this the end?

Ji Wang said: "Please tell me. I'm asking you. So far, when I encounter difficulties, my inner voice will always guide me. Finally, I will come the next time. I believe, please tell me. What should be done."

"I heard your voice very clearly, and my inner voice said, what I should do is save this situation, so I won't give up."

"I will never give up hope in the end."


"You can't give up. There will always be hope no matter what. It is because you are in the abyss of despair that you have to look up and look for hope."

"Hope?" Lin Xiao said.

"Where is this hoping?"

"You just belonged to a dog. This cannibalism is a real and final fiction. Since it is a real fiction, it means that not everything is fiction.

Even if the world and ourselves are fictitious, I still have the hope of taking action, so there should be a breakthrough point, and I will not give up hope in the end."

"Hey, the annoying starts again." Bai Yin said.

"This doesn't mean despair. The outside world is seeking hope, and our voice can be heard outside, so it will be the same as my inner voice."

"The one you are talking about is not the inner voice, but the voice of the outside world, because you are also set by me, I can't help but know, what exactly is the voice you hear? That is the voice of the outside world."

"Tell you, you were a special person from the beginning, because you are." Bai Yin said, "A representative of the audience."

"What does it mean?"

"Your inner voice is for the audience to enjoy the function of Shuangxiang Communication. That is the truth of Brother Jiwang's inner voice. What do you think is the voice you hear?"

Ji Wang said: "A questionnaire for the audience?"

"Hahaha, I really admire you for seeing through., yes, that's the truth."

"Shuangxiang Communication is to allow viewers to participate in the program's question and answer, and to enjoy interactive services. This is the truth of your inner voice, but the results of the audience's questionnaire survey." Bai Yin said.

"The voice that guides me in my confusion is the questionnaire of this cannibalized audience?" Ji Wang said.

"Well, you are acting according to the survey results of the audience in this game." Baiyin said: "In other words, this time, the projectile theory is an audience-type cannibalism."

"The antenna on your head is for receiving."

"This one?"

"Because the antenna was broken, it made you lose control like this." Bai Yin said; "At that time, many people complained, it was really troublesome, but the special thing about the machine is not only that, you are also the audience's camera."

"Your eyes are the eyes of the audience." Bai Yin said.

'People in the outside world have always been watching through your eyes, making the audience feel as if they are on the scene. You were made for this. In this sense, it’s great that you can live, because now you can use , Push the outside world into the abyss of despair.'

"Let you, the representative of the audience, fall into despair, which is equivalent to despair of the outside world. As long as you are desperate, I can let the despair of the outside world, and then despair invades reality from fiction. Isn't this very desperate?"

"Why do you want to do this? This is just fictitious." Ji Wang said.

"Didn't I say that? My role-playing can be completely reproduced. Even if this role can be rented to save things, it is actually executed before it can be called a complete reproduction." Bai Yin said.

"That's why the world has to fall into despair."

"That's too messy."

"Too chaotic is interesting, the outside world is also pursuing this, pursuing chaotic development and ending""

"Allowing fictional despair to invade reality is indeed chaotic and unexpected development."

"No one should have imagined such a desperate thing in despair."

"I will not fall into despair." Ji Wang said.

"If I am a representative of the audience, then I will spread hope through my inner voice."

"I'm not saying that the outside world seeks despair, but they are a group of people who are happy to watch this kind of cannibalism. What hope is there."

"No, the inner voice just said, to save this situation!"

"If it is really the voice of the outside world, what the outside world longs for is hope, so I have to believe in hope and believe in the outside world."

Ji Wang said.

"Ah, what is this?" Bai Yin said.

"This is the power of hope. I will bear the hope of the outside world so I won't lose to your despair."

"It's so annoying, what hope, that kind of thing is out of fashion."

"Forget it, anyway, it is to make such a person fall into despair and kill each other to have a happy ending."

"I won't let you succeed, I hope I won't bow to despair."

"You said this to the point."

"Then let us make a break, this is the last stop of hope and despair." Bai Yin said.

"Really a classic development."

"How to make a break?" Ji Wang said.

"Yes, that's the problem. The school-level trial has become messy because of a foul by the black and white bear."

"Now, do you want to start over and come to a special vote." Bai Yin said.

"Special vote? It's already a foul, so what can I say now?" Ji Wang said.

"Don't talk nonsense, fight with all the partners so far, let's have a final vote together." Bai Yin said.

"This is the most classic development."

"At the end, the special vote was, me or Jiwang, who should receive corporal punishment!" Bai Yin said.

"In other words, you have to choose the solution to this story."

"You have to choose for yourself whether to accept this story in hope or despair."

"Should we spend a sentence with hope or despair, our own choice?" Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, great, the atmosphere of the outside world is getting more and more enthusiastic."

"Of course I hope to win, everyone here will let despair win."

"Yes, we can't help the mastermind." Mengye said.

"Even if that is a choice that will make you painful?"

"Okay, let me explain the results of the announcement of the voting results. If it is decided by the representative's hope machine to accept physical punishment, my despair will win."

"You will continue to kill each other, according to the school rules until there are 2 people left."


"Don't worry, there will be no more cannibalism anyway."

"Because even if I continue to rely on the memory lamp to create motives, you all know that it is fake, so nothing will happen anyway."

"Nothing will happen?"

"Everyone can live in love with each other in this college."

"No, it doesn't count at all, or, I have to live this kind of life in this college."

"Even if you go outside, nothing is useful. I should have said that your memories are fictitious. There is no real world where you want to go back." Bai Yin said.

"Because even that is fictitious, meaning that Danganlunpa's character can only be played in Danganlunbang, so even going outside is meaningless."

"That at least let us get back to the original."

"Retreat to me." Baiyin said, "Didn't I say it? The memory of the memory lamp cannot be restored to its original shape. The implanted memory of the reply will cover the original memory, so if you want to change it anyway, you can only Use other memories and make other fictional settings to make you other people."

'We can't even reply.'

"Hahaha, I'm desperate, and if I choose to punish me physically, this cannibalism will end, but you still have to abide by the school rules and continue to the last two people."

"So only two people can graduate." Bai Yin said.

"You mean that only one of the four of us will survive."

That's right, you must choose the 2 surviving people."

"At this point, you have to sacrifice your partner?" Lin Xiao said.

"If you sacrifice two partners, the garbage who survived can leave."

"But even in the outside world, it's useless."

"No, don't give up hope."

"Since it's time to talk about it, just do you, do you have a way to choose the survivors?" Bai Yin said.

"In that case, I am willing to sacrifice." Jiwang said: "If I can give everyone and the outside world hope, I would be happy to sacrifice." Jiwang said.