Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 725

Standing in front of the station is one of Akihabara's new landmarks, UPX.

In the lobby on the 4th floor, preparations for ATF and Akihabara Technology Forum lectures have been made since the morning.

In cooperation with the research facilities of many universities, seminars and symposiums are held from time to time here.

Lin Xiao’s deep-rooted Dengeki University also participates as a part of the industry-university cooperation function. Students from relevant research groups must also participate in these seminars and submit reports to their supervisors.

If you don't do this, you won't get credits.

Participated in this lecture as a helper of one of the speakers, Professor Jing Qi.

Lin Xiao is now staying at the front desk in the public hall, holding a list of students attending the seminar.

There is still a while before the seminar begins. The people in the hall are scattered, and none of the students on the list have come.

It's really idle, I can only wait here.

For the previous self, it was unimaginable to be so diligent. The reason for showing oneself like this is because of a new life goal.

Victor University, this is his current goal. Yamazaki is conducting joint research with this university. He has a wide network of contacts. If he can be his assistant, he should be the first step towards his goal.

Thinking of using brain cells that you don’t have enough.

And in this lecture, after the summer, there will be a seminar at Victor University.

For this matter, of course Lin Xiao is also very concerned, summer?

Suddenly, her figure flashed through her mind.

The reason why I want to go to Victor University is because I want to learn what Chris wants to do and continue to do it myself.

Of course, I am not a genius like Chris, so I will not say that I want to inherit all of her research or other words that do not know my name.

But for myself, if it is at least 10%, if I can do it, I really feel that I can cheer myself up.

Thinking about this, laughing wryly, a voice rang in the hall.

That one over there.

Looking up, I saw a young girl coming from the direction of the elevator.

The height and physique, in short, are very small as a whole, and I feel very little for the time being. Only after adolescence can girls have their unique charm, so they should not be primary school students.

Probably a middle school student?

She obviously has such a cute face, but this girl looks a little rustic.

Tousled hair, draped in disarray behind.

The clothes are too, even I can see at a glance that there is no taste at all.

"Excuse me, where is the staff room?"

"Um, this is the seminar venue."

This is obviously not compatible with the female middle school students, it is probably the wrong place.

"I know this kind of thing. It takes me to repeat it several times."

"Ah, no, I'm telling you this for the first time."

"But for me you are already the fourth, and you have been here."

The domineering girl took out a card from her arms.

This is a guest card issued to the participants of this lecture. The name and organization are printed on the front in Japanese and English.


Victor University, Institute of Science.

This girl?

Comparing the case and the card in front of me, I finally remembered.

"Ah, it's such a thing, where did you find this card?"

"This sentence is also the fourth time." The girl looked bored and held up another card to show Lin Xiao.

This is a card with a photo.


I don’t know when I saw Krishna’s card in another world with the same design.

The photo printed on the ID card is undoubtedly the girl in front of me.

"It is pronounced as Biwu Dingzhenfan, because no one can read it well, no matter whether it is a man or a romanji, so I am clear with you."

"That, a high school student from Victor University?"

"Please talk nonsense at night, how come there are middle school students in the university."

"This, this is the same, is that a skipping grade?" Lin Xiao said.

Grade skipping is very common, and Chris graduated from college at the age of 17.

Even so, such a small child is a graduate student.

"Let me confirm one thing with you first, you are somewhat shocked now."

"For example, such a small child, can't believe it?"

"Or is this age so powerful?"

"Ah, ahaha."

That's right.

"Look at this carefully. Zhenfan pointed a part of the ID card with a slender finger. He is 21 years old."

"So I am a great adult girl, not a middle school student, nor a primary school student."

He straightened his chest as he spoke.

Although it can't be said to be big, but it seems to be emphasizing that he is very good.

"What does this face mean."

"No! Sorry, I apologize."

I can't believe it, it's younger than me.

If introduced to Tongzi, it is estimated that he will talk about this legal loli while about to move.

Forget it, no matter where you go, you will be treated like this.

Well, I think so.

"what did you say?"

"Ah no, it's nothing."

By the way, the Institute of Brain Research.

So this kid, maybe this woman might know Chris.

Holding back what he wanted to ask, he checked the booklet recording the meeting again.

The speech at Victor University is the last one of today's speech, which is the so-called finale.

Is Zhenfan going to give a speech this time?It's like speaking Chris on stage in the summer.

No wait, it's not true. Without this time, Chris didn't give a speech at all in the summer. It was in another world line.

In this world online now everywhere, she did it before the summer speech.

"Today, are you on stage?"

"No, I'm here as an assistant, and I'm still in charge of translation."

Looking at the brochure again, it was written in the lecturer column, Alex’s name, Victor’s professor, and the topic of artificial intelligence revolution?

"If you have time, listen to your testimonials about the truth."

"Bong accompany you."

"Ah, what if you go to the job room?"

Lin Xiao led her by the elevator and pointed out the location of the office.

"Thank you."

There was no reason to continue pestering her, nodded, and returned to her position.

At this moment, the elevator door opened and a woman walked in.

The moment Lin Xiao recognized this woman's face, all the hairs on Lin Xiao's body stood up.

It was actually Mengyu, Lin Xiao desperately controlled herself who was about to shout.

Calm down, here is another world line, Mengyu will not kill Mayu

The pupils behind the glasses were still lifeless and could not understand what was thinking.

In order not to be seen through, Lin Xiao hurriedly averted his gaze.

Mengyu tilted her head, but soon lost interest in Lin Xiao and walked towards Zhenfan.

"That one?"

"Ah, are you from the magazine?" Zhenho said.

'Interview as agreed.'

I don't know if it should be the same as before, or if it is the same as this headphone cable, Mengyu still can only speak in a vague voice.

Professor Alex hasn't arrived yet, so I might ask you to wait for a while, Maho said.


"Before the professor comes, would you like me to explain the outline of the system."

"sorry to bother you."

After speaking, the two of them left together, disappearing from Lin Xiao's sight.

Looking at the back of the two of them, they took deep breaths repeatedly. Although they wanted to calm down, their heartbeat was hard to calm down.

Mengyu, is it you again?

It's like an inner trauma to hinder oneself, an unpleasant feeling.

The mobile game routes through Akihabara were all attacked and stopped. At night, it was like being shrouded in ominous relations like clouds, as it was at that time.

You want to be here...

Or it's just that I have thought too much. Now Mengyu is not someone from SERN, but an ordinary person, not even Mengyu.

We have nothing to do with SERN, and SERN cannot stare at us.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath again, took out the tranquilizer from his pocket, and poured it into his stomach with the mineral water he bought before.

It takes about 15 minutes until the onset of drug effects, which should be difficult.

With a self-deprecating smile, he sat on the front desk chair.

At the front desk, facing the brochures and leaflets distributed to seminar participants, as well as folded leaflets of materials.

At this time, a text message came from the mobile phone.

It's the real reason, so I sent a few text messages to her.

Can't help but look at the cover of the brochure. It seems to be a paper. This is a brochure that Yamazaki discussed and distributed.

The middle body paper, the paper that the man is publishing.

It contains theories about the practical application of time machines.

On July 28 of that fate, Zhongti snatched the paper from his biological daughter and took it away.

It is also known about this matter, only oneself and the middle body know.

I tried to look through the brochures and briefly introduced many suspected sciences and pseudosciences after the 20th world, which can be regarded as anecdotal readings.

As the most cutting-edge of this department, Yamazaki concluded that the Chinese body thesis appeared gorgeously in the second half.

In short, the time machine theory of Dr. Zhongti has not been recognized by the society on the surface.

He didn't hesitate to rule out that his daughter would get status, authority and fame. This man didn't get the same.

And according to the rumors, he seemed to be under house arrest by people in the research facility after the paper was published. It was even more comical to hear that he thought he had been treated well.

For a period of time, he was intoxicated by many magazine reports and interviews. The irony was that the paper was too correct and revolutionary.

Because of fear of this paper being leaked, control was implemented.

Nevertheless, in sleep, the question and answer battles around the paper started.

The time traveler from the 2036 bird, John said so, it should be true.

The world will enter a war.

It's useful to think so much, so take a rest.

After that, after a few hours, the speech went on smoothly.

After Professor Yamazaki’s seminar, the students of Dengeki University would go, and returned here again to kill time.

Lin Xiao also wants to listen to the lecture of Victor University.

Lin Xiao thought it was early, and on the way to the venue, he happened to see the real sail coming out of the staff room.

With a tall man, that man is Alexis.

Although they didn't want to eavesdrop, they couldn't help listening to the conversation as they walked and talked with serious faces.

The conversation was naturally fluent in English, so I didn't understand it very well, but judging from the tone of the conversation, it was not an easy topic.

By the way, I seemed to have heard the word Chris during the conversation just now. I really hate my crappy English ability.

I knew this and studied hard.

During this conversation, the two walked into the lecturer's preparation room next to the UPX Theater.

Lin Xiao sorted out the fragments of information she had finally heard.

To be honest, many things.

There was a fire in Chris' house?

And stop investigating or something, Lin Xiao was very concerned when he heard these suspicious words.

When I was in a mess, it was time for the speech to begin.

There is no way but to enter the theater.

Although it can be inferred from the flow of people entering the theater just now.

The atmosphere in the theater is quite high. It is painful for college students to earn credits for their livelihood or graduation, and listening to future seminars, there is obviously a different atmosphere.

Audiences interested in cutting-edge science, as well as people like researchers, almost filled the venue.

This may be because researchers from Victor University have recently published papers in consecutive magazines, which have become the focus of attention.

Find a place to sit.

Thinking about this, Lin Xiao found an empty seat and sat down.

But seeing the person next to him, Lin Xiao couldn't help but shout out.

It's you again, Mengyu doesn't speak to the people around him at all, just keeps typing on the phone on his lap.

It seemed that she was still the same as before, who was she in contact with.

Unable to guess, he left here as if transferred away, looking for another empty seat, and almost at the same time he sat down, Professor Alex appeared on the podium.

Suddenly, there was warm applause, but when the petite girl appeared afterwards, the applause turned into a whispering voice.

For Zhenfan, this reaction was unexpected, and she stood beside the professor with a commenting expression.

It would be better to say that the professor looked around the theater with the microphone, he looked quite sophisticated.

Alex started speaking in English, and Zhenfan started to use appropriate simultaneous interpretation after the professor signaled.

"Thank you all, for today's my seminar, I am Alex from Victor University Research Institute, my major is artificial intelligence theory."

"Then I am the assistant Maho, please advise."

There was a commotion in the audience, the same reaction that Lin Xiao had when he first met her.

But such a reaction is normal.

"Then, without further ado, let me introduce to you part of our latest research." Zhenfan said.

"Although the theme this time is the artificial intelligence revolution, the system we will exercise next will exceed your imagination."

Ali Akes stood in front of the laptop prepared on the stage to operate.

"This computer integration research institute is connected to a supercomputer."

Zhenfan said.

"I'm sorry, because it's still in the development process, a program that lacks aesthetics will overflow the screen."

"I would be embarrassed to be seen such a cheap program. If there are engineers among you, you will definitely understand."

Some people understood the professor's joke, and the audience laughed.

"During the launch, let me explain the concept."

Hu Zongxian also set up another projector on the podium, showing the concept map on the screen.

On the drawings, there are various text translations for the general audience to understand.