Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 737

Standing up, Lin Xiao turned to the other side, where the door was decorated with a small assembly, drawing eyes.

"So it's almost Christmas." He said that Li Zhenyou was very enthusiastic about this matter.

"Miss Maho, Christmas is here too?"


"Who do you spend Christmas with?" Lin Xiao said.

"Ah no, that Christmas was a fun party with friends, right."

"Unfortunately, I have no such plans, and I won't have any Christmas parties," Zhenho said.

"For them, Christmas is a sacred day, so it is normal to spend it with joining, although it is noisy on New Year's Eve."

Having said that, I seem to have heard this kind of thing on TV.

"Well, even though I don't have family members here, I will remain alone anyway," Maho said.

"Ah, but don't think I feel lonely, don't get me wrong."

Although I said so, it was still very lonely to spend Christmas alone on the noisy street.

But if you have said this idea, you will definitely be said to be nosy or something, so I didn't say it.

After the conversation with the professors, I went to LAB.

Although I confirmed on the phone that Mayu is fine, but I also want to see her in reality, so I can clearly see that Mayu is fine.

From the outside, the LAB's light is still on.

As if to get rid of the cold air outside, he rushed up the stairs and opened the door.

"Mayu, are you there?"

In the process of opening the door, a small blow hit his chest.

"Ah, sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," Li Huazi said.

It seemed like he was about to go out just now.

Looking up at his Sulfur Huazi with a sorry look, I don't know why his face is red.

There was only Kiriko in the room, and neither Mayu nor Reu were seen.

"Great, if I go back a little bit earlier, I won't be able to meet you."

"Well, is it waiting for me?"

"Yes, even though I said that, it's not a big deal, I just brought a little stuff."

"It's steamed buns." Tongzi has eaten up about half of the steamed buns in the box.

"Because it is a gift for everyone, so try to eat."

"That's it, thank you."

"By the way, Sulfur Huazi, is time okay?"


When Tongzi said so, Li Huazi showed a panic.

"In fact, after this, there will be guests at home."

"Guest? Sulphur Huazi."

"No, it's Dad's guest. I don't know why I want to be with me. Dad usually calls people with the same interests together for two days.

Because they are all difficult topics that are incomprehensible to me, I usually just do the work of serving tea and water. Why do you want me to join me this time?"

"What is a difficult topic?"

The shrine of Suikako's family was also a shrine long ago in Akihabara. Suikako and his father are the managers.

"It doesn't seem to be the case. Before that, the guests were talking about things like Yuming, topics like this."

Sulfur Huazi said.

"It feels hard to understand." Could these keywords be.

'It's really worthy of being the father of Li Huazi, really amazing."

"Do you understand?" Li Huazi said.

"For the time being, I'll talk about this topic next time." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, then I will see you again." Li Huazi lowered his head sharply and left.

After sending her away, Lin Xiao sat on the sofa.


"At the coffee shop, I didn't come today."

In that case, wait a while, or pick her up?

"By the way, what was the phone call Lin Xiao just now?"

I should have said the professor's previous confirmation call.

"Don't worry about that, maybe I think too much."

"Really, then it's okay."

At that time, I felt the sense of disharmony, although I wondered if it was because I felt the movement of the world line, but after a few hours like this, I really noticed some changes.

It's better to say whether even the feeling is really blurred, as expected, the memory is especially for the current self.

''Compared to these, he really deserves to be the father of Lihuazi.

"what happened."

Compared to Mayu, Lingyu came back first.

Why is it that the sulphur huazi is the sulphur elder brother, and he is the uncle.

"Yes, and it's the soldier in the soldier station. It's a hundred battles."

"That's right, but I heard that Brother Suhua is a shrine. That's right, but it's said that the shrine is a place of battle."

Lingyu accepted. She said, "Brother Lihua is very good."

I didn't hear it. After meeting Lingyu's face, I felt very embarrassed.

So far, I have controlled the number of visits to LAB because I have to avoid meeting with her.

"Uncle Lin Xiao, please don't make that expression."

Seeing that there was a look on her thinking expression, Ling Yu said embarrassedly.

"You are avoiding me, I know this kind of thing."

"It's not because of your fault." Lin Xiao said.

"By the way, when did Ling Yu do it today."

"Could it be that you are dating a man and are not allowed? Dad doesn't allow you to associate with a man of unknown origin." Tongzi said.



Although he thought it was a gadget, Tongzi was unexpectedly serious.

"Everything is true."

"Then just look into my father's eyes and say."

"Ha, Dad, would you say that?"

"What do you mean?" Tongzi said.

"Obviously I already have a mother, and I always play weird games there."

"Well, the two-dimensional and three-dimensional are still different." Tongzi said.

"You, it doesn't matter whether it's the two-dimensional or three-dimensional. It's not you."

"It's really betrayal that Lin Xiao said this at this time," Tongzi said.

I don't remember when I became a companion with Tongzi on the issue of interest.

"It's always like that, what have you done to tell Dad?"

"There is nothing guilty about, so let's talk quickly."

Ling Yu glanced at Lin Xiao a little, and sighed like she wanted to die.

"Go to find someone."

"Human, then he is still a man?" Tongzi said.

"Didn't you say it?"

"Little girl, it's bigger than me now."

For Lingyu's words, the two looked at each other.

"Actually, there is another person in the time machine I ride."

"Wait for the first time I heard about Lingyu."

"Because, never said it before."

Lingyu's expression, which raised her head, showed obvious regret.

"Who is that person and how is it now?" Lin Xiao said.

"What's going on now, I don't know." Lingyu said.

"I actually said I don't know."

"I accidentally walked away. In 1998, it was here in Akihabara."

Twelve years ago, it was not just Lingyu who came from the future. It would take some time for this meaning to penetrate into her mind.

"But why did it become like this."

"The kid and I first went to 1975 to find IBN51OO. For the reason, you know uncle."

Lin Xiao nodded in silence.

"We got it without incident. Next time we went to 1998, in order to avoid the task of avoiding the millennium bug problem."

"The millennium bug problem?"

It was because of someone's language, but I finally remembered that although the media and experts hyped up, there was no commotion.

Could there be no commotion because of John from the future.

In that case, thanks really.

"At that time, a little problem occurred and separated from the child."

"Then just use the machine to jump after separating like this?"

"Hinting because there is no way, because the kid jumped out of the time machine by himself, and."

It seemed that Lingyu was embarrassed to think of something.

"Of course I have also looked for it. Within the range allowed by the remaining fuel, I did time travel several times, but."

The result is still not found so far.

"I understand roughly, but why haven't I said it so far." Tongzi said.

"It was my fault to lose that child, and I want to take responsibility for myself."

"It's a real offense."

He patted Lingyu on the shoulder, and Tongzi said softly; "We are relatives, so please discuss with me directly if you have anything to do."

"Just find that kid, then let us help, Lin Xiao, right?"

"I also want?"

"Of course, I'm not asking you to change the future. At this level, it's okay."

To be honest, I still feel very guilty to keep rejecting Lingyu's request to save the world.

Since it is doing what I can, I can help.

But what I care about is what to do when I find it.

"What about the child's name and age? By the way, it should be a cute girl. If it's a man, Dad won't allow it."

"It's a girl."

"OK, please tell me the name and the three."

"I don't know, because the child was only 10 years old when we separated."

"Then you should be 22 years old now."

"name is?"

"The name is Bon, Shiina Bon."

"Shiina." Naturally, I was curious about this last name.

"Did Lingyu say, who is that kid?"

"Well, her mother's name is Mayu, and her mother is Mayu."

Yeah, for Mayu, it is natural to have such a future.

But it was still shocked beyond imagination because of the facts. Since there are children, that means there is a marriage partner.

Then there is almost no possibility that the marriage partner is oneself. If you want to say why, oneself will die in 2025.



If the child is 10 years old in 2036, the birthday must be carefully verified, but my death is barely possible, right?

No, not really.

Just like you and Tongzi?

"Wait for a while now since the girl's blind spot Shiina?"

"Bon is an orphan, so sister really took her in."

"This is indeed like Mayu's style."

Hearing this, Lin Xiao felt relieved with a double meaning, and a little guilty.

Even if that guy is happy in the future, this is obviously a happy thing.

"I have to bear the support of my sister to take care of Camp, so it's not enough."

"The kid has been stuck with Mayu sister before, and no one knows it in this era."

"Why did the child go away? I just said I was in trouble?" Lin Xiao said.

If only 10 years old, the author's time machine came to an unknown era, Lingyu should be the only one to rely on.

It should be impossible to leave alone.

"I don't know, but when I jumped back to the camp, I felt very restless."

So, it is not impossible.

A girl who was only 10 years old was taken to the unknown world.

"Are there any photos?" Tongzi said.

In the photo given by Ling Yu, there are 2 women.

One is mature, and it should be the truth after twenty years.

Another girl showed a timid expression, as if she was hiding in Mayu's shadow.

"Is this child growing up to 22 years old? It's a little unimaginable."

Of course the premise is if it is still alive.

No matter how peaceful and safe Neon is, it would be too harsh for such a small child to live alone.

If she is lucky, she may be protected and taken to an orphanage, if not.

Was Ling Yu also considering this possibility? Such words couldn't be said.

"Lin Xiao, do me a favor."

"After all, it is Mayu's adopted daughter, so I want to find it."

"But is Lingyu okay? I'll help."

Lingyu must have despised herself, the one who gave up the opportunity to save the world.

Is it really good for someone like yourself to help.

"Uncle if he doesn't care."

"In this case, I will help."

Of course not to regard this as an atonement.

"What are you talking about?"

All the members looked at Mayu at this very close range.

"Lin Xiao, really here, hello." Mayu said.

"what happened."

Seeing the truth, Lin Xiao finally felt relieved.

"Great, Mayu."

My little hands actually sent my body temperature, and I was still alive.

"Lin Xiao?"

"Sorry." Lin Xiao said.

"It's okay, it's not annoying, so it's okay."

"Sister Mayu, when did you come?" Lingyu said.

"Well, just came here."

Miscalculated, too focused to not notice the truth.

"I heard what you guys are talking about, what is it?" Mayu said.

"This." Tongzi said.

Not good, although Mayu knew that Lingyu came from the future, but suddenly heard about the future daughter, no matter how good it looks.

"I heard it wrong."

"Ah yes, Mayu is so cute today." Tongzi said.

"Ah, I'm often said that, although I want to be like Yu Ji."

"Maybe the appetite is a bit bigger."

"Hey hey."

I didn't praise you, but I finally got confused.

'By the way, when it comes to food, Lin Xiao, what would you like to eat for Christmas?'

"Christmas, are you talking about the party?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yeah." Mayu nodded.

"There are not too many requirements, you can eat whatever you like." Lin Xiao said.

"Are you in line for Christmas?"

"Ms. Ling saw it for the first time?"

"Because there is no free time for parties when we are Angling."

"But it seems that once Dad didn't know where to get the delicious roast chicken."

"Then Mayu told me to take care of it myself."

Lingyu seemed to miss the past and said, "Although it's just a little better than usual, I am very happy."