Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 745

It was a little earlier before being called out, and the figure of that person had already appeared over there.

"Have been waiting for me."

"Thank you." Lin Xiao said.

"The nearby actions won't let the water sit over for the time being, just talk as much as you want," Phyllis said.

"Great help."

While drinking freshly brewed coffee, he observed the people in front of him.

Kiryu Mengyu, still expressionless, didn't know what he was thinking.

"What do you want to say?"

"What happened to the arm?"


"Ah, doesn't it matter anymore?" Lin Xiao said.

Yesterday the woman in the jersey took Lingyu's kick with her arm.

Later, I asked Lingyu and said that he did feel the kick a lot, that is to say, it should leave scars accordingly.

If that's Kiryu.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"That's it."

Still can't conclude that she is innocent.

"Can I have a look at my arm?"


"Ah, I want you to roll up your left sleeve."


"Can't it?" Lin Xiao said.

Kiryu sighed in surprise, showing no sign of wavering.

For these situations, it is better to say that I have begun to shake, why can I be so open.

Kiryu rolled up his sleeves as he said, and his skin became sickly white.

Other than that, there are no scars, no scars like foundation to cover up, and no bruises.

Of course there is nothing like a bandage.

"Thank you, turn your sleeves back."

Kiryu tilted his head slightly, and then restored his rolled up sleeves to their original state.

The woman in the rider suit is not Kiryu.

Sure enough, there was a hunch in his heart that it was not Kiryu.

After thinking about it carefully, she knew earlier that Shiina Camp was here.

There is no need for an attack like this when a large group of people hit together.

Kiryu had something to do with this incident, and it was great to be able to confirm this incident.

However, in this way, there are new problems.

Who is that woman in a jockey suit?

In order to confuse the past, Kiryu threw over the doubts, after listening to the investigation report so far, let her continue the investigation and separated from her and rushed to another place.

The next thing I want to visit is here, and it's very lively since the second day of the new year.

After taking a deep breath, he made up his mind and walked in.

"excuse me."

"Humph, finally came." Tiannwang Temple seemed to have been waiting for Lin Xiao to arrive.

"I'm here to explain what happened yesterday."

"This is also included."

Tennoji was very persistent in asking what happened last night, and told him that he would elaborate on it another day.

"Then, what was going on yesterday."

"Before that, I want to confirm one thing. Yesterday's thing was not instructed by you."

The face of Tennoji, who usually seemed unhappy, looked even more unhappy now.

"I instructed, what does this mean, why should I send those guys over."

"Don't you understand?" Lin Xiao said.

"How can you understand that kind of thing," Tennoji said.

"that is because."

After confirming that Tao was nearby, he said, "Because you are FB."

Tennoji, who was still upset just now, became expressionless: "You guy."


Sensitively aware of the changes in his father's atmosphere, Tao peeped into his father's face.

"what happened,

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Because the look on my face suddenly is scary."

"Really, Dad is the same as usual."


"Well, if you know, just go out and play like a good baby, maybe watch TV here."

Tao cared about the way here, and sat down in the chair in front of the picture tube obediently.

New Year's comedy shows are playing on TV.

"Sure enough, I don't want my daughter to know." Lin Xiao said.

Tennoji didn't reply, and urged Tao to get to the chair a little further away.

Not as careless as usual, but a little too calm.

Faced with this attitude, it was obviously in winter, but Lin Xiao felt that his body was sweating.

However, the words have been spoken, and there is no way to turn back.

Lin Xiao was also urged to sit on a small chair while keeping his legs hard.

"You guy, what are you talking about?"

"It's no use trying to fool the past."

"Fooling or something, I am completely unclear about what you said, what is that thing called FB?"

'I know that you are from SERN.'Lin Xiao said.

Being cast in a straight line of sight, this look is completely different from the usual Tennoji, the look of a killer, and extremely cold and ruthless.

"First ask, how did you get the information you mentioned."

"There is no need to say it."

Don't be intimidated by intimidation, the initiative of this dialogue lies in the palm of your own hand.

"Okay, tell me, at least you came here after you have realized your consciousness."

"You won't believe it even if you say it."

"Don't say that, just treat it like drinking tea and chatting. There won't be any guests in this day."

This man is a running dog of SERN, and what he did in that world is absolutely unforgettable.

But I am afraid that Tennoji was not joined by resources. What is the reason for this.

At least in another world line, of course, probably the world line you are currently in is different.

I don't know what will happen to this world line, Tennoji stared at Lin Xiao closely with cold eyes.

Depending on the attitude, it may be directly obliterated, like the look in the eyes at this point.

Well, if there is no such thing, just tell him.

Talk about the things that made him feel like a cloud.

"Huh, it's hard to believe the world line."

"I said it at the beginning, and it has nothing to do with whether you believe it or not. I know that your true identity is only important."

"It's true."

Admit it.

"Your words are almost perfect, even the things I know myself, honestly, make people feel uncomfortable."

Let Tennoji recognize its true identity. In this regard, the first round of this dialogue can be considered as a win.

The problem has just begun.

"I know that SERN is absolutely confidential, and I also know that not only people whose characters fail, but even those whose tasks are completed will be dealt with."

Therefore, SERN regards its subordinates as consumables.

"You even know this, if that's the case." Tennoji suddenly stood up.

"But it has nothing to do with the task."

While being suppressed by the aura, Lin Xiao immediately said: "The secrets I mentioned are also. I didn't know about it because of the leak, but I knew it from the beginning."

"So, you won't be the subject of punishment, right?"

"Huh, sophistry." Tiannoji's face approached Lin Xiao, and he was stared at with slightly green eyes, like a frog being stared at by a snake, his body completely immovable.

"But you are not mistaken. I neither told you any tasks nor said that I will take you there. You don't need to do things that you haven't been told.

I’m from SERN. If you don’t say it’s okay, there is no headache."

Tennoji's gaze fell on Tao who was watching TV behind him.

The look from the wild monster quickly changed to the look of a completely different father.

"So, what is your purpose? Tell me all of this. What is your purpose, right?"

"In fact, I want to ask you for something"

Tennoji did not speak.

"Bon, the woman who was attacked yesterday, hope you protect her."

"Why was that young lady attacked?"

'I do not know'

"That's not possible," Tennoji said.

"Because I don't want my daughter to be involved."

"Don't you know, don't say this at the beginning."

"It's not that your eyes were caught by Junru yesterday, and you won't have it in the future?"

"I plan to use Tao as a hostage and kill you."

Don't take it, take it here, and the negotiation is over.

"I'm talking about working together."

"Huh, work together, I have only bitterness, no sweetness."

"No such thing."

As if to overshadow the voice of Tennoji, the person who interrupted suddenly was Reu.



"Ling Yu, did you hear our conversation."

Lingyu nodded: "For example, if you can work here with Bonn, you can stare at us immediately."

Indeed, if this is the case, not only is it close to LAB, but it may be safer than in LAB. It is very reassuring to consider protecting Tao.

"You? You can get out here quickly is the fastest solution, so that neither Tao nor me will be involved."

"You father and daughter saw the face of the attacker yesterday, shouldn't you know what this means?" Lingyu said.

It is not zero that the group of people will wipe out all the people who have seen them.

"I also have combat experience. You should have seen it yesterday, so I can send it out." Lingyu said.

Tennoji looked at his head while thinking.


Tao, who had been watching TV in silence, suddenly spoke.

"Although I don't quite understand it, it seems that yesterday's thing was terrible, so I don't want to meet it again."


'Although Dad protects me, I am very happy, implying that when I think that Dad will be messing around to protect me, he may be injured, and I become even more afraid.'

"Sister Lingyu is very good, she also protected me yesterday."

Tao, what is said now, can she understand?

'I want to be with my sister.'

Tennoji, who was cast by Tao with a reliant look, scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Speaking of the front, only one part-time salary is paid."

"It's stingy."

"If you want to complain, don't use it."

"No, thank you, manager." Bon said.

"Dad!" Tao hugged his father.

Great, with Tennoji, the camp can be protected.

"Thank you."

"I am not for you, but for Tao."

Tao immediately became very happy with the two girls.

Seeing her like that, Tennoji changed back to his father's eyes.

"Well, I'll do that. Lin Xiao, you can find out the origin of that group. If you don't do this, you can't deal with it, you know."

"I know."

Despite this answer, there is no way to know, there is no clue.

No matter what, I finally talked about entrusting Lingyu and Bon, and when I was about to return to the LAB, Tennoji started to talk as if thinking of something behind him.

"By the way, that group seems to have said a strange number."


"It seems to be K62O5."

What is this code?

"Where is the code?"

"No, it's phonetic alphabet, and it's Western."


"Ah, Lin Xiao has finally come."

After returning to the LAB from the CRT studio, almost everyone from yesterday gathered together.

Only Zhenfan seems to be unable to leave because of AI problems.

"Everyone, kill things, obviously something like that just happened."

"Let's ask you why something like that happened?" Feng said.

"And it's safer to be in the same place than to change places. Tongzi said."

"Just a day later, no idiot is on guard here, but it's still broad daylight."

"It's more at ease than dispersing each other," said Li Huazi.

No matter who the other party is, it is hard to imagine acting in the broad daylight of Akihabara.

"It's great that everyone is fine."

"Yu Ji, thank you for coming here."

"It's okay, I was worried when I heard that last night."

Yukiya, who was not there at the time, came here to see the situation.

"But I can't believe that such a terrible thing would happen."

"Yes." Tongzi said.

Yeah, it's almost impossible to live like ordinary people.

That's ordinary.

"Well, although I'm sorry, I will leave when you come, Lin Xiao, but I will go to work later."

"Ah, don't mind."

"I feel relieved when I see everyone's come and fetch it, but I can't relax my stop, please be careful."


In a hurry, he grabbed the arm of Yu Ji who had wiped his ears and almost fell.


'Ah, sorry.'

"Nothing happened here when I fell down at the station yesterday."

While rubbing the wrist he had grasped, Yu Ji said shyly.

"It was also at that time, everything was riddled, and I fell down. I really hate myself being so stupid."

"Be careful, Yu Ji."

''Ah, thank you so everyone is careful.

After the door is closed, the puppet group is brisk, and just after the new year, it will work for 2 consecutive days.

"What's wrong, Lin Xiao."

"It's okay." The injury on the arm was the same as that of the woman in the jockey suit. No, how could this be possible.

"Then, although abrupt, but Mr. Lin Xiao, can you explain what happened yesterday?" Compared with Mayu and Sulfur, Chuixue was calmer.

Fu Xue and Feng went out shopping for things. They were not attacked. It was so lucky that they didn't run into the attacker group outside.

"Really, that first."

Speaking of explanatory level, about this matter, I also talked to Tongzi yesterday.

Indeed, if this kind of thing happens, it is impossible to fool around, Zi Ah, the only person who found the time machine here is Tong Zi, which makes sense, Phyllis.

Suhua, Fuxue and Maple, tell them how good it is.

Then Zhenfan, if she knew that Chris had completed the old time machine theory, she would no doubt be interested.

As a result, the answer is yes.

"That's it."

"In other words, what incident was involved in Bonn when he lost his memory?"

"In that case, why not tell the professionals."

"That's because she is very scared." Lin Xiao said.

"I don't feel very clear."

That's it, because the key point is not understanding.

But the killing hides most of the facts, but there are too many things that I don't understand, just like them.

"According to what happened yesterday, the attackers only attacked the camp, which means they will not attack us."

"Why do you think that?" Feng said.

"In that case, someone of us could have been arrested," said Li Huazi.