Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

Mime private 770

"I used to be like this when I was young. Tongzi likes to deliberately tease girls. It's the same as that. That guy is just a kid." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't be kidding, do you want Miss Lingyu to be my daughter?"

"That's really troubled."

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly, but soon put away her smile and looked at Zhenfan again.

Because of the height difference, Zhenfan looked up at himself.

"From my subjective point of view, this world exists thanks to Chris' choice."

"Because of Chris, Mayu can live happily and be fine. I can't protect such a world."

"You are a scientist and have a much better mind than me, so you can understand the truth of this world."

"Yeah," Zhenfan nodded quietly.

"Speaking of it, it's something like God. It's too unscheming for people to challenge God or something. However, I stood on the bridge hundreds of times and all failed. It was useless."

"God will never forgive people's arrogance."


Zhenfan's eyes seemed to miss the distance, looking out the window.

"God, this thing is an existence that many people believe."

"I learned that concept from my parents. Although I am a person dedicated to science, I will never despise gods."

"and so."

Zhenfan shook his head slightly and looked at Lin Xiao with sharp eyes: "But, the god you always talk about is completely different."

It's as if we are throwing something away: "The truth of the world. This kind of thing has only the formulas that make up the world. If there is no such great thing as God to participate in it, there is no reason why we cannot find a solution."

Lin Xiao was about to argue, but Zhenfan entered the development first.

No way, he had to follow.

"I have fully realized the various causes and effects, as well as the dangers that they will bring, and don’t worry, I’m still sealed now. I will not let you worry about the situation, I will never let it happen, and I will not let the world return to A. World line.

Of course, I am also discussing avoidance strategies.Zhenfan said: "But compared to the allocation of resources, there are more important things now."

Zhenfan knocked on the phone and the oven: "Now we are studying the time jump that Chris has completed."

"So, is it just a time jump?"

"That's it."

No special observation is needed. It is indeed found that this thing is more like a time jumping machine than a telephone oven.

To reproduce Chris' belly, improve the phone oven, and form the characteristics of time jump.

The easiest place to understand is the connection between the main body's microwave oven and another computer.

Then this computer uses a lot of electrodes with wires to connect to the headset.

No one knows the detailed structure of the time jumping machine except for the world line, and he hasn’t told Tongzi and Maho in detail.

In other words, Zhenfan made something similar to Chris with a little hint.

"To be honest, I'm really unwilling."

"Not reconciled?"

"The more I study, the more I will experience it personally. Sure enough, I can't become Chris. I converted the memory into data, then added it to the memory to search for the signal, and transmitted it to the mobile phone. This level has been achieved."

"However, the biggest problem cannot be solved, obviously Chris can do it."

"Is the data compressed?" Lin Xiao said.

Zhenfan nodded.

"How can I compress a few terabytes of huge memory."

This is also the most troublesome part of Chris, but it was finally completed with the help of Tongzi's power.

"Have you heard Chris talk about the solution."

Maho asked Anubi and his wife slightly.

Asking for help means that she has given up on the solution, that is, she has accepted the failure.

Maybe this is unbearable, but it has priority over this completion machine.

However, I do not intend to promptly give this question.

"I told you about my elves before and made a promise, do you remember? Never consider using a time machine to save Chris."


"Even now, do you plan to abide by this agreement? Without this plan, I cannot assist you."

Zhenfan did not answer for the time being.

However, you don't need to look closely at her face to know that there was a strong shake in her heart.

"Of course I will comply with the order booked with you."

"Haha." Lin Xiao said.

After hearing this answer for a while, Lin Xiao smiled.

"You really are not good at lying. I can tell by looking at the expression. The topic ends here."

Lin Xiao walked out of the development room, and it seemed that Tongzi hadn't come out yet.

"Tongko, I'm a fool, I'm really sorry."

Although he opened his mouth, the other party did not answer. Maybe he didn't hear it. Maybe it would be better to apologize tomorrow.

"I will come again tomorrow."

Lin Xiao walked towards the hallway.

"Mr. Lin Xiao, do you think the Gate of Destiny Stone really exists?

Mayu-san died, and Chris did not sacrifice. Do you think there is a world line in this crack?"

"If you want to know the ins and outs of me who used this as my goal, you can ask Lingyu if it is useless, it is just worthless."

"Is it okay to be so determined?"

"That kind of thing is completely the proof of the devil, this kind of proof."

"Yes, it hasn't been proved whether it exists or not. You give up once you fail. It really leaves me speechless."

Lin Xiao grabbed Zhen Fan's shoulder at once, but still tried to control herself.

"I just said that I have challenged hundreds of times before."

"I have also said that it is not the truth of God. Whether it is the world line, time machine, or the gate of the Destiny Stone, they are all formulas that make up the world. No matter how many times it fails, so what? This kind of thing is in science. The world is not quite normal. If things change like this, then challenge thousands of times. Last time, you can definitely find it."

"You have no experience, so that's why you say such irresponsible things."

"No, incidents, pain, despair, the degree that I have experienced annoying me is all because of Chris."

"The formula will not have feelings."

"The last one who solved the formula was human."

Shinho's ingesting eyes.

Why is there no chance of winning if I just resist directly, I can't help but look away.

Probably it will explode if it continues.

"Anything else."

Turned around and said unhappily.

Zhenfan showed a sad smile, at that moment even if the world line changed.

Dumbly pulled Zhenfan and said to herself; "You are, you are not good at lying."

While thinking about what this means, he touched his face unconsciously.

But I didn't have the expression to understand myself.

"I didn't lie about what I said."

"From, Tongzi said that a year ago, you couldn't even mention the time machine."

"But it's completely different now, because your expression is the same as I used to often." Zhenho said.

"I lost in the experiment, I lost in the paper Ping Aki, I have been losing in reputation, and I feel so depressed, I feel so useless."

"But at the end of each time I speak to myself in the mirror."

Zhenfan pointed to the position of his heart: "If you give up jumping, you will be over. If you do this, you will never win."

Then use that finger to point to Lin Xiao's chest this time.

"Now you, like me, have a desire for revenge deep down in your heart, longing for the door of the Destiny Stone that will make you so miserable."

"Nothing like that."

"That's right, you, really look exactly like me."

"I'm very stubborn. Once I say it, I can't hear other people's words. Even if I know I'm wrong, I will never admit it. I feel awkward and troublesome like a child."

"There is no such thing as this, and it is the same as I said, but because of this, I understand."

"Whether it is you or me, I will definitely stand up on my own strength in the end, right, Mr. Lin Xiao."

"Again, the truth of the world is nothing but a mere mere four. We must be able to find the village where there is no god, but only release the hair, and then we must find the route leading to the truth and Chris is alive."

It was obviously such a small body but so bold, Lin Xiao was suppressed by her words and this gesture.

Can't speak for a moment.

"So, what are you going to do, this is your ALB, if the director is not there, it would be a shame."

At this time, I received a text message from Suhuazi, saying that he saw Mayu and ran away crying.

Seeing Lin Xiao not speaking, Zhenfan looked at the screen.

"Crying, what happened?"

"Yeah, I really don't know what happened, what should I do."

"Did she hear the conversation just now?" Lin Xiao said.

"Speaking of which, I don't know when Tongzi stood behind Lin Xiao." Tongzi said; "It is the truth that told me you are coming to LAB. She also said that she is on the way here."

So is it just in time? It's very possible.

How could it be that there is a feeling of ground collapse, and Mayu will survive because of Chris' sacrifice.

Only this truth cannot be known to Truth. Everyone will conceal the truth and must find the truth.

Can't leave her alone now.

Lin Xiao rushed out of LAB.

The other side.

"Huh, it's still so hot."

It was almost 6 in the afternoon. Although the summer solstice sun finally fell to the other side of the building and was hidden, in the summer sky, part of one person was red, and the rest was dyed blue.

Lingyu has been carefully maintaining the time machine on the roof of the Broadcasting Hall these days, and almost the time that passed before departure is approaching.

The maintenance of the machine will naturally give you even more thoughts, even the parts that were originally a little dirty and burnt out are shiny.

Isn't it too much? Really uneasy.

After finishing the maintenance, I packed the tool box, put the box in the cockpit of the time machine, and then sat on the machine operator's seat to check the remaining power again.

Taking into account the remaining fuel, it is calculated that it will not be possible to return to July 28, 2010 in about a month. This is the remaining time that Lingyu can continue to stay in this era.

As a result, it may not be possible to take Lin Xiao over like the original plan. In that case, I can only challenge the plan I learned in a year by myself.

"Even so, if it's Dad, it won't work."

Lingyu smiled bitterly and put her hand into the core of the computer. The external hard disk placed there didn't look like 2036 at all, but something like now, that is, in 2O11.

Tongzi concealed Lingyu and put it here secretly.

Seeing something hidden on the LCD screen, the cash machine saw through the disguise in a second. Without this disguise, it can be seen that the purpose is not for insight.

It should be to prevent the hard disk from being discovered, so I secretly hide it and pretend not to know where it is before leaving.

At this moment, suddenly heard the sound of the heavy iron door opening.

Who's here, Ling Yu quickly took out his weapon and peeked over there, the sea area a few days ago during the camping time. It was better to be careful, but after seeing the person coming, Ling Yu lifted his posture.

"Sister Mayu, it's really rare."

Ling Yu put away his weapon.

"Ling Yu."

"Are you crying, what happened?"

Lingyu was confused, and she was crying with a smiling face.

"Why didn't everyone tell me."


"Why don't you tell me the thing about Miss Chris and Mayu?"

I couldn't help being silenced by that sentence, who heard it from, it was a cruel fact that Chris had to sacrifice in order to exist.

Lingyu didn't want to see Mayu's face when he knew the truth.

"Who told you?" Although asked, not many people knew about it, and Lingyu felt that no one would tell the truth.

Instead, it was for the truth, everyone concealed the facts.

"I heard Lin Xiao and Miss Zhenfan talking."

Was it accidental?

"Miss Lingyu, there is something I can ask you about Mayu and Lin Xiao in 2O36."

Suddenly Lingyu didn't know what to say.

"I don't know the best for the future."

Mayu's practice and that shed another line of tears.

"Mayu can't play any role even in this world, so it's good for the world, it's good for Lin Xiao, they need Miss Chris even more."

Lingyu suddenly fell into an illusion, as if the future Mayu and the present Mayu were intertwined, and the thought of concluding it as Lingyu saw Mayu from an early age, she could no longer refuse her request.

"I know the reason for the future. I often say that. At that time, I always looked at the sky blankly, very lonely and sad."

"Bon and I are very sad to see Mayu's expression like that."

"There was a girl named Bon, who was a war orphan. She was itchy by Mayu's hands, so she was called your daughter." Lingyu said.

"Very gentle and strong, or when I was so young, I often said that I would protect my mother by myself."

"Because it is such a child, Mayu sister is still a silent manpower. Speaking of which today, July 7 is called Qixi Festival."

Ling Yu said.


"When I was a child, I learned from Sister Mayu that it was the once-a-year meeting between Cowherd and Weaver Girl. Although it was an era when the stars were not visible, Mayuki always said that.

Even if the night sky is covered by dark clouds, my nature has not disappeared from the world, it is still on the other side of the dark clouds, shining, so let's make a wish together."