That was the beginning of another story.

"I used to wander in that endless summer with my family and friends, no matter how I play, there is never a lack of happiness."

"The dazzling brilliance of the sun illuminates one day after another."

"Unconsciously, those memories have disappeared on the edge of memory. What I still remember is that the dazzling light I felt that day was in the game."

"In order to find that light, I spread my wings, flapped my little wings, and tried to cross the ocean. A little shadow appeared on the other side of the sea."

"Reflected on the swaying sea, I'm about to get there, to the extremely dazzling, summer light."

On this day, Lin Xiao came to an island.

Originally he was alone on the deck, and passengers appeared one after another.

"I am about to reach the Blue Island."

The broadcast repeats this.

He looked at the island again.

The low hills covered by greenery are connected together, and there are scattered huts beside the beach along the coast.

"Speaking of which, before this, you didn't even know its name, Blue Island?"

The origin of this name may have light with this future sea.

The sea breeze blew his face, and people squinted their eyes unconsciously.

Lin Xiao now is like a canary who can't sing.

Facing the big mouth, the words spread into the distance.

''what did you say?"

Unconsciously, an old grandma appeared beside him, staring at herself with an incredible expression.

what are you saying?"

"I'm talking about me."

"Why did you say that."

"Because I was injured."


"In my heart." Lin Xiao said

"Ah." The old woman was still puzzled.

"Well, it's nothing." Lin Xiao interrupted the conversation as she said, and cast her gaze into the distance.

There is a small pure white shadow on the dark gray concrete dock, shaking his hands constantly.

It looks as if a fragment of a white cloud is falling from the sky, swaying, illusory.

That is the figure of a girl, wearing a white school uniform, looking up at the sky

Lin Xiao followed her gaze to the sky, where there was a flock of flying birds.

They passed the ship and were flying towards the bird.

Two of them are left behind in the flock, but they still look like Gulistan's version of each other, cuddling and flying with each other.

This is really a wonderful situation, but why on earth.

I always feel like I have seen this scene, this sea, this island, majesty, everything is so familiar and unfamiliar.

I remember correctly, I should be here for the first time.

"Why is it so nostalgic."

"Where is it."

The grandmother observed Lin Xiao again and spoke.

""You said what happened to the scenery I saw for the first time."

"I just said it"

"Yes." said the old woman.

"I mean, although this is the first time I have seen this scenery, it inexplicably makes me feel a little nostalgic."

"Such things happen occasionally, right?" Lin Xiao said.


"No?" Lin Xiao said.

"I said you, the so-called nostalgia, should be the feeling that I have been to somewhere after a long time."

"That's right."

"If you are here for the first time, there is only that."

"that is?"

"Both sense of sight."

"Both sense of sight?"

"Yes, that's true."

It was very close to the island, and the ship slowed down in order to reach shore victoriously.

After docking, Lin Xiao came to the port. When he was on the boat, the sea breeze was all around him.

"It smells bad."

Came to the port and was wrapped in a strange smell, it should be said that this is a fish house.

No, it feels a bit fishier than that.

"It should be the smell of scattered corpses and bait.

While looking at the scenery idly like this, my eyes suddenly met with a wild cat coveting a school of fish

I always feel that its eyes look like contempt."

It was only then that I noticed that the old grandmother just now dragged the suitcase over.

"Are you okay?" Lin Xiao said.


Lin Xiao hurriedly rushed to help the old woman carry her luggage, then cast her eyes around again.

There were only a few people on the island that Lin Xiao came to, who looked like residents of the island, and they should be tourists.

They are heading in their respective rhythms.

It seems that although it is summer vacation, not many people come here for sightseeing.

Lin Xiao who was in a daze said., Was left unconsciously, and then he opened the map.

This side is the port, and then there is the village office.

"I say you."


It was the grandmother who came: "Don't worry, enjoy it slowly."

The grandmother said calmly.

"Thank you." Lin Xiao said.

The grandmother nodded and turned and left.

Suddenly Lin Xiao heard something: "Right, grandma."


"Grandma, you just said that you have a sense of sight."


After watching the grandmother leave, Lin Xiao put the backpack full of luggage on her shoulder.

On the shore here you can see flocks of resting birds everywhere.

This is an island where lonely birds live temporarily.

It is to go to the paradise where the birds gather for forgetting how to fly, and to wash away the oasis of sin.

Pedestrians are gone on the road.

The recuperation in the blue sky is looking down on the entire island from beyond.

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes for the dazzling sunlight, and then strolled on this small journey.

In other words, it's really hot here, the sunlight leaned down relentlessly, slapped against the ground with fierce echoes.

The noisy cicadas all around added a bit of scorching heat.

Thirty minutes have passed since we set off from the port. Although it is not clear from the map, the actual distance should be quite a long journey.

There was a pair of buses passing by.

I knew I would sit there, but I didn't arrive until the evening as I said before.

There are hardly any people walking outside on this road.

Strangely visible country houses, music reveals a quiet life.

The cicadas and sunshine grew stronger, and they hugged tightly to the baggage that had been filled to live here for a few weeks.

Wipe off the sweat from my face again and again until I give up.

Going down towards the target, the surrounding houses are densely packed soon. From the marks on the map, this is where the residents are.

In the middle of this area, it should be the destination this time.

I am going to the house where my grandmother once lived, and I am writing to invite myself to come here, and it is my aunt, Miss Mirror, who is now stunned there.

I never met with that aunt.

That's it.

"Is anyone here?"

There was no response at all, and the door bell in the room could be faintly heard, but as expected, there was no new activity in the house.

You can't stay here forever, after all, it's too hot, so let's go and take a look.

Sorry, I am your nephew Lin Xiao."

"Please take care."

When I walked in, I found that it was a very good room, and I felt nostalgic for it. I shouldn't have been here before?

Lin Xiao was amazed secretly, there was only a breeze, and the original noisy cicada's cicadas' cries suddenly decreased after entering the house.

When I came to the atrium, walked around at will, and found a living room inside.

"Is anyone there?" Lin Xiao said.


A woman appeared: "That."

"Hello." Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, is it Lin Xiao?"


"It seems that this person is Lin Jing.

"I thought I would only come here in the evening. I'm sorry, this person and I really are."

"It's not mainly because it is better than I expected."

Lin Jing stood up quickly:'I was so stupid to pick you up, how did you find the way.

"I have a map in my hand." Lin Xiao said.

"That's it."

"I don't know why she seems to be nervous. As a mother, she is still a lot older than herself."

But she really can't tell from her appearance.

"Please use it."

"Thank you."

Lin Jing put down the black tea and sat down across the table.

Speaking of it, it has been a long time since I had drunk this thing, when I thought of this Lin Xiao drank it in one breath.

Lin Jing smiled and filled the black tea again: "I'll be inheriting this house for the time being, but my mother put all the messy things in it. There are a pile of sundries just in the morning, and I can't handle it by myself. It's great that you can come."

"But don't worry about this matter. It's rare for you to come here. Just drop by on the island."

"By the way, will you be angry with motorcycles?"

"There is a driver's license. I heard that such motorcycles are very popular." Lin Xiao said.

But even though I am a boy's school student, there are no girls around.

"I have a house or two over the warehouse, you can take it for a ride."

"Although driving on this island is very troublesome, but motorcycles are very closed to move. Having said that, a bicycle is actually enough."

"After here is your house."

Lin Jing led him to a room.

"Although I am almost there, it is somewhat dusty because it has always been used by the warehouse on the spot."

"It's ok."

"Then do this first, you can rest first."

After putting down the luggage, the whole person feels much easier.

Through the window, you can see the beautiful scenery of the island, and even music to see the port I just arrived at and the boats parked next to me.

"By the way, there is one other person here"

Lin Jing suddenly stopped and turned around and said.

"That is also your relative."

'Where is he"'

"As usual, very rarely after a walk before returning."


"Excuse me, the room has not been used all the time, and everything is grey."


Rather, it fits my current state of mind.

Lin Xiao opened the window, making it feel comfortable to copy you money into the two, taking a big breath to fill them in his chest.

Lie down on tatami mats, the smell of dust is heavy, but the rice feels uncomfortable.

Lin Jing’s letter was delivered to her residence in July, when there was still a little time before summer vacation

Lin Jing is a very strange one. The reason for using this term is that she hasn't actually met her, but even if she does, she doesn't have the impression.

According to my mother, the relationship between grandma and martial arts has always been like newlyweds, and it is very meaningful.

After grandpa retired, the two of them traveled everywhere.

For myself, occasionally sending local products is the only impression on me.

It is said that after the death of my grandfather, I brought the relics I collected at the beginning, and lived quietly alone in order to remember the time.

And just last month, she suddenly left us.

According to his last words, the family did not hold a funeral, but held a farewell ceremony.

Lin Xiao remembered that people who disappeared could only take away their souls.

The various relics collected by the grandmother who was once called the weird are in the house.

Among them, there are many things related to family members and misses, and it is impossible to give them all to professional cleaning companies. The adults are also very busy, so I randomly found a free person.

That person is himself, and this year's attributes are very idle for him.

Until the Ou, he was immersed in the training meeting, but since the failure of that important competition, he was afraid of being useful, and he left the club, so he invited himself to the Blue Island as a gift in the snow.

So I came here with my own ride.

Hey, it's really good, I feel better here.

I'm tired, take a break, after all, it has come a long way.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao closed his eyes and rested.

It was night when he woke up again.

It's hard to sleep over.

Lin Xiao hurried out of the room.

"Is it okay to sleep?" Lin Jing said, "I'm sorry, it was just the first day I came here."

The stomach screamed suddenly.


Lin Jing said: "I was supposed to cook dinner for you, but my cooking is not good, sorry."

"Sorry I haven't cooked."

Let me sell something to eat.'

There is something to eat."Speaking, Lin Jing took out a bunch of fast food.

"This may not be good for your health."

"Even if it's not a developing person, I don't think it's okay to eat this kind of food tomorrow."

Suddenly I started to worry about how this person usually lives.

"By the way, when you came to this house, you should have walked through a ramp, and you should be able to see a cafeteria after you get down the ramp."

"I have seen it in the impression."

"The things there are delicious."

"Then I'll go there to eat."

"The road is a bit dark, be careful."

"it is good."

"Here you are, pocket money."

"May I?"

"It's okay. After all, I asked you to come over. Although you can't pay for part-time work, pocket money is necessary."


But without waiting for a response, Lin Jing stuffed the money in.

"and this."

Lin Jing said, pushing the motorcycle over.

"Really good."

"This child is a little faulty, and no one has accepted it."

"What a relationship, it's very similar."

"is it."

"Good voyage."

The automatic device is malfunctioning, try the foot starter.

Lin Xiaoqi retreated from torture, walking cautiously with his memory, anyway, all kinds of lost paths along the way.

I saw a lot of sights along the way, similar to a road without street lights, but it was the first time I encountered it.

In short, the feeling is still to be tested.

The noise during the day was gone, replaced by the symphony of the audience bugs from the dark forest.

They were mixed with the priority engine sound and accompanied Lin Xiao through a short journey.

A house shining with a faint light appeared in front of him.

It should be somewhere.

"Hello." Lin Xiao entered the restaurant.