Infinite Dimensional Fantasy

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"Did you move away before the accident?" Lin Xiao said.

"What are you talking about."

"I didn't see it with my own eyes, but what was blasted was that part of the research building at the first part of the hospital had nothing to do with the hospital facilities here." Army said.

"So it hasn't changed since I was here."


"That's it." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, that's it."

"I asked people nearby, but everyone was either just working or just moved here." Lin Xiao said.

"So I mistakenly thought that this place was rebuilt after the explosion."

"In just seven years, the people here have changed so much."

"Yes." said the Army. "Compared with seven years ago, all aspects have changed a lot."

"This change can be said to be very strange."

"May I ask you another question, Army." Lin Xiao said.

"Why am I in this hospital."

"Wait, this time I want to ask you questions first, where were you before and what are you doing." Junjun said.

"Well, I actually have parents now, but they are not related by blood." Lin Xiao said.

"They and I have been living in Tokyo and returned to this small town during the spring break."

"Adoptive parents? When did they have them."

"Sorry, I don't know the details, I can't remember the things before I moved to Tokyo." Lin Xiao said.

"Have you never asked your parents?" Army said.

"This." Lin Xiao said, "It's hard to say a word."

"I asked about it once, but."

"Forget it, if you don't know, just tell me the name of your parents, occupation and place of birth."

"The company where my parents both work in Tokyo. My hometown is here. The name is."

"Wait why are you asking this." Lin Xiao said.

"I said you really don't remember anything?" Army said, "And you."

"Hey, I'm sorry." Lin Xiao said.

"However, when I came to this town, I gradually remembered something."

"Then you come with me." Lu Jun said.

"Here?" Lin Xiao said.

There is a nostalgic breath.

Memories flooded over again.

"I told ALFY about the things before this."

"What did Afei say."

"He book, don't care about me too much, do what you want to do."

"is it."

"So, I decided to go. You have to get along with my brother when I am away," said Lu Jun.

Lin Xiao said: "No problem, just leave it to me, but when I go to Lixin School, there are all people I don't know, so it's okay."

"Still a little disturbed."

"What, haha." Lin Xiao said.

"You have a new dad."

"Parents don't care, no matter who they are, they are family members," said the army.

"If I were an adult, I could take my brother to school, and of course you would take it with me."

"Haha, did I take it along?" Lin Xiao said.

"But you should still go to school, Army, after all, you are not really sick."

"Yes, but my brother doesn't seem to be different, and so does Xiaohua and others."

"Well, you are right." Lin Xiao said.

"Ah, sorry."

"In this way, I won't see you right away, hehe, are you really okay? There is another person you won't see right away."

"What are you talking about."

"Hey, you know it in your heart."

"Well-winded, I won't care."

"Haha, but I think it will become a lot lonely in the future."

"Lin Xiao, I will definitely come back again, definitely will." Lu Jun said.

"Ah, at that time, let's have fried rice together, it's the kind with juice." Lin Xiao said.

"That is very delicious."

"I feel like you will eat first by yourself after you leave."

"I won't eat it."

"Absolutely not?" Lin Xiao said.

Army: "Absolutely."


"Anyway, I look forward to your fox coming, so good to remember."

"My agreement with you will never be forgotten."

"Okay, right?" Lin Xiao said.

"Well, I made an appointment with you."

"Then make an appointment to give a high five." Lin Xiao said.

"But what exactly did you agree with?"

"Of course it means fried rice."

"Hahaha." Lin Xiao said.

"OK I see."

"What's wrong, it's time to go." Army said.

"are you asleep?"

"This is my brother." Lu Jun said.

"Could it be ALFY."

"Don't you remember about ALFY?"

"Just come in, there was a little sound." Lin Xiao said.

"Really," said the Army.

"He fell asleep."

"Well, he has been sleeping lately. I heard it was the initial stage of LMD."

"Well, he will live at most 2 years after the LMD attack is complete." Army said.

"You said, Lin Xiao, what do you think."

"How should I say that there is no cure?" Lin Xiao said.


"Go back," said the army.

"When I came here, I remembered that before, you and I, and A Fei often played around here."

"The walls over there may still have our previous graffiti."

"I'm sorry, Army, I can't remember anything." Lin Xiao said.

"You always want to go to the yard and say you want to breathe the most primitive air." Army said.

"I don't remember this at all," Lin Xiao said.

"That one."

"You first asked about Xiaohua, right?"

"Hey, yes I want to ask." Lin Xiao said.

"How is she now."

"She died, just seven years ago." Army said.

"How come?" Lin Xiao said.

"So, who are you?" said the Army.

"I'm sorry to ask you to forget, I even said that you will also come to the hospital tomorrow."

"I do have this plan," said the army.

"Well, press me to wait for you where we first met today, okay?"

"I see." Lin Xiao said.

"Okay, see you tomorrow," said the army.

Going home at night, Lin Xiao fell asleep with his thoughts.

the next day.

Lin Xiao went directly to the clinic, where he saw a doctor.

"Oh, you are the one before."

"Sorry, now is the time for the doctor's consultation, I will notify her, you will be over later."

"That's right, I'm sorry."

It's almost time to wait for the Army, it's just him.


"This is the one I found." Lin Xiao said.

"You are late," said the army.

"Look at this." Lin Xiao said.

"What is this, receipt?"

"I'm going to eat fried rice." Lin Xiao said.

"You came here after breakfast, you are so hungry."

"Army fried rice is really delicious." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes what's the matter."

"What I bought at the convenience store is ordinary when I'm not abroad. Next time we will go to eat fried rice with sauce."

"Could it be that you are eating fried rice just to say this."

"Is it weird?" Lin Xiao said.

"Ha ha."


"Okay, let's go eat together next time, I'll make an appointment with you."

"Yeah." Lin Xiao said.

"Army, I have lost most of my previous memories."

"But I remembered a little bit, including your business, so." Lin Xiao said.

"I know, you are you," said the army.

"Sorry, I said something strange yesterday."


"Lin Xiao, I have something to ask you to help." Lu Jun said.

"Take a step to speak."

The two came to a corner.

"I said yesterday about what happened seven years ago."

"There was an accident."

'Yes, seven years ago, the people in this hospital disappeared.'

"When you said that, I didn't find anyone I knew in the hospital before, what's the matter." Lin Xiao said.

"I know one reason. After the accident seven years ago, no hospital was rated as an advanced medical institution in the region and was reborn."

"The hospital has gathered a lot of outstanding talents for this purpose. The previous people have left." Army said.

"However, the only exception is the attending doctor on the floor where A Fei is assisted, and has not been changed."

"Why do you think this is?"

"Because he is responsible for intractable diseases?"

"Well, I thought so at first, but half a year later, an intern came to him, who was a very gentle and enthusiastic person, so I became friends with him."

"He often complained to me, for example, the internship was extremely difficult, and then just passed 2 months." Lin Xiao said.

"One night, I accidentally heard him press the attending doctor, very loudly."

"Why do you want to show me the information in that room after seeing the patient die? Why did you keep it from me."

"Then the next day."

The army said: "He was just a little old from the hospital."

"Lin Xiao, only A Fei's attending doctor stays in this hospital, don't you think there is a reason?"

"It's true that I really care about what that person said, and it is not accidental that he disappeared the next day."

"But isn't this kind of thing better to talk to your relatives or older people?"

"Did I say that I have abandoned A Fei's parents and university teachers, as long as I can help, but no one has my little milk dog list. It seems that the people who run the hospital are very powerful. It’s not the same as going to a nearby restaurant to find fault."

'I don't doubt you.'Lin Xiao said.

"But the doctor said that you can't die, maybe it's not A Fei."

"It's not that she was talking about A Fei. Although the content of what they said was very complicated and I didn't understand it, it was definitely because of the problem that LND patients couldn't help themselves. There is no doubt about that."

"That's it." Lin Xiao said.

"But the matter is not over yet."

"After that, I looked around for him to ask about the situation, and it succeeded."

"and then?"

"The doctor who hasn't seen him for a long time looked at me and said, who are you?" Lin Xiao said.

"At first I thought he was joking, but he said sorry again, I don't know who you are, I lost my memory." Army said.

"It seems that because the strength of this hospital is too strict, he has a memory disorder."

"So he doesn't remember anything about the two months in the hospital."

"I said you think this happened by accident?" said the army.

"It doesn't seem like accident."

"Right, and you listen to me."

"I tried to investigate in the past six months, but also found strange places."

"First of all," the Army said.

He explained what was suspicious to Lin Xiao, even though there was no evidence.

"In other words, how do you think."

'LMD can actually be cured, and ALFY can also be cured.'

'Yes.I think although it is not absolute, it may be based on gender. Can LMD be cured?'Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, I who was the closest to you seven years ago is very clear." A Fei said, "This hospital is very strange. There is definitely something wrong with it. Although I can't find evidence, do I feel anything here!"

"What's there? Mine, I understand, I believe you." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, you seem to have asked me to help you just now."

"How do you want me to help you?"

"That," said the army.

'Why, is it asking me to do bad things?'

"It's okay, it's just being caught." Army said.

"Then I'll forget it." Lin Xiao said.

"Are you serious?" said the Army.

"Sorry." Lin Xiao said.Haha lied to you."

"Oh, hahaha."

"Speaking of which, you really do what you want, and you are looking for a doctor and then to a university teacher to discuss with him."

"Because I knew the doctor's name, I called the hospital and other facilities one by one."

"But the process is really difficult. I only talked with the teachers of the university research association." Lu Jun said.

"Research Council?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, it's like a middle school student playing in the university."

'Ah, you are a college student, which means I must be older.'

"What are you talking about now? I'm 2 years older than you."

"That's it, I don't know at all, I feel shocked."

"No, you should know what I look like."

'I thought you were just an old-looking high school student.'

'You, you really have recovered a lot of the feelings you once had.'

'Should I use honorifics to you?'

The army said: "Forget it, it sounds disgusting. Anyway, you forgot your age and you still remember the fried rice."

"Yes." Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, if we succeed in what we are going to do next, I will keep the previous things I remember and tell you all."

"But there must be the fact that your parents deliberately concealed you, so."

"Army," Lin Xiao said.

"what happened."

''Before doing anything, why say failure?"" Lin Xiao said.

"Talk about it."

'That's about the thing about Xiaohua yesterday.'

"It's true that she has passed away."

'I was not there so the details are not clear.'

"Okay." Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, things in the past can't be repeated, so I just think that some people may benefit from LMD patients who are not saved. Let's teach them."

"The child I promised is really Xiaohua, if so, the promise has already been made." Lin Xiao said.


"What's the matter with you," said the army.

"Ah, I'm here."

"Okay, let's go."

'Well, where to go?'

"Lin Xiao, you see there is a door in front of this."

"Look at that." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, behind the door is the stairs to the basement."

"The room the doctor said was under the stairs."

"You said it seems to have been in."

"I went in. Seven years ago, we all went there. It was not locked at that time." said the army.

'I have no impression at all.'Lin Xiao said.

"So I hope you will take the receptionist out."

"Because that door will make a sound when it opens, someone must be spotted."

"Can you open the door?" Lin Xiao said.

'no problem.'
