"It's okay for us to follow Dong them like this?" Haiteng said.

"Maybe Ah Ye is sending someone to kill us." Lin Xiao said.

"Be careful."

"Where is Adong going?"

"Adong is alone now, do you want to stop him?" Lin Xiao said.

"I haven't seen each other since we started a conflict in the restaurant. Will he listen to us?" Haiteng said.

"Only bite the bullet and try." Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, good, let's go." Haiteng said.

"That guy ran away."

Lin Xiao said: "We will catch up."

"What, don't you have to run away?"

"I'm not running away from you." A Dong said.


"Stay where others see, there is no way to talk to you." A Dong said.

"Then would you like to listen to us?" Lin Xiao said.

"Adong, you fellow." Haiteng said.

"Adong won't run away, you have to rest and go to Haiteng."

'Ayu is currently trying his best to find you, and he ordered to contact him whenever he finds you.'

'If he takes the initiative to look for me, I will see him immediately.'

'What did you see him doing, he was about to kill you.'

"Where is Ayu?" Lin Xiao said.

"I do not know."

'I will not report to Ayu, I have seen you.'

"However, if I were you, I would leave here immediately, and my father also thought it was good." A Dong said.

"I didn't expect him to be very kind," Lin Xiao said.

"Then do you obediently listen to his advice?"

"Just kidding." Lin Xiao said.

"But Ayu is looking for us and is serious to clean up us."


"If his subordinates are looking for us, they will catch those who attacked us in turn, and go directly to Ayu smoothly."

"It's that simple? They might kill us."

'Then we who are caught will have their eyes dug out.'

'Then you want to stay at Chen's house, right?'

"I don't like it." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, you try to walk around the street now, and I will monitor the surroundings from behind."

'You must deliberately expose your flaws when you walk.'

"How to do this kind of thing?" Lin Xiao said.

"Then it's up to you to figure out a solution yourself." Haiteng said.

'I will keep a distance and follow you, pay attention to make some holes.'

"You're doing a good job, you are exaggerated with many flaws in your whole body, really powerful, how did you do it."

"I said you, now I'm just the same as usual."

'There is no suspicious person in the surroundings at the moment.'

"Really? You give me a little confidence." Lin Xiao said.

"But I don't know what will happen next, you find a chance to eat and drink, and be prepared." Haiteng said.

"Thank you for your suggestion." Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, those guys don't take the bait, you have to show some flaws"

"What does it look like?"

'For example, drunk and drunk.'

'Drinking, that's it, I'll go to the bar.'Lin Xiao said.

"You are so leisurely, you shouldn't forget your purpose." Haiteng said.

"You are now attracting the bait that Ayu accepted."

"I understand, don't worry."

"But the situation seems to have become troublesome, do you want to go directly to the office?"

"This won't work, there are too many people inside, maybe you can't get out of your body."

'Let's go to the store protected by Ayu.'Boy, he said that.

"After I go, take a walk with your news."

'That way someone should report it.'Haiteng said.

"Ali is like this. This is a good way. What about the name of that store?"

'I think it should be called Tianxia Wushuang.'

"Hey, I didn't say it last week."

"We are suffering."

"The cost of taking care of you has increased, and the protection fee has to be paid more."

"Lin Xiao, those guys are Ayu's people,"

'Now let's help.'

"Okay, let's get started." Lin Xiao said.

"Stop it."

'Ah, Lin Xiao, why are you in such a place.'

'Why trouble with ordinary people.'

"It's none of your business."

"You can see how loud it is, that's why it's always a small one."

"You guy, I want to kill you."

"Hey, you guys, go and tell Ayu definitely that I'm here." Lin Xiao said.


"Hey. Lin Xiao has a good combat plan, right."

"Haiteng, do you know any other stores? It's better to go to a few more."

"There are three more, go and see all of them," Haiteng said.

"I understand."

'This is the fantasy romance.'

"I have worked hard today, and I will be late next time and I won't forgive you."

"Sorry, the turnover is not good."

"You have to work hard."

'Hey Lin Xiao, it's not just right.'

'Go and say hello to him.'Haiteng said'

'Excuse me, may I have something to do.'

"You are Lin Xiao!"

"It's from Ayu, hello."

"Unexpectedly, the old god is greeting us."

"Because I want to see Ayu, can you let me see?" Lin Xiao said.

"What, you look down on us."

"I won't let you meet, just take it."


"If you want to report this incident, I'm leaving."

"I'm Haiteng, I have worked hard for you, and I am doing very well."

"is it."

"Well, don't doubt, Ayu guy will send someone over soon."

'You just keep walking on the street, the other party will start acting soon.'Haiteng said.

"I understand."

"Go to a less crowded place."

'It's not easy to take action in such a lively place.'

'A place like Champion Street is very good.'

"This sounds very dangerous." Lin Xiao said.

"Brother Haiteng, it feels like someone is staring at me? Can you hear me?"

Soon Ayu's men rushed over.

"Hey, Haiteng, you are there!"

"I'm here." Haiteng said.

"You brought the enemy." Lin Xiao said.

"Grab him and ask, Ayu is there."

Quickly caught one of them.

"You better give up." Lin Xiao said.

"Look, I caught him."

"You are Ayu's acceptance?"

"Where is he?"

'You are finished, Lin Xiao.'

"The situation is completely opposite to before." Ayu and his men walked over with guns.



"I gave you the chance to slap your hand, but just follow here, and make yourself aware."

'You are too much.'Ayu said.

"It's finally cleaner now."

'You wait a minute.'Said the old man.

"We don't want to sue things so troublesome, I have already given you face."


"You are their father, but you should know that we can't look back."

At this time, Awen suddenly appeared and rescued Lin Xiao, but Haiteng was shot and could not escape.

"No problem, no one is chasing it." Awen said.

"What happened to Brother Haiteng."

'He was caught, what will happen next, I don't know.'Aven said.

"Damn it, go and save him quickly," Lin Xiao said.

"How did you get to this place."

"I have been eavesdropping, and came over when I heard the news."

'Do you know Ayu's stronghold? Did you hear any keywords when tapping?'Aven said.

"I heard them mention the Sunshine building several times."


"So Haiteng may be taken where willow"

"This is not necessarily true, but recently there was a closed building called Yangguang.

"Then I'll be thinking about it, let's go now first." Lin Xiao said.

"That building is sunshine."

"I have the impression that the people gathered there are all from Ayu."

"So Mr. Haiteng was really caught here?"

"There is no way to confirm it from the outside, but if you act now, you can catch them by surprise."

"It seems that there is only action, the sooner the better." You said Awen.

The two sneaked into the building, after a fierce battle.


"You are still in this place, too late to escape,"

"You guy."

"Let go of Haiteng."

'Huh, are you qualified to instruct me?'

"Brother Haiteng." Lin Xiao said.

"Hey, he is calling you." Ayu said.

Lin Xiao rushed over and knocked out the gun.

"You bastard."

"Wait for me, Brother Haiteng." Lin Xiao said.

"Only for a while." Haiteng said.

"Awen, are you okay, come and help me."

"How is Haiteng?"

"Hit a bullet."

"Why do you want to be strong, really." Awen said.

"I'll help too." A Dong said.

"Adong." Lin Xiao said.


"The car is outside, hurry up and take him to the hospital, I still have things to do." Lin Xiao said.

"I'm also fully awakened, it's no use killing you probably."

"Ayu, can you still talk?" Lin Xiao said.

"I don't want to waste more time, you obediently cooperate with me."

'The old book you are proud of is not nearby, and this critical moment is still absent.'

'Father, if I die here, things will get very bad.'

'No one here can survive. There is still a rescue. Please kill Lin Xiao.'Ayu said.

"Meaning if I don't look for it, you will die and be injured in the old book."

'There are people in this world who can and cannot betray.'

'So can I betray?'Daddy said'

'Do you want to betray the old book and die or die to cover him.'

"Don't stop talking, answer me."

"Just kill me."

"Don't look down on me, I'm not that simple man."

'Hurry up.'Ayu said.

"That's it." Lin Xiao said.

"It's amazing, I feel a little bit oh so I can't afford you."

"It's been delayed for a long time, it's almost time to spend that place."

'The chaser is coming again?'

"It will definitely appear. As an old man, there is nothing more embarrassing than this." The old man said.

'Then we go to a better place.'

'There is a nice place, the nightclub, the stronghold of the Chen family.'Lin Xiao said.

"People who have become miserable because of you and the mouse are waiting for you."

Came to Chen's nightclub.

"You finally came, Ayu, I have always wanted to see you."

"Oh, you're an old man, how come there is no majesty at all."

"You said that, I was speechless."

"I want Ayu to confess the real face of the mouse. Can we hide here during this time?"

"I'm still doing what the Patriarch asked me to do. You should help."

'You are really thick-skinned, but I still have an account that I haven't settled clearly.'

"At that time, didn't you try to kidnap Zhendong first?" Lin Xiao said.

'So I don't owe you anything.'

"Cut, no way, but relative, I have a condition."


"When the matter is finished, Ayu must be handed over to us."

'Okay, I'm happy.'Lin Xiao said.

"Even if you are here, you are much better. This is the first time I see your expression." Lin Xiao said.

"Tell everything you know."

"The first one who controls you is ACC9 Aye. When did you start to become his pawns?"

'Speaking first, I know everything. The first thing you committed was the Duanmu incident.'

"It was half a year ago that Duanmu was killed by you. He was investigating ACC9 in order to destroy the development center, and the developer Aye has a secret that I absolutely don't want people to know."

"So Ah Ye can't let it go."

'That incident was considered an ordinary fight. The mouse did not kill Duanmu on the spot, but caused fatal injuries to him.'

'So there was no big commotion.'

"If everything is planned, the means are clever."

'This is the first case committed by Ah Ye and Mouse.'Lin Xiao said.

"You are very capable."

"Oh, that's really a good investment."

"You guys make it hard for me to do things like this." Lin Xiao said.

"The mouse is currently there."

"I don't know, but he is looking for me, you will all be killed."

"He said the rats would come here."

"That's right, I will kill him severely."

'Don't laugh so hard, he won't be able to deal with you people.'

"Who is he, just a killer, where did you find him?"

"Get ready to torture the props."

"I see, wait a minute."

"You're welcome, I have something better."

"Who is the mouse?" Lin Xiao said.

"In the beginning, the mouse was just an intelligence dealer."

"Well, I used to send his master to do things, but when his master was captured, he inherited the master's mantle."

'To be honest, he is better than Master. Not only did he tell me that the information was correct, but he also forged all kinds of documents.'

'So we used each other in this place and gradually climbed up. We have known each other for nearly 20 years."

"Go on." Lin Xiao said.

"Many of my things were handled by him. It didn't take long. He said that as long as there is a job, he will do the same."

"At that time, I thought the time was right, even if it was me, it was still a bit risky."

'However, the greater the risk, the more profitable, and then, I promoted in the underground world.'

"This place needs money. If we pretend like Haiteng, our company has already closed down."

"I don't care about the company's affairs anymore." Dad said.

'Really, but I have been working hard for this purpose, isn't this all you taught me?'

"You are off topic." Lin Xiao said.

"Do it again, after you become the middleman of the mouse."

'We immediately received the task to get rid of Duanmu.'

"That client, Aye?"

"Yes, but another middleman was in direct contact."

'His name is Asong, a man who loves to laugh. At that time, each other thought it was only one job.'

"We don't know the reason for killing, we just took it with 1000W."

"He asked not to be noticeable?" Lin Xiao said.

'Yes.'Ayu said.