"I've had enough of this kind of thing." Tracey said.

"This mood occupies my entire head."

"So I just ran out like this. After that, things are probably as you know. During this period of time, what should I say to me, it is not something I can control."

"I can say that there is only this, but there is no evidence. It can be proved that I feel much better in my heart when I say the words in one breath, and I am gone."


"Sorry, Master Sheila, please be sure to avenge your father successfully."

"Thank you for telling me this." Linna said.

"I thought about this for a long time. It is absolutely impossible for you to do that, but I am afraid to believe you."

"Because you suddenly disappeared, so I don't know what is right." Linna said.

"That's why I still doubt you when I know it's impossible. I keep telling myself that maybe you are really a criminal, but."

"I can't help it when I hear you tell me about it. Even if there is no evidence, I still want to believe you."

"Because I and Mrs. Axiang like you very much. We are friends. I'm sorry to treat you with indifference before."

'I also believe you, but I dare not speak for you. Please forgive me.'

"You guys, haha, things are not over, it doesn’t matter anymore, don’t keep it in your heart, and I’m so happy to hear what the two of you are thinking, and I want to thank you both. I really thank you." Tracey said.

"It seems that the thoughts in your heart are all resolved."

'I'm fine, thanks to Lord Shera.'Trace said.

"No, I didn't do anything. Anyway, Tracey, it doesn't matter if you follow me." Sheila said.

"From now on, I will act with two former friends, and I will compare you."

"Although that is not bad, but if you do that, Master Shera will be alone. Let me continue to be your guard in the future," Triss said.

"Really, thank you very much, Tracey, I thought I had nothing, but you are still there," Sheila said.

"Yes, Master Sheila, I will always stay with you, as long as you don't expel it." Master Sheila, dangerous.


"Trace!" Sheila said.

"Trace, cheer up, I'll heal you right away."

"Healing the injury has been in vain, and the injury has been hopeless."

'Gaius, you guy.'

"For the loyalty of the owner I have chosen, she is a lover, I just sent her to be a company, don't worry." Gaius said.

"Come out, three shots from the Empire," Gaius said.

"Except Huanglong, kill them all."

"Huanglong let me use this dragon life sword to absorb the last dragon."

"Stop, don't you recognize me?" Shera said.

"You guys, what are you talking about, is this still the legendary dragon god?" Tris said.


"This is your master, Princess Shera, do you want to do something with the master?" Triss said.

"Huh, master?" Three Shots said.

"Yes, our host is Master Shera."

"Huh? Three shots, knock Shera down first." Gaius said.

"No, it is the man you should defeat, Gaius," Shera said.

"Three shots, why don't you follow my orders."

"You even said that, because Three Shots is my friend."

"Enlighten, Gaius, now I will take revenge."

'Master Shella, please go quickly.'

'Gaius will leave it to us.'Trace said.

"The enemy is Gaius."

"Emperor, goodbye forever."

"Look at the dignity of the Dragon God clearly." Three Shots said.

"I'm going to fuck you!" Triss said.


"Use our lives to destroy Gaius." Three Shots said.

"Stop talking and laughing, just rely on you." Gaius said.


"No, this can't be done." Axiang said.

"Please stop."

'Shera is dangerous.'Lin Xiao said.

"Trace," Linna said.

"Why does it become a cover."

"Everyone is okay."

'We are fine.'Lin Xiao said.

"But this situation."

"The sky is really miserable, although we escaped."

'Where is Princess Shera?'Marian said.

"Really, cheer up Shera, and save you now." Lin Xiao said.

"How's it going?"

"The injury is very serious and needs to be treated as soon as possible." Lin Xiao said.

"Because that blast was very large and the distance closer to Gaius, this time will undoubtedly die."


"what happened?"

"The blasting was caused by Tracey and the others."

'Sorry, Axiang, Linna, I didn't mean that.'Anan said.

"What's wrong, the blast just now."

'Hey, look over there.'

"I was found, retreat us quickly." Leis said.

"That's Huanglong and the emperor. You can't let them escape."

'Only break out.'Lin Xiao said.

"Miss Emma, ​​what's the situation with Shera." Attoria said.

"Not very optimistic, the injury is serious."

''Although I reluctantly signed up, it will take some time to recover, but you can rest assured that I will take good care of her and don't worry about her affairs.

"Shera has to be handed over to Miss Emma. In short, we will think of a way."

'Also, we should think about what we should do.'

"That's how it is said, but Gaius is already full."

"No." Axiang said.

"Trace's matter, although it is sad, but to knock down the house is to let Princess Shella escape, I think she will not be unhappy."

"It's all her credit to defeat the building," Leiss said.

"In this way, is it commensurate that the province has been successfully resurrected?"

'Henan said that even if Gaius dies, it does not mean that the church and the empire will be destroyed.'

'That's correct. Their movements are very concerning. They shouldn't stand still and will investigate again tomorrow.'Lin Xiao said.

"Yeah, just do it."

Axiang, there is no other way.

"Sure enough, he died, and there was still nothing to do with that blasting." Yosim said.

"Gaius, even three shots were blown to pieces."

"What are you talking about?" Gaius said.

"Oh, you are still alive. I didn't expect Tracey to be already. I wanted to replace him."

'If you die, it's useless. I really want to hear that person's wailing. Anyway, you really talked about it, maybe you are an apostle of God.

With the power to not humiliate Jiang Chengshen, as a descendant of God, I really helped people.'

'But for Jiang Chengshen, the accumulation of generations is not enough.'

"I need Huanglong's energy no matter what, I must get him.'Gaius said.

Sea cat pavilion.

"Well, what is this singing voice?" Lin Xiao said.

"Axiang, what about Tracey makes you sad."

"Yes." Axiang said.

"Her matter has always made me worry about it. Finally one day we can reconcile, and now it is finally realized."

"But later.

If she is still alive, we must have a lot to talk about and do a lot of things together."Axiang said.

"But she died."

"The same is true for me. I thought so when my mother passed away, and I was as sad as you." Lin Xiao said.

"I really want to play with my mother, I really want to talk to my mother, I really want to live together again."

"Life is not only meaningful to the person involved, but also to the person who has a relationship with the person in the future. It is precious to everyone, I think so."

Lin Xiao said.

"So regardless of the power of the yellow dragon on me, it is the power of the dragon knights."

"Perhaps we are rich in protecting the lives of others, I have that feeling."

'Perhaps so, protecting the lives and their little happiness in this design is our mission.'Axiang said.

'Axiang, please continue to struggle in the future, this is also for Tracey and the others.'Lin Xiao said.

"Okay, I will work hard with my partners." Axiang said.

"Are you all ready? Let's take Iao and go to the Imperial Base Camp of the ruins again." Atoriya said.

"Well, it's the second time, but I'm still very nervous." Marianne said.

"The enemy should be in chaos at the moment. It is reasonable to say that it is easier to invade the base camp than usual." Axiang said.

"In this way, you can confirm with your own eyes how the imperial army is going now."

"Don't make mistakes because you are too excited." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, it seems that the magic of the magic book has become stronger. Let me investigate and see what happened." Ive said.

"Hello, Ive, what are you doing." Lin Xiao said.

"I'm actually looking for an earnings report."

"Oh, this one?" Lin Xiao said.

"Haha, this is a reward for excavation, don't you think it is very suitable for decorating a room, Lin Xiao, do you want to put it on display?" Ive said.

"No, I live in a hotel so it's kind of but interesting, the stone statue of an owl," Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, it's not surprising at all, because there should be many owls in the ruins."

"Is that so?" Lin Xiao said.

'The owl is the patron saint of the night.'

"People there will be attacked at night, so owls can help them." Ive said.

"Look, isn't there a hole in the head of the stone statue? People there are just getting on fire to light up the darkness of the night." Ive said.

'Ah, really, there was a hole, but.'

'The night there is beautiful, the starry sky is bright.'Ave said.

"Are you talking about the ruins?" Lin Xiao said.


'Hello, the flowers to get, here comes.'Lina said.

"Hey, what is this stone statue?"

'Owl.'Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, it's an owl statue. I've played there several times, and I don't know about this at all." Linna said.

"Ive just said and there are many owl statues buried in it, but Linna, who is a fan of the ruins, doesn't even know." Lin Xiao said.

And I mentioned that this seems to have been seen before.

"What's wrong, Lin Xiao, what are you wondering about?" Linna said.

"Well, I really feel that way." Lin Xiao said.

"Lina, what are you looking at?" Axiang said.

"Actually, I dug up another interesting ancient document, which records an event called Valentine's Day." Linna said.

"A long, long time ago there was a habit in other places that every February I would make a chocolate snack for admirers."

"This is simply a confession of love." Atolia said.

"This, actually derived culture, this includes Yili chocolate and friendship chocolate."

"At the end of this event, the chocolate is said to be cocoa beans that can be bought everywhere." Linna said.

"Oh, it's a snack made from cocoa beans, it seems to relieve physical fatigue, the truth is tasting."

"I have something to go shopping." Axiang said.

"It's a coincidence, I also want to buy things."

'I also want to buy chocolate materials.'

"Hehe, everyone thought the same."

"Well, let's make chocolate, I'm already eager to try it," Atolia said.

"Um, I have never cooked at all." Axiang said.

"Are you confident?"

"There is no self-confidence, but it must be okay. There is a saying that aging is right, and the food depends on love."

"Well, Atolia will devote himself to love to make chocolate."

'No, what I mean is to pay attention to the friendship as a partner, and then give it to Lin Xiao.'Atolia said.

"I also gave the chocolate to Lin Xiao and said that Lin Xiao, as Lord Huanglong, said it was a matter of course." Axiang said.

"Here it sounds reluctant."

"Is Lin'an sure to give it to Lin Xiao?"

'Who will Marianne give it to.'

'If nothing happens, divert your attention.'

'I want to give it to Lin Xiao to express liver blood'

'Frankness is a good quality.'

"Snack for ancient events, but why did you let me try it?" Reis said.

"This kind of dessert called chocolate is my heart."

'This is the first time I have done it, and I am a little worried about Weidong.'

"That's it, I want to send Lin Xiao, he is really a sinful man, but if you can eat what you do, I will try."

'This taste is cocoa beans. Personally, I prefer the bitter taste.'

'My sister has been so indifferent to me recently, and has reached the age to ignore my brother.'Res said.

"Also eat what we made." Atolia said.

"Everything is delicious, but it's too far from what Axiang made. After all, she is me who has never killed her."

"Really, how about a specific taste?" Linna said.

"Chocolate is easy to stick to your hands, it needs to be better." Reis said.

Everyone is busy again.

"Okay, we're done, it doesn't seem to be sticky anymore," Atolia said.

"It seems that there is a sweet aroma, and I share Owen?"

"Okay, you have to try it for me, let me tell you wherever I am."

'Improved, after eating it, it won't be straightforward, will it?'Anan said.

"How could I give that kind of thing to my companion"

"Bring over there."

"Oh, this is so delicious." Anan said.

"Really, great success, everyone."

"It's really impeccable. Tell me how to do it later?" Anan said.

"It should be considered a success for Anan to say that," said Axiang.

"I didn't waste time, we finally did it, and there was a price for hard work," Atolia said.

"You were so moved that you shed tears. In fact, you are not confident at all." Axiang said.