"In the past, I met Huanglong in my hometown and gained strength after assimilating with it."

"The village of my hometown is now called the place of the lost garden."

"Yes, I spent about 100 years in that village, protecting the people in the village against monsters."

"Everyone relies on me and regards me as the patron saint of the village, but when the village's monsters begin to decrease, people start to fear me and stay away from me."

"However, under such circumstances, someone still admires me, and that is the boy who gave me and this pendant."

'And Aki, you killed that boy?"Lin Xiao said.

"I don't know this." Aki said.

"What does this mean?" Lin Xiao said.

"I don't know. Only at that moment, my memory became blurred." Aki said.

"All I remember was to kill the boy with my own hands, and then take the two, I let Huanglong out of control destroy the village."

"So that's it, is this what happened that time out of control?" Reis said.

"The village is destroyed, the boy is it, and all that is left to me is immense regret and this pendant.

There is also a strong idea to guard against the doomsday disaster that Huang Long told me, to save the world."

'Since then, I couldn't forget this thought and my own sins, so I took this pendant with me.'

"It turned out to be like this, something like that happened in the past." Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, what I want to tell you is my sin."

Aki said, "I don't remember what you are willing to kill the young man with my own hands, Lin Xiao, have you heard Huang Long say so?

Did Huang Long take my stupid mistakes as a lesson to warn you?"

"No, Huang Long never said this." Lin Xiao said.

"Really, it's impossible to ask Huang Long anymore." Aki said.

"Yes, sorry, I didn't help you." Lin Xiao said.

"You don't need to apologize, but my last hope is shattered." Aki said.

"The reason why I came back to tell you this is to make a break with the past."

"After guarding against the end and the world has been redeemed, I think that if you face your own sin bravely, you will understand why you committed it."

"I can't kill a boy who admires me so much for no reason. There must be some reason, some profound reason, but I can't remember it."

"I said, this shouldn't be."

"Maybe it was distorted by the magic book."

"Magic? What, what are you talking about?" Aki said.

"Aki, you can walk with us and talk while walking." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, that's right, the reason why Aki's memory is chaotic is caused by the distortion of the magic book." Rose said.

"Really, really." Lin Xiao said.

"Magic circle, that's the reason why my memory is missing."

'Oh, memory loss?'

"What do you think of?" said similarly.

"This distortion should be a distortion of memory."

"It's not that all the distortions are almost fixed." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, and everyone, thank you very much. Thanks to you, I can see hope." Aki said.

"It's too early to thank you. Wait until you find your memory for this sentence."

'Yeah, Aki, we will also help to retrieve the memory.'Lin Xiao said.

"By the way, it suddenly occurred to me where is Sheila now?"

"Shera, King Atoria, treats her as an exile."

"no problem?"

"If you say that her situation is fine, although she was indeed the emperor of an enemy country, we will never treat her rudely."

"Not for Sheila, this kind of treatment makes her feel uncomfortable." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, she died of Triss and her father, and she became a human being helpless."

"Shera is now leaving the town to help with reconstruction work."

'I think she also has a lot of ideas, she seems to think she should be responsible for this war.'

'Well, she shouldn't be able to stay peacefully, but she's fine by herself.'

'If you are worried, go and see, just ask and you will know where she is.'Res said.

"Well, let me take a look."

"Shera, the burden she is carrying seems to be more than imagined." Atolia said.

"In this way, the injured area is fixed, and constant activity will affect the body."

'Oh, I'm sorry, but you seem to be really temperamental. Which kind of person grew up.'

"I don't have any temperament, I just bore my life's sins."

"Although I don't know what happened, thank you for helping me heal my injuries," the villager said.

"No thanks, if you still feel the pain, call me again."

"You're here, it's impolite to take a peek," Shera said.

"Sorry, I just care a little bit about your situation."

"Cheap sympathy is avoided, and instead of caring about me, aren't there more people here who should care about?" Shela said.

"That's right," Lin Xiao said.

"Hey, come and help remove the bricks here and dig out all the belongings in the house."

"Come over right away and wait for me." Shella said.

"Ah, I'll help too." Lin Xiao said.

"This level of ruined walls, hum." Sheila said.

"It's also going to hurt if you move such a big stone alone. I'll also help."

"no need."


'This is nothing, at this level, if I move with Tracey.'

"Yeah, Tracee is no longer."

"Let me help you." Lin Xiao said.

"Suck you blood."

"This way you can finally enter the collapsed home."

'Next call this family to wow.'

"Could it be that you are the family."

"Yes, it's been too hard for you."

'It doesn't matter if this is not the case, you still go to see if you have been injured for a hundred years.'

'My husband is about to be repaired'

"Leave your smile to your family, not to me."

"Excuse me," the woman said.

"I think you don't have to reject others so far."

'Now I am not qualified to accept gratitude, all I can do is to make atonement slowly.'

'The broken walls have been moved away, and I will go to bandage the wounded again.'

'Well, just leave it to me as long as I can help.'Lin Xiao said.

"It's over on your side," Lin Xiao said.

"Well, it's finally done."

"Take a rest." Lin Xiao said.

"Thank you, I'll just drink a little." Shella said.

"Are you relaxed?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, fatigue is nothing, but I miss it when I bandaged a teenager."

"What do you think of?" Lin Xiao said.

"When I was a child, I helped my friends bandage. When the empire broke out in civil war, I went to my hometown. The war only seen by the royal family made me feel very intense when I was a child."

"The dispute between the royal family, right." Lin Xiao said.

"After all, there was this in the past. I have taken the place before, because the country is big and there are many people with ambitions."

"Leaving the imperial capital and living in the natural and simple borders, those days are really good for me."

"My mother's hometown is here, and now I am deep here, and my mood is really unspeakable."

'Did Shera ever bring it, then we might have seen it accidentally.'

"Hehe, maybe, although it's impossible to know now," Sheila said.

"Now, yes, I must live in the present, in order to pay for my sins."

'Shera, you don't have to skip the responsibility, but it is a good thing to have a sense of responsibility, but too much pressure is not good.'

'You are so kind, I used to be your enemy, but you care about me so much.'

"Shirla, you also have a great deal of pain with us. There is no place to go back after losing precious people. I can't care about it."

'I don't feel tormented, no, I did lose something vicious.'

"If the pendant that the emperor father gave me is still there, it will at least make me feel at ease." Sheila said.

"Father's relic?" Lin Xiao said.

"Well, he only gave it to me when I was a child. I always wore it on my body before. However, I don't know why, I even wore it in the deep cold to avoid losing it when I was sleeping, but suddenly disappeared at some point."

"That was, while in the Empire?"

'That's right.'

'What kind of pendant.'

Not what is practicality.

"Very vague."

"Because it was given to me by my beloved father, I have always cherished it, but I still can't understand it suddenly disappeared when I was not paying attention." Shela said.

"It's really hard to understand, it's supernatural."

'Wait if this is the case, it must be because of a distorted magic book.'Lin Xiao said.

"What are you talking about?" Sheila said.

"It turns out that there is such an evil thing, do you plan to investigate it?" Lin Xiao said.

"I have heard you say that of course I have to accompany you."

"This should be fine."

"Aki, what do you think of" Lin Xiao said.

"What's wrong, Aki, your face is terrible."

'I can't remember.'

''How come, the distortion has disappeared."Lin Xiao said.

No, it's not like that, there are changes, just."Aki said.

"My memory, the memory of killing that boy, has become blurred, as if it never happened."

'How is this going.'

"I don't know I don't know anything. I didn't kill the boy, but the boy did."

'It seems to be a trivial matter, because my memory has changed, but I still can't remember it.'

'Actually, the memory is not true at all. I did it for no reason.'

"Because everyone keeps away from me makes me resentful, so destroy the village?"

"No, you are not like that." Lin Xiao said.

"I also think so much that you are not that kind of person."

'Aki, you are a rational person. Even if something unpleasant happens, you will not commit atrocity because of a moment of excitement.'Axiang said.

"I hope so, but in fact my memory is not." Aki said.

"I don't know what your memory is, but I understand one thing very well, I'm an idiot who never just happened that kind of stupid thing." Anan said.

"But even so, if both of you are not good enough, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Then you trust us." Lin Xiao said.

"Aki, isn't it because you believe in us that you tell us about the past, you believe in us, we all understand that you are actually a good person, and we believe so deeply."

Don't show that look, Aki, it wasn't you who caused things like this, so you blame yourself.

I believe in you, so Aki also believes in himself.

"Ah, Mr. Lin Xiao, you are back."

"Haha, thank you, but it doesn't matter today." Emma said.

"Mr. Lin Xiao, your cuff seems to be off."

"No, boys have to take care of their own clothes and disguise." Emma said.

"Thank you."

Someone seemed to have told me what Miss Emma said just now.

"The patch is very reliable, what's the matter with Mr. Lin Xiao in a daze?" Emma said.

"Ah, is the needle still on the clothes."

"Mie has such a thing, I'm sorry, it's just a little bit of the previous thing." Lin Xiao said.

"It used to be Lin Xiao, what happened when you were a kid?" Emma said.

'Yes, I also care about me like this. That's my mother, who sorted out the clothes and appearance for me, and don't lazily value the ID. Just now I suddenly recalled this kind of thing.'

"That's it." Emma said.

"At that time, I felt so long-winded, but now, I just miss it."

"Let me tell you Mr. Lin Xiao, Haimaoting has your room here, and there are also partners who live with you."

'I feel good.'

"Since I live under one roof, it will inevitably have the same feelings as my family."

"So, if you want, you can also call my mother." ""

"No, I feel embarrassed to do this."

"But I am really happy to treat me as a family member, thank you, Miss Emma." Lin Xiao said.

"Hehe, you are welcome, because we are a family." Emma said.

"Every time I listen to it, I think it's a great tone. Maybe it's a bit wrong to describe an instrument like this, but it sounds like it sings with Shera."

'Really, I'm very happy to hear you say that.'

"Shirah, how did you get the instrument."

"When I was young, I was in church." Shella said.

"For the family and the people, what can I do? I am troubled every day but cannot find a conclusion. I am very upset that I am useless."

"If I have the power to protect everything and go to the church to pray with this idea, a miracle will happen one day."

"It was early at that time, so there won't be anyone else, the more I go inside, I will miss it."

"That's the case, it was the Dragon Blade Tool that tried hard to call for Xuela to notice her."

"No, maybe I am calling it myself."


"Because I have always been looking for a companion who can fight with me, the Dragon Blade Tool is that one, but when I noticed it, I have been by my side to comfort my companion."

Sheila said.

"As long as I play it, I feel sadness dispelled. If it is calling me, then I don't know how to thank this great kindness."

"That's how it is, that's why there is such a beautiful tone, because both of them need each other." Lin Xiao said.

"Although I have only heard the sound of Shera's performance, I feel that I miss this point. I have more or less understanding. I don't know how to explain it, but there are absolutely no people who say that you will come back here at any time, giving people a sense of redemption. ."