"Okay, this should be Ning Qi's traceable memory the closest to the present." Lin Xiao and Atoriya entered the memory.

"Yes, let's take a look, our deep sleep defending champion."

"Don't touch the memory of her, she is not our client." Atolia said.

"By the way, I actually wanted to ask."

"What helmet did you bring to our patients."


"This device looks different."

"Oh, I just removed the shell during lunch break, nothing more."

"Then why don't you transfer him in."

"Do you know that I added some new features to this thing?" Lin Xiao said.

"new function?"

"Forget it, but I didn't ask." Atolia said.

"Why is this necessary?"

"Well, I think we will work here for a long time, so we'd better use some traps for this journey." Lin Xiao said.

"Wait a minute, that's what I meant."

"You bastard," Atolia said.

"What the hell did it happen."

"I'm not to blame."

"This can't work." Lin Xiao said.

"Whatever, I will change it back."

"Don't do it, it is very troublesome to implement this function."

'Besides, you owed me a favor for that at the tofu party last month.'

"Just give in to me once."

"You actually countered me with the tofu party." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, I will use this image before I find Ning Qi."

'By the way, it looks good after drinking socks.'Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, before we wake her up, let's turn off the world exchange function." Atolia said.

"After tossing for so long, we haven't awakened him yet." Lin Xiao said.

"It's rude to stare at others like this."

"She seemed to hate us too much before."

"Ning Qi?"

"what happened."

"This copy is not stable, let's go find the next one." Lin Xiao said.

"Actually, I want to find something upstairs."

"This is full of books, so he must have just sorted out the bookshelf recently."

"Then where did you leave that strange book alone?"

"I can't find this book here either." Atoria said.

"I'm sure this hall is not like this."

"This fellow veteran has forgotten everything about his parents?" Lin Xiao said.

"But the machine should not automatically correct this kind of spatial continuity problem."

"Look." Atolia said:'He is over there.'

"I thought you forgot." Lin Xiao said.

"would not."


"up to you."

"Thank you."

"Start the entity exchange function."

"Ning Qi?" Lin Xiao said.

"I'm Dr. Lin Xiao, a memory shuttle expert."

"I am Dr. Atoria."

"Okay, I get it now.

"This is not reality, right." Ning Qi said.

"Yes, your process has started."

"Okay, then it's not my fault."

"I always feel a little uncomfortable here, as if I am here, but at the same time far away."

"Either this is not the place I am doing, or my mind is far slower than I think."

"In fact, it is better to say that there are both reasons." Lin Xiao said.

"It makes sense, what my wife and son think about this matter, they are right by the side."

"There is no respect for them, you can rest assured."

"Of course, based on your situation, they certainly can't be happy."

"Listen to me, there is not much time left, we better start now." Lin Xiao said.

"As far as we can read, you are the most recent sample in our memory or the only sample that is reliable enough. Please tell me your wish.

Help us get the job done."Atolia said.

"Of course, why not do it."

"Very good, I will save your current situation, so that we don't have to have this conversation in the future." Lin Xiao said.

"Save him."

'Understood, Her Royal Highness.'Lin Xiao said.

"Then in order to help us work, we must first link the timeline through your memory and trace your years."

"Then, we will be able to transmit your desire all the way to your young self."

"If you run the algorithm again, you will be able to live your life again and fulfill your wishes."

"No matter what, we need your help."

'In order to jump between your memories, we need memory fragments.'Atolia said.

"They are important things in your life, and they can connect your memories to each other."

"What can make us jump here."

"Oh, don't worry, we still don't know what her wish is." Lin Xiao said.

"Then what is your wish, Ning Qi."

Ning Qi said:'Actually, I think I can answer these two questions at the same time, just use this one.'

"This is your contract with us."

"The words are a bit unclear, but they are indeed a fragment of memory."

"It's great, let's go." Lin Xiao said.

"Because time is closer, the barrier of memory fragments has shattered, and the next one will not be that simple." Atoriya said.

"We need to charge it first."

"Thank you, we may come back to seek your help." Lin Xiao said.

"Wait, what is this place?"

"This is the company's customer hospitality. Isn't this just for the good guys to sign up for them"

'It's been a long time since I last visited.'Lin Xiao said.

"I also feel like it was a little different the last time I visited, let's walk around and see." Atoriya said.

"This world is really big, isn't it? A person will spend his whole life exploring and not playing. Would you like to go to a place that has been thinking about it in person?"

"I've been there, a long time ago." Ning Qi said.

"I don't remember that there is such a fireplace here." Lin Xiao said.

"shall we start now?"

"Sit down for a while and have a cup of tea. How, you must have come all the way, you are very tired."

'I will go back soon, I'm just here to consult your services.'

"Someone will see you in a while."

"It's exciting, isn't it, few people know what it is like to be famous."

'We do receive a lot of such orders, so leave it to us if you are interested.'

'If we can do it again.'

"It's not that bad, at least if it's so convenient, we can also get off work earlier." Lin Xiao said.

"If you make fame and wealth your last wish, leave it to us."

"You see that the service we provide is very simple." The staff said.

"You speak your wish, we help you achieve it, the goal that reputation and wealth failed to achieve, the secret desire, just mention it."

"We are your lamp god, what is your wish."

"So I can't understand, then can I, Xu Yuan, let me fulfill multiple wishes?"

"You see, I have experienced a lot and seen a lot in my life."

"I have been to places I once thought I would never be able to go, and I have seen mistakes that I once thought were invisible."

'But in a blink of an eye, suddenly I didn't have enough time. Unknowingly I came here, just like everyone else, but I will reward so much later.

I realized that there are still places in my heart that feel empty.'

"It's not that I feel dissatisfied with my past life, it's just."

"I just want to make myself feel that I have no worries in this life when I am dying, do you understand?"

"Before I leave, I hope I can feel happy in my life, and I also hope that I have no regrets in this life."

''But I don't know why, even with so many beautiful experiences, I can't be satisfied.

"That's why you came to us."

"As long as you make a wish, we can help you." The staff member said.

"What is your regret?"

"I don't know how to tell you my regrets, but I can tell you what I want." Ning Qi said.

"I want you to help me get through, but the premise is that you can't change what I did before."

"Do you want us to change anything?"

"Ning Qi, change is our job."

"We make changes to make things better, so you come to us, and then we can make it better, and we can solve your problems." Lin Xiao said.

"Anything you crave, or something you haven't obtained in your life, we can give you a chance."

'But if you want to get something, you have to give up something, then I ask again, your regret.'

"so be it."

"Help me through the full sound, but try not to modify it, if you want to modify anything, please keep the memory of me and my family intact."

"So you will leave the details to our experts?"

"Because you put forward such conditions, I hope you can think clearly, we can't guarantee success." Lin Xiao said.

"no problem."

"Then it is decided, we will send the best transfer."

"Then I have no problem."

"Try not to change anything, and then we still have to control his destiny?" Atolia said.

'What kind of wish is this, how should we start.'

'Nothing, we have all experienced worse things.'Lin Xiao said.

"The point is that as the boss said, I will be our best experts, we are the best experts in the company." Lin Xiao said.

"Actually, this thing is actually." Atolia said.

"Forget it."

'Okay, now I am in good condition, let's go find the memory fragments.'Lin Xiao said.

"The decorations here are so beautiful."

"Do you think we need to go back to his last memory and ask him what he said at that time?" Lin Xiao said.

Atolia said: "I don't expect him to give any reasonable answers, but if there is no other way, we can try."

"However, we haven't reached any point yet. As for now, let's continue."

"Oh, one more thing." Ning Qi said: "Please keep my wife and son secret. I don't want them to think that I am dissatisfied with the current situation."

"Do you know, you have made a lot of progress."


"That's right, you always said naive things to break through the barrier before, but I haven't heard those words recently." Atolia said.

"That means you are not that annoying and amateurish anymore."

"Oh, huh." Lin Xiao said.

The memory continues to jump.

"I'm leaving now, just in case." Ning Fei said; "Take this hat, daddy."

"Didn't you have a headache lately, be careful not to blow into the wind."

'How many times have I told him, he never listened."Ms. Ning said.

"Okay, okay, I'll take it with you as long as you don't nag endlessly."

"By the way, it's been a long time since you and your girlfriend." Ning Qi said.

'I talked to her for a long time.'

"Now, I want to put my career first." Ning Fei said.

'So you are not going back to feed the ducks.'

"If you come back often, we don't need to get that every day." Ning Qi said.

"Oh, that hat is made of pure cotton."

"Okay, you go." Ning Qi said.

"Drive well, dear, we will be the suppression leader."

"It's not about this, I mean you know me anyway," Ning Fei said.

"Don't stay outside for too long at this time, Mom and Dad, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Ning Fei drove away.

"This kid is going to give us a grandson."

"My colleague's daughter is very good."

"It has nothing to do with this." Ning Qi said.

"When you were young, your parents didn't always arrange someone for you."

''Yes, it is always embarrassingly imposed on me."

Well, you have a good experience, we have all felt this way."

"what are you doing?"

"My son, send him a message."

'He was driving, waiting for him to get home."

'Remember to attach the photo, don't forget."Ms. Ning said.

"Just that one looks good, just look at it from the side."

Lin Xiao: "I can't speak, pity the parents of the world."

"Seriously, every duck has a memory fragment" Atoria said.

"Isn't this good?" Lin Xiao said, "How interesting."

"My granddaughter is five years old this year. It's unbelievable. She is so fast. I even want to knit a sweater for her to make it easy to change."

On this side, Ning Qi and his wife were chatting.

"Tell me, are you happy?" Madam Ning said.

"Of course I am happy, how can I be unhappy if you are there," Ning Qi said.

"In that case, why do you invite them to follow?" Madam Ning said.

"I am indeed very happy, but this does not mean that I have no regrets."

"Of course these regrets have nothing to do with you two."

''Call them, stop you from going through that process and have a new life. Don't abandon the current life.

"It's not like that, I won't forget you." Ning Qi said.

"I seem to forget to bring duck feed...

"Well, I finally understand her attitude." Lin Xiao said.

"She has some thoughts, and she probably doesn't want Ning Qi to start a new life."

"Look at the company I think she can also contact," Atolia said.

'Haha.'Lin Xiao said.

The memory jumps again.

"Why it took so long."

"I seem to see a strange person."

'Oh, so you guys went and said in person that you are a weirdo to make that person feel uncomfortable'Atolia said.

"It's weird because that person is peeking in the woods."

"What do you mean."

'Yeah, when I went to watch it.'

'But I didn't say.'

"Well, have you read too many books lately?"

'Don't close it anyway, those are just data.,'

"Well, when you look at the air, I have already explored the memory."

'What, I just slowed you down for a few seconds.'Lin Xiao said.