"After that, Aggie began to control the audience and he fired a shot at the roof."

A Tian said, "Then he took out the rope from the newspaper and tied everyone up."

"The prisoner has a bag, right?" Lin Xiao said.

"He asked the woman in the passenger seat to hold it."

"There is a rope in that bag?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, a strong rope that can be used when boarding." Ata said.

"A dagger for mountaineering." Lin Xiao said, "Did you bring it too?"

"Yeah, he brought a large dagger that you can put in."

"Who tied people with rope?"

"It's me." Atian said.

"The chief county tied up the boss who passed out, and then let the woman in the passenger seat be tied up."

"What did the prisoner instruct?" Lin Xiao said.

"Of course it is."

"Then three acts trapped me and May."

"Who is binding the three acts."

'It's the prisoner Aji.'

'The prisoner used ropes to keep us standing in a row.'A Tian said.

"When you came out, or after that."

"No, after a while."

"I feel that we were left alone for about three hours."

"But it's probably only about thirty minutes."

"Did the prisoner do anything during that time?" Lin Xiao said.

"He whispered to the woman in the passenger seat."

"Because it was a very small voice, I didn't hear what they were talking about." A Tian said.

"The assaulted boss, have you regained consciousness?" Lin Xiao said.

"Still in a coma now."

"Have you found anything after observing the prisoner."

"Why do I have that kind of idle time, I am still wondering if I will be killed and tremble constantly." A Tian said.

"When you came out of the room, what did you say?" Lin Xiao said.

"No, no."


"The three acts say that he has the key to the vault." Atian said.

"Then the prisoner said I didn't want the money."

"He said he doesn't need money?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, I did."

'You and the three acts and Amei are responsible for monitoring?'


"That's what the prisoner said."

"I see, thank you for your hard work."

"Katagiri, is Ahe here?" Lin Xiao said.

"I have bowed my head to Director, and I will be back soon," Katagiri said.

"Thank you." Lin Xiao said.

"Nakamura, what about the investigation of that detective?"

"It's over." Nakamura said.

"Does he have a criminal record?"

"It's not nothing, but there is an interesting thing."

"Nakagawa was originally a guard."

"It's surprising."

"Isn't this very common?"

"It was in the United States, and it is rare in neon." Nakamura said.

"What's interesting is not just his identity. Nakagawa was dismissed because of his fault. The reason was the forced assault of the hostage incident." Nakamura said.

"Because he reluctantly issued the assault, which led to the sacrifice of two hostages."

"I really don't want to hear this."

"The commander at that time was."

"Xiaoshan Tian." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, it's ridiculous."

"Not at all." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't know Aggie's motive?"

"If you believe that from the information of the company he works for, he really has no problems.

The line of thinking and drug use can be ruled out."

"So the path of resentment?"

"That's very likely. It's not clear if it's just resentment."

'what happened?'Atolia said.

"Is it hatred or love?" Nakamurako said.

"Do you want to retaliate, or die together."

"If you don't see this clearly, you will definitely fail."

"What would happen if Nakamura was you."

"I will raise the white flag, please Katagiri for assault equipment." Nakamura said.

"Should you not talk directly with the prisoner?" Atolia said.

It is "You are very dangerous, but when feelings are passionate, it will become a means of violence."

"Aji prepared a rope and climbing dagger in the package." Lin Xiao said.

"Can you consider this recalcitrant incident as a planned crime."

"Yes." Nakamura said.

"But it can also be considered that Wie was ready to abduct Xiao Nai."

"It's natural to think so."

''Thank you for your Yijian.

Lin Xiao said.

What are you going to do?"Nakamura said.

"I will spend a while with him again." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't be too emotional, it's more important than reputation."

"I know." Lin Xiao said.

"The hostages have been protected, thank you for abiding by the agreement."

"Are 100 million and transportation ready?"

"One hundred million has already been prepared, and transportation needs to apply." Lin Xiao said.

"More time."

"When will the money be ready?"

"need some time."

"I'm asking when you will be ready."

Aji said.

"I have worked very hard here. It takes at least three hours for 100 million yuan." Lin Xiao said.

"Be ready in 2 hours, and I will kill in more than three hours."

"I will try my best." Lin Xiao said.

"It's not as good as possible. It must be here within 2 hours."

'Release another person.'Lin Xiao said.

"If the money is ready, release another person."

"Women can't."

"Men can do too."

"Well, if you do anything, I will kill everyone."

Command the car.

"It's been 2 hours since the victory or defeat, and he promised to let go of someone."

"What do you mean?" Katagiri said.

"That's it." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, only three cards can be played here."

'First, the escaped car, then the money, and finally the tools.'

'After the second card is played, only the last one is left.'

'Of course it is.'Atolia said.

"If there is only one left, both parties will not have the patience to carry out this farce." Lin Xiao said.

"do you understand?"


"Aji said in front of Ah Tian that money is good," Lin Xiao said.

"I think this is his truth."

"But the guy said the money will be ready within 2 hours."

"He has reduced the time limit himself."

"I don't understand what he is going to do."

"Yes." Lin Xiao said.

"It doesn't make any sense to just prepare money."

"Car money, transportation, if you don't have these three things together, you can't escape."

"So that's the case, then what should I do?" Atolia said.

'We must pinch in 2 small market values ​​to discover Aggie's true motivation.'Lin Xiao said.

"Can you solve it if you know the motive?"

"I will try to solve the matter."

"If you don't know."

"Then we must consider assault." Lin Xiao said.

"It's too dangerous to keep talking nonsense here."

"But this is the last card." Atolia said.

"This hasn't been included in the card fingering. If you want to watch the hostage being killed, you can ask now."

"Where are you flying to."

"The negotiation is over, and that guy will never answer the phone."

'Understood, within 2 hours, if there is no result, then instruct Abei to conduct an assault.'

"Well, just do this, Atoria bugs." Lin Xiao said.

"You can use the buggy installed in the car to hear the sound of the show room."

"Recording is in progress, Xiao Li is listening simultaneously."

"If there is information, notify me immediately.,"

"Lin Xiao, one of the guests is Zhongchuan."

'I saw it outside, is Koyama still there?'


"It's really ironic."

'I used to be a subordinate of Koyamada.'

"I know, I have investigated."

"Really, that would be easy. Although I was taught here by my entrusted person, I can't help you yet."

'You don't have to worry about him.'

"Our commander is Katagiri, and our zero department has nothing to do with Koyamada.'Lin Xiao said.

"Then why is that man at the scene?"

"No one called him, that man is too idle for him."


"it is true."

"Understood, so I can assist you." Nakagawa said.

"Then please tell me and entrust you to investigate the content and results."

''The client was Honma, and the investigation was evidence of deception by Sakura and Xiaona.

Let me confirm, will this conversation be recorded?"Nakagawa said.

"It was recorded." Lin Xiao said.

"Can you please stop."

"But recording the conversation is obligatory."

"Sometimes I forget it too." Lin Xiao said.

"The thing Nakagawa cares about is whether the testimony will become the material of the prosecution."

"Yes, the client does not want to use it."

"Atolia turned off the recording." Lin Xiao said.


"Okay, please feel free."

"I think she is deceiving. Sakura called high-income male members to introduce to women. Once the marriage contract is in the city, she will use other women to tempt her.'

"Show them the evidence photos and then ask for money, the method has always been the same."

'Miss Xiao Nai knowingly committed the crime too?'Lin Xiao said.

"What about the evidence?"

"Yes, but I can't show it casually."

'I have a question.'

'The mastermind of the deception is Sakura?"Lin Xiao said.

"No, I think for others in the future, the most important thing is to ensure that men who can cheat money exist."

"So I investigated Sakura's friendship, but she has no connections at all."

'Who do you think the mastermind is.'

"I didn't investigate."


'Because it has been extinct, it is necessary to continue the investigation. The subject of the investigation is the deception of Sakura and Xiaona, because the client ordered a judgment and planting investigation.'

'Who is the woman who tempts Honma?'Lin Xiao said.

"It's a woman named Jin Jin, I think it's probably a pseudonym."

"Is there a picture of her?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, but I can't show it to you."


'But it doesn't matter if Honma shows it, right?'Lin Xiao said.

"That is his freedom."

"But I have no way to show the survey information."

"You are so sensible. Lin Xiao said."

"Are you complimenting me?"


"Anything else to know?" Nakagawa said.

"Not yet." Lin Xiao said.

"Can I stay? I think you are a very good negotiator. Today I don't have a job and I will make up the numbers among the crowd."

"up to you."

"There is one hour left, do you know Aji's motives?" Atolia said, "Do you have a clue?"

"No, not yet."

"Can you trust Honma?"


'So there is a conclusion?"Atolia said: "Knowing about Xiao Nai's marital fraud, Aji became furious."

"This is the whole motivation,"

"But why are they acting now? They only broke up a year ago."

"He is a stalker. After breaking up, I can't forget Xiao Nai. Ahe also said that the stalker is Aji."

"Even so, there are doubts. A man who has been stalking for a year as a stalker, why is he only now."

"Obviously, there is an opportunity to decide why this behavior is only now."

"Lin Xiao, the cash has been delivered."

"The money is ready."

"It's the first time a sword." Atoria said.

"I haven't suffered this kind of experience yet."

"Did Xiao Li hear the sound inside?"

"There was noise, but I heard it

Be quiet, be honest, don't resist, only Aki is ordering."

'Just listen carefully.'

"Katagiri, where is Awa?"

"It should be here soon."

"There are 30 minutes left." Lin Xiao said.

"Hey, is it Katagiri? Koyamada stopped the escort just now."


"Koyamada stopped the escort."

"That bastard."

"How much time is left?"

"There are 15 minutes left."

"It's too late."

"Help me and start delivering cash. No, I will hold him back through negotiations."

'If there are five points, it is enough, then Ahe will leave it to me, and I will bring him over directly.'Katagiri said.

"Five minutes left."

"I see, let's start the negotiation."

'Lin Xiao?'Agie said.

"Are you ready for the money?"

"Not ready, not catching up."

"Not caught up?"

"Don't be nonsense, what's in that box?" Aji said: "It's just a newspaper? Only the money is on it, and the rest is news paper. What are the common methods."

"There are only 70 million in the box, and the remaining 30 million are still being raised."

'You don't need to argue anymore.'Aji:' You didn't keep the promise.'

'and many more.'Lin Xiao said.

"Please, the remaining 30 million can be delivered right away. One hour will do. Just give me one hour."

"I won't wait, the agreement is within 2 hours."

"No, I said I will try my best. The money is ready, and I have not breached the contract."

"Less ecstasy."

'I worked hard, but there was too much money in Henan to prepare. I immediately raised funds, and no one hour was wasted.'

'You didn't make any bad ideas, you want to delay time, right?'

"You must be delaying time for the assault."

"No, don't think about it." Lin Xiao said.

"It's a threat again this time, well, if you are like this, I will take two or three people on the road together."

"No, please listen to me saying that I didn't instruct assault."

"Liar, I can't believe you."

"I will never do things that are dangerous to hostage. Give me a little time and I will make up enough."

'Are you a promise that you can't keep?Want me to believe it?'

"Yes, there is no other way but to make you believe."

'You thought I was going to be fooled. You mouthful nurse is a bully, say, how can you convince me.'

"It's not a question of believing or not, you can raise 100 million in one hour!" Lin Xiao said.