"Okay, I will do it now." Xiao Li said.

"It's almost time, Teak, where do you want the helicopter to land?" Koyamada said.

"Just landed next to the bus." Teak said.

"If the hostages come out, will you strike immediately?"

"I will indicate the timing of the assault. I have already told that there will be no problem."

"Don't use Abei anymore."

"Ahu's actions and home quickly are better than Abei." Teak said.

"What about Lin Xiao, if you know the identity of that guy, the bus will make a big commotion." Gang said.

"Just use him as the final trump card."

"I'm sorry," Xiao Li said.

"What's the matter with you?" Gang said.

"I have something to discuss with you." Xiao Li said.


"Don't use 300 million yuan?" Xiao Li said.

the other side.

"How is the distance?" Abei said.

"In 62 miles, is the wind direction 1 south-southwest, i, move the supervisor's location to the left."

"Can you aim?"

"no problem."

"Mr. Wood, why don't you understand human language?" Ayu said.

"The time to end has arrived."

"It doesn't matter if I don't know, oh, I'm calling."

"what happened?"

"The phone is connected to a miracle."

"I got lost in the sea of ​​trees, so I lost contact."

'Although I don't know what to do.'

"Is Lin Xiao still negotiating?"

"He was involved in time and is now in the late night bus." Ayu said.

"I guess it's not so good."

"Almost calm down," Sato said.


I know, in this case, even if there is no Lin Xiao, the matter will be resolved."

"I think he must be in quite a difficult situation now, Mr. Sato."

"Haha, no problem, it's better than you."

"If there is any information to convey to Lin Xiao, I will convey it for you, Mr. Sato."

"No, I will tell him directly that you give him the map."

'I understand.'


"By the way, can you come out?"

'I will ask it on it.'

"Wood can go back to the original place."

"Is it all right here?" Ayu said.

Inside the bus.

After you went to WC, you've improved a lot."


"Great, I am very worried about you." Ohara said.

"Don't be funny, you liar, you are not worried."

"How can you talk like that? It's also fate for everyone to be in this bus. The more this is the time, the more we need to work together to solve it."

"Don't count me as you like."

"But if there is anything I can do, just say it."

'Leave me alone, I don't want to be taken care of by you.'A Song said.

"I over said just now, sorry."

"Nothing, no way, because it's not an ordinary situation now."

"Did you see Asong's face?"

"What's wrong?"

'He went to WC just now.'

"Come back and look relaxed."

"Is my stomach upset?"

"You're so stupid, maybe it's a terminal illness."


"There will be absolutely no mistakes. Don't have a relationship with him on cDN, trust me."


"I abide by the agreement, please release the four hostages." Teak said.

"Don't be nonsense, give me money first." A Yuan said.

"Yes, the money is ready, I will let the car pass by and get out of the bus." Teak said.

"I know, wait a minute."

"Do you have any instructions?"

"No more, long-winded."

"I talked with Teak on the phone," Katagiri said.

"He never thought of suddenly attacking inside the bus."

Abei said: "Really, what do you plan to do then."'

"He wants to put tear gas on the helicopter. When taking off, the pilot will open the gas tank."

'Attack the prisoner who jumped from the helicopter?'


"It's really mean."

"That's his method."

"I know, I will try my best to provide support."

"Please, I don't want to kill the prisoner."

"I will order not to attack the vital point." Abei said

"You finally came out, the one who spoke with me."

"As for the name, a pseudonym is fine."

'A Yuan.'

"There is only one set of body armor, you really have the courage." Teak said.

"If something happens to us, those who stay in the bus will kill the remaining hostages."

"Women over there, how about you?" Teak said.

"My name is Mochizuki."

'Are you a companion too, with them for money?'

"Yes, any comments." Mochizuki said.

"There are a lot of them, it's too much to be rescued, this time you are going to be a criminal again?" Teak said.

"It's really shameless."

'It has nothing to do with you.'

"Search for you and share it."

'Don't say anything extra, show me the money.'A Yuan said.

"There are three boxes with 100 million yuan in them, you can confirm them," Teak said.

"Okay, no problem, all in the helicopter."

"Mochizuki, you don't want 100 million yuan."

"There are three prisoners. If they are evenly distributed, they can get 100 million."

"Long-winded." A Yuan said.

"Mochizuki has done a good job and can get a hospital, or is it actually more than three people."

'I don't have time to play with you.'Mochizuki said.

"Mochizuki, why do you need money?" Teak said.

"Everyone looks here, they all look here." A Yuan said.

"Now it's time to let people go. Here are 6 people who are released on the plane with four people."

"In other words, it is divided into two."

'Originally, the lottery was held for fairness. You can leave the four people sitting here.'

"Wait a minute." Asong said.

"Let me go down."

"Mr. Lin Xiao, please change with me."

"You don't care about swapping with me."

"Please, I want to go down."

"Don't say such selfish words."

"It's not a person who wants to leave."

"I will replace you."

"This person is in poor health, I will replace him." Sudou said.

"Anything in poor health is a lie."

"It's not a lie." Asong said.

"Could it be that you are a laissez-faire companion, so you can't abandon them."

"Your mind is really problematic. If you want to impose an unnecessary charge, I will fight back."

'Are you provoking me?Quite kind.'

"Be honest with me and don't allow you to fight."

"what's your name?"

'A Song?'

"You can get out of the car instead of that man."

"You want to listen to this."


'Lin Xiao, how about you?'

"Then I will go down too."

"Okay, hurry down."

'A Yuan, what's the matter, it's almost time to go down.'

'Here, the agreement has been complied with, and the hostages will be released now.'

"What a waste!" Teak said.

"How about the hostages, let them escape?" Gang said.

"Let them wait until the incident is resolved.",

"It is not better to let them go back, because the unfair detention has caused the commotion to expand. It is not a joke," said A Gang.

"You want to write a report."

"There is that reason, but the most important reason is that there may be their companions hidden in the released hostages."

"What, is that true?" A Gang said.

'It's just that it's possible. Let's focus on the current situation.'

"Do you want to make an inquiry?" A Gang said.

"Yes." Teak said.

"Also ask Lin Xiao, let me come!" A Gang said.

"It's okay, feel free."

'I am teak.'

'I am Ahara, tell the driver that we will get out of the bus in 10 minutes.'A Yuan said.

"Where are you going?"

'I will speak directly to the driver.'A Yuan said.

"It's finally time."

'When they enter the helicopter, they will release tears and attack when they come out.'A Gang said.

"Teak, do you have confidence?"

"No problem, I will do it well," Teak said.

"Ayuan is the leader, and his partner is a man named Hasegawa." Lin Xiao said.

"Add Mochizuki"

"That means there are three prisoners?" Xiao Li said.

"Not only that."

'What do you mean?'

"There are people who give instructions in the slave car." Lin Xiao said.

"They are called chiefs."

"The instructions are to use the phone."

"Not mail." Lin Xiao said.

"If he is not in the car, Liu cannot deliver such precise instructions."

"Because he doesn't want to reveal his identity, did he use email?" Katagiri said.

"I think so."

"Katagiri, where are the released hostages?"

"In the restaurant, Xiao Li went to see it," Katagiri said.

"Being protected, Teak seems to instruct them not to go back."

"In other words, Teak is not a fool anymore." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, but that excellent approach is too tough."

"Does he want to make a surprise attack?"

"No, he will put tear gas in the helicopter, and wait until the prisoner comes out to snipe." Katagiri said.

"It's just talking about soldiers on paper. What should I do if I hit a hostage?" Lin Xiao said.

"Really, Miss Mochizuki, that guy is a new man?" Teak said.

"Get out, otherwise these guys are not saved."

"Look at your surroundings and stop resisting."

"It's useless to say so, show me it."

"Hasegawa wait a minute." Lin Xiao said.

"Hey, what defense are you doing."

'Lin Xiao help me.'

"I can't help it."

"What are you talking about, come and help me."

"Sorry, Mr. Hasegawa, I am the guard."

"What's going on, you spy."

"You lied to me."

"Damn I know. You bastard."

"I am a negotiator." Lin Xiao said.

"Are you regaining consciousness?" Gang said.

"Here it is." Teak said.

"You were slapped in the face because of your body armor."

"Oh, yes."

"How is it now."

'Enough, Lin Xiao is cleaning up the mess.'

'I am disappointed in you, this is a message from Koyamada.'

"Please let me do it to the end." Teak said.

"It's too late teak, I only have one word for you, you are too disappointing." Gang said.

"I can continue, it's not over yet." Teak said.

"I am worried about what happened."

"It should mean I got lost in the sea of ​​trees."

"Then Ziah, before I get lost, I will die forever."

"I'm sorry, my son said Wood Element, didn't you? You got lost and you came back. You are really brave." Xiao Li said.

"What's matter?"

'I'm sorry, you are really brave to say that it is the wood department.'

"Don't you think so?" Xiao Li said.

"Please don't praise me."

'Where are Mochizuki and Hasegawa?'

"All were arrested."

'I still have something to ask the hostages, how long can Katagiri be delayed.'

"You can extend it if you have command authority."

"Without command?"

"It is very difficult to continue to detain them anymore"

"The leader is hidden in the hostage."

"Know who it is?"

"I don't know yet." Lin Xiao said.

"I will explain to Koyamada." Katagiri said.

"It's not necessary, Lin Xiao is your credit for catching the prisoner," Koyama Tian said.

"I haven't done anything yet." Lin Xiao said.

"No, it's only because you send information from the bus. Teak is not a big deal at all. As expected, you are the trump card." Koyamada said.

"This is relatively meaningless." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't be so hostile, good reputation method, because it's named."

"I reluctantly agreed because you were in the bus."

"Really?" Atolia said.

"Of course it is."

"Leave the negotiation of love to you."

"How can it be done? Of course it depends on you to wake up. Teak is only a temporary worker."

"Liar," Atolia said.

"What did you say?"


"I will command Lin Xiao, and that's it for negotiation," Katagiri said.

"Of course, no problem."

"That's the way it depends on you for the negotiation, so please, Lin Xiao." Xiaosha, you said.

"What kind of wind is this blowing?" Atolia said.

"If you drag on like this, Yamada's face will be bad." Katagiri said.

"The speed of his transformation is amazing."

"Speaking of Nakamura?" Lin Xiao said.

"He is searching for information."

"The situation of all passengers."

'I ask him to do what he can.'

"In order to find their leader, Nakamura's power is necessary."

"Rather than talking about this, let's talk about how to rescue the hostages."

"Of course." Lin Xiao said.

"What will happen next?"

'Who knows, there are two more in the bus.'A novel.

"However, I think Lin Xiao can solve it."

"It's really rare. I didn't expect Xiao Xiao you to believe in others so much."

"Don't you always say that the negotiator is a lie, that guy named Lin Xiao is very powerful."

''He can be trusted.

'So respect him?'

"What's the matter, Lin Xiao. Please."

"As long as I can do anything."

"Oh, I see, the people of'Samurai' Yamamoto saw Uemura still in a coma, and then, what do you ask?"

A novel: "I understand, leave it to me."

'what happened.'Yamamoto said.

"Go ask Mochizuki and Hasegawa who were caught."

'Leave the scene?'


"Leave the next thing to Lin Xiao."

"Calling," Atolia said.

"I am Lin Xiao."

"Mr. Lin Xiao, you fooled us so badly."

"What would it be like if I were a master negotiator."

"how could I know."

"I don't know if it's because you can't judge by yourself. As long as you make a decision, call the leader. You can negotiate with someone else," Lin Xiao said.

"Your leader!"

"Damn, the bastard Lin Xiao actually said betrayal,"

"He didn't betray and assisted us without an umbrella."

''But I believe him.

Leave everything to you? You are my fault, take it out immediately."

'How to do?'

"Leave it to me." Sudou said.

"Do you remember me?"

"I will negotiate."

"Really, you are the undercover of this matter, let me tell you,"

"An additional 200 million yuan."

"I'm very greedy. Give it to me right away."

"What if I can't?"

"I will kill the hostages."

''If you kill, there will be no hostages."

"This is not addition and subtraction. Protecting hostages is the most important thing, right?"

"How long does it take for 200 million yuan?" Suto said.

"Three hours." Lin Xiao said.

"I forgot to use US dollars."


"That will take 4 hours."

'Just to 9 o'clock?'

"It's not too late."

"I will work hard."

"I want results, and it must be done at 9 o'clock." Suto said.

"I'm hungry, ready to sleep and food and beer."

"I can't give you wine."

'I am thirsty now, the girl just now.'

"that's it."

"This is your rice ball."

"I accept."

'Don't worry about eating together.'

'Don't say that, you want to drink it.'

"I didn't put anything." Atolia said.

"I am very suspicious."

"Not bad."

"Excuse me, am I a hostage?"

"Do you have a weapon?"

"No," Atolia said.

"If you lie, I will let you die." Sudou said.

"What's the situation?" Katagiri said.

"Atoria said she would go, but Katagiri's method would not work."

'Don't force it.'

'What about 200 million yuan?'

"It seems she wants to escape outside."

"The distance is the same everywhere."

'I will try, but the helicopter cannot take off.'

"Do you have a way?" Katagiri said.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

'No way, silly girl.'Sudo said.


"I promise you hehe."

'Enough is enough, right?'A Yuan said.

"Nothing strange, right?"

"strange things?"

"It's okay, go back to your seat" Ayuan said.