"Oh, these thieves are so rude, they all ran into it," Atolia said.

"Wow, hahaha, this ship is under our control. Brothers, this is said to be full of gold. Give me a thorough search."

"Hehe, even Atoria can fool you."

"I want to say you are too stupid, or praise you?" Lin Xiao said.

"Who is talking." said the pirate.

'How could a simple merchant ship in such a shallow Chishui area be full of gold and silver treasures? You group of pirates are too mindless.'


"Money is very important, where is it possible to transport it by boat."

"Smelly boy, don't hide your head and show your tail, get out, let's come out and have a look if we have the courage to tell."

"Boss, up there."

"If you want to ask the name, please listen to me, because this is the guy who sent you to jail." Lin Xiao said.

"You are the boss said to pay attention to adventure hunters, I heard that you have to deal with our commission!" said the pirate.

"The answer is correct, it is the entrustment that will hold you."

'You don't have to be beaten if you can catch it.'Lin Xiao said.

"Wow haha, just rely on you two?"

"A spearhead kid and a useless maid are so ridiculous."

"Oh, if that's the case, it's really unlucky for you, Atolia will knock them down."


Solved this group of meat after a fight

"Well, these pirates have already told the guild's people to help consign them back." Xiaosha said.

"Hehe didn't expect a pirate to be worth so much bounty, Xiao Sha really helped us earn a lot." Attoriya said.

"Lin Xiao can settle the rent we signed for these two dog months."

"Do you need to be happy about this kind of thing? Don't forget that you still have money for food, equipment, and utilities." Lin Xiao said.

"Thinking about everything in a good place, at least one worry is missing." Atolia said.

"Why you can always be so happy." Lin Xiao said.

"Relax, as long as you complete the task, I believe Hande will not treat you badly."

"In any case, it is the entrustment of Lord Lord. I can guarantee that the reward will be generous."

"Tali drew 30%, no matter how generous the bonus points are, there is only a little bit." Lin Xiao said.

"And our opponent this time is the notorious summoner."

"I wouldn't want to take the risk if the guild hadn't forced us to take on this task, maybe I would die."Lin Xiao said.

"I miss the task of helping the rich to catch cats that escaped, and helping strange little girls find puppies."

"Throw the sieve and do it while lying down. Rather than defeating the pirates with a life-and-death fight, they will grab their pirate ship."

"Then pretend to be a pirate and mix in with the final result of Chairman Aye and their leader summoner. This kind of complicated, difficult and life-threatening task is simple and guaranteed."

"When my fate is over, there is nothing left."

"But Sister Xiao Sha mentioned that she would pay us, but it's more than we have to pick up 100 cats and 100 dogs."

"In terms of throwing revenge, I think it's worth it," Atolia said.

"Come on, if you move about what is the return on investment, you won't go to Tali, but you have signed that kind of contract."


"It's okay, hey, I have no choice but to apply for a job when I get on the thief ship." Lin Xiao said.

"Now we are really on the thief ship." Xiao Sha said.

"This ship has been repaired. Just lift the sight and you can set off."

"Really, that's great, Xiaobi is much cuter than Xiaosha." Lin Xiao said.

"My sister and I are responsible for different parts."

"What do you want to do again?"

"I want to rest, it's really hard for you." Lin Xiao said.

"Although Xiaobi is much more reliable, why do you always find it stressful to talk to her?"

"That's because you don't know her at all, so you feel a lot of pressure." Xiaosha said.

'Eavesdropping is bad behavior.'Lin Xiao said.

'Hee hee, elder sister, of course, should pay attention to whether she will be accosted by strangers.'Xiao Sha said.

"Now that this is repaired, it's white, and we'll set off later."

"Well, the time agreed with her is coming soon, just fine."

'Then remember to sort out the new title during the refurbishment, this is the only thing that can be changed.'

"Why don't you look confused, the title is to use the spirit of speech to change and strengthen yourself."

'I understand what you said.'

"It's not that." Xiao Sha said.

"Anyway, remember to prepare it."

'By the way, if the equipment of the Symmetry is still unclear, you can read the Adventure Manual.'

"Just when I was fighting the pirates, I picked up some practical crystals from their mist. I took the opportunity to think about how to distribute Shi Yonghong."

"Then we will go to the pirate base after finishing the preparation." Xiaosha said.


"Get ready to go."

"The base of the target pirate." Xiaobi said.

"Unexpectedly, the speed of this ship is quite fast."

"The pirate ship was originally used to do things. If you are slow, how can you catch up with people?" Lin Xiao said.

"You know pirates well." Xiaosha said.

"Sister Xiaosha, this is common sense." Atolia said.

"Hehe is like this."

''When you arrive, the Black Sea is in front and you can already see it.

Atolia said.

"The sea here is really black"

"Maybe it is because it reflects the black fog above, so it's like this"

"Don’t guess that the color of the sea is not determined by the sky. The Black Sea is indeed black, except for the lack of oxygen in the deep layer of the sea. There are too many dead creatures in the upper layer of the sea, and there are too many dead creatures in the upper sea. The sludge can lead to this situation. Of course, there will be so many dead bodies, and it is also related to the black fog that is entrenched in the sky."

"So that's it." Atolia said.

"You really don't see that knowledgeable."

"Do I think love is a fool."

"Also, this knowledge was taught to us by Zal honestly, how can you still say hi reflection."

Lin Xiao said.

"I have forgotten." Atolia said.

"Anyway, it's black mist, so Haici will look black. It's not wrong. Let's come to the conclusion like this."

"That's right, it's really a simple explanation." Xiaosha said.

"Hey, but because of these dark misty villages, more and more creatures in the sea have turned into monsters."

"Now there are fewer and fewer people who dare to fish here."

"I heard that fishermen saw huge monsters in the Black Sea." Atolia said.

"When will we be able to sail safely in the Black Sea?"

"If you can, the believers in the South and North, Shenyue, and Gaia should not be that big."

'When the black mist that turns creatures into demons dissipates, it should be able to pass through the sea unimpeded.'

"But in our lifetime, is it really possible for these black fog to disperse?" Xiao Sha said.

"However, this village has disadvantages and advantages."

'If there weren't these black mists caused by the lack of people obstructing the north and south, Shenyue would have been fighting with Gaia believers.'

"It makes sense, that is, because of the existence of black fog, the Messiah located in the south by the traffic channel can become a barrier separating the two places, and the actor will not let the war happen."

"Really." Atolia said.

"However, despite that, I still hate these things." Lin Xiao said.

'See the island.'

"Are you there?" Xiao Sha said.

"According to the intelligence, this is the island. The hole formed by natural erosion is really easy to hide."

"The pirates' strongholds are in the cave." Lin Xiao said.

"You must pass to get there."

"In other words, we must now want to suppress the pirates on patrol? Then we can sneak in by suppressing here?"

"However, those pirates are not fuel-efficient lamps, they just have to take into account a sudden attack, so they have set up a rattle that can connect to the cave, and they are ready to sound an alarm when there is a situation, so that another paragraph Fellow state."

Thinking about fighting or fleeing."

'In short, as soon as we go ashore, if the pirates fight, the pirate base camp in the cave knows that there is an intruder.'

"Then what if the summoner escapes."

"He can't escape, they won't know someone is standing by."

"Prepare for such a complete alarm, it will be useful if you have the opportunity to ring the bell."

"It is to prevent so many things, that a lot of money was used." Lin Xiao said.

"Dear friends, how are you gaining this time? It's a big gain if you stop using the combination of words."

"Why are the pirates so cheating lately? A fake news from Xiaosha is so easy to be fooled?" Lin Xiao said.

"Who are you guys, how could you get on this ship? Is it an intruder?"

'Where are our orcs?'

'You will see them soon.'Lin Xiao said.

"Have the third been arrested? Quickly pull Jinling to inform the boss."


"You are too slow." Ahai said.

'Sure enough to be scolded.'Lin Xiao said.

"Who, who are you, what is going on now" said the pirate.

"Let me wait for this person for three hours, how do you plan to compensate me?" Ahai said.

"Let more tasks give you what you think." Lin Xiao said.

"You idiot introduced me to challenging tasks, so let me give me more tasks later."

"Forgot the time at the graduate school, did you promise me?" Ahai said.

"Don't always have such a good memory." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, I will pay you 4% more." Lin Xiao said.

"I'm not Amay."

'I want you to promise me the opportunity to fight against the leaders here.'Ahai said.

"What a joke, the summoner is offering a reward of 6,000 yuan." Lin Xiao said.

"Tell me to let you."

"I just have a chance to fight."

"Then no one will compete with you, no problem."

"It's well established, then the war will begin."

"Who are you guys and what do you want?"

"It's that we are afraid of the sound inside you ringing the bell to notify, so we want Ahai to come here to hide, and then she is responsible for not letting you do this after we debut."

"Okay, if you understand, then you can die clearly." Lin Xiao said.

After a fight.

"It turns out that you are the helper Ahai that Lin Xiao said. You've been looking up for a long time, Flame Shooter."

"That's the title of Ahai." Lin Xiao said.

"Just call me Ahai."

'Ahai, thank you for your help so that we can have plenty of time to come here.'Xiao Sha said.

"That was Lin Xiao's idea, don't thank me."

"Well, but I still have to thank you for your help." Xiao Sha said.

"Found the entrance, below." Xiaobi said.

"How's it going inside?"

"Needs patrol."

"Go together." Lin Xiao said.

"To understanding."

"Be prepared first." Ahai said.

'I always feel that Ahai and Xiaobi will be so serious that the air is cold when they are together.'

"And I don't know why the pressure is so high."

"This is definitely not because of our unfamiliar relationship with them." Atolia said.

"Then I want to prepare and set off now."

"Okay." Lin Xiao said.

"It's so dark, can't you light a candle here?"

"There may be residual biogas in such underground caves, and it is very dangerous to ignite."

"I got used to it all at once," Xiao Sha said.

"Really, I really saw something."

"Keep it down."

"I'm sorry," Atolia said.


It's so gloomy here.

"I always think something strange will come out."

Atolia said.

"There won't be any strange things here," Lin Xiao said.


"Because if there is something strange, why would the pirate dare to use it as a passage?"

'Yes, the pirates all use this person as a secret base, so there will be nothing terrible in it.'

"Huh, so it's important to say that this kind of experienced adventure hunter like ours is very important." Lin Xiao said.

"I feel proud."

"If you boast, raise your tail, single cell." Ahai said.

"what happened?"

"What was your voice just now?"

"Monster, how is it possible."

'Be careful everyone, sister is hiding behind me.'Little Bi said.

"Impossible, logically speaking, there should be no monsters," Lin Xiao said.

"This kind of place may not be judged by common sense." Ahai said.

"It always feels weird."

'Could it be that this is a trap'

"It is impossible for Ami to meet Kiriko if it is true."

"It's because this road didn't go out, it's just that monsters were raised on this road, and that should be the reason." Lin Xiao said.

"Forgot who we are going to arrest?"


"It's very possible that these monsters were summoned by him, so they won't attack the pirates."

"That's it."

'Although I don't want to say that, but your reasoning is wrong.'

'After all, there is no evidence that they are being manipulated. Summoners are possible, but the possibility of traps is very high.'

"It's useless to say these now."

"What's more, we also brought two ordinary people with us, so to consider their safety, we must choose the most correct approach."

'Will actively attack humans, only to be infected by the black mist.'

'And the monster just now has no black mist.'

"Who these guys are not affected by the black mist." Lin Xiao said.

"I can guarantee that they were called out."