"Hehe, why come and see me today?" Klow said.

"Trust me, I definitely didn't make a special trip to see you." Lin Xiao said.

"By the way, Arnold, this is your best friend?"


"You rebel and Uth's son are friends. What kind of routine is this?"

"Oh, hehe, it's just a mistake of the times. As long as you look at the starting point, you can still be friends."

"And Crowe also sees helping me many times in the relationship we have built since childhood."

"Do you want to say that this young man has no scheming or nerves?" Lin Xiao said.

"Arnold, a terrific guy out there," Ajie said.

"Who, isn't it just a small miscellaneous soldier? Liya can drive them away, let me see."


"General Liya, this is the third time that you have denied entry to my subordinates."

"But unfortunately, there are no more than three things. Now please don't force me to use the position given by Your Excellency Uth to make you quit."

"I think we don't need to be so ugly to get along with each other, do you think so, General Liya."

"Ahaha, Lord Warg, what brought you here today." Cloe said.

"Hehe, of course, I came here to catch a few wicked rats that are against us."

"What?" Crowe said.

It is your good friend Arnold and his party members.

"Arnold, who is he?"

"It doesn't matter who he is, what matters is that my men saw him escape into your house."

"Hahaha, I just got here and saw nothing."

"You don't need to see it, just let me come into your house and do a little research."

"Why should I let you."

"It is a big crime for Cloo to hide a felon."

"Those who oppose you so much how much your father hates them, you understand."

"This one"

"So as long as you get out of the way, I can assume that you are just walking around the courtyard, not knowing that prisoners have sneaked in."

"This, me."

"Clo, if I attacked hard, I believe it will be bad for each other, won't I?"

"Moreover, if you get a wanted criminal, you have committed a felony. Don't toast or eat fine wine."

"What should I do, Liya."

"Wager, long time no see." Irene said.


"Hi Irene, hello."

'I was thinking, why is it so noisy here.'

"What's wrong, what happened, what can I do for you?"

"The subordinate is getting drunk and a wanted criminal, and he seems to have slipped in while Lord Crow accidentally, we are going to search."

"Who are you talking about?"


"He was not caught by you last time, but he is also a wanted man."

'Last time he bought my interrogation tube, so he let him escape, so I wanted him.'

"Didn't Wager just come back from an outside mission?" Irene said.


"is it?"

"Yes, the subordinate came back the day before yesterday."

"You just checked on Arnold the day before yesterday?"

"Yes, the night before yesterday, my subordinates found it by accident while checking the time."

"Then you made an appointment with the interrogation tube to make sure she was bought?"


"What about your interrogation control?"

"Already caught."

"You know what case is being pursued recently."

"It is quite easy to confuse trying to sentence without trial and lynching, which is a very bad behavior for us."

"The power granted to ordinary people is not just a trial, isn't it, Wagger Special Staff."

"You can rely on your own judgment to sentence your subordinates to jail without holding any trial.

And I directly think that this person Arnold bought your subordinates and wanted him to bring people to my residence in this way. You are such a powerful official."


"Go back and run a public trial for your interrogation, and wait until you get something that can prove Arnold, and then you are wanted. Don't just mess around just because you have the power to command."

"This subordinate understands."

'Understood, you have to search'

"If you want to search, issue a search warrant. I have no power to stop you, but you don't have that. Please go back.

Irene said.

"Cloria, let me go back."


"Have you taken the team away?" Lin Xiao said.

"Oh my God, that woman is so amazing, she actually scared away the terrible guy who couldn't even scare the Sword Master of Face away."

"That woman is Deputy Prime Minister Irene." Pare said.

"Do you know her?"

'Everyone knows her, she is Usnet's successor.'

"What." Lin Xiao said.

"I was so frightened in a cold sweat, Arnold, I just wanted to betray you at least 5 times." Klow said.

"It's okay, at least you helped me out, and I'm so grateful that I'm going to the ground." Arnold said.

"You guys talk slowly, I'm going up there for nothing."


"By the way, Arnold."

"Next time I will definitely not be able to save you, don't use this as your safe haven." Irene said.

"Oh, it seems I really offended her."

"Is it all right?" Lin Xiao said.

"Clo, your mistress does not welcome me."

"Irene has been working hard recently."

"not in a good mood."

"It may be, but I think the reason is the previous Zal."

'Don't mention it, okay?'

'Lin Xiao, I'm sorry to stay here to rest for one night.'

"His Royal Highness, you will bring Lin Xiao to the tavern to find me tomorrow. I will tell you all the information I have compiled then."

"Well, but shall we just stay here?"

''Of course it's good, friends from far away, let me entertain you."

"It's so full, I want to eat this kind of delicacy for a lifetime."

"You will become a big fat man." Lin Xiao said.

"Hey, it's impossible. People don't have a physique that can't be fat. Thank you I'm still growing up." Amei said.

"This night is so beautiful, Lin Xiao."

"Yeah, because Shenyue is a very advanced place, the streets are filled with luminous things, so the night scene here is indeed beautiful across the continent."

"Lin Xiao really knows how to enjoy. After eating, he will come here to blow the air."

"Ami, too, otherwise why are you here too." Lin Xiao said.

"Me, hahaha, it's because I like to make a wish before going to bed."

"What a strange look, don't you think the stars are dazzling, it is Thor's favorite gold and silver treasure, so if you want to make a lot of money with them, Xu Yuan will definitely get her wish. I think so, so I make a wish every night."

"I thought I finally had the habits of ordinary girls, but I didn't expect it to be related to money."

"What, do you know that ordinary girls and I are not one-by-one? Money should be something everyone likes." Ami said.

"You can't say that." Lin Xiao said.

"What's the reason? Don't say that strange thing when people want to sleep and their brain cells are declining."

"Anyway, just after making a wish, I will go to bed first. Hehe." Ami said.

"Remember to drag the drunk Atolia to the room, thank you." Lin Xiao said.

"Where is Collier, who is still there, who is about to eat Crowe."

"Also let her rest"

"No problem, leave it to me."

"Really a man who is so energetic all the time."

"Is the capital of the deep moon?" Lin Xiao said.

"Why do you sigh when you see Lin Xiao."

"Today's dinner is served with thick tea and light rice."

"It won't be very hearty, so happy everyone eats."

"Ah, that white-haired girl?"

'If you are satisfied with the dishes served, then I have to breathe a sigh of relief, because I owed you a favor last time and I don't know how to entertain it before I can report it.'

"It's the ghost thing, if you didn't show up in time, I'm afraid I would have lost my life." Crowe said.

"Hehe I just completed the task about that matter, and Crowe doesn't care about it." Lin Xiao said.

"How can it be, the savior is the savior, and I must repay this kindness."

"Then if you insist, this beautiful night scene will be regarded as a gift from you."

"Well, isn't this too cheap for me?" Crowe said.

"Cheap is not cheap, my own value ruler in our hearts."

"For me, this is also the financial report that my childhood friends dreamed of."

"Remember the immigration that your father declared many years ago when he took office."

"You mean that, as long as you have the skills, Shenyue will give you land and hope."

"That was the testimony promoted by Father Father in order to recruit talented people, but it got a great response."

"Well, my best friend, their father just received this beautiful dream that he brought, and he left me alone, so if the night scene is judged from this point of view, it is good Hui Yu Da is even better than me, who is left behind.

This represents the night scene of prosperity and prosperity."

"Ah, I'm so sorry, I suddenly felt sad, but I really want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to enjoy the night view."

"Hahaha, as long as you like it." Crowe said.

"My father also likes this night scene very much, because of this, he bought this house specially."


"He often said that this is a beautiful view better than the starry sky, and it is a testament to the victory of mankind over nature. He wants to bring such happiness to everyone in the world."

"But I always think that this kind of light of prosperity will break after burning for a long time. It is only the beauty of an instant. It can never be compared with the eternal starry sky. The guiding force of our people to conquer the sky is only a short-term satisfaction." .

"Maybe it's me, it's a little too romantic, because I honestly sounded that I will always die, and everything will eventually have an end and an end.

So my CIA has always wanted to have something that is eternal like a starry sky, so I don't like the prosperity."

'I'm talking, this kind of prosperity is only for the enjoyment of capable people. For someone like me who can't do everything well, if it weren't for my father, Anhao, a big man, I would have starved to death.'

"Ah, why I just went on, I must have drunk, and then this night scene made us sentimental."

"Hahaha, this is not okay. Tonight is to be happy. Let's go in and have a few more drinks. This time I ask Irene to help us make a drink."

"Tonight will definitely be very happy."

the next day.

"If you want to sneak into the ancient city without being spotted, you can walk through the snowy plains."

"That place is shrouded in strong wind and snow all year round. Pressing things can be our best cover, avoiding guards."

"A heavy snowstorm will freeze to death halfway."

"No, we can let insiders lead the way."

"An insider?"

"It's an expert of a certain sex."

"you could put it that way."

"It's best that that guy doesn't teach Collier too many strange things." Lin Xiao said.

"The one who can take us across the snowfield?"

"Of course it's Ajie, Arnold's best assistant."

"You hadn't said well."

"I must wait for us to ask questions, then answer them, and finally get our publicity." Ami said.

"It shouldn't be too late, let's go while the weather is good," Arnold said.

"The snowfield is in the east of the deep moon, set out."

"To understanding."

"I'm the team leader." Lin Xiao said.

"From here, walk north for about three hours and you can see it."

"Three hours?"

"There are many monsters in this snowy field, but they are all trivial to you adventure hunters."

"I've heard this sentence many times, but it doesn't seem to be the case every time." Lin Xiao said.

"Collier, because only you among us know how to drive this flying boat, so stay here."

"You can't leave the Gemini star here." Lin Xiao said.

"I know you want to save Zal, but it is also very important to stay with this person to guard Zal's Gemini Star."

"Trust us, we will bring Zal."

'Good boy, I believe that Zal will know that Corrier has grown up again when he comes back.'


"I always feel that Lin Xiao's attitude towards Collier is different from other people." Amei said.

"Because Collier is so cute, of course her attitude is different, just like a pet."

"You maid told her master so badly."

"Lin Xiao, you carry this thing. Zal made it with Wind Demon Feather."

"Well, Zal once said that wearing it can fly for a short time."

'Maybe it will be used.'

"Okay, I will take good care of it," Lin Xiao said.

"Then let's go." Atolia said.

"Long walk, and the scenery has always been the same."

"Ami is relatively short, so her steps are small, and the iron ball will naturally look like it."

"Just say that the legs are short, and I can make you die very happy."

"It's so annoying, how long is it going to go? People would rather stay with Collier."

"Beware of the monsters around here."

"Great, my old lady is going to vent!"

"It's great, I feel comfortable physically and mentally after exercise."

"I sympathize with this group of monsters living in the snowy field, who have finally found their prey but were killed by the prey."

"Arnold, look ahead."

"Almost there, the ancient city is below."

"Great, Ami said.

"This man really has a city, is this?"

"This thing comes from Wager."

"That thing?" Lin Xiao said.

"That guy is a person who can't figure out the details. Since he was of course a staff member, a lot of equipment has been eliminated, and even a lot of exaggerations have appeared."

"It's conceivable."

"However, because of the mass production of weapons, many job opportunities have been obtained, so people still support Us."

"This use of employment to whitewash may also be a means."

"So that's it." Lin Xiao said.

"Not only that, he is quite hostile to us."

"It's like the deep blue sea is completely finished in a few weeks."

"You just disband." Lin Xiao said.


"It's nothing."

"That question, how do we sneak in" Lin Xiao said.