"Now you should focus on bringing down Zhuge Liang, rather than distracting from other unnecessary chores."

This person is really keen, and he guessed what I was thinking. I really want to know how lucky Sun Zi and Liu Fang got with alcohol.

Sima Yi, this guy, Chao Zhong didn't have his turn to intervene, which was really bad intentions.

When I was with Changwenzi, we might be able to suppress him, but what about we dead?I hope your Majesty will pay attention to this issue soon.

"Prime Minister, Cao Rui sent an emissary to prohibit leaving the station. It seems that Sima Yi will not fight." Lin Xiao said.

"Sima Yi didn't want to fight from beginning to end, but used Cao Rui's authority to block the words of those soldiers."

"If he really wants to send troops, he will suffer from the foreign ruler's order, so why need to report?"

"This time his methods are much better than last time, maybe he has grown to a point that Liang can't imagine." Zhuge Liang said.

'The prime minister doesn't need to be angry, there must be a way. What you need now is to take care of your body, wait a minute.'

"Lin Xiao, what's the matter?"

"It's okay." Lin Xiao said.

It's strange how the prime minister has been seen near the barracks.

"The first emperor entrusted Liang with his unfinished last wish. Liang always wanted to fulfill his dream of rejuvenating the Han Dynasty.

The five Northern Expeditions were all ineffective, and Liang still couldn't reverse this predicament with all his energy."

"It has been more than a hundred days, and the amount is still trapped in this five-zhang original movement to make up. Is it the destiny that cannot be violated, or the ability of Liang is insufficient, Liang now needs a miracle to twist Zhuanyiqie. Ling, please give Liang a miracle to defeat Sima Yi and march into the Central Plains."

"Now let's discuss the military situation."

"The prime minister takes care of your body." Lin Xiao said.

"It doesn't matter, Sima Yi is now blocking our way out, and Beiyuan has been approved by Guo again, but we still have a chance."

What opportunity, I think there is no chance for the prime minister. I am afraid he will die soon.,

Once the prime minister dies, it's time for me and Wei Yan to showdown.

"The prime minister's business is not good."

"The army Sun Quan assisted in our offensive was repelled under the command of the enemy Man Chong, and Lu Xun, who was on the other way, retreated after hearing the news.

"What, doesn't God leave Liang for the last miracle?"

"The prime minister." Lin Xiao said.

"You know why I waited for the famous Duo Jiangling to call the two of you here alone."

"Although Wei Yan is good at fighting, he has a solitary personality. Although Yang Yi is shrewd and capable but narrow-minded, neither of them can shoulder the future of my big man."

"In the past, I had an accident in Soochow. Master Wu also said that these two people are not just villains. Once they are appointed, they will cause disasters. If you don't deal with it now, it's better to leave it to posterity.

Sun Quan is really rude, how can he criticize it face to face.

"Sun Quan is indeed the master, he seems to know more about the influence of these two people than Liang."

"Next, the two of you will definitely win you over. Liang hopes that you can distinguish right from wrong and make the best choice."

"You two and Gongyan who stayed in the city are the future of the big man." Zhuge Liang said.

"The prime minister takes care of his body, what is still writing at this time."

'Lin Xiao, there are too many things to write in this collection.'

"First of all, this letter to the Holy One must be forwarded to the Holy One afterwards."

"Enough Prime Minister, don't write anymore."

"Please take care of your body, the prime minister." Lin Xiao said.

"Liang knows that he can't pass this level this time, so he wants to write down what he has learned and what he wants to say, ah, you and your hands are becoming less and less obedient."

"Vice Li came to visit the prime minister on the order of the sage."

"It happened to be here. Liang has been waiting for a long time. Liang has lived up to the first emperor's trust. He must be separated from his majesty if he has not achieved his great cause. I hope that the princes of the imperial court can assist them with all their hearts and move forward."

Zhuge Liang said.

"After Liang died, he didn't need to go back to Chengdu, he was buried in Dingjun Mountain."

'Yes, I took it all down.'

"One thing I forgot, I almost missed a big one."

"Yes, the Lord is about to ask."

"After the light is on, Jiang Wan can take on the big responsibility."

"After Jiang Wan, Fei Yi can."

"What happens after Fei Yi?"

Back then, Lv Hou asked Gao Zu about the funeral, and Gao Zu made Xiao He, Cao Can, Undead, Chen Ping, and Zhou Bo after answering Lv. You will not need you for the future.

At that time, it was because Gao Zu could not predict the talents of Queen Lu after her death.

The prime minister is now silent because he doesn't know whether he trusts the CIA after Fei Yi, or thinks that after Fei Yi, we have no talents.

"I found it, and I will go back to Chengdu for my life." Li Fu said.

"How did you become like this, Prime Minister."

"Yang Yi, you are good." Zhuge Liang said.

Why did the prime minister only see Yang Yi?

This is the lesser of the two evils, and instead of risking the long-term censorship and insisting on the Northern Expedition, it is better to let Yang Yi lead the troops to be safer.

"Yang Yi, you will be solely responsible for the affairs of this withdrawal, and will be handed over to Wen Chang and Lin Xiao's defeated army after the break."

Zhuge Liang said: "If Wen Chang is unwilling to break the army, leave him and leave, don't put the army in danger just because of one person."


Haha, the successor in Prime Minister Haha's mind is indeed me, Wei Yan you are dead this time.

"Lin Xiao, take me out while my body can still move."

"I know."

"Liang has already learned twenty-four books of war, and only you can carry forward this."

Zhuge Liang said: "This will pass you the book of war."

"Behind Liang, please take care of his wife and children. Liang owes them too much." Zhuge Liang said.

"Especially Guoer, Liang has never had a good conversation with her about flowers, and even doesn't even know what she is doing."

"Lin Xiao must follow the instructions of the prime minister."

"It seems that before death, there is such a thing as Huiguangfanzhao, when Liang wanted to answer your doubts, is the doubt solved now?"

"Untied, I found my home here, and I also found a goal to fight for." Lin Xiao said.

"Very good, just as Liang said before, Quantum also found his goal here, even now Liang doesn't regret it."

"The revival of the Han Dynasty may be an unrealistic dream, but it is worth following because of the first emperor."

"In fact, Liang's original strategy was completely destroyed when Jingzhou fell. The possibility of the Northern Expedition succeeding is not high."

"But the amount is to bet on the smallest possible star coin, and do what you can to repay the emperor's kindness. Apart from that, there is no other idea."

"Liang is not a magical calculation or omniscience, in fact, Liang is just a fool who knows and cannot do it." Zhuge Liang said.

"The Prime Minister, you are definitely not such a person in my heart, even if it is impossible to achieve, but the Prime Minister you have tried it and you have a clear conscience." Lin Xiao said.

"Perhaps it is, but in the end, Liang still couldn't fulfill his dream of recovering the Central Plains." Zhuge Liang said.

"The Prime Minister, please don't blame yourself, you are not at all wrong."

"If there was no Northern Expedition, the powerful Cao Wei would attack our weak Han Dynasty."

"It was because of the prime minister's offense that the enemy could not let go of a fight. The last time Hanzhong was able to repel Cao Zhen. This is a perfect strategy for offense as defense."

"Liang really didn't consider this. These are side effects. Some people even think that Liang's Northern Expedition is used to stabilize the interior, but they don't know that if the interior is disturbed, sending troops rashly is just self-defeating."

"Yuan Shao's example is right in front of him. How can Liang be such a fool? For the Northern Expedition, Liang didn't know that it took a lot of effort to find the inside to stabilize."

"Liang asks you, do you also want to command the Northern Expedition with full authority."

"Yes, I am willing to lead the army in the Northern Expedition in order to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty and repay the prime minister's kindness."

"Liang is very pleased that you have such ambitions, but you should also know how difficult this road is."

"Understand," Lin Xiao said.

"Relying on the death of the first emperor, Liangguang is enough to reduce the opposition from the bottom by half, and Zilong, Director Chen and others are unconditionally willing to assist Liang."

Zhuge Liang said.

"However, Liang can't do this for you, because Liang still wants to keep his duty as a minister, otherwise he will have no doubt with Cao Cao."

'So in the future, if you really command the troops in the rear who want to pull you down, there must be thousands of people, and even your majesty may not trust you.'

"Even in the face of great danger, Lai Xia is still willing to make a contribution to the big man." Lin Xiao said.

"Even if it is misunderstood or resentment, Lin Xiao has already realized."

"This stupid energy was passed to Liang by Emperor Xian 20 years ago, but he didn't expect it to be passed to Lin Xiao now, haha."

'Ok?What does it feel like.'

"Why, it is obviously Yongzhou here, why is there Jingzhou wind?"

"Why did Liang appear in the Nanyang Hut."

"Kong Ming, what I said just now is really wonderful." Liu Bei said.

"Xiandi, why are you here."

"Haha, Kong Min, you made a big joke. Although I liked playing emperor games when I was a kid, I didn't say that I really wanted to be the emperor." Liu Bei said.

"I'm sorry, Liang might have oversight for a while."

"According to the defense of Jingzhou, Yizhou, and Sun Quan to fight against Cao, waiting for the opportunity to expedite the Northern Expedition to achieve the great cause of the great ancestor, what a lofty goal is this."

"General, you are really willing to accept such opinions. In fact, Liang should know your situation, General, and should not talk about these vague theories."

"Why not, Bei likes this dream, how can there be any rules that a guest under the fence can't dream?"

"The reason why the world is disturbed is that no one wants to dream, just looking at the things in front of them and losing themselves."

"Be prepared to become a dreamer, and to pull everyone to dream together, of course you are no exception."

"Would you like to come to my side to dream with Yun Chang, Yide, Zilong and a group of brothers?" Liu Bei said.

That's right, let Liang follow a dream for more than 20 years.

Although the process is a bit hard, there is always happiness. I wonder if Liang is honored?

"The prime minister..."

"How will you be here."

"I'll show up when the lord needs it, and I'll just die. I actually want to cry until I can't shed tears.

But this recycling has more important things waiting to be done."Zhuge Guo: "In order to swear allegiance to the object, just like you, you say yes, father."

"Father? Are you the one?" Lin Xiao said.

"Just now the Wen Chang barracks came back, the Wen Chang side can no longer count on it."

"Everything was in my expectation. Bastard Ang couldn't have been ordered to serve as the queen."

'According to the original plan, let Lin Xiao Palace, and the others began to retreat.'

Can Lin Xiao alone be able to hold it? And the fierce commander who was sent all in the front did not come back. Could it be that they left them somewhere?

"It goes without saying that tens of thousands of people and thousands of people have chosen them. If they stay in place and wait for the enemy to surround them, then they will be disappointed."

"By the way, I saw Ma Dai not long ago, how about others now?"

'He has a special task now.'

"Special mission?"

In order to achieve the purpose of revenge, Ma Dai has now become the best minion.

"Isn't this the prime minister's daughter?"

"It's been a long time, Ma Di." Zhuge Guo; "Because the lord who is in trouble to give up drinking, I came here."

"Lord?" Liu Yin said.

"What does it mean."

"I call you to announce a bitter news when you come. The prime minister has passed away just now."

'What Prime Minister him.'

"The superstar has fallen, what will happen to our big guys and the losing army," Liu Yin said.

"In addition to the award, the only person I respect is the prime minister."

"The prime minister treats our brother like his own son, I can't believe it is true."

"In the past, I thought my father would not die, but he went to practice first. Later I thought that the prime minister could live a hundred years, but I didn't expect the prime minister to follow suit."

"Prime Minister, why is this happening."

''I have never seen Ning Sui cry so miserably.

"I understand that Cheng is more important to him than his parents."

"It's just that everyone is in chaos now, if the retreating recovery encounters Cao thief chasing, it will be over."

"The urgent task now is not to grieve in place, but to help myself and everyone retreat." Lin Xiao said.

"The lord said that I am officially here to save the lord and everyone."

This woman is really unpleasant, why is there no expression of grief when her relatives pass away.

"It is not difficult for Yang Yi and others to retreat, at least Sima Yi has not discovered our army's actions so quickly." Zhuge Guo said.

'But my military queen army will definitely be pursued by Sima Yi and cannot retreat one step.'

"General Wei Yan will also follow us to fight together. There should be no problem. Wei Yan will definitely leave if he refuses to accept Yang Yi's command. His troops cannot count on it."

Zhuge Guo said.

"So our losing army is now in a very dangerous situation."

"Yes, the only way is to get Sima Yi to retreat."

"How is it possible that the prey in hand can give up."

'What if the other party thinks this is a trap?'Zhuge Guo said.

'Please make the plan.'

"What the hell is it."


"It is said that the prime minister advances has a stronger ability than the prime minister's roots, but he has been hiding at home only with a strange personality. I am really curious about how Lin Xiao impresses her."

Ning Sui said.

"This battle is not trivial, everyone insists on saying the last."

"Finally waited."

"You didn't realize that the Shu army was advancing and retreating all the time. People like Zhuge Liang are dead. He worked so hard."

"I often lose to you on the battlefield of Zhuge Liang, and now I can finally win. Everyone seizes this opportunity to give the Shu people a heavy blow."

"Chong," Sima Yi said.