"Then we will say goodbye." Rector said.

"Oh, I will also go to the library to find some materials." The venue said, "I feel anxious when I think about acting."

"So, but please don't force yourself too much."

"The venue has always tried too hard since before. I think it's better to relax a little bit." Miriam said.

"Ahaha, I will be Amoi."

"Then both of you, let me go first, and you can contact me by communication if you have anything." Tova said.

"Ahaha, it's great to be able to work in the same place as the president, but she still seems to be asked a lot of things, it feels very hard." Miria said.

"Haha, I also often receive her help, hoping to repay her well." Lin Xiao said.

"Speaking of which, what do you want to do, take you around the branch campus and nearby streets?"

"Well, please, let's go." Miria said.

"Hehe, the white rabbit from the Intelligence Bureau?"

"It seems that you also went to the main school with Lin Xiao."

"By the way, this is the gold gap itself, more beautiful than I thought."

"Hehe, this is really glorious."

"Miriam, don't talk nonsense."

"Hehe, the relationship between classmates is more important than anything else." Ophelia said: "Although the time may not be long, you can enjoy yourself in this branch school."

"I don't have any special restrictions."

"Yeah, thank you."

"But compared with the black rabbit, the personality is really Zen."

"I've decided Kuhl, I want to form a club with you."

'I have no problem, but do you have experience?'

"The teacher said I was a layman, but I was very interested."

"That's how it is, so after returning to the dormitory, I will try the next round."

"Just to my liking."

"I must learn your words and deeds that are welcome, and secret secrets that make people enviable."

"what are you talking about"

"Haha, no matter what the reason, it can be determined that the club is really filled out."

"Although I don't quite understand what he meant, there is another like-minded person."

"In short, it seems that we can start club activities."

"Ah, isn't this Lin Xiao?"

"My Miss Ting said, it has already started."

"I was injured because you don't know the boss in the deck."

"I know all the beauties in the town. If you have time, you can fight with me. I become more proud and let you see the handsome side."

"Kerry, you haven't learned sword."


'Everyone has something they are good at.'

"That's more masculine and handsome, isn't it?"

"It is understandable, but your meaning is still too one-sided."

"I understand that I am forcing but I can't give up, but forget it, I will use other things to temper my masculinity."

"Then you have to come on." Lin Xiao said.

It’s "This kind of rushing feeling reminds me of when I used to help grandpa and grandma."

She seemed to be busy, but did not see the doctor.

"Ah, if Lin Xiao is working at Gongfang, please feel free to speak up." Titan said.

"Although it seems to be very busy, it is actually empty."

"Thank you." Lin Xiao said.

"It seems that the doctor is out, no wonder no sound is heard."

"It turns out that the riding god hears the doctor scolding people every day." Lin Xiao said.

"But it's been a long time." Miria said, "And you have become fluent in speaking."

"Hehe, which quasi-starter are you? It's great to see you so energetic."

"Well, what's the matter here."

"This is where the dormitory baths in hot springs." Lin Xiao said.

"It's great to have this kind of thing, I want to go in and see it too."

"Although it may be possible to let Leiduo go back to soak for a while," Lin Xiao said.

"Fill it in, then we'll be together," Miria said.

'No, there are points here.'Lin Xiao said.

"Haha got it."

"Hehe, both of you can start the club activities smoothly, it's really filled out,"


"Although it's only the pressure of the classmates to come together, this makes me a little uneasy, but I will work hard."

"Hehe I will support you, having said that, would you also look at genre works?"


After this, in order to perform the task, Lin Xiao and Attoria came to London.

"Wow, what's the matter with this fog, people don't have the strength, and something has been chasing me since just now."


Lin Xiao woke up from his dream.

"Good morning, senior, your face doesn't seem so good." Attoria said.

"I have insomnia. It's not easy to take advantage of being here. Rest more. Rest is not part of the battle."

"Nothing." Lin Xiao said: "I have a nightmare."

'What kind of dream is it, maybe.'

"No reply," Lin Xiao said.

"That's good. Have you had breakfast already?"

"Good morning, everyone, you are here at the right time, I just got ready."

"Let me talk about the last intelligence first."

"Tell me about your observations of the age of King Solomon, who is said to be able to use the summoning technique of the seventy-two demon gods."

Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, as far as the conclusion is concerned, the time of King Solomon was particularly troublesome, but no abnormalities were found, that is to say."

"It's a pity, but that's the fact. The group of guys who claim to be the Seventy-Two Demon God has nothing to do with King Solomon."

"If they invested in the Seventy-two Demon Gods, we would definitely find clues."

"But there have been no traces of the envoy dispatched, and even King Solomon's still drops without any abnormalities, which means that his time is already the correct human history."

"So Leif and the Seventy-Two Demon Gods came from another era. King Solomon has nothing to do with them, though."

Attoria: "It's a different matter if King Solomon was a servant who was enlisted by someone, right?"

"Nothing. Just like the Knights of the Round Table, Solomon has to summon him to be an envoy."

"In this way, even the seventy-two demons can be manipulated."

"The prerequisite for publicizing more such speculations is that the envoy named Seventy-two Zhu Devil God does exist."

"And I don't think that Solomon Net is doing this kind of help."

'Not in his lifetime.'Lin Xiao said.

'But to become an envoy.'

"Yes, as long as the master gives orders, there is no way to defy"

"Solomon will not be summoned by that kind of meeting person, and it is not Fuyuki's Holy Grail War."

"This call is only established after the Master and the Heroic Spirit reach a consensus."

"This is because I also came after Unification. The guy at the time was a very trustworthy person."

"I also think she is very good. I was the number three memorable before Shupup."

"Where is number one?" Lin Xiao said.

"Number two is Atoria, number one is not clear." The doctor said.

"No. 1 and No. 2 are considered classified information, probably only the former director knows the details."

"The hero who saved me is No. 2, but I don't know the real name and ability." Attoria said.

"The information on No. 1 is very strict. Now that Hui County is up, the death of the former director is not an accident, but a murder."

The doctor said: "It's very likely that you called the number one, not the former director who killed the former director in response to Leif who was left with the unpleasantness of the calling system."

"But I think Yingga No. 1 is a failure. After all, No. 2 Hideo in Attoria's body is not complete."

"Garydi's call of the heroic spirit was not considered safe until after I appeared."

"It's actually worth recalling whether the first ha came from, after all, the foundation of fate only began on the second."

"Lin Xiao, the collar shift is about to start, can you make equipment first?"

"I'll leave first."

"Well, in short, there are four peculiarities. The black hand behind the scenes is likely to be hidden in one of the eras." The doctor said.

"After all, there are no abnormalities in other eras, as long as they are eliminated one by one, you will definitely encounter abnormal points.

Then I will explain in detail that the next place is to record orders. This is because of the distance. That is, the development of civilization has taken a turn, and it is the three industrial revolutions."

"From the point of view of consumer civilization, at what period is the history of mankind gaining the foundation for the modernization."

"And the specific purpose of your soul transfer is to be a glamorous person in Britain."

"This time the goal is to be lazy, as well as the surrounding areas. If you are tired, you can take a carriage and bibliography, but only if you can use it."

"Any place that will be burnt down soon is to completely eliminate you to prevent this from happening." The doctor said.

"I hope you can find the Holy Grail to fix the fourth singularity."

"do you understand?"

"Okay." Lin Xiao said.

"The capital of things, I want to see if I can ID, if I can meet Sherlock Holmes, I want a Qi Amin."

"Doctor, we are not going to travel, plus the fictional character of Holmes." Lin Xiao said.

""I'm afraid it's hard to get an autograph. I'm sorry you should give up."

"Are you also a fan of Sherlock Holmes? That's great, the best advisory detective in the world, gray brain cells."

"That's where Agatha's work appeared."

"Then let's get back to business, are we all ready? The world has not been burnt down, we must regain the future."

"Okay." Lin Xiao said.

"The collar transfer was successful. Is it because the vision seems to be obstructed, fog, or smoke? The sky is the same aperture as before, however."

"Even the aperture is not clear due to fog or smoke." Lin Xiao said.

"Weapons that cover the entire sky. This situation is not uncommon in this period, but it is not ordinary. It is a kind of magic."

"It's too exaggerated, this fight becomes magic, and magic becomes a kind."

"How is your physical condition."

"I have no problem." Attoria said.

"How about senior?"

"I'm fine." Lin Xiao said.

"You have no abnormalities, right, but the measured values ​​of vital signs have not changed much."

"It's a bit surprising. The observation result of the fog has come out. I can say that it is harmful to living things.

Ordinary humans become life-threatening once inhaled overdose."

"It's a different matter if it is patience to buy magic for some reason, or something else."

"So Matthew is fine, but the Knights of the Round Table will not be safe."


"Maybe it was the blessing brought by the heroic spirit of Attoria." Lin Xiao said.

"It may be because the fused followers have strong resistance to toxins or powerful blessing skills."

"And this kind of asylum has also been entrusted to the master, probably because of this reason, you have nothing to do."

"Although you and I are happy to be able to help seniors, it sounds strange to call it a skill."

"Oh, after all, Lin Xiao's human being, let's call it the anti-drug skill."

"All in all, the situation is very dangerous now, a dead city surrounded by magic fog."

"What's the situation around you, have you found any victims?" the doctor said.

"There is no doctor, there is not a single figure, it is 2 o'clock in the afternoon, but let alone a carriage, there is not even a pedestrian."

"Neither did I see that there were no victims alone."

Lin Xiao said: "It's almost like an empty city. In addition, where it can be confirmed, all surrounding buildings have their doors and windows closed."

"In contrast, it is here that all the victims are taking refuge."

"I have confirmed here that there are some survivors, but no one can come out."

"That's right, as long as I even find the Holy Grail and damage it, it can be repaired, so if you don't hang it, everyone and others can repair it."

"As long as we solve this matter, we will add it." Lin Xiao said.

"You are really kind of IG."

"Is there something wrong with me, shouldn't I lose my words."

"Wait a moment for a reaction from living organisms."

"Who are you guys,"

"We are."

"You can breathe here. You are not ordinary people. Are you an enemy or someone."

'I want to say something.'

"But it's not an ordinary person to see him raising you."

"The things in western Zhejiang are troublesome. We don't know who she is, but it's a hero or something else. There is a massage room. The situation is different from what we expected."

"This is the first time I have seen this kind of thing, and it is richer than the legend."

"Doctor don't be too nervous."

"What are you doing secretly, I have nothing to do with you."

"Father is very troublesome, I'm leaving."

"Goodbye," Lin Xiao said.

"She was married and left alone."

"While we are still discussing."

"Listening to his words seems to know Nie Mu, perhaps better than us."

"I also suggested that."

"Doctor, what should I do now." Lin Xiao said.

"Catch up with her."

"What is this, I heard the sound."

"Many Soochows are approaching, this battle will hinder your situation."

"Please pay attention." Lin Xiao said.

"Successful breakthrough does not need to be encircled and can move." Attoria said.

"It's strange and weird."

"Those enemies are very strange, they are like auto dolls." Lin Xiao said.

No matter what the enemy is, all we have to do is to defeat it.

After knocking down these dolls, I finally met the man behind the scenes, a guy named Jack.

After some fighting, Lin Xiao finally defeated her and returned to the academy.