Finally, after some hard work, Lin Xiao and others defeated Lei Di and embarked on a new adventure.

"Imaginary diving is going well at the moment. Now please enjoy your travel in the sea of ​​time."

"The distance of one movement is 150 kilometers. Since the output is now reduced, it will take about an hour."

"Oh, where is this extremely disturbed face?"

'Although it's only the second time, I should be used to this formation. I'm right, Aggie.'Lin Xiao said.

Aji said, "Oh, is there something to do with me? Is it a temporary refreshment time?"

"you think too much."

"Hmph, I didn't think about anything, just immersed in trivial, boring sentimentality."

"Really, I have defeated the servant who destroyed the Chaldeans. Why is it not happy at all."

"My personal team, although they are all people with bad morals, are very capable of doing things. After solving all this, they must pay their insurance money, even though I have no money now." Aji said.

"But this kind of movement is really unusual. I am a land man and don't like the sea, although I am even willing to achieve it for the sake of humans."

Aji said: "But I don't think you will get used to this forever, even though the feeling of seasickness has already adapted.'

"Well, I don't feel seasick, but I don't feel well. Aggie has a phobia?"

"It's not such a problem, I mean you can't get used to this situation." Aji said.

"Very well, the so-called habitual danger means that safety will be ignored."

"Neglect, betrayal, bankruptcy, the victory will be cancelled after judgment, this kind of retribution is caused by carelessness and conceit."

"Just because I succeeded once, I think it will go well again and again. How can I be so optimistic."

"I'm talking about it, even though it can actually prove the imaginary space, it is indeed a great achievement, but to be honest, there is still a feeling of demonstrating ghosts."

"Right." Lin Xiao said.

"I believe that I won't achieve a car that I can't control, but now I have to do this. The imaginary space is rare.

Only a few magicians possess attributes."

"And I would drift in it, and when I think of it, it feels like a dizzy feeling." Aji said.

"If you can describe it this way, it means that you don't actually feel dizzy. Aggie has such courage."

"The reason you are upset is because you are a pure magician, and the front desk staff are all magic and science."

"It is precisely because you are familiar with this field that you will regard the benefits and dangers of imaginary numbers as they have been." Holmes said.

"Even so, you can still work hard to stay calm. You really have extraordinary abilities, not tenacity."

"Compared with the experience of being at the bottom, are you accustomed to the so-called crisis?"

"I am used to being a ghost, who would be like this? I have never sprinted to the finish line as the last one."

"As the last one to sprint to the finish line, Aji used a very strange description."

"Of course it looks like me, and the use of metaphors is naturally unique."

"Holmes was complimenting you just now." Lin Xiao said.

"Is that so? The real heroes are some weird guys." Aji said.

"Crystal consultant, if you show up as a magician, I will find it easy to communicate."

"Haha, this is impossible, I am me, even if the spiritual base is different, it will look like this."

"In fact, when Lin Xiao met, I showed up as a magician."

"There is not much difference between me as a follower and the Chaldean formally contracted." Holmes said.

"am I right."

"You are right to say that. In my opinion, Holmes will never change."

"Is that right?"

"Speaking of which, what's next."

'After Aji sneaked in, did we hold a combat meeting here?'The school girl said.

"He has passed out." Lin Xiao said.

"I'm very sorry, we didn't notice that you opened your eyes and dizzy."

'What about this young man, Lin Xiao, you go to sleep frequently, and it is said that you can sleep standing up.'

"Yes, this is a very powerful magic." Lin Xiao said.

"It's true, it's really a skill. Does this place really matter?"

Aji said.

"Close to the subject, I should be in a trance like me."

"The battle plan is about to begin."

"That's it, sorry Liang"

"But we need to eat."

"Da Vinci, this is Aggie's wish, now let's talk about the situation."

"Okay, since it's a wish, let's rinse it out and simply confirm the future arrangements."

"We are now breaking into the wall of the storm near the entrance where we are now."

"Follow this direction in the northern part of Europe, and once in the south."

"Even though the distance is only 10 skills, we have nothing to do with Northern Europe"

"Just dealing with coordinate errors requires all-out efforts, so my martial arts watch whether there are enemies on it."

"I hope you will have this mental preparation, and this ascent may be stronger than last time."

"That is to say, every time you enter a new world, you have to rise again. It's a showdown." Aji said.

"I'm confirming once, can't you ignore the Nordic Anomaly Belt and go directly across the peninsula to the North Sea like this?"

"You need conditions to float in the anomaly zone, so I don't think it is necessary to force it."

"Even if you don't know the coordinates of the hesitation sea, just move to the vicinity of the North Sea first."

"I can understand your mood, but it is impossible. Now we are barely moving against the boundary between the real space and the imaginary space."

"In other words, you can see the real space from the imaginary space. Otherwise, you can't float without predestined conditions."

"Also in this state, Li Xiaohao will be affected by the distance of real space." Da Vinci said.

'This is of course, after all, we are moving along reality.'

"With the current sneak, it is impossible to sneak with an imaginary number of more than 300 skills near the boundary without charging."

"In any case, we need to float here once and have to supply it." Lin Xiao said.

"That's it, imaginary numbers sneak in, seemingly convenient, but actually very inconvenient."

"That's right, if you want to sneak as you want and float up to where you want to go."

"With the current situation, we can't do anything we enter."

"Oh, apologizing is no good, so quickly go across Northern Europe to the hesitation sea."

"The time difference with the surface is about ten days. As long as the storm has passed, it will immediately rise."

"It's the same as at that time, is there that big tree in Northern Europe?"

"After all, it has been consolidated before entering the storm. I can see it with the naked eye. Add the words of the fantasy tree near the floating point."

"We will be forced to choose. Anyway, after we enter, it is basically land."

"I hope you can stabilize your emotions so that you can cope with any situation."

"The fantasy tree collapsed for unknown reasons."

"Good food has returned."

"Something is approaching."

"A bunch of things are observed approaching."

"A moving object with a fixed wavelength responds. In addition to this, there are other things moving."

"Wait, what else will exist in the imaginary space?"

"Yes, there shouldn't be any objects except that imaginary numbers are new, but there are exceptions."

"That is us now, using high-tech magic to enter here, that is to say."

"There are other guys like us?" Lin Xiao said.

"If it exists, it must be a technology beyond us, although I would like to say that there is no such possibility."

"Da Vinci, have you confirmed?"

"Sorry, I have tried my best to observe the surface, so there is no extra situation to look around."

"But there is something weird. It has been very smooth since just now."

"There must be something nearby, but I don't know the person's true face."

"Sneaking also has magical spirituality radar, but it is completely unclear by these."

"I don't know that there will be life here, maybe it's wave propagation."


"Is the enemy coming?"

"Who said that the tree is used to it."

"It's a monster or a follower with an imaginary diving effort, no matter where they are, it's nothing strange." Aji said.

"Calm down. There is a possibility. He said I couldn't do it on my birthday, but Gao Yang could move freely."

"Although I think she is unlikely to use the same methods as us, she may also have some kind of dimensional movement."

"I said it earlier, let's think about that Lei Di, the guys who live in the anomaly zone are all monsters."

"Then there may be knights with this skill among them."

"What do you mean by vanity."

"Perhaps the heroic spirit is still a world drifter."

"There is no such thing as we move arbitrarily in real space."

There was no before, but it may be zero. If we do, we will be imitated.

"Is it closer."

'Please calm down, Aji, that may not make you quiet even if you say that, but me.'

"I always feel something is quite close."

"Is it the feeling you have before?" Lin Xiao said.

"It shouldn't be something that has never been felt, but is extremely disgusting."

"There seems to be a vague question to you."

"This is a devil's method. I will obey my own rationality. I don't want to be a risky boss, but in this case I also understand that emergency surfacing is the best solution."

Aji said.

"I gave the order to execute the float immediately."

"Even though I support school girls, I can't use samurai. There are indeed nearby and I can't see it. I have a vote above my head."

"We have entered Northern Europe, but the danger of rising is very high. We may be brought back to reality, directly destroyed, and joined the overlap between the self that was ten days ago and the self that was breastfeeding."

"It will be crushed. Doesn't it matter if it's like this?"

'Maybe the guys with unknown origins are watching and swallowing us at any time. Everyone's lives are in my hands.'

'How can we continue with unknown danger.'Lin Xiao said.

"Starting to float, I won't say the second time."

"Swimming this consciousness for a few days, then let's start."

"No, what the hell is going on."

"I believe you Da Vinci, go up."

"I believe you too." The school girl said.

Lin Xiao said.

"This will cause fever, so in fact I don't really want to do this, because the body mimicry load is correspondingly stronger, which is very hard."

"I'll help too, please connect the console to my side."

"me too."

"I'm just dying to draw a gourd like this, but the more helpers the better, this kind of thing is just fine."

"Relying on the record of the Lingji suitcase is difficult to use their power in situations outside of short-term battles."

"It would be a different matter if it was Salieri's situation, but at this moment."

"It's a pity that I can't borrow reinforcements, I can only support myself." Da Vinci said.

"The plane's moon journey begins to converge, and the boundary begins to lift others."

"The target coordinates are much different from reality."

'Floating up in the imaginary space, ending the imaginary number, floating up to the top.'

"All values ​​and weapons are normal."

"what happened."

"This time it's not in the previous order, it's a little different from the last time."

"Of course, after all, the last time I went directly and this time I was investigating the surrounding area. This time the master will also go together. Let's go together."

"It's the same with this hand, so am I ready once in hand?"


"Ok the hatch, let's go now." Da Vinci said.


"It doesn't matter to your body," Lin Xiao said.

"No problem, Lingji has been completely adjusted and clearly experienced such a fierce battle, but the machine does not have any trumpet."

'How to describe it, it's really a world wrapped in silver, senior.'The school girl said.

"The smell is three degrees, it's not very cold, it makes people refreshing, maybe because of the experience of the werewolf environment, so the CIA will feel that the snow here is like heaven."

"It is estimated that the temperature will drop after nightfall, but it is calm now."

"Very beautiful." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, I feel the same way."

"Although I don't know what kind of place this world is, I always feel that it is peaceful here."

"Peace is hopeful. I hope that not all designs are dangerous. Now it is not a matter of immersion to catch up. Let's start the task."

"Don't get too far away."

"The current memory camouflage camouflage requires three hours to charge."

"Arrival at the top, and more."

"Is this fighting?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's not snow and ice that are white. Are those swaying flames."

"It must be magic for what happened to those flames."

"Bai ice and Lan Yan cover all of this, and the huge sun hangs in the sky."

"This sun is not right, it is too huge."

"There is one more problem, I can't see the dream of losing"

"Yes, I can see it from the beginning." Lin Xiao said.

"It should be impossible not to have a fantasy tree."

"Mr. Holmes."

"Your distance is good, although you can't detect each other's situation right now."

'But I have to ask you to go, this time the strange news is difficult to deal with..

"It can be seen." Lin Xiao said.