"Oh, the fight is so intense. If you continue to recruit, one party will die."

"Fighting? Why, we are actually fighting desperately."


"Speaking of which, why are you fighting the guy just now?"

"Even though the other party did it first, it seems that you both have hatred."

"That." Matthew said.

"Excuse me, have you seen such an automatic doll?" Holmes said.

"Ah, what is this?"

"I thought it was someone who was killed. I was taken aback. The scarecrow who didn't know how to learn was confiscated, but it was made by solidification."

"Hey, there is no scarecrow who can walk and beat people."

"That's what I said, hahaha."


"Lin Xiao, you'll be talking after you go home."

"What do you think of the villagers' reaction?"

"Really leisurely."

'Yes, in short, it feels like there is no sense of crisis. When we appear and step on the emperor, their reaction should be a little emotional.'

"It's understandable to fight us with Yu Ji and her servants one-way without worrying about you and ignoring me."

"However, this thing is not something brought from pan-human history, it is a skill we have never known."

"There is no doubt that this is the support weapon that Yu Ji brought."

"This doll should be a weapon in this world, but it should be the residents here, they said they have never seen it."

"So what's the matter, isn't it just that they are ignorant?"

"Like the previous Unknown Zone, Yu Ji has reached an alliance with the ruler of this world." Holmes said.

'If you didn't guess wrong, it should be Qin Shihuang. These dolls that were eliminated as a helper are a natural conclusion based on what the context knows.'

"Therefore, when these robots are fighting, they should be very vigilant towards us."

"They should also react like this. This is the silver group who rebelled against the administrators."

"I guess that the people in this village probably don't know about the situation called war."

"Is the situation you said possible?"

"Yes, but speaking of our appearance, it is also true that they were not afraid and used violence to deal with it occasionally."

"Although there should be no threats in the daily medical history, what are you arguing about outside?" Holmes said.

"Monster, weird monster has appeared again."

"Wait and kill them is not your job?"

"That's not something that a stick can handle. Hey those who travel, help us."

'It seems it's time for us to play.'

"Okay, Matthew meets."

"It's another enemy who doesn't fit this land." Jing Ke said.

"Yes, it is the giant encountered by the Nordic Anomaly Zone, and it is indeed a creature from another Anomaly Zone."

"It's getting more and more amazing. There are still a few escaping guys. It seems that they have a stronghold."


"If you don't find and solve it quickly, the situation will deteriorate and the defense of this pool will be useless."

"Oh, you guys are really amazing, so terrible monsters are easy."

"Mie and Ou are happier than being a shield for the weak"

"There is no way to say so excessively. To repel something like that, if you don't have the power of the emperor, you can't do it."

"Well, your officials will be armed, do you still have the task of defending the pool?"

"More or less handy. After the hacking died, occasionally the lost wild dog and wild boar would be driven back."

"The other thing is to stop drunks, to this degree."

'Aren't other countries warned?'

"What it is?"

"That's where outsiders come."

"And here, you heard from the elder before, and the elder said he had heard of it when he was a child."

"Wait what is the outsider you are talking about?"

"Even if you ask what it is."

"We also know that the legend is a monster that looks the same as ours, but is more terrifying than a wild boar."

"I heard that they don't eat crops, but eat us."

So when you came, you thought what Nin was going to do.'

"So I understand." Holmes said.

"There is no concept in this anecdotal zone, at least the era of rumors that people have already blurred memory has begun."

"That means Qin is a peaceful world."

"No way, across the clan unity, is this possible?" Da Vinci said.

"That's why there is no war, and the chance to see weapons is also a silly sword."

"Convert people to the concept of war."

"As for what the weapon is for the armed floor, it is simply the ideal time. Can you imagine that kind of world?"

"I have arrived at Lishan, then which general will be activated."

"If you go on an expedition, it's okay to let out a bit noisy guy." Qin Shihuang said: "But suppressing the inner palace and reckless guys will be in trouble."

"Can't you just use force to judge?"

'The guy who caused civil strife after awakening should not be considered.'

"There is no doubt that the Taoyuan brothers and the guys on his side don't think about it, but they would want to steal power directly."

'As a protector of the country, they are all good. I need the courageous and strategic Jiangling, let you do it.'

"Let Owen come, so good am?"

"It's almost an illusion why you are called here."

"The rise of the hibernating hero will be accompanied by one in ten thousand danger, can you find it?"

"I know this."

"If you make a mistake during opening, mental disorders will occur, and you may run away."

'Heroes who had changed the suppression will become evil spirits that bring disasters.'

''Do you understand that let you come with this danger?

"Well, I know, I will take action if there is danger."

'Well, it is necessary to fight against the heroic spirits of other worlds.'Ying Zheng said.

"Even people who have a bad temper will find the strongest person within the scope of your fist and cooking ability."

"The killing intent is to choose a good one."

"It's so far, Frozen Spirit actually has this kind of hole cards."

"Lishan is the treasure of my green fruit, and it is also a place to sleep for those who share our adversities."

"The Peace Monkey in the world, an important existence that can be proud of to settle down."

"Obviously, if it were a bleak and short king, he would immediately hide his bow."

"As expected to be your majesty, just in case they let them fall asleep."

"They who fought to establish a peaceful place in Kiir should be praised forever."

"However, they are them, and cannot be as immortal as I am."

"There is no way to change the times while sleeping, but it is also common for them."

"They are used to things like going beyond time to join a new battlefield."

"How can it be better than your historical hero, right?"

"Yeah, I'm a little bit excited, freeze this pronunciation and I like it."

"Looking for a cold place around here?"

"Yes, no matter where the monsters attacked the village, they lived in a place far colder than here."

"It's probably in the Sword Master's Lair near the village. Do you have a clue about this?"

"Even if you say it's nearby."

"This is where the pond borders."

"After all, have you been there."

"Wait you haven't walked out of the village, no one?" Jing Ke said.

"No, after all, there are laws and regulations. You can't change your residence at will. This is a notice from the emperor."

"There was a flood a long time ago. It's not too lazy to have people in the pool."

"It was also at that time. The person who became Liu Min was because the emperor decided their respective places."

"We thought you guys came here too?"

"How do you feel that this place is a prison? The hopeless suppression is too angry and it makes you dance."

""Don't fight but, after all, what are you doing from outside the village."

'There are all necessary things in life, why do I have to go to places where I didn't take care of even reading.'

"Are you okay like this?"

"It's okay if you don't talk about small things. So far, Wang Mi hasn't thought about what he should say."

"To be able to live a prosperous life all the time in the same place, it does."

"Big sister, can I bother you?"

"What's the matter?"

'Will you go over there to talk about this a little bit?'

"What are you talking about?"

"The Asi person hid the interruption, but I may know cold places."

'I also understand that rules cannot be broken, and even so I want to know how to go back and explore occasionally outside.'

'I understand this mood, and I am curious about the outside world.'

"Well, you also like adventure."

"I know that seniors are always looking forward to new encounters."

"This is very meaningful to Irving."

"The cold place?"

"I've only been there once a long time ago. There is a forest some distance from here, a dark and cold place."

"It always feels very gloomy, even if there is a monster living there, it is not strange."

"Is there a clue to the location? This is useful intelligence, and it's done well, the field investigation team."

"It's almost time for Gao Yang's back female fox to grab your tail."

'Although the countermeasures are subtle as soon as possible, what will Yu Ji do? We are also seeing us there.'

"Confronting each other and wasting time is the next best thing. Now tracking Gao Yang, the more clues the better."

"If it were before dawn, starting from the opposite side of Yu Ji's camp double-sided pool, he would be able to secretly engage in new activities."

"Of course, just in case, we also need to leave the guard here."

"But even if this is the case, it is necessary to investigate the source of Monster."

"It's decided, who should come after that."

"It should be included in the exploration class first, isn't it? If you stay behind, you are wasting detectives.'

"Although there is also a style of peaceful detective, even this investigation is necessary."

"Well, investigate. I went back. The injury should almost heal."

"Then I will leave it to you, Lin Xiao." Holmes said: "If my stomach is in charge, I might be keen on decrypting and jumping into the abyss."

"Senior, please, I will go with you."

"After that, the candidate will be handed over to Lin Xiao."

"Although whoever you choose to bring?"

"Ah, please, Jing Ke."

"Since I am going together, I still need to be together."

"Press me and Mordred away."

"Isn't that the two of us?"

"Let's read the book here."

"Don't be kidding, this and that medicine"

"It's great to see everything from Spartak's side."

"The visual changes of the same scenery will be completely different, and things that have not been seen so far can also be seen."

"You will notice beauty and kindness and you can't notice them together."

'You look at the mood outside the pool is justified, Mr. Spartak wants to say so.'

"Is that right?"

"It's such a little rebel."

'If only I were as tall as you.'

"Haha, if you exercise, your body will grow. I was about the same height as you at that time."

"Can I do it, just like you"

"Yes, anyone can become a Spartacus. The so-called life is a rebellion against adversity."

'Let the children lead the way a little bit worried, but Spartacus is unexpectedly very good at taking care of others.'

"Yes, thanks to letting him on his shoulders, he can move forward at the pace of an adult," Lin Xiao said.

"Even so, too fast pace will make Lin Xiao suffer."

"Don't force it, I will carry you if you are short of breath."

"I will work harder." Lin Xiao said.

"If you can see that there is arable land ahead, that is the nearby pond."

It’s better to go through, otherwise you’ll get angry with your back if you’re caught, so you’d better stay away."


"Yes, the wind is scented."

"Imagination is also natural."

"In front of this juvenile Yinlu in Jiading is the Cave of Warcraft. We are where they came back."

"If there is a pool on the way, nothing will be all right."

"The boy hides here, I'll be back soon."

"be careful."

"this is."

"It's really bleak, it looks like it's gone."

"Careful is dangerous."

"Of course we are smelled too"

"Here, a considerable amount."

"No matter how you don't let keyi8 leave it here, this group of guys will look for the next Leiwu and find a nearby village to make trouble."

"Go on, please instruct Lin Xiao."

"Confirm that the enemy is completely destroyed and the battle is over."

"Taking revenge on the people in the village, it's just self-talking sadness."

"The expression on the clothes noticed something."

"Lin Xiao, do you feel anything."

"It feels like there are strange tattoos." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, it's true that I can't get a clear look at the scene in depth"

"I don't know what happened to this sense of violation."

"Obviously it is very slippery, these monsters here are the same as the tropical rain forest."

"But it is strange that there is a commander, and this is not a wolf but has been trained." Holmes said.

"That means there is a master."

"It's too early to tell."

"It's also doubtful."

"Go ahead, the mystery will be solved naturally, their footprints are still there."

"The direction is not wrong."

'I'm not going to take that young grandmother to the child.'

"Spartak is so gentle and weak"

"If it is his, maybe it can be the same." Lin Xiao said.

"At this point, Hua will not lose control anyway for the sake of the gecko. It should be said that it is Uncle B who does not lose."

"Protect the weak, fight to transform this."