The second sister said:

Huh. Huh. Huh.

The second sister said:

Ah, it's not working anymore.Tired. Can't move. Can't run.

The second sister said:

This is the first time in my life that I run like this.Besides, why did I become a servant!

The second sister said:


The second sister said:

.No, I don't actually care if she is there.Really, it doesn't matter from all angles.

The second sister said:

Oh. Who am I talking to?

The second sister said:

Also, this maze is [#][#maze:Labyrinth].How could it be possible to escape. There is no rope.

The second sister said:

In other words, there must be one here.Since this maze exists, there must be that thing.

The second sister said:


The second sister said:

Something seems to follow from behind. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, what should I do!

Drake said:


Matthew said:

what happened.

Drake said:

Well, the smell of the air has changed.

Matthew said:

The smell of the air.

Drake said:

The taste of the air varies from country to country and from land to land.

Drake said:

It's okay to say that England is so close to France, but if you go to other continents, the taste of the air is really different.

Roman says:

Hmm.Did Miss Drake feel the difference in wind caused by the temperature difference between cold and warm and the changes in ocean currents?

Drake said:

What happened to Miss Drake.This name sounds really uncomfortable, scholar brother!

Roman says:

Yes. I'm sorry.Then please forgive me for being rude and call you Drake.

Roman says:

Keke, Matthew, Meow.Drake's words may be correct.

Roman says:

Now, the temperature and ocean currents in your place are obviously different from the island just now.

Roman says:

After a while, the specific location should be determined.

The pirate said:

Big sister!A ship appeared to the northwest!

Drake said:

Okay, what does the flag look like.

The pirate said:

It's a pirate flag I've never seen before!

Drake said:

That's the enemy!Matthew, Meow, get ready!Going to work!

Matthew said:

Understand, Captain Drake.The master, we are ready to go!

Drake said:

Okay, I'm finished here.

Matthew said:

We are here too.Their combat power is considered low to moderate.

The pirate said:

Big sister, this is the pirate flag of the group of people just now.

Drake said:

Hmm, there is really no impression.Matthew, do you have a clue.

Matthew said:

If it is a famous pirate flag, it may leave a record.Doctor, can I ask you to check it.

Roman says:

OK.Results will come out soon.

Drake said:

Okay, let's continue sailing forward.According to the chart, the island should be visible soon!

Roman says:

Ok.This island is obviously much larger than the previous one.Fortunately, he was able to discover the spiritual vein point.

Roman says:

I’ll send the coordinates, so let’s move forward with this goal.However, I have also detected some biological reactions that require more attention.

Matthew said:

I understand.Miss Drake, we want to head here, can we?

Drake said:

Okay.I also think this direction is better.

Matthew said:

Let's go.Let's go, senior.

Drake said:

It's so vast, I can't believe it's just an island.And the wind is very comfortable.

Matthew said:

.Yes.Master, this feeling is a bit like before.

. Lin Xiao: Rome.

Matthew said:

Well, I feel a bit like Rome.

.2: France.

Matthew said:

Compared to France, I feel more like Rome.


Matthew said:

Master.The designated coordinate location will be reached soon.

Drake said:

.what is that.

Matthew said:

It looked like a skeleton, but it seemed a little different.

Roman says:

That is Dragon Tooth Soldier, a soldier created with dragon teeth.Meow, defeat them.

Matthew said:

The battle is over, Master.Let me set the terminal point.

Roman says:

Um. It seemed just now.

Matthew said:

what happened.

Roman says:

No, it is probably my illusion.You can start setting up as usual.

Matthew said:

I understand.Well.

Da Vinci said:

So everyone, Da Vinci’s concise and concise course has begun.

Da Vinci said:

You are now in the heyday of the great maritime era.

Da Vinci said:

Many things flowed in from the East, and Europe also began to compete towards the New World.

Da Vinci said:

One of the items they got during this period was spices.Nutmeg, cloves, and Kurokawa. That is pepper.

Da Vinci said:

Pepper is a necessity when eating spoiled meat. In this era, its value is more precious than gold.

Da Vinci said:

What do you think will happen if you try to give the pepper bottle I sent to you to Captain Drake.

Da Vinci said:

Go try it.

Drake said:

No way!.

. Lin Xiao: She fell down.

.2: She passed out.


Da Vinci said:

Isn't it interesting?Ah, remember to take the pepper bottle back.Can't disrupt the market because of a momentary prank.

Da Vinci said:

It seems that the Summoning Array has also been established.Please use it as much as you want.

Matthew said:

The Summoning Array is established.The spirit point is generated.

Roman says:

Ah, yes, yes.The previous pirate flag also found the result

Roman says:

That banner belongs to the legendary thief.In other words, the group of pirates is called.

Matthew said:

Doctor. Doctor, the signal seems to be a little doctor!.

Roman says:

Matthew said:

Communication is interrupted.In the end what happened.

Matthew said:

Yeah, earthquake.!.

Drake said:

Get down quickly, it's really shaking!

Matthew said:

.It seems to have stopped.Master, are you all right.

Lin Xiao: It's okay.

.2: No injury.


Matthew said:

It seems to be, really lucky.Miss Drake is all right, too.

Drake said:

Compared with the violent waves, it can be regarded as a breeze.But I am very worried about the ship and subordinates.You don't mind going back.

Matthew said:

Just do it.

Matthew said:

Although the Summoning Array was established, communication has not been restored.

Matthew said:

Maybe it's better to leave here.

Drake said:

Um. Hello, what's wrong.Did something happen.

The pirate said:

Big sister head..The ship can't move.

Drake said:


The pirate said:

I mean!The boat can't move a bit!

Drake said:

.Sorry, please wait here first.

Drake said:

No, I can't move.There should be no problem with the ship itself.

Drake said:

However, it was like being tied up by something, so fixed.

Drake said:

What exactly is going on.Meow, you should be good at solving this kind of problem.

Lin Xiao: Is this some kind of magic?

.2: Is this some kind of enchantment?


Matthew said:

Well, I think so too.The surrounding area seems to be covered with enchantments.

Matthew said:

Although it is a level where I can escape as a slave, the hull is not that simple.

Matthew said:

If you don't knock down the people who built the barrier, you can only maintain the status quo forever.

Drake said:

What should I do.

Matthew said:

We can only find this person, and then knock him down.There is no other way to escape.

Drake said:

Very good, since you said that, it must be correct.guys!You guys wait here first!

Drake said:

Honestly rest here for a while!The sea is your stage, don't waste your energy now!

The pirate said:

Yes, big sister!

Drake said:

This place is really disappointing.There was no half figure in the fortress just now.

Matthew said:

Having said that, why there are artificial buildings on this island is also a mystery.

Matthew said:

This style. Shouldn't.

Matthew said:

Um. Is there a cave on that rock mountain?

. Lin Xiao: Let's investigate.

.2: Go in and have a look.


Matthew said:

this is.

Drake said:

Is it the so-called [#Underground Labyrinth:]? That's great, my pirate blood is boiling!

Matthew said:

Please wait a moment.We still don’t know how big it is or whether to retreat first.

Drake said:

It's okay, even if you retreat once, what you should do will not change.Act with me is like this.

Drake said:

Put away your top student side, Matthew!Go, Treasure is waiting for us!

Matthew said:

Ah, wait a minute, how can you be so brutal.!

Drake said:

Very good, so soon.Solve it as soon as possible!

Matthew said:

Oh. Really.

Drake said:

To the left, or to the right. My instinct is to go to the left!

Lin Xiao: Is it really good to be intuitive?

Matthew said:

I don’t think it’s great. However, Captain Drake is a first-rate pirate.

Matthew said:

Since he is a first-rate pirate, his intuition should be very keen..Big. Probably.

.2: Do you remember where the entrance is.

Matthew said:

Please rest assured, just in case, I made a record.Although it should not be forgotten.

Matthew said:

But this is after all just a memory of returning to the original path.It would be bad if they fell apart.


Matthew said:

.correct.Master, let's go hand in hand.

Matthew said:

It's troublesome if you get separated here.As long as you hold hands, you usually won't get separated.

Lin Xiao: This is a bit embarrassing.

.2: There is no need to do this level.


Matthew said:

. That. I understand your mood.But now is not the time to be embarrassed, Master.

Matthew said:

If you get separated, you may wander to death in this maze.

Matthew said:

It might be somewhat embarrassing, but this is just in case.

Lin Xiao: Matthew, do you feel embarrassed too?

Matthew said:

.No. No comment.

.2: I don't feel embarrassed.

Matthew said:

That. That's good.I'm a little bit. Sorry.


Matthew said:

In short, we have demonstrated the necessity of holding hands.This decision was also passed.

Matthew said:

Well, I am sorry for being rude.

Matthew said:

.. So, at that time, we also held hands like this.

Matthew said:

In retrospect, it seems a little nostalgic.Obviously it was not so long ago.


Fu, Fu, Fu!

Drake said:

Hmm. Wait a minute..It seems to have a smell.

Matthew said:

What is it.

Drake said:

is blood.

Drake said:

.Hey, after all, I do this kind of business, this kind of smell has long been used to it.

Matthew said:

Look, there are drips of blood along the way.

Drake said:

The injury doesn't look serious.It should be just a scratch.

Matthew said:

This is the only clue.Check it out!

$0 Lin Xiao-00-03-04-4-0

Drake said:

The blood stain is broken here.Can I just give up tracking?

Matthew said:

It doesn't seem to be exactly it.Master, please go back.

Drake said:

It came just right.I also happened to be a little boring to stroll through the maze.

Drake said:

Take a break and light the gun by the way!Come, let go!

$0 Lin Xiao-00-03-04-4-Lin Xiao

Drake said:

Oops, like the bones just now, fighting non-humans is really a good travel experience.

Drake said:

Moreover, this kind of guy will die if he gets a lead bullet.I have gained knowledge.

Matthew said:

No, it is generally invalid.Just because Miss Drake you are the owner of the Holy Grail.

Matthew said:

I think the Holy Grail should be constantly fulfilling your wish of "shooting is effective for everything".

Drake said:

What? It turned out to be such a thing.As a result, can't you go out at will in [#:WildHunt].

The eldest sister said:

I said, they seem to be here again.I thought it was all gone.

The eldest sister said:

Really entangled.What to do.

The eldest sister said:

.That's it.If you want to have a big fight, just do it with you.

The eldest sister said:

Let me say yes, I don't want to sweat.I won't help.

Drake said:

Hmm. Although we are not lost, for some reason, I always have an ominous premonition.

Matthew said:

Ominous premonition? Master, how do you feel.

Lin Xiao: I have an ominous premonition.

Matthew said:

That's it.Since the captain and the master said so, it's better to be careful.

.2: Foreboding that there will be an encounter!

Matthew said:


Matthew said:

Uh. Uh. Uh.What on earth will you encounter in this [# Underground Labyrinth: Underground Palace], Master.

Matthew said:

Are you expecting to meet [cute girl: handsome boy]?


Drake said:


Matthew said:


Drake said:

The hunch came true.Something is coming.!

Matthew said:

This is a follower!


.Go to death.

Drake said:

Good. So big.!.What is this guy?!

The Mavericks said:

I, Astrius, I will kill you all.!

Matthew said:

He is a berserker like Eric, the blood axe king.!It doesn't make sense at all.!

Matthew said:

Master, please be careful.Astrius is his hidden real name.

Matthew said:

And his well-known name is "Minotaurs".One of the monsters in Greek mythology!

Matthew said:

This [#maze:Labyrinth] is his site.Retreat is impossible.

Matthew said:

.Go on, Master!

$0 Lin Xiao-00-03-04-5-Lin Xiao

Matthew said:

Good. Very risky. Eh, how come...!.

The Mavericks said:

Gu. Boom.!Woo. Woo.!

Drake said:

He was alive after eating so many bullets!Even the big stomach king should have a limit!.

The Mavericks said:


Drake said:

It looks like you can only get on the snake cannon!Just knock your head off and you should fall down!

Drake said:

Come and fly to the abyss of hell!

The Mavericks said:


The eldest sister said:


Matthew said:

Bad. There are two followers!.

The eldest sister said:

Got it, I got it!Let me go with you head office now!.

The eldest sister said:

If you want to kill or kill, it's up to you!Okay, hurry up.

The eldest sister said:

Astrius was dying.Even if he was taken away, there would be no value in terms of combat effectiveness.

The eldest sister said:

Moreover, if you wait for this guy to die, the maze might collapse.

The eldest sister said:

Go back quickly.Let me lead the way.

The Mavericks said:


Matthew said:

That. That.Sorry, can I take up your time?

The eldest sister said:

What's the matter. You earthy shield girl.move.Go to "that guy" there.

Matthew said:

Old fashion.!.

Drake said:

Hello, you little devil.You can't speak ill of the savior.

The eldest sister said:

Haha, did I make you overgrown woman speak up?

Drake said:

Oh. Do you want to be a substitute for my goddess on the bow?

The second sister said:

Goddess.. Although I don't know what you are talking about, I am the goddess Yuri Ellie.

The second sister said:

What? You don't even know this and you keep chasing me.

The second sister said:

Of course, it is indeed impossible for your ship to have a [#super idol:SuperIdol] temperament like me.

The second sister said:

But at least I should know my name, really.There should be a limit to rudeness.Where are you from a third-rate pirate?

Drake said:

This. This little kid.!

. Lin Xiao: We want to solve the misunderstanding.

.2: You misunderstood.


The second sister said:

Ha. What.. Say you. You are not human.

The second sister said:

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Master of "that stuff". But why are you here

The second sister said:

No, more importantly, since you are the master, you should discipline your followers!

The second sister said:

What happened to that perverted follower!There is no such a perverted guy in Greece!.

Matthew said:

That. That!We are not chasing you!

The second sister said:

Ha. Then who are you guys?

Matthew said:

We are

The second sister said:

What? What? Ah!You are too misunderstood!

Matthew said:

This. This should be right for us!

Matthew said:

If you lay down barriers to trap people, of course we will think you are the enemy!.

The Mavericks said:


The second sister said:

Ahhh, Astrius!Just leave it there.

The second sister said:

You are very strong, so as long as you don't move, you won't die.It shouldn't die.

The Mavericks said:


The second sister said:

do not worry.These guys don’t seem to be [#that guy].

Matthew said:

.Sorry, we are also a little at a loss.It was this Astrius who laid the barrier, right.

The second sister said:

Yes.However, he is not trying to lock you up, but to prevent [#the guys:enemy] from coming in.

Matthew said:

So this is ah.But if the enchantment is not lifted, we will be helpless.

The second sister said:

.Well, there is no way.

Drake said:

Oh, you accepted it so easily.

The second sister said:

It's just ordinary addition and subtraction.

The second sister said:

If you want you to go out, only Astrius dies or he unlocks the barrier.

The second sister said:

In this case, it is better to unlock the barrier..It's better than being alone.

Drake said:

. That's it.Yes, well, I like it.

Drake said:

However, you have to plant something called an enchantment or something, because you are forced to desperately.

The second sister said:

It has nothing to do with you.

Drake said:

There are relationships!I like interesting things.

The second sister said:


Drake said:

Traveling around the world, adventures, underground mazes, monsters, etc. This world is full of interesting things!

Drake said:

Generally speaking, most of the interesting things in the world are very valuable, so I became a pirate.But leave this question aside.

Drake said:

And you have a taste of value.So I will take you back to the boat.

The second sister said:

Hey, why do you make a decision without authorization!Get on board!.Do not make jokes!

The second sister said:

I will never!I will never leave [#:this guy] aside!

Drake said:

What nonsense are you talking about?Of course I also want to take Astrius with him.

The Mavericks said:


The second sister said:


Drake said:

With such strong perseverance and physical strength, and a closer look, he is really a good man!

Drake said:

If I let go of this kind of talent, I would really be treated as a laughing stock!I said you, do you want to be a bodyguard on my boat.

Drake said:

But if you don't want it, I can't help it.Would you die if you didn't hide in the underground maze?

The second sister said:

That's not it..Really can.

Drake said:

of course.I will also give a good price for the salary.Ah, but don’t over-expect benefits or anything.

The second sister said:

That was not what I meant.Hmm, as long as you don't mind.

The second sister said:

. Astrius.What do you think.

The Mavericks said:

go with.

The second sister said:


The Mavericks said:

If you go, I will follow.Alone, alone.

The second sister said:

Really? That's all right.I'll just admire the boat.

The second sister said:

Ah, but you have to prepare a private room for me.I didn't intend to show my face in front of those vulgar crew members.

The second sister said:

Of course there is a bathroom too. Ah, there is.

Matthew said:

senior.senior..The matter is settled before we even cut in.

.Lin Xiao: It is gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate.

.2: Regardless of black cat and white cat


Matthew said:

.It's true.

Matthew said:

On the other hand, when it comes to Minotaur, it should be an out-and-out monster who devours sacrificial children.

The second sister said:

Let me sit on your shoulders, Astrius.Oops hate it.You are taller than [# Stupid Girl: Medusa].

The Mavericks said:

Uh, uh, uh.

The second sister said:

Ah ah!You squat lower!I'm going to bump my head!

The Mavericks said:


Drake said:

Ah ha ha.You have so many requests, Lord Goddess!