"We didn't find any obvious response from the followers, how do you feel?" Old Fu said.

"Although it seems that you can vaguely feel some air, but you can't say it." Garner said.

"I agree with this too, it doesn't feel like it's completely empty, but I should look around here now." Rama said.

"Hey, is anyone here?" Rama said.

"Is anyone there?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's really endless if this goes on, let's investigate separately." Rama said.

"Understood, I have hot wheels to fly and search from the air."

"Are you?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's Ape, this concealer."

"That's right, Mr. Chaldea's new director, we met for the first time, and Lin Xiao, another master."

Ape said, "Master of Matthew?"

"Yes." Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, so frank, I like frank children. Of course you can state me, but you don't even want to talk to me, which makes you lonely."

"Ape, if you meet you here, sure enough, you are the concealer in charge of this world?"

"Yes, that's it." Ape said.

"Do you want to stop us from cutting the fantasy tree?" Lin Xiao said.

"By the way, I remembered, I want to give you a piece of advice."

"It's okay to chat with me, but watch out for children who are not here."

"This is, everyone, be careful, what has fallen."

"It's a follower." Da Vinci said; "There is one Nezha who just split up, but to be honest, his shadow is quite bad from the perspective of life."

"As for the other ride, this is." Da Vinci said.

"Master, that is Nezha, but his body."

'Failure, apologize to the lord, how can it be, it's just better to lose, sorry, I can't help.'

"Don't be careless, Master, let's deal with the enemy first."

"Oh, what?"

"No, although Nezha was not known to us at that time."

"The people who have acted with us so far have disappeared, and neither were we summoned over there nor met in Chaldea."

"I'm afraid it's other Nezha, enemies in this world."

"Report, end the personal movement, then return to the things of the gods and rule out the enemy."

"I don't see that for some reason."

"Although I care about it, but."

"It doesn't matter if this guy is his servant or not, it is true that he is full of murderous intent on us."

"Now I can only concentrate on this side."

"It's coming, Master, Ma Xiu, although you can understand your feelings, but now you have to change your emotions." Rama said.

"The restrictions of the good spirit base are lifted, and fight with all your strength against the followers." Matthew said.

"So strong."

"The battle is going well, the victory is in hand."

"Although it seems to be better at speaking than Nezha on our side, the judgment of the situation is not correct." Rama said.

"There is no problem denying my analysis." Nezha said.

"The priority is the main purpose, I am leaving."

"Escape? Is her master instructed?"

"I don't know, but Nezha is quite pleasant, and I can feel that he has taken the best solution."

"If we continue to fight like just now, we will eventually lose." Garner said.

"Perhaps it was luck that didn't blow away the mountain we were looking for."

"What's wrong with Matthew?" Lin Xiao said.

"The gaffe has already taken me. No matter how I pray, no matter how I pray, there are things that cannot be done in the world."

"When Xiang Yu came in the hesitation sea, my relationship with him was numbered."

"Although it is because I am interested, it is also because I feel that we have the same place."

"So I can understand that Nezha is a great martial artist. He must have already achieved enlightenment, and he doesn't even need to deliberately make enlightenment. He will only care if you sigh and stop."

Lin Xiao said.

"That's it."

"But I want to ask a little hint that makes sense?"

"Of course, the enemy's abilities are shocking. If Nezha wasn't relieved of the enemy at first, we might be hit by surprise attacks."

"If you say that, then that is the truth. When the heroic spirit returns to report, I will say that he is excellent."

"Sorry I'm fine, let's go back."

"The follower just gave it to us for analysis. On your side, it seems that I don't feel the feeling of deviating from this sister Hui."

"It might be much better to start from this point."

"The feeling of deviating from this world, it is true that what you say is like this."

"If you say that, it's impossible to get the answer right away. Let's get rid of you and continue searching for the gods in this mountain."

"Okay, then let's go."

"This is the king's order, and I set off with the spirit, and a calm face is of no avail."

"Since there is an unexpected parting, I will have an unexpected meeting. This is the so-called life."

"Let's go, Master, the meeting with the new god is right in front of you."

"Come on and find each other." Lin Xiao said.

"It was Matthew who went all out to start the search again." Matthew said.

"That said." Rama said, "I still can't find any ultimate, although the music thinks there is something nearby."

"Really walking around and sweating a lot, just rest on this rock."

"What's the matter just had a sound."

"I can't help it, this is it."

"That's not the case, the attitude is too arrogant, human beings, this is the place of the body, and if Xiao Ming's words are left, I can post you."

"Speaking, lion camel."

"Nizi, the little animal that the mad king challenges the gods, because the gods understand you."

"In this case, I will be your opponent and give me everything I have." said the elephant.

"Respect me, praise me, I'm busy upgrading now, so go to the convenience store to buy ice cream for me."

"Ghanal feels unlikely, but he has an air." Rama said.

"Stand there and don't move, you'll be fine right away."

"It's dangerous. It's just super thrilling."

'It almost turned my meat into skewers.'

"who are you."

"Garna what are you doing in a place like this."

"This should be my line, what are you doing." Garner said.

"Is it an acquaintance?"

"Well, did I just say something?" Garner said: "It's incredible why I said this should be my line just now, and there are a lot of words behind."

"The reason is not very clear to me. This is the first time for this woman, but I remember the indescribable feelings. It's been a long time."

"It's like meeting relatives and life mentors."

"It's like seeing a life that needs to be guarded no matter what. It's a complex feeling that I can't express with my knowledge."

"Really, that's the case. After all, Garna is not a god, and things in other worlds are just fine. I can't help it."

"Although you are a strong and healthy person, I feel that you are my friend and there is something hidden. I feel that good ideas have raised a lot of things, but there is no way Hu Yiyi can get up."

"This feeling is like the protagonist who lost his memory in the previous RPG. The activity of awakening potential power has not started, even if there is no awakening power, it does not matter.

It's better to say that I am the type that can comfortably take care of waiting for someone to help me defeat the devil in Novice Village."

"I always feel like a unique person."

"Wait, there is one thing that needs to be clarified. You are a human being, but what is the matter with the spirit of God entangling you."

"That's the case, I'm sorry that even a Garner's job can't be done at a glance."

"After all, it is a huge mistake to treat me as a human being. I am a well-known and popular god.

"But the elephant has a very high rate of turning his head back, I admit it," said the elephant.

"It's absolutely true to be famous, I am that kind of god."

"Of course, you will also respect you. If you say this, the role of the spirit of God can also be understood." Rama said.

"But what's going on, what I feel from the part other than the gods is a disgusting temperament that cannot be concealed."

"It's Rama, I just saw through and talked about this life's job in a moment.

"Don't speak in an admiring manner."

"Combining the two speeches is a simulated follower of the gods and elephants."

"There are also gods in various positions, which is really interesting."

"The same goes for Garedi's God Servant."

"Relatively speaking, her posture is based on the lighter consciousness of the human side, which is closer to Kong Ming than the gods."

"Elephants are very famous. According to Indian mythology, if it is Parvati, if Parvati is there, it is a parent-child meeting."

"Is she there?"

"Don't you want to see her?"

"No, that's not the case, but I said directly, there is no choice about the God of Guan."

"There is also a dad who chopped off an elephant, so what kind of expression he wants."

"If those two people were in a panic and suspicious, that's it."

'Although I respect them very much.'

"Complicated relationship."

"It's time to listen to me, and it is time to find that the god servant should act on you but the goal changes."

'This uncle is.'

"When the first sound is made, it is the god's chanting. Thank you so much. I don't want to be said that anyway.

"It's such a thing to make friends in physical shape," Gardner said.

"Well, it should be a happy event."

'What? I'm not happy at all, no matter what, that man seems to be my master boss.'

"You are the leader to me, no matter what, you are a lost follower and help us honestly."

"Do I have to do something?"

"Go back to the stone box."

"I need people to protect the village, especially since there is no one I can rely on now."

"Although you seem to have various secrets, I still forget it. If it is for stereo combat, I will find other weak ones."

"To tell you the truth, I would never dare to be a dead house. Don't look at the outside, there are many things inside, even game consoles."

'Although it is an RPG game, the more interesting it is to play.'

"It's really amazing, I can feel it, is there a cake nearby?"

"The metaphorical method is to ask her to assist. I don't know why I remember this."

"Then this matter is left to you." Lin Xiao said.

"Understood, I will try my best, even if it is rough, I somehow feel that this is for her sake." Matthew said.

"It's probably this feeling to take this to the gods who don't listen to the division."

"Hate, to bother my house hitting guy, it's about to happen.'

"Just saying this in a row, I'm sorry to trouble you Garnar."

"Hidden fool, it's just a trial version just now, let you see the true power of this lady."

"Hate, my paradise costume."

"well done."

"Athletes are still talking about big things."

"I really can't, even though I don't know you, but inexplicably feel that I can't be too aggressive to you."

"Am I a fan of you when I was alive?"

"Haha won, right?"

"So you can help us obediently."

"This uncle is here again. After hearing what you said, it is true that you are exactly like the middle school teacher."

"Is it okay to use the divine power indiscriminately? In fact, your ordinary human aura is okay."

"There is no way to talk for a while for your sake, in fact, I am not all clear about the surrounding situation"

"what happened?"

"The world is bleached, fantasy tree?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's probably in your situation, it's very serious."

"Speaking of you." said the elephant.

"Although it is an ordinary person, hi is actually a super important task. I hate this movie of you."

"Yes, seniors are general masters, but they are very active. If you have a detailed lifespan for this, I think five hundred leaves are not poisonous enough."

"It's hard to explain now."

"This Matthew does not seem to be a serious joke, which means she is serious and terrible."

"You have also become a container for the gods. Considering this, you can't call Lin Xiao a mortal, right." Rama said.

"Garnar is fine if she lied to me, be gentle enough to suit me, forget she is not a mortal."

"It must be said without any malice."

"How do you know that you are the chosen one."

"It shouldn't be impossible." Jianer said.

"But why does this strange news belt summon you like this?"

"I still want to ask why I was called. I don't know. How do I feel that everything is determined by you. I have long been a brave in the electronic world."

"Now is the time to fly high because it's your mother's choice."

"If you don't go to the old world, you can't go back to the original world."

"It seems like this, I am here."

"As for the rank, even if you ask me, I don't know. Maybe when I asked me, I asked a little demon."

"It is indeed an incomprehensible rank." Da Vinci said.

"Forget it, I don't care at this time, anyway, you are summoned, then you can actually become a master partner. I am just a container, a dead house."

"Why do you choose someone like me? I really want to complain to that god-sir. Please re-elect and ask her for this."

"But, I really am now."

'The so-called physique, although you are a mortal, you have the brilliance of a mortal. Although you have a memory, I did achieve this.'

"Galna spoke seriously." said the elephant.

'Lin Xiao is the same, can't say too much, but you have a lot of shining points, and you are a very good master.'

Garner said.

"Your words are in my heart." said the elephant.Well, I will consider helping you.