"That's the case, it seems that what I have learned under the same mentor as Garna is not false." Rama said.

"Although it annoys me, you can do it, kid," Maas said.

"By the way, who do you seem to have an atmosphere like Rama?"

"Of course, I am Rama."

"That's it, but you will regret it sooner or later if you are so arrogant as the incarnation of God in this world."

"what does that mean?"

"Wait, something is coming from outside the town, and it's still plural."

"This reaction is a follower."

"It seems there is no time, Mars," the old man said.

"It doesn't make sense to not recommend continuing the game."

"I also agree that it is really meaningless, including our coming here. What is the point?"

"You people are all followers?" Lin Xiao said.

"Master, please retreat. There are two followers who have not seen it before." Ma Xiu said: "There is also the black Nezha as the enemy. The combat strength is confirmed and the nose is picked. I hope the Master will never take it lightly."

"Wait a moment we have no plans to fight."

"Don't be angry, especially come to see the situation and you are here too." Maas said.

"It's Mas' people, there are only so few followers who have to form cliques."

'It's the silver capital god who relives the past, he will be happy.'

'I seem to be seen.'

"Did you notice? Master."

"Well, the monsters are gone." Lin Xiao said.

"Maybe the original purpose of protecting the city has arrived. That may be a happy thing for the time being, although there are new and incredible problems."

"Since you don't want to fight, what is your purpose?"

"Didn't you say it? Those who followed came because he came, and they said follow."

"Where is your lord?"

"Master? No matter how we do obey him, he is the last god."

"Look, he is coming."

"This reaction, you should not be able to see it." Old Fu said.


"You must have one. In fact, although you have seen many things, it is the first time you have seen it."

"That chariot soaring in the sky, what else is there."

"White Moena?"

"Who is standing on it?" Rama said.

"I have changed the appearance and the appearance of the past, turned to ashes, and I also know that guy is Arjuna." Jianer said.

"Is that Arjuna?" Lin Xiao said.

"Of course, it's not the one recorded in the Chaldeans. I seem to have other appearances and spiritual foundations." Old Fu said.

"Perhaps there was someone called Arjuna."

"But I am a god." Kunna said.

"What's the matter with this creepy feeling."

"It does make people feel a little bit, but when I say I am a god, none of them are decent. Only this point I can confirm."

"Foreigners with the power of gods, Rama, the son of Parvati, and Garna."

"There are also humble humans." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, the lord of Chaldea, we son together."

"If it's not God's words, just step aside, you are really stupid, because of this you should also realize it, that is, you have to end here."

"I came to see Qingyan to confirm that there was nothing."

"Some only have a few women to go, although I thought about it, but now I come to the book, this is all abnormal, all of the same quality, immature, and worthless."

Zhou Na said: "The so-called things that shouldn't exist in the perfect world are evil. If you see something incompetent, you don't need it in the next painting."

"Oh, does this begin? Don't you have to give us instructions?" Maas said.

"The conclusion is neither possible, useless, nor meaningful. No one can interfere with him while he is focused, just wait."

"It's really a waste of time. It's better to ignore these and continue research."

"Understood, I won't be here for the next reincarnation."

"Teachers happened?"

"The big thing is not good, there are terrible powers gathering around Kona."

"Just using the word "treasure tool" can't explain this huge energy." Old Fu said.

"In fact, I have observed it several times here."

"The explanation sounds terrific, hurry up and let you explain."

"Use incompetence to evaluate me." Jianer said; "Look here and look at my eyes. If you can't do well, you will immediately focus on me.

Otherwise, I will only attack you."

"Said this is not moved."

"Garnar, you have some marriage with this guy, but Irving and others didn't think that guy was going into battle."

"You should know that, no matter whether the enemy pays attention to us or not, Yu is also a man who should take action."

"Master, please allow me to use the treasure."

"Release." Lin Xiao said.

"Penetrate the Rakshasa and never die!" Rama said.

"Wait for Rama, it seems there is really no effect, what's wrong?"

"What, this is the blade that kills the demon king." Rama said.

"It may be shocked, but let me explain, because you can't share the correct information." Old Fu said; "There is no harm there."

"And none of the opponents took defense but it was ineffective."

'Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, it was incredible.'

'I think Ken is under the influence of power and there is no way to observe it.'

"In other words, he himself has become a manifestation of interference that cannot be broken by Rama's treasure alone."

"What's the matter."

"Come again, hesitation is useless"

"In this case, there is no way. Hurry up. I don't know why the pressure is getting more and more serious. It will be too late after what happens."

"That time, both were at the same time this time."

'Why don't understand yet, it's useless."Ape said; "Who is not a son laughs at you, but treasures are useless, literally means different levels."

"Because that is the existence that unites all the gods and gods of Yindu."

"Are you?" Lin Xiao said.

"Ape?" Matthew said.

"Unexpected goodbye, even though it is said that it shouldn't be so, but you are too stupid to watch it. After optimizing it like this, you are saying that it is hard to escape now."

"First explain that I was chased by Nezha, and Nezha and they retreated because they were chasing me."

"In other words, I and them are enemies."

"Do you include the king here? Old Fu said.

"That means you are not the master."

"I don't have time to talk to you in detail, I really have to, even though I am hidden, I may be hostile to you.

But this sentence did not deceive you, run away quickly."

''But the people in town?"Lin Xiao said.

"It doesn't matter if that is the case. Anyway, those who are okay will be okay after all, and there is nothing we can do for those who have an accident. Fairy, you must escape with all your strength. This is for your good.

If these are not enough, then theory cannot be used, but common sense should be used to supplement it."

"I admit it honestly. If you don't understand any weapon except me now, run away immediately. Please trust me."

Ape said.

"What to do?" Matthew said.

"It doesn't look like a lie."

"Okay because Ape is a good person, I really don't think he is lying."

"Are you good? In my opinion."

"Am I a liar?"

"No, I also admit that you didn't lie."

"On-site judgment is the priority, so everyone quickly run away."

"Oh, it's been a long time since Ma Si." Appai hurriedly.

"Yes, super open-minded, the original master."

"The contract with you has been completely covered. It is invincible at all."

"For the sake of the master-slave relationship, let me go?"

'If you want to escape, it is impossible, that guy has decided to destroy you, obedience is my position.'

"This Shangnao is quiet, other children might agree."

"Who cares about other people? If you didn't accept a clear order, it might be really hot to do nothing."

"It's true, don't think we can't bear to work, this is enough calmness just for you."

"It's important to be calm and hunting is the same, too calm is not good."

"The beasts in the mountains can only be captured when necessary, otherwise the whole mountain will lose its vitality."

'You also blocked us because of our position'

"It's not just that, because I know oh, you can't let you run away, it can make his perfect world go further, I am longing for that kind of world. So I must do it positively.

I want to defeat you with anger and watch you be swallowed."

"Already motivated? Then we don't have time to wonder."

'At least compared to the guy on the head, he is still an understandable opponent. After defeating him, make sure to retreat, Master.'Rama said.

"I don't care about the position, Arjuna, now I have to complete my mission and give me a breakthrough."

"Damn it, it's annoying."

"Ape used magic to help protect him and was not injured? Take advantage of his quick movements to disrupt the enemy." Matthew said.

"I haven't seen something like this. Although it is simple, it feels moving and fast."

"Want to know the principle" is actually the same as the name, which is power and space distortion. It is obviously deceptive. There is a hack, take advantage of it."

"There is no life reaction around, so it's okay to fight as much as you like."

"Sun Wheel, obey death."

'Confirm so, come this way.'Matthew said.

"I don't have any kind of athletes, not at this level."

"It's not that there are no scars, it's speeding regeneration."

"Arjuna will lose to you or something."

'Yeah, this is true."

"Wait for us to go, we have plans to kill him, we can already escape."

'Everyone speed up the sprint.'

"You bastard, stop for me." Maas said.

"Say OK first." said the elephant; "I am an elephant, so I can run faster than humans, but I won't be tired."

'But now I have another feeling of exhaustion, which is especially painful for my kind of house, and I hate running for nothing in this world.'

"Even if you say that, I can't help it."

'I expect you to say you want to carry me.'

"But your weight."

'It feels super hot.'

"Why did you run away with us? Are you me? Your day."

"There is something hidden."

'Before I was not considered an enemy, so I can hide, but I was discovered and I am now offering your help.'0

"So I am now a worthless person, and I am also eligible to be implicated."

"What the hell is going on with Ape?"

"Let’s run first instead of chatting. If you take a step slow for ten days, you won’t be able to stop the company."

"So where do we run away."

"Oh, no, this is actually the problem."

"There's no way, don't stop, that guy is now preparing to destroy all the inside of this anomalous zone and then flush it to create."

"Destroy and creation are common. His long reading is about brewing big moves. From the conclusion, it is me or you who is bored. It is dead to be involved."

'This sounds terrible.'

"But if that power accumulation accelerates, it is really possible, but what will become of the world that can be created by flushing, the life inside."

'These are the specifics, saying that we should be able to compare now.'

"You know, right?"

"You have the only device in your hand that can attack than this, so I will be with you."

"Imaginary number?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, that's it."

"Da Vinci, I expected it, so be ready at any time. Come here."

''Although he knew it would be dangerous, but now he can't care about it."

Ape said.

Could it be said that we are going to entertain and come to us in hiding?"

"Don't be kidding, I'm not a fool for this dangerous activity,"

"Although it's not like that, but it's weak to be caught"

'It is true that I cannot deny this danger. The most important thing to take you down is to ensure Lin Xiao's safety.'

"So I have to put the risk aside."

"Looking at your expression, you already intend to believe what he said. In that case, it's useless for us to say anything. They actually made the choice.'

Really, stop talking nonsense. I am injured and there is no hero. I am just an ordinary hero. I hope you will treat me as a prisoner."

"The Caddoks who were finally caught escaped. Maybe you can get information. There should be benefits. Okay. I understand that there is a special permission here, but we must be extra vigilant."

"Thank you."

"I have received the location and coordinates, and now I start sprinting towards the target, Master." Matthew said.

"The situation is getting worse and worse." Lin Xiao said.

Oh, I finally saw the possibility of living, and there was only one problem left.

"Can you catch up?" Ape thought.

"Master let me take you away."

"Where is the round"

"Arjuna's feeling of pressure after running such a long distance is still very strong. Even so, this kind of breathless pressure is abnormal.

I should be fearless, but the spiritual foundation of that heroic spirit feels terrifying."Rama said.

"According to the round budget of both parties."

"Integrate these calculation results."

"Why don't you speak anymore, what do you mean by Biqing? These are to control us. You can tell me that the acceleration device is actually installed in the West Factory."

"There is this, I just confirmed the structure."

'But we can catch up with your maximum energy speed, here is already ready here, anyway, as soon as possible.'Old Fu said.

"Come on, integrate the divine power, and the process of extracting the cohesion is complete." God Arjuna:'Expand this side.'