"Hey, that one over there."

"Are you calling me?" Kaldor said.

"I haven't heard of it, but you can get me a good weapon. I thought there would be a good weapon when I started the treasure."

"Leave me alone, all weapons are meaningful."

"That's her precious bow and arrow. I used to make fun of it and hide it. As a result, she was furious."

"You don't understand the pleasure of treating other people's precious things indiscriminately."

"But some followers and Kaldor have said similar things."

"Who is it?" Lin Xiao said.

"Ah, that line is Ahao."

"Have you said that, he."

"It's really like his team leader, but in this case, everything is meaningless."

"By the way, this strange news zone is interesting."

'what happened?'

"From the top, everything on this island has become simple. The main body of Nemo has also been seriously injured, but he has become energetic."

'That was affected by the legacy.'

'There is indeed this factor, but it is also because the magic power of this anomaly zone is more abundant than anywhere.'

"Because of the fantasy tree, your anecdote belt in the early summer is not the past. As a link to the present matter, it is obvious that the magic will continue to be filled after entering."

"It's not at the same level as humans. The previous Anomaly Zone also has a lot of magical power."

"Since we, you are made up of magic power, there must be a difference in your state."

"Why do you dig out the clod?"

"Even this apprentice is m. If you can sleep in, you can get a lot of magic power."

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao said.

"What is it?"

"There are many reasons for this, but this place seems to be the core."

"Yes, that's it, although the reason is unknown, but this wreck"

"The wreckage of the right size becomes a weapon or armor, or a prosthesis."

"The large wreckage starts with it as the center, and then the temple on the island is probably something set up on the line."

"So this wreck."

"It's disappointing that the line was robbed."

"I can't help but say that, but I didn't expect that the specifications are so big that spaceship training is available. In other words, is this a real world?"

'There is indeed such a conclusion, how these things are connected, this question is a mystery and very disturbing, my father should not have that mechanical sense.'

"Anyway, this type of research will wait until Osho is defeated."

"But what should be done, but I can't help but think that this is my responsibility."

"Then leave you alone, Bazaar sent a communication."

"The soldiers are not stationed here, but the situation is not quite right."

"Supper is ready," Axia said.

'Thank you Axia.'

"Master is a human, so eat more to replenish physical strength."

'And just call me Axia.'

"It's better to feel that way when called by the master."

'Please continue to call me Axia.'

"It would be nice if there was wine."

"No way."

"I see, can't it?"

"Thank you very much for the hospitality."

"That's right, I'm just here to help."

'Is it okay to let me come directly?'

"This is my responsibility, I can't sing in the battle."

"We have a low self-evaluation. Compared with me, who is just holding a wooden knife, it's better."

"Then I just want to change the subject without thinking about the basics."


"Well, what did Lin Xiao do?"

"He said he wanted to blow a little bit."

'excuse me.'Kaldo said.


"good evening."

"Although it doesn't seem good to disturb you when you are depressed."

"It's okay, your side is fine."

"Thanks a lot.

Lin Xiao said.

"Although I find that now is not the time to be depressed."

"If there is anything wrong, you will feel depressed if anyone close to you dies."

"How to talk so strange."

"It doesn't make any sense to say this to someone who has a good heart. If you say it in the battle, you will concentrate on it here."

'But this is also true outside of combat.'

"You are a master and a human being"

"Then it's normal to want to miss the dead."

"This guy was really a badass when he was alive, but it's still very good to save humanity."

"I don't know what the pirate thinks."

"If you don't forget her, things will be troublesome."

"So far."

"I think so." Cadore said.

"Then what should I say, I feel that whatever I say will hurt him.

But even so, it doesn't work, it's so hard to get, really."

Obviously I just thought it in my heart but said it out.

"It's really difficult," Lin Xiao said.

"If you want to harass, I'll be with you at any time. Although I don't speak much, I like to listen to people."

"As long as you are willing to chat with me a few words."

"This is just what I want. After all, I have completed about half of my life."

"Well, what's the situation with you."

'I don't know much about my legend, I don't care at all, come and tell me about boring stories to share your grudges.'

"I used to be a king, but it doesn't look like I used to be. I don't even remember my name after becoming a slave.

Even if I was regarded as a ruthless person, I couldn’t refute the cheese. I avenged my father. I gave up my position and took the risk. It’s all okay here, but I encountered armor during my adventure.

When I met Ahao, a large hero who kept guarding the city, I was so overwhelmed that I decided to give him the sword."

"Didn't the sword start?" Lin Xiao said.

"I didn't finally get the sword, I got it well."

"Ah here, you can't sleep anymore."

"For so long, it is not a story worth looking forward to in the follow-up, it is simply to pass the time."

"What's wrong, A Song, haven't you always been strong?"

"Put that kind of look as if you are still wearing it."

"Is it bad?"

"Can't say the same thing, a cold back, is it a cold?"

"Obviously a follower." Lin Xiao said.

"It's true, but if this feeling is not a cold, if it is not, then that guy is there."

"Who?" Lin Xiao said.

"The guy I'm talking about must be Medea, the most terrifying woman on the ground, the least want to make her angry, and even when she's not angry, she doesn't want to get close."

'The upright queen.'

"That's not because you usually behave nicely as if you still bring it."

"That's just the guy who uses the Demon Pillar as the material."

"One yard goes to one yard, which means she is nearby."

"In that case, it can become combat effectiveness."

"The current members, our group, don't give all of them."

"I don't want it, but maybe I will run away if I kill me as soon as I meet."

"Worry about this, how troublesome it should be."

"It's a little bit of Warcraft in front, everyone, be careful."

"What do you think she is?" Lin Xiao said.

"There is a problem there and it needs to be taken seriously."

"What is that, what is protecting."

"No, please use this telescope."

"Thank you." Lin Xiao said.

"No matter what, it's better to think that there is something in there," Kaldor said.

"Master, give me a signal, I will attack them."

"The internal structure and temple here are of great significance."

'To be precise, there is no seat in the temple.'

"It's almost a seat supply device."

'The internal situation is surging, although we can come in, why can't they come in.'

"Yes, but the moment I entered, I felt the magic."

'It's Medea, who seems to have opened the barrier to prevent anyone from coming in.'

"Then we Chaldeans were also very jealous when we came in."

"Well, you go out first, I'll just read this inner message for you a little bit"

"I see, everyone, let's go out."

'hurry up.'

"Ah, Miss Axia, wait." Lin Xiao said.

"Are you okay?" Kaldor said.

"It's okay, really, hurry up and get out."

"Then Medea."

'You take care of me.'

'Scared me.'A Song said, "What kind of stereo projection is this?"

"This letter is only locked for you to read, and everyone else has been driven away."

"It's healed, are there any complaints?"

"Then Lord Song, don't say much about my love for you."

'I know.'

"This is given to you after leaving the team, but after you read the letter, I have entered Olympus, and we are all over without his dedication."

"No matter who it is, I will work hard for the collection and fight, and then Master Asong, even if this is the case, I believe that Asong beats people from the bottom of my heart."

"Who are you lie to."

"No, you are really not worthy of a newcomer, but as a hero, I am a newcomer from the bottom of my heart, so I prepared a gift for you."


"It's a magic costume made by my best"

"There is an incomparable talent for magic."

"Well, I'm doing it, so it's in this letter."

'Why is this useless magic costume.'

"I'm afraid you are dissatisfied, but there is no way. Just making that ceremonial costume is already very limited."

'Look at this guy carefully.'

"Also keep the island information after this."

'That is the most useful.'

``It's better to say what to do if you don't have it, goodbye dear A Song Daren

"Then wish you a smooth journey."

"Gods have become enemies, how can they bless you?" Asong said.

"There is still my love here, for you."

Asong said, "What a troublesome woman."


"Welcome back to A Song." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, everyone is watching me carefully. There is no curse on me, right?"

"Finally, give me a magic trick."

"It doesn't matter because you are not a magician, do you know it well."

"You have Medea on your shoulder," Lin Xiao said.


"You guys can stop joking, really." Asong said.

"I saw nothing."

"Leave this aside, I think the purpose is decided."

"What's the matter?"

"Medea will report me, anyway, the number of companions has increased, let's go together."

"Okay." Lin Xiao said.

"Master Osho, I have something to ask you."

"We received what we didn't know who said, we have been talking about going to Totoshima."

"Pass it to me, you back down."

"I'm so sorry, how is the situation okay with this communication?"

"It's really nasty, I used a signal that doesn't belong to me."

"I'm really sorry, but I don't want others to know about this conversation, and I don't want to contact via route."

'In other words, what are you planning?'

"No one in Olympus threatened you where I found?"

"But be careful not that you will be on time. This command will be transferred to you, but there may be people who want to take action."

"This is the hacker's knock."

"In other words, you have come here by yourself?" Osho said.

"Well, what can I do?"

"I want to know where Chaldea will go next time, so I only need to transfer it again."

"It's meaningless that they have nowhere to escape, and they can't go down with their eyelids, and it's not like I can't continue with the soldiers.'

"It doesn't matter, but I am the captain. As a guy who is so expected, how can I respond."

"You are as stupid as a human being. Since you are so stupid, I have a good reason to stop you. Once I have determined your location, I will contact you about this matter. Remember to keep it secret."

"You don't need to tell, I will take someone with you, who is different from him, is a real strong."

"I will abide by the agreement, only I know."

"But I didn't promise to control the people who were there."

"It's also the captain who is unlucky who would have thought you were here"

"Yeah, I don't want to see this guy either.

"It's really unlucky to just be a fox for the gun order occasionally, no matter what."

"I don't want to talk more about your relationship, you go find him yourself."

"I want to kill him now."

"What do you mean?" Osho said.

"My care is perfect, I have seen the ending, and when it comes to Olympus, I will fight here before, and he said that the result is now that I intend to let those guys see."

"Enough, Owen is not a prodigal, there is no need to notify him, this time I will kill Lin Xiao in Chaldea."

"Oh, it has become a melee, whoever won first, no matter what the situation, the victory belongs to us." Osho said.

"There should be something stronger."

"Orion is here this time," Lin Xiao said.


"let's work hard together."

"Kanshan's equity is in a mess."

"It feels like wreckage here."

"Yes, it is very troublesome to walk."

"Will there be a companion here?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, if Medea is in the right situation, there seems to be an assassin here."

"I have a role defined as a crash."

"Don't worry, you are basically useless when you are not treating people."

'I also cook and wash clothes.'

"Kaldor can do those jobs too."

'I can't do it.'

"Cooking too."

"Speaking in the past." Lin Xiao said.

"I am indeed a king, but you see I haven't become a king yet."


"I am also a king temporarily."

'Is that so?'Axia said.

"Later I Odan became an adventurer"

"Sounds very desirable." Lin Xiao said.