"You arrived here, determined to survive.,"

"If this is the case, then everything is taken for granted.

In other words, if you don't fight, you will die, so winning and winning are secondary."

"If you don't want to fight, if you don't want to lose, then just don't fight, but you decided to fight.

Even if it is not justice, is there any fighting meaning in it?"

"It's really right, even if the odds of winning are small, you can't leave it alone." Old Fu said.

"The gods that live in this world are all your enemies. Please don't forget this and do your best."

'Thank you.'

'Thanks no more, then we will have no relationship.'

"Then, the next step is to go to another island."

"Go." Asong said.

"Are you okay? Little Paris."

"It feels like it's going to work, I have successfully synchronized with this strange news belt, the download is complete, they are the ending here, what you want, be careful,"

"You tell me how to be careful, Apollo."

"What should I do? I'm safe and still, I don't have a female profile picture, so I can't connect it until I'm killed."

'Master Apollo, you bully people, how can you fight like this.'

"As far as my bow and arrow are concerned, it's a little reluctant. Although it is strengthened with heritage, the battle is still not good."

'Don't worry, it's just a simple nano extremely.'

"There is no reassuring element at all."

"And when I said these silly things, I was forced to a dead end."

"It's really troublesome."

"The trouble is at home."

"Wow, brother, save me."


"Really, the follower is indeed a child."

"What, you look like I'm here for you."

'Hide a little.'

"You are not a heel."

"do you know me?"

"What do you say, know or not, I am."

"For many years, but the hero, I was known in person. I'm sorry I want to make your puppet willing but."

"All right."

"Those who are not in the way, defeat you now."

"Although I feel a little sorry, but I can't let you go back alive."

"After all, I can't be irritable."

"Ha." Heel said, "It's not refreshing at all."

"Hey, I have saved you, why are you coming back."

"Although Oudian is in trouble."

'Oh, I want someone like you to save me.'

"Don't wait, you are difficult."

"That Paris?"

"Different from the guy I know."

''I do not know why either."

Because this era is very troublesome"

"That's it."

"Are you on the Olympus side?"


"Unfortunately I can't think about it first."

'If you want to say that, you are not the son of a goddess.'

"Master Apollo, please help me this time, I want to be with humans."

'As long as it is a human being, no matter who will make mistakes.'

"Now that the heel is weakened, you can definitely win little Paris."


"It really belongs to Olympus."

"Okay, I swear to fight to death."

"Just right," said the heel.


"Damn it, heel, I'm not good at dealing with him. Although he was troublesome during his lifetime, he must be the kind of person who asked me to buy bread."

"Is that so?" Lin Xiao said.

"What can be said for sure is that the guy was born to resist the people above him."

"Of course, it's me now, and you are still there."

"Is that kind of person?" Matthew said.

"Excuse me, there was a small blast from the beginning."

"Good thing, it sounds like who is fighting with whom."

"This is Jianfeng's cunning voice."

"Fighting here, the possibility of heeling them is high."

"Let's go quickly."

"Damn it, although it is not to my liking, but there is no way."

"It's not the same as it looks, very strong guy."

'Only you, I don't want to lose.'Paris said.

"This guy's bows and arrows were not good at dealing with evil in his lifetime."

'This is brother's fault.'

"Nothing, beat him."

''That's it anyway.

"I really can't laugh, is that god a mascot?"

"It really is."

"Can you deny it."

"No, I figured out that it was this kind of thing."

"Because no matter what, it's cute."

"Why are you in chaos."

"Be careful."

"Okay." Paris said, "Magic reaction is a treasure."

"Oh, everyone went together."

'In other words, the rank is knight.'

"Entrust your life to me."

"That's it." Lin Xiao said.

"Damn missed."

'Did off.'

"Who is here."

"I am Lin Xiao, the master of Chaldea."

"Oh, it's a friend."

"Is such that"

Lin Xiao said.

"Why are you guys fighting?"

"In that case, who is your opponent?" Asong said.

"I'm a hero, my real name is Paris."

"Are you a hero?"

"From just now, it is indeed the case."

"I didn't say it at all." Heel said, "It affected the injury."

"Hey, right?" Lin Xiao said.

"Ah, sorry, my injury cannot be recovered, so I didn't recover."

'What's the situation?'

"My heel was penetrated."

"Speaking of which, this is your weakness."

"It's just being attacked, let's make do, the speed is reduced by seven layers, in this state, the spiritual core is smashed."

"Originally, if it was a god, it would be a deep weapon, otherwise I would have nothing to do."

"I have a bad feeling, so ask."

"What are you the sheep over there"

"Olympus' twelve gods."

''Please wait, Master Apollo is not.

Your god on our side."Matthew said.

"Apollo seems to be." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, they are indeed on our side."

''Although I am not exactly Apollo from the anomaly zone.

The answer to this question is yes. Now where I am standing, I sometimes read it wrong."

"If you want to know the information of the gods, I can tell you."

"Yes, that's it."


"If you consider it from this side, it is indeed on the pan-human side." Asong said.

"In the case of an anomaly, such an annoying place shouldn't be there in the beginning."

'It is my side that suffers.'

"Your relationship is not good?" Lin Xiao said.


"Paris killed his heel before."

"Yes, Paris used to be taller, so why don't you care."

"Of course, I was very short-lived. I chose to be a hero and I will probably lose it in the war."

"On the other hand, I have been fighting until I die, so I don't care because of this."

"This kind of thing is all right, do you want your heel to help?"

"Of course, although there is no immortal body, there is also its own power."

'Of course I want to be a companion, you are the master.'Lin Xiao said.

"It's really polite, thank you."

'I didn't do it for you or I'm Lao Fu, the hero's heel, I have something to say.'

"Where are your armor and shield"

"Where is the armor and shield that my mother gave me?"

"Yes, we are looking for you just for this." Lin Xiao said.

"I want that, I'm sorry that the shield is gone, but the armor is on. What are you going to do?" Heel said.

"So that's the case, it's an extra attack."

"But unfortunately it doesn't work."

'why?'Lin Xiao said.

I was weakened, even if I called a car, I couldn't continue. To shoot down the Moon Goddess, relying on me, I felt like I would lose."

'But ah, in this case, there is no breakthrough'

"In other words, it is impossible to reach the fantasy tree."

'Can the armor be displayed?'

"Just take that armor and make him a bow and arrow." Orion said.

"So that's it." Heel said: "It's true that the guy forged was made by God."

"If you want to process it, there is no problem."

'As long as you borrow this power, it will definitely be fine.'

'Forget it, no matter what, it is scheduled to be unused, shooting with a bow and arrow.'

'I come.'

"I don't recommend it very much."


"Because you can't do it, even if you are a few minutes old, you can't do it. The most popular thing is to deepen the weapon bow. You can't open it."

"That's it."

"That's where, it's me."

'But Orion, we know how to fight'

"She is yours."

'I know this better than anyone else, and because of this, I want to go.'

'I have a boring question, this is justice.'

"Well, the armor is for you."

"The matter is finished? Then go quickly" Azong said.

'I want to go, please let me go together.'Paris said.

'Is this guy okay?'Lin Xiao said.

"Who knows, are you here?" said the heel.

"That is?"

"You also fought with them? Just so, how about trying Paris's strength here first?"

"As for me, it will be fine on my own."

"So strong and confident."

"Why decide without authorization."

"It doesn't make sense to dampen my strength."

"Don't worry, I will also help fight"

"There is no need to help because I don't need help."

"Very good, I feel good."

"Pass the score."

"You are noisy, really."

"I was killed by you," said the heel.

"My brother was also killed by you."

"Don't be closer, after all, no matter which one is dead."

"You don't need to say it"

"Just do it, take care."

"Well, a handshake is the basis for a good relationship."

'Although I think I am not very useful.'

'Nothing, much better than me.'Axia said.

"That's right, this guy was assassinated."

"Then I'm just a fool." Asong said.

"Please don't pretend to be forceful." Lin Xiao said.

"To be honest, I only have a bad impression of Ah Song, but I can talk unexpectedly."

"I can't talk to you."

"Haha, great."

'Unlike expected, this is a high-level and cheerful character.'


"Well, the combat force employees need to be adjusted."

'It's nothing, compared to this'

"Master Paris."

"Just call me Paris."

"So I asked, what kind of person is Ahao?"

"You seem to be nervous."


"For me he is an idol."

"It's so professional, I want to tell you each charm carefully."

'First of all, my brother is very handsome. He is a handsome guy at the same level as the brilliant appearance.'

'I'll just avoid it a bit.'

"If you accidentally complain, it will feel like a Shura field." Heel said.

"Excuse me a little bit?" Matthew said.

"Okay, it doesn't matter." Heel said.

'It's about what was fighting until death.

People will die, there is no eternal mark, the meaning of life is additional, so we live in the present.'Matthew said.

"Even so, being determined to be here, I feel very afraid, don't you be afraid, because you are a hero."

"This is a good question. If you want to become a hero by saving people, I am sorry that I am the latter. As you expected, I am still a monk."

'My brother said so at this time, please let me go.'

'Hey, you think it's impossible for you to chase after him.'

"Is it handsome?"

"I was killed by the noisy little ghost and the god over there."

"But I don't think it's bad for me to die. Although I don't think about it, I am satisfied. I am considered to be a hero CIA.

"This should be said to be a very far future."

"Because of this, I won't regret it. Fight and fight."

"Do you want to die here?" Lin Xiao said.

"Something similar to intuition."

"That kind of parting without staying for 1.6 years is probably not enough."

"If you like, please call me again."

'This is not something that should be said with a smile.'

"Of course I want to say with a smile, I used to be invincible."

"Well, Kaldor, I will go to the Palace for the time being and you will stay with the master."

"Oh, I see,"

"Kaldor likes Ahao." Matthew said.

"Of course."

"The eyes are shining," Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, really, don't look at me like this. He is an extremely important hero to me. If I meet him one day, I will definitely tell him."

Kaldo said.

"Okay, so we will get the materials for further training weapons, which means that Moon God's revenge can be prepared."

'What happened?'Lin Xiao said.


'what happened?'Matthew said.

"Damn it, that's it. He said that the next piece of information that the materials for deep-building weapons will be unlocked will be the same."

"In this way, I understand where the god is."

"Then please give the coordinates."

"The place is a big maze."

"It's like the point in a complicated maze."

"Specifically speaking, it is the forging unit."

"Fortunately, it will take two days to see there from the map, and then u can get there after taking a rest halfway."

"If you want Nano, you can strengthen the followers if you can."

"It will be fully resurrected, armor."

"Even if I show it to us, I don't understand it well."

"Then the name changed, of course."

"In order to match you, this is called the God Code."

"The three followers are all easy to say, isn't it?" Azong said.

'Ready to go back and set off.'Lin Xiao said.

"Even as a follower, I can't turn my mind."

"Forget it, then I will bake a cake for you when I go back."

"Then I want you to come to you once, I am the heel, I would like to show you more."