"I totally believe in you." Bazaar said.

"Nemo, want to call me together, the newly born guys started killing each other." Nemo said.

"This is the result of the thousand generations. We interact freely."

Start to help you.

"Oh, my identity has been robbed. I am waiting for the great wealth account and let's go now."

"Unfortunately, the ship's equipment is very poor and weak, only while advancing, while forcibly breaking through the middle." Bazaar said.

"Kaldor, the storm is coming, take this opportunity to break through, or silence the bottom of the sea."

"It's really starting to rain."

"Be careful not to fall, first season."

"The enemy is coming up." Matthew said.

"We must continue to avoid.

"Parr supports." Lin Xiao said.


"I know what I should do, and I will do my best to protect the master."

"No problem, according to what my elder brother said, I seem to get stronger the more desperately, and the level of being forced to the present is on par with before."

"Every time I get to the end, I will be very good, and I hope to be so noticeable in the future."

"That sheep is Apollo."

"Conscience, no fight"

"Here's the second time."

"There are also fratricidal beasts." Lin Xiao said.

"Then take this part into consideration," Kaldor said.

"Good job, Kaldor." Lin Xiao said.


"I'm so envious," Paris said.

"My Apollo and I are also friends."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if it is a lover."

"Damn caught."

"They boarded," Bazaar said.

"Break them." Lin Xiao said.

"Are you okay?"

"It doesn't seem to work anymore."

"At least there is no way to fight."

"Why, let the monster run away."

"I am directly operating, so the control will not be messy."

"Are you?" Lin Xiao said.

"You guys." Osho said: "My life Wie Osho is the servant appointed to protect here."

"The man fought during the storm, facing his sharp eyesight enough to penetrate his body, he couldn't breathe."

You should be brave when facing enemies, but this man is a different species from ours.

This man is terrible, and I decided from the bottom of my heart, "It's no longer necessary to reason. If everything comes out, it depends on the fate."

'Where is the disadvantage? I ended your shortcomings. You are pushing for a ruling. Everything is only a battle, and you will get it after victory.'

'And God chose me for this.'

"So, maybe because of this, my CIA will take it lightly, because I was chosen."

"Anyway, through this stop, come and laugh."

"Because of this, we only need to solve the master."

'So it won't let you succeed.'

'We should show it to you.'

"You are determined to lose."

"Even if you experience despair here, you must fight."

"It's amazing, I will lend you a little bit of strength."

'I didn't mean it. It's because you are so fragile to arrive in this movie.'

"The knight will be smiling at sea. We can also cross this wave now."

'Don't want to cross over and get out.'

"is coming."

"This is the last moment of this battle." Matthew said.

"Bazaar and Paris have little choice but to rely on me." Kaldor said.

"The maximum output of the legacy is over, you can go to death."

"Don't want to succeed."

"Don't think about it."

"Why must you die together."

'We don't have melancholy, our mission is.,'

"The soldiers here are my salvation for them."

"Don't feed God to use humans who know nothing."

"I have no reason to listen to you, I am Wie who has won, and I do everything."

"Then this is the reason for your failure. Although you understand how to use people, you can no longer love others."

"There is no you in this world who loves people."

"The treasure's homeland has fallen."

"Do you think I didn't notice that you were not there?"

"Have you forgotten? We are connected. Even if you lose your loyalty, the causal relationship is still there."

"You came here secretly, and you want to play it for the time being, you didn't show any murderous skills at the last moment."

"But that's the end of it."

"Axia." Lin Xiao said.

"Farewell to my servant," Osho said.


"The Chaldeans, you think you will win this way, but you will die in vain."

"Treasure, liberate again."


"It's impossible that you are still alive, I did kill you." Osho said.

"Yes, I knew from the very beginning that surprise attacks and other things cannot be successful."

"You are enough to protect me from the time you can't see me."

"No matter if I'm an incompetent guy, I will still be turned around. If you have any chance on your side, you underestimate me."

'You think that my surprise attack will fail because you have grasped my ability and ruled out the possibility.'

"How is this going."

"I added skills to myself when I got the inheritance, in order to ensure that even after I died."

'Can the battle continue?Do this for victory.'

"You misread your obsession."

"But don't underestimate my obsession."

"Master Luna, I will not stop you and send a new main gun number, do you, do you have someone you love when you are a human? What kind of person is it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a little dysfunctional now."

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao said.

"The battle continuation obtained from the legacy is different from other types. It keeps moving until Osho is killed. This ability value can be maintained to this point."

"So, I can't remember everything about everyone's faces, memories, and memories."

"After all, why on earth is it necessary to kill him in this part at all costs."

"It's okay, although I don't remember it clearly, but it seems to be helpful to you, that would be great."

"I don't remember the reason, but I don't know why there is only one relationship left. I think someone in the class is busy."

'I want to help a certain person, but I don't know the name or remember that I have seen something that I don't understand whether it is appearance or other.'

'That person is so affectionate, so nostalgic."Axia said.

"Yes, if it is for that person's life, it can be given."

"Tears came out, even I didn't know what I was doing, facing the weakness I had never seen before"

'But there is no other way, even if I die, I will leave a trace. My life is meaningless. Since it is so expensive, I want to stay in the memory of the living.'

"I pour out this fierce sadness and hopeless feeling."

"Even if it leaves an ugly scar this time, even if it becomes a sad parting, but Ang's wound is the only thing left."

"I still want this, I don't want to be forgotten, I don't want to be a beautiful memory."

'I just hope that the Angren will remember that every time he dreams, he will be entangled in dreams.'

"Please remember, I'm a woman who can be seen everywhere, I'm sorry I have never been a computer i, how day-to-day I am, unreasonable, even so, I am sorry, this is me, just like indulging in love."

"Then everyone, goodbye, and you."

"May you have a good life."

the other side.

"What is this?"

"That monster." Teacher Ma said.

"We won."

"There is no need to continue to buy time."

'Can he move?'

"On the contrary, I think he clearly sees the limits of his ability to support the action, and it is more appropriate to escape." Teacher Ma said.

"Catch up, Osho is defeated, and the encirclement is broken, as long as he catches up to the island."

"I swear by my parents' orders that I will not be defeated."

"Dying?" Asong said.

"Just find a place to lie down."

"Because we have accomplished the task well, Deidara will be coming soon."

"As scheduled, we will continue to patrol, declare war with a coupled reality, and then hand it over to you."

'Bazaar, here it is.'

'Oh, it looks just right.'

"But you." Lin Xiao said.

"The follower will disappear when he completes his mission. I will bring you here. I regret and dare not have a mission. I have completed a job.

That's right, those who witnessed the stars and the world went to defeat the Moon God and the Sea God, harvested Kong Xiang's direct, the world's largest beautiful pirate man, and accomplished something that could not be done in his lifetime.

No, I did send my hope."Bazaar said.

"Here, I've been waiting for a long time."

"Reach the set goal and start the formation." Lin Xiao said.

"Okay, come on," Orion said.

"Waiting for a long time, start to calculate the best angle." Da Vinci said; "At the same time, explore the target of the satellite orbit and confirm the success.'

'Orion, one last question, can you shoot,'

"I can."

"Considering the quantity, this is the limit. After two times, the spiritual foundation will disappear. You are sure that this can be done." That's good, I will relentlessly use lethal things to strengthen you."

"Okay, I know you are still alive and it's better to be safe." Heel said.

"What, you beautiful thing."

"You are not suitable for black belly attributes."

"You guy, inexplicably emotional, don't mess up my hair."

"Now you have a good face, make up, you wouldn't have come out."

'The grip is almost at its limit.'

"Is it the limit, you guy."


"But I must complete the responsibility. Before the work is completed, I want to stop it."

"Orion, rest assured to defeat the goddess."


'what happened.'

'About what I did to your brother, I feel sorry, I felt it before my death.'

'So, I don't want you to forgive Owen. I just see you fighting desperately and I always feel like I want to tell you.'

"Goodbye, then."

"Leave it to you." Lin Xiao said.

"May your journey go forward with lights illuminating the road ahead."

'Is the heel gone?'

"Immortal, great hero."

"This world is not as good as it wants, obviously the sea god is returning a son.,"

"Hmph, it's so hot, I'm still a hero at the last moment, I'm so unwilling."

"All auxiliary preparations are complete, the first sword to destroy first."

'Instantly strengthen the start.'

"The blood starts to boil, everything rises up, the golden bow, the gods created the disease."

"Check that there is no problem with the input."

'How about the assistance.'

"There is nothing wrong with it."

"Orion, really your hands." Lin Xiao said.

"It doesn't hurt at all, look at it, and I will pull this weapon away."

"Let's start, first is the first arrow, the treasure is liberated, and there is no light in me."

"Analyzing the result, the exterior is destroyed, and the Shennuo is on display."

'Success.'Lin Xiao said.


"Seriously injured," Matthew said.

"Orion was right. The appearance was destroyed just now because there was no defense."

"Auxiliary spells are activated again."

"Okay, come on," Orion said.

"From above it is 500,000 meters high."

'Oh no.'

"Have you caught up?" Orion said, "Come on!"

On the ground and in the air, the two flashes tore the sky apart, and a fierce conflict occurred.

The loud noise spread all over the surroundings, and everyone was dumbfounded at the sight of a dragon.

Manipulating the main gun of the Moon God and Orion's divine bow, indeed.

"Analysis confirms that learning from Chen Gong is good for creating pathologies and breaking through the limit energy.

"You are the arrow that runs through everything."

The bow and arrow released did not arrive, and at the same time, the spirit foundation began to collapse.

"How about it," Paris said.

"Sorry," Orion said.

It was offset, the Moon God's actions were too fast.

"How come?" Lin Xiao said.

"To be assisted, please explain immediately."

"Unbelievable, such a short period of continuous attacks, I don't care when the magic circuit is burned down."

'This action is different from the data.'Da Vinci said: "Could it be that she is studying."

"Is there no alternative arrow?"

"It's not time to say that kind of thing, you must run away"

"Wait, she is about to attack again."

"Can't escape, in this place." Lin Xiao said.

"Three seconds from the shelling.

A weak magic response appeared on the ground."

"The spell begins."

"What is this light?"

"Summoning?" Da Vinci said, "At this time, a servant was called."

"Although I don't know who it is, a hero has the power to break through this scene."

"In that case, come out, guardian." Lin Xiao said.

"Ah, it doesn't need to be explained. Uncle understands everything that needs to be done, because that fool told me everything."

"you are."

"From now on, at this moment, I will be called by you."

"Not the bow?"

"But I understand what I need to explain. I was Wie who bought time."

"What time did you say?"

"No, I still have a bunch of questions to ask you."

'The answer is simple, use my treasure to block it.'

"I'm here for this."

"Why can you still fight."

"The spiritual foundation is shattered, and the treasure does penetrate your heart."


I heard that there was a hero in the distance, even if he died in battle, he did not fall. He was just a human."

"So, I was born of a goddess, how can I say that, maybe I'm already dead."

''But no matter whether I am alive or dead, I will never let you pass. There is nothing to say, the rest is to wield my own strength.

"That's it, but the intuition of being a hero shows that one thing can be done."

Originally it was impossible, if my existence was called."

"The body named is just how I can give up."

'It is indeed dead, but why.'Teacher Ma said.

"Don't underestimate Owen, you all step back, I will give the final blow."

When I followed the instructions, I began to feel that this was a mistake. The birth of a sage in the gods made me know the dead end of world history.

There is no development and progress, but even so this is the world I love deeply.

"That's it."

"I will use my life to help you buy time, sorry to leave it to you."

"Wait I have something to say."

"Paris, I already have a god to tell you. You fought very well."

"Finally, leave it to you junior."

The light approaching like a wave, raised the weapon flatly alone.

"Master, it's really Ganxien that I can summon me back. This is the light of the so-called life man."

"The goal is to make sure that I will bring the crystallization of hope even if I am broken."