"Ah, Mr. Lin Xiao, you are here."

"Sorry, I have something to ask you."

"It was a disaster before the mechanical creatures got out of control."

"No problem, if I can answer, please feel free to ask."

"Pars, why don't you fight anymore."

"We have lived for hundreds of years."

During this time, we continue to lose partners.

"But what I am afraid of is not losing my partner, but that I have become accustomed to losing my partner."

"That's why I decided not to fight anymore."

"Is that right?"

"Is there any information about aliens?" Lin Xiao said.

"It means our creator, but I don't know it very well," Pascal said.

"Because they haven't heard from them for hundreds of years, and we are used to living by ourselves, so we don't receive instructions from them anymore.

It is also the reason why we began to pursue pacifism."

"Is there anything else?"

"Pascal, besides this pool, are there other mechanical creatures separated from the network?"

"This is the singer you used to help knock down."

"That's also called the singer?" 9S said.

"There are also excessive forests."

"what is that?"

"There is a forest near here. Many mechanical creatures gather there to establish a kingdom. They are very exclusive and we can't get close."

"Where is it?"

"There is a city flying in the northeast, but that area has not been peaceful recently. Be careful."

'Sen Ling is excessive and worth investigating.'Lin Xiao said.

"Well, when did you feel this."

"That's right."

"By the way, work is really hard." 9S said.

"It doesn't work for us, your emotions are not good, we are forbidden to mark emotions."

"Because individual differences are normal."

"This seems to be the place Pals said, and it records that this is a place called a department store."

"Well, I know." Lin Xiao said.

"There is no way to pass."

"Is there any mechanism?"

"If we were humans, we would come here to shop."

"We are robots."

"You are really serious."

"This place has a mechanical biological reaction. Be careful."

'Long live the king of the forest.'

"Who is the king of the forest?" Lin Xiao said.

"It won't be their leader."

"I'm scanning." 9S said.

"They have been running away." Lin Xiao said.

"What is it?" 9S said.

"You are?"

"It looks cute, so spoil it."

''Wait a minute, no."The robot said.

"What the hell is that?" Lin Xiao said.

"It seems to be a forest area in front of this." 9S said.

"The goal is the enemy's artificial man, to start the battle situation, as the king of our forest."

"They are here, please don't be careless."

"That's what I want to say." Lin Xiao said.

"The mechanical creatures here, they mentioned the subjugation, there is a castle in them, we will investigate."

"Does machinery also produce loyalty?"

"This place is the castle, and the king of the forest should be inside." Lin Xiao said.

"Let's go in."

"Don't allow them to invade, don't be afraid to move forward."

"Beware of enemy attacks."

"Understand 9S."

"What did you say."

"To understanding."

"Isn't the pronunciation closer to Nice?"

"Keep down the enemy quietly."

'Ouch.'9S said.

"Is this the king?" Lin Xiao said.

"Looks like a baby."

"That's a cyborg." Lin Xiao said.

"And it's not Yooha."

'Found a specially designated body type, suggest destroying it.'

"Let's go." Lin Xiao said.

"Bunker call, we detected 2A, the enemy in front of you."

"She is a deserter and has destroyed several mechanical units."

'Why betrayal?'9S said.

"Isn't the headquarters that betrayed?" 2A said.

"The temperature here is high and unsanitary, we have encountered unfair treatment."

"Therefore, I decided to treat this as our subjugation and formally declare its establishment."

"What is that kingdom?"

'The kingdom is a big home, and the people are like family.'


"Perhaps not bad."

"Yes, maybe not bad."

"The king is dead."

"The king who gave us energy, the gentle king is dead."

"So sad."

"But our King's Knights have a mission that must be completed. The memory left by the king has been put into this child."

"It is our important task to raise this child to be a king."

"It must be nurtured, and it must be protected."

"The king hasn't grown up at all."

"Yes, we are machines who don't grow up casually. What can we do to grow up?"

"do not know."

"Because we are all stupid."

"By the way, the king is so cute."

"Yes, the little one is so cute."

"It must be protected. No one can enter this forest."

"The big thing is not good, someone attacked."

"Everyone listens to me, you must not let the attacker enter us."


"Brother, why are you reading these books?" Eve said.

"Because knowledge can enrich a person." Yadan said.

"Just send the data?"

"If you don't personally you can't get into your heart every month."



"whats the matter?"

"It says my Eve, the name is woman."

"Shall we change our name?"

'Humans will not change their names easily, you have to be proud of your own name.'

"Since my brother said so, I will continue to teach Eve."

"Good boy." Yadan said.

'Oh, brother.'

"whats the matter?"

"Let's play after reading this book, I think it must be fast."

"It doesn't matter, but you have to finish reading the book first."

"Then I will try to read the book."

"Well, read the book carefully." Adam said.

"What do you want to ask me about 9S?" Lin Xiao said.

"Send the record directly."

'There is also a person named 2A in our past records. She is very dangerous, but she has never been here. I'm sorry that this is the information I know.'

"Go back first, because you need to self-check the data and not give."

"9S why do you want to ask him, it was not relieved by the commander."


"But I don't hate your curiosity." Lin Xiao said.

"Thank you." 9S said.

"Our enemy is a mechanical creature, don't forget."

"Communication call 9S now to contact."


"Understand that the commander of your active performance recently praised you, and that we will be discounting."

"Stop polite remarks, over."

"It's not a polite remark."

"Ah, Lin Xiao, you just came here, in fact, we sent a pair of warships over, and it didn't take long to give them back. I hope you can help as escorts."

"We prepared no missiles."

"The mechanical creatures have been too active recently, and they must be hit."

"Acting, if there are other instructions, it can be the priority."


As a result, the nearby mechanical creatures were all resolved.


"I want to issue an emergency order. Just as you said, our ship has been attacked by mechanical creatures. We have already contacted others. Now we will transmit map data and flying devices."

"I hope you will pass as soon as possible."

"The commander really weakens the call"

"If you can't make a judgment, it will be troublesome."

"Well, let's go." Lin Xiao said.

"We were attacked by the enemy and the escort boat was seriously injured. We have sent the enemy to suppress them."

"This is the ship, I hope the androids who ambushed you will suppress it."

"The enemy's headquarters was found 28 meters west." Lin Xiao said.

"Go up and wipe out immediately."

"Wait a minute, there are large enemies."

"Where will this big enemy be."

"What's that?" Lin Xiao said.

"This is a mechanical creature?"

"I have never seen such a huge one."

"I'll assist in aiming and attack with electronic guns."

"The enemy's armor is too thick."

'Direct attack inside the enemy.'

"That's it."

"Yes, attack directly."

"At that time, we were connected to the mechanical biological network, and the machinery was out of control."

"Now after logging in, we will start to be both foe and foe."

"As a result, we could not stop him, only to throw him into the deep sea."

"I have an idea, please drag the monster here." 9S said: "I have a way to deal with her."

"9S left the front."

"It is recommended that they be registered as deserters."

"No, he must have some idea."

"I'll try the original plan. In order not to let the enemy get in the way, please destroy the back device."

"Start to make weapons and attack." Lin Xiao said.

"I didn't expect this to happen."

"Be careful, there will be big trouble in contact with it." 9S said.

"Calling the bunker here is Lin Xiao."

"Are you okay?"

"There is no problem with checking the basic mechanism of the body at present."


"I hope you can tell me a treat."

"The guy who attacked the coast passed because of your help."

"Due to the impact of the attack target, some areas cannot download data."

What about '9S?'

"Although the black box reaction can be checked, no one can be found."

"If there is a reaction, it means he is still alive."

"I want to start searching for 9S to say hello to the commander."

"The order has been given priority, 9S will ask you."

"Understood." Lin Xiao said.

"Auxiliary machine search begins."

"It was not checked if a special scan is required for the check."

'Resist the records that have been used.'

"Advise and resist the leader to obtain information."

"Understood." Lin Xiao said.

"I'm looking for a signal that can detect the black box."

"Is it special? You mean they made them together, and they are totally integrated."

"There is a red-haired man nearby. Go and ask him."

"The redheads."

"Who are you."

"Don't kick people and provoke others, Deidara."

'You are too lax.'

"I'm so sorry, what do you want?"

"I'm looking for a scanner for searching."

'That said, we did it before, and it's okay to leave it to you.'

"Just detect it."

"If you feel very noisy, take it apart first. If you still need to pinch, you can find us, although it is not good for us to be too close."

"Thank you for your help." Lin Xiao said.

"Who is it."

"Yingbaa thing."

"Do not be afraid."

"Sorry, you are here waiting for rescue." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't worry there is a distress signal."

"If you have any situation, you can call us."

"I see, you are here waiting for rescue."

"Confirmed the inspection and vaccination."

"The signal has been sent, and rescue will be here soon."

"thank you."

"We are searching for 9S of our peers."

'If you have any information, I hope you can provide it to us.'

'Any information will do?'

"Oh, the boy with you, remember that he was blown up during the explosion."

'The direction or?'

'I will give you the location data.'

"Thank you, get the target information and record it on the map."

"Did 9S go into such a deep place?"

"It may be a trap for the enemy."

"Welcome to my city." Adam said.

"I'm right, our mechanical creatures are very interested in humans."

Love and family, and war, everything is so interesting.

"It's really a very interesting thing, your human parents are too wasteful."

"Well, you will die here."

"Mofang love, Mofang family." Adam said.

"And I discovered that the essence of human beings is struggle. To kill each other is human."

"What are you talking about?" "I criticize the human beings you admire and make you very unhappy."

"But that's the truth. I want to be human."

"Our mechanical creatures that are connected to the Internet are unsurpassed."

"But in the infinitely extended data, we don't feel alive, and we cannot understand death."

"So I decided to bet on my life to fight."

"I have separated myself from the Internet, let's fight each other." Adam said.

"It's so happy."

"This is for you. If you want to fight, you need a proper reason."

"You bastard, I want to kill you." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes is this kind of feeling, this is hatred." Adam said."

"bring it on."

"Is this death?" Adam said.

"It's dark and cold."

"Well, 9S really suffered a lot. I will project my whole body back to your headquarters according to your input."

"Thank you."

"what happened"

"It was unexpected to hear you thank you."

"Don't mind, I have one more thing to tell you."

"Command wants you to contact."

"I see." Lin Xiao said.

"This is Lin Xiao, take over the headquarters for me."

"Please wait a moment."

"Our enemy Adam is responsible for managing the general network system."

"The analysis results show that their mechanization will be much slower."

"What about 9S?" Lin Xiao said.

"We will check the data for her. If there is no problem, Yu Ji will let him continue to act with you."

"I can't act in 9S, I ask you to perform the task, and the content has been delivered to you."

Mechanical creatures, but feel like meeting them.

"It is recommended to find Paris to retrieve the information."

"Can you hear Paris?" Lin Xiao said.

"What's wrong, please?" Paris said.

"Can you tell me Dong Xiang about the pursuit of mechanical creatures?"

'So a mechanical creature contacted me, hoping to sign a peace agreement.'

"Really?" Lin Xiao said.