"Thank you so much for staying with me so far, I will not forget."

"What was the shock just now?" Lin Xiao said.

"The headquarters caught fire."

"That's a figure."


"Wait for Sakura," Lin Xiao said.

"So far, you, a fake, will show your true colors soon."

"Cherry blossoms are enchanting."

"Sakura, are you all right."

"There will be a period later."

"Sorry we didn't protect the theater, there is a way to stop it."

"No, everyone is fine. The situation is serious, but there is no problem with the maintenance function."

"Mecha Depot, how Yasha invaded"

"It seems to be a direct invasion but"

"How can this be possible."

"It's impossible to invade."

"The secret code was revealed."

"In other words, Yasha knows the secret code." The secretary said.

"I don't know what means I used to get it, or it's a spy, oh our internal."

"There are no spies, I believe everyone." Lin Xiao said.

"We are betting on our lives."

"But why does Yasha know the secret sign? We must investigate this matter carefully."

"Anyway, this is the case first, is there anything else?"

"Sakura's infinity is destroyed, it is impossible to repair it," Amin said.

"How about this, it's almost done."

"That's it." Sakura said.

"Sanshi Guangwu, it's broken for protection."

"There is no more infinity, I no longer have the power to fight." Sakura said.

"My dream is the same as Miss Ying, but she is also greedy and an enemy."

"Sakura, your face is very pale, are you okay?"

'let me go.'

"Sakura?" Lin Xiao said.

"The power to fight and my vision are gone."

"Where are my goals and dreams? I can't fight anymore."

"It will take at least three months to repair."

"So it's impossible to participate in the performance as scheduled."


"But the manager, if you don't participate, our repair cost will you?"

"But the biggest problem remains."

"Sakura, right?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, how's the situation?" the manager said.

"To be honest, I'm still not very optimistic. I will check the situation again."

"Just do it. She has always regarded you as an admiration. Your encouragement must be more useful than any medicine."

"I know."

"If Sakura can get better soon."

''Keep your spirits up, Sakura, now is not the time to get into the horns.

You can hear it, Sakura answered me.Said Hatsune.

"I don't know what is going on with the hero being hungry, but you won't be upset by it."

"Hatsune, you don't know, you don't really value anything at all."

"what did you say."

"You said too much."

"Little Hatsune is also calmer."

I do not care.Said Hatsune.

"Thank you, please tell me about Sakura.,"

"As you can see, I refuse to say a word."

'But Hatsune just now.'

"Quarrel, I was a little surprised."

"So can you calm down a little bit?"

"Who knows, it's mainly a spiritual problem. How can I cook food? The top ten occasional golds are in addition to cultivation methods."

"That's it."

"Sakura, I have something to say."

"Sakura, please, can you listen to me."


"It's better to let her calm down alone," Komachi said.

"What's wrong, are you leaving already?"

"Komachi, Sakura will take care of you."

"Okay, I know."

"But on the other hand, Hatsune, go see the card, what just said hurt her very much."

"Yeah." Lin Xiao said.

"Hello." Hatsune said.

"Hello." Lin Xiao said.

'How do you look full of energy.'

"what happened."

"It's nothing, I just thought you were a little bit lost when Sakura said that."

"How can my little Hatsune be depressed by this kind of thing, what do you think, Zi Ah worried about me."

"Of course it's you."

"If angry Hatsune goes to other places to make noise."

'Haha, but this is really unpleasant.'

"Really don't worry about me."

"If you complain a little bit, you feel better after eating delicious snacks."

"But Kozakura is different, she has a mid laner on her back."

"It's up to you."

"This is my line."

"You really don't understand anything, and why does Sakura do this."

"Are you okay?" Lin Xiao said.

"Nothing, Kozakura will definitely call out, she is not the kind of person who will never behave."

"You trust Sakura very much."

"It's not of course, it's a close friend after all, right?" Hatsune said.

"That guy, he just needs to rest for a while now."

"Occasionally there are times like this."

'It's right to rest, but this way.'Lin Xiao said.

"Then. I'll set off, and the rest will trouble you."

"Hey, leave the affairs of the imperial capital to me Xiao Chuyun."

"Fighting in three days, remember to come back before then."

"I want to come back with Sakura, I don't need to say that."

"I think so too, I will work hard." Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, if you do strange things to Sakura, I won't let you go."

''Love can't be wrong about what is the strange thing, I am not going to play.,

"That won't work, you guys have a good Samsung."

"It's too hard to hold work."

"It's true," Lin Xiao said.

"Anyway, Kozakura left it to you, so go and get back."

"You're still worried."

"Yeah, I'm very worried. The things to do are piled up and it's very troublesome."

"Does it mean the Emperor Sword?"

"Yes, that's one of them," the manager said.

"I haven't come back for almost ten years, it's still the same."

"In the past, we used to go to the back mountain together to squeeze our faces in a U shape, and we were also working as a blacksmith with the master, running around."

"Sakura, wouldn't that person be?" Lin Xiao said.

"Father." Sakura said.

"Long time no see," Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, who else did I say."

"I don't even know when I grow up."

'I'm back with Sakura.'

"What's wrong with my daughter."

"It's not like this."

"Looking at her look, I know what happened."

"Has it been ten years since my aunt's death?"

"Well, is the imperial capital facing a major crisis in Angshi?"

'And now the crisis is approaching again.'

"Yes, the guy who calls himself Yasha, come to find Emperor Sword."

"do you know?"

"That Yasha and Ms. Ying speak easily."

"So that's it, Shengyi escaped."

"Not to escape."

"It's all about coming here."

"If you want to stay at home, it's auspicious. After all, this is your home."


"Lin Xiao, let's live tonight, you two have a good rest." Lin Xiao said.

"Sakura, please turn around and face me, I have something to tell you."

Is it useless, what should I do?

"There's no way, then I'm here."


"Lin Xiao."

"Sakura, you are willing to look at me."

"It's not so much that I don't want to see you, it's you who came over to me, it's really you are too rude."

"It's been a long time since I sat outside and chatted."

"Yeah, the last time we talked was when we were young."

"After I moved out suddenly, I didn't even have a chance to play together."

"You don't know where you went to sleep. My recycling is very modeling."

"Because that is my dream, just like you have a dream."

"Yeah, I want to join the flower group, I have been thinking about this all day, and I am looking forward to Miss Ying."

"Because I have the same name, I mistakenly thought that I could never doubt it."

"Haha, you really look like you" Lin Xiao said.

"But Wakaka Yasha is Miss Sakura, my idea." Sakura said.

"I beg you to have the bath water. Prepare it before the meal."


"Sakura, is the water temperature okay?"


"It's amazing."

"Ten years ago, it was an unusually tragic battle. Although we took the Imperial Capital, we were completely destroyed." Sakura said.


"It was supposed to be a monster, but everyone was sealed."

"Sakura and everyone are called victims."

'Combat is accompanied by sacrifice.'

"Please don't say such things."

"They will be abandoned because of the failure of the battle."

"Maybe this is the truth."

"Perhaps even more cruel. The battle is just to use them."

"But if that is the case, then everything is meaningless. Even if she becomes a Yasha, she hates everyone and becomes a monster."

"My daughter is thinking so much."

"Really, where did you start listening."

"It's hard to say, then I almost should." Lin Xiao said.

"Sakura, can you let go of your hand."

"If I don't let go, I will wake up."

"Of course you can't do that."

"Looking at this sleeping face, I also want to sleep, no, no one can be here."

"Okay, Sakura let go."

"Hey, I really can't help you." Lin Xiao said.

"no way."

"I'll hold your hand, so you can feel at ease."

"I absolutely want to become like Miss Ying, then I want to be the captain, and I will definitely guard you."

"Lin Xiao."

"good Morning."

"Sorry, I disturbed you." Lin Xiao said.

"It's okay, I have already practiced."

"Really, by the way you were last night."

"Really, I can't get married anymore," Sakura said.

"I didn't do anything."

"Really, I didn't do strange things secretly."

"It seems to hold your hand."

"It turns out that you can't help you do that kind of thing."


"If you can be tight-lipped, it's not impossible to forgive you."

"Haha, I know, I'm afraid I won't tell anyone."

"But Kozakura seems to have recovered."


"What do you mean?"

"Can you accompany me today?"

"No problem." Lin Xiao said.

"I really miss it, no matter what it is, it is exactly the same as before."

"I used to come here to play together."

'Yeah, I remember.'

'By the way, is your sword still there?'

"Probably in that place."

"Oh, I really miss it," Lin Xiao said.

"It also has a name engraved on it."

"Don't be so loud, the mistake of childhood."

"No, you are so strong now, you rely on this."

"This shows that a wooden knife can also exert combat effectiveness."

"Could it be."

"My double knives, so miss."

"That is what my father made for you."

"Yes, I said it was Captain But."

"How hard was it at that time."

''Although I don't remember a lot, I came here to think of a lot of things.

"Sakura, when did this cherry tree become like this?"

'It was when I was saved.'Sakura said.

"A monster suddenly appeared, give that cherry tree"

"Monsters, there are even here, so it is." Lin Xiao said.

"She appeared at that time, and I was Miss Ying after saving me."

'is it.'Lin Xiao said.

"It was originally very beautiful, which is a shame."

"This place is compatible with that medicine for me."

"I met a dream here, I swear, oh work hard, and the promise made with you here is also a very important memory."

"The past is here, what you said to me."

"You made an appointment with me."

"It's a marriage agreement, right."

"Really, what did you say suddenly."

"Sure enough, that's not the case, I made a mistake."

"Did you really forget? It's really disappointing."

"What are you enjoying."

"I mean the previous agreement was very important. Now I am the captain. I agreed with everyone that the Hua Group will not be disbanded."

"Please, I need your strength, and protect Hua Zu with me."

"It's nothing, it just needs my strength."

''Everyone has to use her power."

Then of course I was abandoned. You understand the feelings of the victims."

"It's too much. I didn't consider abandoning you. Have you ever thought about us like this?"

"I do not care."

"I hate this kind of brother, you go back."


"A person like you, it's fine if you don't become my UI card."

"Master Blacksmith."

"Are you alone, what happened to Sakura."

"We quarreled just now."

"That weapon belongs to Sakura."

'Yeah, I checked the blade for any problem.'

"Do you want to stay?"

'I want to go back.'

"As a result, I still didn't bring Sakura back."

"Can I fight without Sakura?"

"The mysterious masked woman attacked Asakusa. This is the latest information. Is it true."

"It's Yasha, who attacked yesterday morning. Although he was confessed, dozens of people were injured."

"Yes, this is a good thing Yasha did." Lin Xiao said.

"While I'm away, go home anyway."

"Isn't this the captain, you finally came back."

"Mysterious situation?" Lin Xiao said.

"You mean that, we have blasted away the monster."

"But there is no way with Yasha."

"Although the captain is not there, defense can still be done."

"I can call if I'm away."

"Good job."

"If this kind of thing is not for the captain, perhaps you can promise Yasha."

'Sure enough, you are a good captain.'

"By the way, what is this doing?"

"I want to build a star stage, although it is a piece of cake."

"Everyone is discussing the results. Although the stage inside is broken, it doesn't mean we are dead."

"Sakura, too, I don't want you all"

"Then there is only one thing to do, and that is to build a star stage here, and then invite everyone to watch our performance."

"No matter what you do, live here."

"Let's use another force besides fighting to bring back the smile." Hatsune said.