"You won't move the power entrusted to us now."

"It's going to be on Kozakura, it's time to end the grudge with Yasha."

"The magic power is not enough, the magic power must be injected into the body."

"Before Yasha restores his magic power, it is the final price meeting."

"I will never waste the time everyone gave me. Now I will defeat you."

"Yasha, why do you obey the president."

"Of course, because he awakened me and gave me eternal life."

"No, you fought for justice before."

"You are a little girl moving in life, what I used to be, that doesn't exist."

"I am who I am."

it's not finished yet.

"How dare you do such a thing."

"Please give me the weapon," Sakura said.

"I know."

"You really are not Miss Ying."

"Miss Ying will observe even if it is swallowed by darkness."

"I would doubt it when I knew this. It's a shame."

"Now I am going to cut you off, cut off my cowardly heart."

"What's wrong?" Lin Xiao said.

"What's going on here."

"what happened."

"This is my home." Sakura said.

"In your home, this unusual demonic spirit is." Lin Xiao said.

"Look at the imperial capital burning."

"What did you say?" Lin Xiao said.

"Is the imperial capital being attacked?"

"But in this case, the entire imperial capital becomes a battlefield."

"Is it right here, not now?" Sakura said.

"Is it the old capital?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's certainly true. This is my single machine in the past."

'And the battle that took place in the imperial capital was a period of monster wars.'

"In other words, ten years ago, how could it be possible."

"Look, this cherry tree, I remember."

'The cherry tree should have scars, but this one doesn't.'

"So, we really came back ten years ago."

"It's unbelievable that it's the close influence of fantasy."

"The imperial capital when the monster king was."

'Sakura is dangerous to leave there.'

"My mother may still be alive."


"It's really mother, I finally saw you."

"You are Sakura, what else do you say."

"Mother, I really want to see you, mother."

"Auntie." Lin Xiao said.

"Are you Lin Xiao, you guys?"

"Yes, I'm Sakura, mother."

"You are so old."

"But why does this miraculous thing happen?" Mother said.

"I don't know the cause of the imperial capital's change."

"Alright, yes, how is the imperial capital fighting."

"Thanks to the Emperor Sword, peace has been restored."

"Relying on the Emperor Sword to restore peace."

"But you will be because of this." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't show that expression, I made up my mind, filling in my life really protected everyone."

"Not good at all," Sakura said.

"You can't do this, you will die, we grow up, we live together, live with me, Qiuqiu, your mother." Sakura said.

"Sorry for making you Gamo, but I bet on my life to make the Emperor Sword together."


"I want to protect this imperial capital where important people live."

"It sounds so nice to you, I just want to protect your future, maybe."

"In the future, if you have children, you should understand this feeling. If it is to protect you, I will do everything."

"I will never give up my child's future."

"Mother." Sakura said.

"Now, I want to do what I should do here."

"You have to do what you should do in your own world and protect important people."

"But," Sakura said.

"Cheer up, in your world, there should be someone waiting for you to go back."

"Don't live up to this intention, Wie has those who are waiting for you, you must go back alive."

"I see." Sakura said.

"Oh, you are really a crying ghost, Lin Xiao, I will ask you in the future."

"I will never forget your words, I will continue to fight for important things."

"I will not give up the future, I will continue to challenge like my mother."

"Hehe, it's so reliable, the future of the imperial capital is left to you."

"At the last moment, when I saw you when I grew up, I was satisfied with this opportunity alone."

"You have become beautiful Sakura."

mother.Sakura said.

"Sakura, my beloved daughter, well, let's go."

"Then work hard, live well, and don't leave regrets."

"I will live well so that you can smile, so you must always guard me."

'Goodbye mother.'

"When was this me?"

"Thank you for saving me, it's so handsome."

"Thank you for me because you think so. Don't forget this mood."

"Sakura, hurry up and sit on the weapon, this space can no longer bear it."

"Is that the monster king."

'You must run away quickly, but it was absorbed.'

'Mr. Lin Xiao.'

"We must go back to the imperial capital, and we must guard the future."

"For what you should do, stand on your stage and go."

"You really are my longing, Miss Ying, thank you."

"Haha, the time for resurrection is finally coming."

"Imperial Capital World, destroy it."

"What this is."

"What is this light?"

"You bastard, it's you again."

"Are you going to hinder me anyway?"

"We will never give up the future, your ambition ends here."

"Hahaha." The president said: My wild net has come true. Good will come. Give me strength."

"Your future does not exist anywhere."

"Strike out."

"It seems that you have been defeated by the real palace, but it is impossible to win the power of the monster king." said the president.

"How powerful, is this the power of the Monster King?"

"Everyone is okay."

"I'm fine, but I can go ahead."

"It's great, you can read it evenly, but where are the others, please answer me."

"I don't have to be so loud to hear that I'm still alive."

"Mochizuki is the same, but Mochizuki doesn't know where this is?"

"Everyone is doing things, but their actions are scattered."

"If this situation is broken, it will be troublesome."

"But if you attack like this, you will only fail."

"Captain, this is the same as Yasha, the power of the monster king, blocking the attack."

"So that's it, I will destroy it."

"No, Hatsune can only do this."

'That said, sorry, Captain.'Divided by what you said.

"Lin Xiao, calm down, I can solve this." The manager said, "I want to use the emperor sword occasionally."

"The Big Dipper Array."

"As long as the shadows are the same as ten years ago, Ying Ai can block the power of the monster king."

"But the sword used by his mother is in his hand."

'The Emperor Sword does not bring destruction and bastard.'

'As long as that moment comes, Emperor Sword will help me and believe in your mother's belief in it.'

"Come on, as long as this is the case, we will be profitable."

"Fight to the death, but want or go back."

'That said, we must meet again in the imperial capital.'

"It's burning, let them see our strength."

"It's going to be sealed again."

"Wie has a few stars and needs to make it feasible."

'Enthusiastically, this powerful place is made into points, and then everyone's spiritual power bursts together.'

"Is that so, that means."

"Fortunately, all four of them have this."

"Lin Xiao, you go to them to connect the seven stars and make the stars."

"Great, done"

"You heard, inject your spiritual power."

'Please leave it to me.'Kulas said.

"Use my power to change the future."

"Now knock down all the people around, and then find this, and then inject spiritual power like ZTE."

"Yes, it's going to happen."

"Smashed through 30% of the enemy's combat effectiveness."

"You seem to have something to try, but it's just a useless struggle haha."

"Captain so far, I have always thought that in order to become a master, it doesn't matter to bet on life, but the girl who fought in Yasha is me, and I have different ideas."

"We must live together, life is impossible to measure."

"The enemy's combat effectiveness is reduced by half, which is good."

"We fought hard ten years ago."

"Haha, the power of the Monster King will destroy you, just struggle."

I thought that maybe I would never be able to be with everyone again. I don't want anyone to have this idea, so I have to fight.

"Create a reason for everyone to live with a smile."

What's wrong, I will only run away everywhere."

"Everyone must live with a smile, and we must win."

"Is it here?"

"Then feel a strong fluctuation."

"It's going to start, let's go." Kuras said.

'Confirm that Fengying started.'

"This light is the Big Dipper."

"You go to the next one."

'Okay, please, Kuras.'

"Lin Xiao, the first one survived and the last one remained."

"Received it to Mochizuki, victory is a must."

"Well, Lin Xiao, you will be thankful that you have pulled this place."

"Why are you asking now?" Lin Xiao said.

"That's when it sounds like I am a member of the flower group?" Mochizuki said.

'Of course it will, because I met everyone.'

'Mochizuki still thinks so, it's great to be able to meet you.'

"Drafting everyone's blessing, I became myself."

"So Mochizuki will never let you spend a group of hours and will not lose to the enemy." Mochizuki said.

"What you said is correct, in order to protect people's future we will definitely win."

"Everyone is just a little bit cheering."

"Guys who irritate me, show your ugliness."

"It's still too late. I beg for mercy and I can let you go."

"I will praise you for using your money and make you my subordinates."

"Confirm that the enemy is all annihilated, let's start."

"Leave it to Mochizuki."

"Successfully liberated."

"I thought it would be like this when I received the work at the beginning. It's really great to be able to come here to be your captain."

"Thank you, thanks to everyone, I can smile."

"Yes." Mochizuki said.

"Thank you very much."

"It's nice that the captain has you."

"I found you and didn't watch the spring."

"Experience, and everyone."

"Even being manipulated, thank you formally, thank you."

"Well, that's the end of the reflection, everyone still has a very wide range."

"That said, Alice is super strong."

"Let's compare it next time."

"You guys worked very hard." Xiao Huang said.

"The battle is wonderful, worthy of being my partner.,"

"Everyone, this victory is thanks to everyone's efforts."

"If any one is missing, this is also impossible to win." Lin Xiao said.

"Even so, thank you."

'Thank you, Lin Xiao, for protecting the imperial capital and protecting everyone.'experience.

"Lin Xiao, let everyone do the usual one together."

"of course."

"Okay, time is about the same."

"I'm Sakura."

'Well, I will go now.'Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, the performance is about to begin."

"It's finally about to begin, the biggest finale of Heping Electromechanical."

'But I didn't expect everyone to gather again to hold a performance together. It was too dreamy.'

'I think so.'

''Everyone has found a place to rest."

Well, I'll just say hello to them briefly."

"Then I will go too." Sakura said.

"okay, I get it."

"Lin Xiao, have you finished saying hello?"

"There is no problem, and it's almost time to set off," Sakura said.

"I didn't expect this to happen again, a peaceful war."

"Yes, today's world performance, the new soldier drama, the key to resurrection."

'Thanks to you.'Lin Xiao said.

"No, thanks to you guessed it."

"You guarded this place, just like the real palace, yes."

"Lin Xiao, thank you."

"It's really great that you have realized your dream."

"It's a good story, but," Hatsune said.

"It's not a crying recycling. Today's opening ceremony, we are the protagonists."

'Yes, let's move forward with a smile instead of tears.'

"To make everyone proud together."

"Yeah." Sakura said.

"But before that."

"Thank you for giving orders as usual." Lin Xiao said.

"The flower group strikes."

In this way, I won La Li Heping, and the problems I saw with Yasha were solved.

It may be a miracle to be able to cross all of this.

This place has become a battle arena, held again as a celebration of peace.

Everyone is enthusiastic, rejoicing, now it's open.

It's just who didn't expect this to happen.

In the end, Sakura realized her dream and Lin Xiao was also very happy to be the captain.

Anna found her own answer, and Hatsune went home and became a witch.

Everyone has a belonging and everyone has happiness.

The ending is like a fairy tale, full of peace.

But I didn't expect that Lin Xiao also confessed to Sakura on this day.

The two got married in this way, although it is not sad, but full of happiness.

Every day is such a day, perhaps the prince and princess of fairy tales say this.

All in all, everyone is happy.

But Lin Xiao is about to travel to another world and start a new adventure again.

Where will it go this time?

No one knows, the answer will be in the future.

Lin Xiao knew that she would definitely become the pillar of whose.

This is what I should do.