"Well, then cherish the envoy. Whether there is a trump card or not will directly affect the chance of survival."

"There is no need to show the trump card to me, other people, or even anyone in Olympus." The captain said.

"But if I find something that you used to explain that it shouldn't be used, it's a pity that I will deal with it accordingly, and I also have my own position."

"Speaking of the goddess of the earth, Chaldeans did not completely rely on their strength to destroy them." Kadok said.

"The Mother Earth seems to be looking for something, as if to retrieve something, she has been apologizing, not to the water of Olympus, but really apologizing to Sleep?"

"The CIA will be defeated because of these redundant behaviors."

"Sure enough, has that become a shackle?"

"The Goddess of the Earth has a beloved daughter. Although she lamented when she was forcibly taken away by Hades of the Underworld, she still loved her daughter even so."

"But thousands of years ago, her beloved daughter died."

"This is very strange, whether it is a demigod or a god, this city will never die."

"I won't die because people only accept it. It's not that I won't die here."

"It can be eliminated as long as through the gods and beasts, that is to say, it is the main god who killed her daughter?"

"It was the order of the main god, the goddess of the earth killed her daughter." the captain said.

"It's always as if a daughter is still alive, constantly swapping their own daughters." Caddock said: "It is of great significance to human beings. They are the fuselage. Is it okay to have such obvious contradictions?'

"No, it is precisely because it is a fuselage, so it cannot be said to be a contradiction, because they have a different thinking circuit from humans." The captain said.

"This is the tragedy of the fuselage. God creates man and man creates God. No matter what the situation, the dual world outlook is unified, so they don't hurt.

They just define what already exists, if they can control the weather, if they can provide food, and have mass-produced weapons.

It's just that the people in this anomaly zone will have the mechanism to become gods, and they are to add this definition."

"They did this in order to be active on this planet, because what the ancient people pursued did not exist yet, and fired Otai Man and accepted those functions to become a mechanical god."

"The heart possessed without understanding and ability is simulated by moving pointers"

"There is no heart?" Caddock said.

"Installing the non-existent heart inside oneself, does it result in a contradiction like the goddess of the earth?"

"It's not a contradiction, a conflict on time, this kind of human will justify things that you can't do."

"She has always treated it as the same task, she didn't seal it, it was just pain."

"This is how the gods are in this strange news belt, but they really rely on them to achieve the ideal type of immortality."

"I said it was a machine I thought it should be more reasonable."

"But since it's a so-called god, then what are you going to do? Captain." Caddock said.

"Isn't your purpose to resurrect the gods? You really want to resurrect a world like that."

"Of course the world should be managed by the gods. The future of my ten pursuit is the same as that of U4. There will be no conflicts. It is my responsibility to make it established. This is the expectation of the alien gods."

Said the captain.

Even looking up at the stars.

I will never think of the special twinkle of the stars.

Not looking at the bright moon, the wayward girl Moon God sounded.

No longer looking at the sun, the naughty smile sounded.

However, the stars are flickering, and I no longer expect to be upgraded to a new work by his father.

The sky is just a dark, shining star, but a starless flame.

From beginning to end, I couldn't feel my father's love.

I no longer feel far away from the night sky.

Since when did alcohol start, treating me as a cold machine, losing love and shining soul.

Inside the temple.

"Well, Belial is true, but it really makes people, not beautiful women.

Although I am very grateful for being able to introduce me to the business, I didn't expect it to be such a large list. No matter what it is, it can be anything.

It is really tiring to buy all the malls. Even I want to take a vacation, but the place I finally reach is not considered a vacation."

"The important place for the machine to drop the gods, where is the biggest anecdote previously promoted? It is really true that a god has been lost."

"It's a little too careless."

"Hahaha, you are..." Eros said: "The mutual voice of talking to oneself is a bit too loud, and the sound of beasts is a bit annoying."

"Shut up for me."

"I never thought about someone eavesdropping on what someone said, ah, I still said that because of the loss of the fuselage and fooling around, then please allow me to apologize."

"I actually lost my courtesy in front of the guests, the Olympus God bestowed by the root of chaos.

The main god, who has been in the state of Wanyuan Logistics and has been active until now, actually sympathizes with the goddess who is lagging behind human beings."

"Interesting You are really interesting. In front of Eros, UR dare to do this way. I remember you are a god Pan."

"I am commended for not being promoted to Rongxi, but please allow me to correct it. Although I am a follower, I am not an apostle of a foreign god."

"After all, it's just being a business partner."

'Well, then whose follower are you, so you are a follower without a summoner.'Eros said.

"No creatures are called, it's a beast. I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

''Probably the priest, the Chief Secretary said that he was confused when he was known but the Chief Secretary came in handy.

"Although I said that, it has nothing to do with me for the time being." Gao Yang said.

"That's right, the sign of the Beast King or something, good you are not unrelated, love God."

"Hahaha, good, very good, you are really interesting, a personality that did not exist in Olympus, although it is somewhat similar to Doman in that it does not hide your own exuberant malice."

"But you won't laugh for mocking, I like your name very much."

"I'm high."

"Oh, I like your name. We must be of the same kind. You don't think we can be friends."

'Yes, it is true to a certain extent, but does it matter?'Gao Yang said.

'The gods instructed by Olympus are to be gecko humans, to show love to the creatures that lived in Olympus in ancient times, and those that did not exist here.'

'Well, although I always talk about love to the goddess of the earth all day long, just killing Ovo will not have any thoughts about humans.'Eros said.

"After all, although I plan to manage well, I don't plan to love them."

"Not only the appearance, but even the thoughts are so beautiful. It is really admirable. I don't intend to contain love, it's just breeding."

Gao Yang said.

"Although the hobbies are different from mine, from the reference level, we are in good harmony."

Sky courtyard.

"Although I didn't hear the whole process, it was very speculative and as HEPA as Gao Yang."

"What are you talking about, Pepe, I have nothing to do with you."

"Compared to this, I have always wanted to ask you about email matters."

"you ask me?"

"Although there are still a few words to say about loving me, then say beautiful to the ancient gods."

"Is this cruel?"

"Who knows what to do."

"Is it necessary to update? Obviously beauty is me. The so-called beauty is in my control. As long as human beings gain joy and tranquility from my aesthetics."

"As expected of a god."

"It's so gentle and in my eyes."

"Today you are on the strict side, although you have not taken care of the gentle you at all."

"I forgive your rudeness. After all, I am more curious now."

"I just said, I have something to ask you." Meishen said.

"You claim that Pepe Beast has ruined your own anomalous zone. How does alcohol feel."

"After all, I directly lost the precious place. What kind of martial arts can achieve that kind of miracle is really interesting. I used to look forward to it, and the main god Yiang will attack other anomalous zones."

"Killing the human emperor, killing the goddess, destroying those who want to become gods, and solving the arrogant swallowing this is messing up your mind."

"It's a shame to be destroyed by the Chaldean gang."

"Failure is indeed my lack of strength and no way to respond."

'Oh, you are neither scared nor boring.'

"After all, you are just a mere fact, regardless of your way of thinking by your god or my failure." Pepe said.

"But let me fight back as I don't have any deep and straightforward feelings." Pepe said.

"What?" Beauty said.

"You are not a good woman. In the myth that you are more wealthy and blurred, Eros is also the daughter of the main god, with a beautiful and moving body. As the head of the god, I am afraid that I am influenced by Ishtar."

"Pepe, what do you think."

"My words, I think you have a face, but now you seem to have only one face."

"Don't use this kind of vague speech, be clean and straightforward, tell the truth."

"Really speaking, you don't look like a woman forging a god."

"Is that so?"

"But it's not that there is no place like the myth. Do you know the war in Troy?"

'A war only seen by humans?'

"In the myth, you are also responsible for pampering the prince. The god Apollo and other gods also give protection. As a result, a large-scale war broke out, leading to the demise of Troy."

Pepe said.

"Although you never expected such a result."

"Don't expect it?"

"What, where is there any similarity, if it were me, it would be a human place, with an appointment mentality in the arms of the destruction without hesitation, and then offer the most touching smile.

It's hard and painful, but it will be the same next time. The harder you work, the more rewarding you will be. Smiling when there is only one person left."

"It's not right, it can't be how you can appear in this posture in front of me, where is this."

"Camelot, Avalon, that's not right," Mordred said.

"It should be Olympus that has no reason to fight you and me."

"Who is singing in my head."

"Is it Fran?"

"Little girl, what's the matter with you?" Jin Shi said.

"Mordred is a partner. Haven't we fought against mechanical giants together?"

"You are Kim Shi, right." Mordred said.

"You have been playing for several rounds, what's going on, we didn't completely destroy the giant until just now, obviously we only need to set things up next."


"Leave it to you general, organize them quickly."

"Jin Shi, neither of them were saved. We made a mistake in the fighting method. The mechanical giant is just a bait. We are already butterflies on the spider web."

"I can't suppress myself, even though madness can be tolerated."

"At this rate, I won't be able to suppress the idea of ​​killing you."

"So Kim, my child fooled me."

"Don't be kidding the general." Jin Shi said.

"Ah, I will Fran, use these hands."

"Good morning everyone," said Musashi.

"Although I knocked it several times, Mie reacted and was a little worried."


"It doesn't matter, good morning." Lin Xiao said.

"It's so gentle. Are you still a little sleepy? You don't seem to be the type to get up early."

"Anyway, don't care about this. Once you log in to Olympus yesterday, it will be a battle against God."

"Secondly, you almost died."

"Sure enough," Lin Xiao said.

"I think it's okay."

"Is that so? Actually." Musashi said, "Masiu is here to accompany you until dawn."

''Although he is so familiar, the child consumes a lot in the battle. Everyone said that he agreed to sleep for a while after a long time.

So now Owen is here to see how you are recovering. If you wake you up without news, I feel sorry for it. Don’t force yourself up, you should still need to recover."

"It doesn't matter if you sleep for a while."

"Then I would be more respectful than fate." Lin Xiao said.

"Then let's talk about the outside situation during this period."

"What's going on outside." Lin Xiao said.

"Careful? From what Ang Cai can see, the citizens have been restored and reborn again. Probably the goddess of the earth has been handed over to the Lord God to act as her agent after she was a little girl."

"The wreckage, without knowing the automatic machinery that came from it, disassembled all the rides and transported it to the Great Temple. Although it is really doubtful of my own eyes, it has been so fast these days."

"Anyway, great."

"Well, although we are only fighting against the anomalous zone, the result is not much hurt. Don't force yourself too much."

"So the machine god is really strong, it is indeed strong. We wouldn't be able to do without Kenis and Garedy."

'At the same time, I also have a place in junior high school, where the giant iron block will be a neat fighter. Although my posture was good before, it was still troublesome in the face of machinery.'

"But if the sword of the sky can't be cut, it needs zero."

"But a guy like me has to be determined."

"It's great to have your help." Lin Xiao said.

"It's great that I have you by my side, I'm still too lazy."

"It's impossible not to be attracted by someone with a personality like you," Musashi said.

"Okay, I'm hungry. The vitality of the day starts with breakfast afterwards."

"Mai Xu is almost to be trusted, probably in the cafeteria, let's go."

"Senior, good morning."

"My complexion has improved a lot," Matthew said.

"Recovered indeed, great."

"I'm sorry for making you worried," Lin Xiao said.


"You're here, Lin Xiao, it didn't take long to wake up, but his complexion is very good, please see that I have heard the report about you."

"Lin Xiao, congratulations to the recovery. The expected equipment here is excellent, although we also have it, but it is not enough."

"It's not the Olympus skill but the magic that saves you. The beasts left by the heroic spirits in the alliance have an effect."

"That is to say to be rescued in a double sense." Seventh should lead and high healing spells."

"So, can I continue?"

"I don't want to talk about the time when I started to fall asleep during the video conference. I think you worked hard yesterday. Hundreds of fuselages are very lucky for us.

Old Fu said.