"There are many acquaintances, is it really good for you to stay with us?" Musashi said.

"Don't worry, you can't just leave you on an unfamiliar street like this." Mal said.

"Although it is easy to give you the map, the problem is efficiency."

"When going to the second goal, there must be a lot of difficult things to do." Al said.

"So it is really more efficient for us to lead the way."

"With the setting of the summoning array, probably the enemy's troops will be put on the battlefield. Does Al mean that?"

While checking the map in the chaos of the battle, it is indeed dangerous to wander the street where he first came.

"It's coming soon.

"Many people."

"There is no way to change the reserved place."

"Although we don't quite understand it, it seems we can't change it, the position of the stars and so on."

"Although I don't understand, but there seem to be many reasons." Mal said.

"The use of the celestial body's position, from the point of view of the construction of monsters, is indeed acceptable." Matthew said.

"To achieve the call of the heroic spirit to break the gods, what are they still going to use, and who will appear in the realm."

"Then we will start almost, okay, everyone." Al said.

"Of course I can."


"Okay." Matthew said.

"Oh, glowing, this really attracts attention."

"Along with the magical reaction, Ping Aki will arrive immediately. The enemy is coming, get ready." Mal said.

"The road and the building are separating, and the enemy reacts." Matthew said.

"Dear citizens of Olympus, urgently report that the Chaldean demon has appeared and take refuge."

"In that case, you can also say goodbye to disguise."

"The effect is interrupted." Matthew said.

"We also have to do things on our own. We won't let you pass until it's finished. It looks like a killing machine."

"If it was originally, there is no need to say more, here we are just observing our own thoughts, Kenis."

"Is it time to kill?"

"Yes, to be correct, this is the time of destruction." Musashi said.

"Well, let's start killing as soon as possible." Kenis said.

"The legacy synchronization is normal, the output function is stable, and it is ready to go."

"Protect Al, pay attention." Lin Xiao said.

"You have to ask, of course you must crush them."

"Agree, then no need to say more." Musashi said.

"I'm on it." Lin Xiao said.

"The enemy is eliminated, the battle is over, there is no problem in all aspects." Matthew said.

"Thanks for your hard work. It didn't cause a commotion like I imagined. In short, it's great that there are no chaotic citizens flooding in."

"Speaking of all citizens, for a moment."

"Is it the result of usual training?" Matthew said.

"It's done, hurry up to the next low point."

"Is it successful? Shouldn't it be more effective?"

"I have done the smallest special effects."

'Don't go chatting, hurry up, there will be enemies coming soon.'Mar said.

"Let's go, Matthew." Lin Xiao said.

"Understand, start moving towards the next goal." Matthew said.

"It's chasing soldiers to fight." Lin Xiao said.

"The cursed Chaldea." Musashi said.

"The hatred is gone, go to the underworld, anyway, it will be resurrected soon."

"I just saw that she had a kind heart, but she came to this place."

"Forget it, what I'm interested in doing here, feed the second knife, and leave quickly, although they can be organized to complete the re-up immediately, but the automatic re-up is still the same."

"It always feels easier than at the beginning. It must be the enhancement of the legacy. Can Kennes help?"

"what is it then?"

"Sure enough, the enemies here are very light, and there won't be a decrease in the number in nature."

"Yes, fighting the soldiers is not our goal. We will reach the next low point immediately, and there will be new reinforcements."

"Mar is disrupting. I want to use the spell. You guys say it won't be poisonous, but you will be choked. Be mentally prepared."

"This is the one I met first, right."

"This is a specially designated emergency technique." Al said.

"The second one is near here?" Kenis said.

"Although it is still a majestic city, it is not as good as an ordinary person." Musashi said.

"This also means that the fuselage is about to touch."

"It was very troublesome to delete words and meet the machine god, as soon as possible."

"The second place is nearby, the correct place. I don't understand what this is."

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao said.

"what does that mean."

"Sorry, I lost the target coordinates. This kind of thing shouldn't have happened. In fact, I have no idea at all at this moment."

"If we don't know the destination, we will become prey." Lin Xiao said.

"That's what happened."

"I thought I could find it, but I don't know now."

"I am also talking in detail, especially now that I want to sort out what will happen."

"Since this is the case, we must give specific content, if there is a year of communication magic."

"This can be done, but it can only be used once, and the same monster is not used twice."

"Using this to master all of them?"

"But what's urgent now?"

"Please Al." Lin Xiao said.

"I understand."

"Apply the protection of the goddess."

"This is, can you hear me?"

"Can hear, wow, this number is great."

"My head is messy, hurry up and finish talking."

"Oh, this is a rare experience."

"Still being chased by the enemy, fool, you are really calm."

'Are you complimenting me, thank you.'

"I was surprised, I couldn't hear anything in these words."

"Multiple people play fairy tales together at the same time, seniors can hear it."

"No problem, you can also hear it."

"Oh, what a pity."

"Animals are animals. It will be troublesome if you suddenly start to slip and fall."

"Why are you suddenly upset."

"Then tell everyone about the current situation.

The detailed explanation will be mentioned later, the summons of the crowned heroes must be coordinated to use magical distortion to deeply link the subspace."

"I lost the coordinates, which means that the predetermined distortion disappeared." Old Fu said.

"Isn't this bad?"

"No, that's not the case. In detail, this distortion has always existed."

"But it's gone now."

"Yes, even though I say that, the distortion is not disappearing and losing coordinates."

"It simply becomes impossible to find, but the space has deviated together,"

"For example, someone hides it."

"It cannot be asserted that there is no."

"So that's it." Lin Xiao said.

"Let's explore this area together."

"It's the same with me, we have no market together, we are scattered together."

"The god Kenis, Caligula, each is alone, and Musashi is the guard."

"Al, you and the artificial intelligence will be together."

"Because artificial intelligence will figure out connections."

"Although there is trouble, but I haven't parted ways with you, let's go." Kenis said.

"That's because I didn't have a chance to play, but someone found the target, and everyone immediately joined together."

"That's the case, then everyone, let's go and spread out."

"Goodbye, then."

"Then see you later separately," Kagula said."Kagura jumped so hard, this is going to start from above the house."

"Kenneth can also tell a move. We started to explore when we reached the limit of communication in one year."

"Yes, before that, in front of Matthew." Musashi said.

"Feeling the enemy is a special kind of fantasy of the enemy."

"Don't say anything else, I'm not doing an exhibition to make a deal."

"Then start a positive breakthrough." Matthew said.

"At the same time, exploration begins."

"It's done, how about exploring while fighting?" Musashi said.

"Nothing is found, the target is not in this piece, the next one." Artificial intelligence will say.

"So disappointed, Kenis will be faster if this goes on."

"Then go back the same way and move on."

"Yes, but don't force yourself. This time you should pay special attention to the trumpet of your body. I'm sorry to say this now."

"Then let's go. Our team will not lose." Matthew said.

"Well, really." Musashi said.

"Why do you do this."

"What are you doing?" Mal said.

"The relationship is really good, it's a sister."

"Sorry, this is instinct."

"The chat is settled, let Lin Xiao rest for a while, let's go to that street again to start, is it interesting for you to be out of the game."

"It's the master." Matthew said.

"All the enemies are destroyed and the next area begins."

"Then it's almost time to seriously consider physical strength, what's the situation over there."

"I guessed it correctly, but it was totally different. I guessed something to hide the target. I have a hunch of a monster."

"I saw it," Musashi said.

"This one was so unexpected that it was turned into a monster by the ghost. Although I am the messenger of the alien god, I still want to do business."

"It's so nice to see you."

"No, come back soon," Matthew said.

"No, this is still a human being, and I don't intend to hide the wild magic at all, it's my breath."

"Who on earth are you?"

"Gao Yang, what are you doing?" Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, who is harmless to humans and animals, actually came forward and asked me, is the intimacy higher?"

"Of course, this time I and everyone in the Chaldeans are enemies. I’m just Wie for future activities. Ali visited the raw tea of ​​Fantasy Beast. We pretended to have never met each other. Let’s pass this time. You are preparing to fight. Use props to explore this strange news zone, I will be in the dark on the official website, and take away the goods by the way.

In fact, it is a win-win situation, you have no loss at all."

"What are you doing here?" Lin Xiao said.

"As you said, Liu can't avoid fighting since seeing our figure, because she will definitely become the worst enemy in the end."

"Why is this, it's obviously the same before."

"Gao Yang, you are not another force, and you did not actively hinder us during the strategy."

"So far, the actions in the Yiwen Zone are very clear. She is on the side of the alien gods. Of course, this is not right for her. It is the beautiful jade puppet protecting the fantasy tree, even the fantasy tree is a commodity."

"Originally, she had obeyed foreign gods, and the apostles, although you have said such information, she said that she is an apostle."

"Misled us so many times, but revealed the truth."

"Yes, this is also my sincerity, because if a bug like you says something agreed, I won't be able to calm down."

"If you go back and see the conversation in the past, you really didn't understand it directly. If you think about it, it has always been the case." Matthew said.

"What, this is not a deception, the monster has sincerity."

"Quiet, you guys, now the show begins." Old Fu said.

"So Gao Yang, who are you?"

"Assault Chaldea, destroy the blow, and then use the name of the Anomaly Band to witness the end. Acting here now, can I say this conclusion here."

"I found the answer to you, too." Old Fu said.

: "The apostle of the alien gods, the former Qianzi Cunzheng, the priest, and the already summoned gods who have been summoned by themselves. They protect the fantasy tree and regard the riding as the main god."

"You have nothing to do with the enslaved god, but if you receive respect, you are a cooperative relationship."

"Fairly cunning, go away. Indeed, I have concluded such a contract with the gods. This party will not rule out which party, nor will any party understand it.

Obey the rules and determine the end of this planet, but why did you come to such a conclusion? What do you think about the relationship between me and the already-knitted business partner?

"Because of this, I practiced together. Gao Yang and the dead disciple stood side by side, with other purposes, not to cultivate a fantasy tree, but to torment Wie.

There is no data for Kedified God, but the purpose is very clear. Kedd God is to conclude the destruction of mankind."

"And you have the same purpose, because of this, you are partners." Old Fu said.

"Use each other while ignoring each other to avoid conflict."

"Because the scale of the threat seems to be taken to the next level, even so, you are still considered dangerous. Since you are cruel and cruel, it is the fastest to become a partner in order to seal freedom and unrestrainedness."

"You are an equal stand, I am not wrong, Gao Yang."

"Thank you for your sincere clarification, it's roughly the same, so that means I am?"

Gao Yang said.

"It can only be thought of to be able to make concessions for the already encircled gods, it is a disaster that has different powers, even if the enchanted gods must avoid, the official bow of the world summons.

It is so complete in Olympus, bringing together these elements to allow the official position to come, that is to say, the beast of human evil."

"But she is still a spiritual base in the usual range."

"She still has no mature larvae, even if she grows up, she would not be so peaceful if it were not."

"How about it, Gao Yang, I don't know how to call it by his real name."

"Is the name still Gao Yang? I won't give you your real name, because I don't have that stuff." Gao Yang said.

"This bitter cold." Lin Xiao said.

"Finally reached the point of disagreement. Everyone in the Chaldeans, in the contract of the foreign gods, must say their names.

Although I can do something as long as I am in such a bondage, but thanks to you I have recovered my freely moving body."

"Pursuing the best, but in exchange for the worst, plan to be wise, protect humanity, no matter how disgusting, destroy all the hope of the innocent King of Nene."

"This breath and space are swallowed, and the various anomaly belts are gorgeously equipped. I almost want to try a tail. I get anxious, and occasionally."

"Play with you, as the answer is correct, defeat my tail before the machine god."

"Confirming the change in mentality, she is whipping, the details are unknown, it is a four-legged black beast." Matthew said.

Completely grasp the whole, although I don't know what I want, but this is the limit.

This distortion and pressure, such a paperless thing.

As this continues, this strange news zone will be blown away.

"A large-scale attack is coming." Matthew said.

"It's not over, at least the battle here is over."

"Yes." Musashi said.

"Even if I didn't hug me, I was very murderous. I didn't hide the tail and was caught, the one in the sky." Musashi said.

"On top, bastard fox."

"Take me a trick." Kenis said.

"No, praise you, where did you know that I like sneak attacks."

'The attack from high altitude, because of Kenis' attack, and the body that was wiped out?'Matthew said.

"This is?" Lin Xiao said.

"The enemy servant Jianzi, Lingji has no harm."

"Don't move, I'm just here to play, and there are shameless guys who specialize in observing people, so let's stop here."

''Everyone retires first.

Lin Xiao said.

"Satisfied, Gao Yang, can our rights come into your eyes?"


'It's not too weak or too strong. It's just the right arrangement. In that case, I left it to the fuselage. I also stretched out my work to my heart's content. The hatred and temptation to each other ends here, returning to their own goals.

"You won't give information to the main god, then it will be of great help. There is no reason to refuse. We are racing against time now."

'I am not interested in even my figure publishing youthful human beings. I hope you can grow up here.'

"Let's go," Musashi said.

"Your name is Lao Fu, are you used to speaking like this?"

"Although I am not in that situation."

"But she should be caught."

"The enemy Gao Yang retreats as a spirit."

"The battle is complete."

"Thank you," Lin Xiao said.

"Next, we can confirm others."

"Leave it to us to find that the target is as expected, that is, the beast was hidden and qualified."

"Notifying Kagouli."

"I'm here, Meiyu tricked Krypton to rest. You can't say that."

"The second goal is reached, hurry to the final goal."

"Let's go." Lin Xiao said.