It turned out that the captain was in the same position as Lin Xiao.

The breath is disappearing, and the last consciousness is going to pass.

"What are you stupid? You tried too hard by yourself.

Haha, although you said that I am happy with you, it's not right, Kennes."The captain said.

"I am not alone. Everyone is working hard."

"How is that possible, let alone such absurd irony."

No answer, his soul is no longer here.

Kenis looked up at the sky, like a bird watching her wings spread out.

What came to mind were a few mistakes, and what resounded in my heart was an inexhaustible hatred.

I don't want to deny my actions and the past, and I don't contempt the self who is considered a hero like now.

I am ridiculing myself, and this way of existence will not change.

I hate everything and just define evil like this. Above this, I'm really a fool.

Even if one's life is evil, there are things that should be guarded.

Not for his own glory, but to prove that he is worthy of his heroic spirit.

"What was the situation just now?" Lin Xiao said.

"Finally contacted normally." The director said.

"Can you hear me, Lin Xiao."

"As soon as you have heard it, I want to convey my joy as soon as possible. Now the emergency repair of the armored vehicle has been completed and it is heading towards you at full speed."

"The fantasy tree lit from within, the secret light shot down from the sky, and the alien god who called himself Olga Marie appeared in Atlas."

"All of this has been confirmed, although I can't understand it for the time being, put it aside, where are you now, is it the Great Temple?"

"The crown has begun to collapse on its own. I hope that once you move to the temple, Amway's words should be able to rescue you from above.

Although it is difficult for some strong people, I will do it."

"Director, please rest assured, we have retreated to the Great Temple. We are now going to pass through the Jishen Corridor, and then we will try to go to the city."

"No, the Great Temple has begun to collapse from below, and it is impossible to land in the urban area." Da Vinci said.

"Who knows where the strongest part of the Great Temple is."

"In this case, please go to the altar. The altar is the center of the temple. Until the final release of the sanctuary of the Lord God, it will not easily collapse."

"Yuji has 20 minutes to arrive. I hope you will go a few days before then."

"Understood, let's go now."

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with the little head who stole my breakfast? Anyway, I will be with your UI now, Lin Xiao, you can't be less."

"Nemo will definitely come to pick you up."

In the center of the altar

Everything fell apart, how long did it take to reach a safe location?

"The floor began to crack, and the rubble continued to fall. This road is not working. Return to the previous intersection." Matthew said.

"Not just the feet, but also the heads. Even a small stone can die."

"It doesn't matter what I say, but senior."

"It's the same with you. Your spirit output is very low. Now you are almost the same as humans, so you have to be careful." Mal said.

"It's not good, although there are also ceremonial outfits, but we and your magic power will definitely not be able to support the arrival of armored vehicles." Old Fu said.

"Although I don't have much magic power to wipe Liu." Europa said: "I want to use the last magic power to give magic to the children of Class A."

'But whether or not to do this is up to you to decide.'

"Miss Europa?" Matthew said.

"Understood, I agree."

"Although I am very grateful to my sister and Floating Magic, everyone."

"The battle to break the gods has been completed, and the strange news has been small. This is our tomorrow, pray from the bottom of my heart."

"Unlike yesterday, my sister and I have grown up. Our wish that we have waited for ten thousand years has been fulfilled. This is enough."

"We will all feel that Jiang Lu will not be as weak as you. Well, please take care of you."

"Thank you so much, although it's just a short time like blinking an eye."

"It's fun to be with everyone."

"Haha, don't show that expression, all of us have achieved our goal."

"There have been many times when I thought of not."

"Although I looked like a bad guy when I first saw you, I thought that maybe the battle would fail."

''But you bring us tomorrow, and now we can feel that we live in a different today from yesterday, and we are growing.

''Although the anomalous zone will disappear, I don't know what will happen today. I can feel what I have always wanted.

'Although you are talking about this kind of thing, in the eyes of others, you are all bad guys, and most people are like this.'

"But we are not like that. That's enough."

"We will never forget your business, even if this world has never existed since the beginning."

'If you feel that our things are something to be proud of and to remember, then it is meaningful.'

"It is very meaningful."

"That's it." Lin Xiao said.

"We are grateful for your care so far."

"At least to the last parting together." Lin Xiao said.

"Watching the Lord God and the end of Olympus, thank you, and ask you to live." Europa Shuo. "The lord who exists in the sky, and protect them."

"Just here to see you away."

"Defense barriers and magic?" Lin Xiao said.

"Goodbye everyone, although humans look weak, you are a super master in relation to this Mie and Couple."

"You beat the captain head-on."

"What do you think you are crying? You should raise your head and stand tall. More specifically, you have to praise." Al said.

"Fly, Chaldea."

"Then arrive at a place that is not here, and say hello to everyone, and to the world that you will eventually seize."

"It's amazing. The gods and concubines disappeared in no time. No problem, they won't bump into anything."

'Yes, they have the protection of the gods.'

"Mar," Al said.

'What's wrong, sister.'

"Being able to come down from the temple on your own is not good for you to lie like this."

"I haven't lied to my sister, I'm really a dish."

"I'm sorry, everyone."

'The concubine is fine.'

"Although I haven't asked, what is Lin Xiao's world like?"

"That child must live in a very good place."

"Sure enough, this is fine for us, I won't regret it, I have been thinking about it all the time."

''Yes, this is all over."

"Mal can't."

"Sister, I'm sorry, but it still doesn't work, let me talk."


"what happened."

"Really Olympus should have loved this, so charming hypocrisy, my true heart is like this, I have been fighting until now."

"However, even one in a million or one in 10,000 may kill the main god and betray many people.

Even so, you can make a wish."

"If the main god is not there, you can find someone to make a wish. If you can allow it, even once, imagine and see tomorrow."

"The days after looking at the card will not look good."

"Yes, me, I seem to see Sister Ka when she grows up." Al said.

"Idiot, this kind of thing, even if you don't say me, always." Mal said.

"Confirm everyone's spirit base reaction. Although I don't know why everyone is floating, I will induce you to go to the deck now."

"Adjust the armor until Lin Xiao enters the battleship." Nemo said.

"Understand, leave it to me."

'Obviously, he said that he was waiting at the altar, and he used this method to help the containment investigation team.'

"Sorry, there is an emergency Ishida, who has a strong spiritual response to come here."

'Is there still danger?what exactly is it?'Said the director.

"It's finally back." Lin Xiao said.

"The barrier just disappeared." Matthew said.

"Yeah, you deserve to be a concubine, perfect."

"Without her slender magic, I can do it very well."

"You are still standing stupid, there is an unknown spiritual foundation approaching." The director said.

"You guys are still alive. After all, being alive is your strength. It's right to look forward to flying over."

"The divine concubine and the twins are dead, yes, you only have to take it out for a big fight, so let's play once."

"Just like that you just go back, it's too easy, isn't it?"

"Kenneth." Lin Xiao said.

"Kenneth? This guy also survived." The director said.

"It's really harsh and, let's celebrate the victory together, your spiritual foundation is different from today." said the director.

"This is the true god."

"That's the case, although it doesn't matter how you do it, you are undoubtedly a god when you open it now."

"The battle is about to begin." Old Fu said.

"It's so noisy. Communication cuts off your observation. It's good, praise it."

"Then just fight each other."

"We no longer have a reason to fight. You have lost your master, and you didn't guard this because you brought the reason to the end."

"Even so, you have to choose to fight."

"This is what your follower said. Do you have anything to say, Lin Xiao."

"It's nothing, but let's fight." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, it must be closed. You guys are indeed very strong in defeating Olympus. There is no shortage of opponents."

"I want revenge too, it really is."

"Hate Olympus Computer i said that is not a rule."

"I understand that your situation, the world of God Ahu, has not reached the key point in your lifetime, it seems you have got the answer."

"Even so, there is only a fight here, okay, Lin Xiao, although your magic power is coming to its limit."

'It's going on, Kenis.'Lin Xiao said.

"It's better to remember my name. As a price, I am a stupid king. Here I will give it all to the contract first."

"My name is Kenes, and I am only a rider on which the captain relies."

"But ah push all human beings into gods, I understand, no wonder you work so hard."

"You can't live forever, although I don't know what your Ou did, but your body will die anytime.

But if you plan your strength, you can get a life back. It's a reason as shallow as a human being."

"Sorry, I explained the inadequacy. Being a life is all human beings except me."

"I am not included in this change. Even if the plan is established, only I will maintain the original human appearance."

"It's as if the doctor can't save himself. The transformation of this matter is the formation of the caster for the East and the West. Only the revolving new you cannot change."

"In fact, it is not a perfect plan. After explaining this aspect to the giant, he also said that there is really no way."

"I am also prepared to die casually, try to live as long as possible

As long as the plan goes smoothly, everyone's round is next."

"I live in seclusion, so I might live forever."

This shows that the ghost, everyone around has become a better follower, has become a backward creature?

Obviously, he has worked so hard to open the door to the new world, but he has only been left behind.

Impossible, unbelievable, can't even think about it, it's too hard and cruel.

But the man said such things lightly, his eyes shining and said that people will usher in a better, new tomorrow.

"Nonggu sees the distortion, Kenis, even if he becomes a god, he won't be saved."

'After all, in the age of creating a god, the purpose of the captain was not clear.'

That's the way it is in my own life.

So the guy's thoughts were incomprehensible at all.

I didn't think so at all, the guy's plan was a good plan.

Turn all people into life, which will make the world worse.

But even so, this guy chose a way that I couldn't do or a stupid dream that was impossible for anyone to see.

It's so strange that my uncle would even think about supporting it.

And it happened to be a dignified man, a gentleman, really, losing to Chaldea was a matter of course.

My son felt like it was going to be sanctioned at that time.

"It's embarrassing. I came here by myself and still lost, but it's not bad. Although I was called out, I will leave here, and then I will be in hell."

"Well, you probably won't come. Anyway, just wait. Come when it's over."

"At that time I will welcome you." Kenis said.

"The god Kenis is confirmed to be eliminated, and the threat of the existence of this anomalous zone is completely eliminated."

"Really a very powerful follower." Lin Xiao said.

"Uncle communication is restored,"

"What, this kind of thing should be said quickly." The director said.

''Can you hear me?

"Now open the elevator and enter the warship as soon as possible."

"Confirm that we can leave here, but let me talk about this first, everyone is so beautiful." said the director.

"After you come back, this battle is over, crossing the stars, it is really impeccable battle content, look forward to the bonus."

"So so."

Lin Xiao said.

"Thanks for Lin Xiao."

the other side.

"Maybe you can't keep looking up at the sky, anyway, the fantasy tree is no longer.

Olympus will also disappear, even if the main god is no longer and the surrounding area does not collapse immediately, it is still tolerant."

"Well, before the apprentice of teaching love collapses, I have to act."

"I have a destination. Although I want to go directly to Debit's place, I will at least have a break before the captain." Pepe said.

"Even though you guys were destroyed because of the Alien Star God," Da Vinci said.

"But magic power came from there, and the Alien Star God was ejected."

"The priest and Qianzi Village were taken away. Now we have no chance of being attacked. In a sense, it helped a lot."

"Then the problem lies in the appearance of the alien god, Olga Marie." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, I have seen that face in the information, she should be dead, what is going on, I don't understand at all." said the director.

"Could it be that Chaldea is the culprit of everything? Once in my life, Odu is planting a force that intends to destroy humanity?"