At this moment, Lin Xiao's new story began.

On the other side, there are mysterious people talking.

"So, this guy is the biggest weakness for Group A. To be honest, the situation is terrible. He hasn't caught the enemy."

"But even so, I'm still with Ou Na Klitsch, even if I don't say what I think, the outstanding person still does."

"No matter what kind of ten company he receives, he will meet it perfectly."

"However, only this is fatal. The current system of the Chaldeans is totally useless. If they are not observed, they can only disappear."

"But she is not complete."

"Unfortunately, because of this, even geniuses will not have enough time, so leave it to the future. Prayer time can solve it."

'that is.'

"I look forward to you very much."


"This guest, arrived at the station, sober up."

'What do you want to be so gentle.'

"I finally got up, my disciple." Sima Yi said.

"Why stare at someone's face, I just don't know where this is, I am the same."

"Who are you, the master of the blonde girl, this is a new routine?" Lin Xiao said.

"Ha, cheer up." Sima Yi said, "No matter how you look at it, Sima Yi is your mentor. Now that you are talking about dreams, it is better to say, don't tell me that you can't even remember your own things."

Lin Xiao thought for a while, this time the transfer of the soul was to solve a problem.

That is to say when the armored vehicle is adjusted.

'I'm not convinced about the assignment of valuable talents to this kind of thing, if the man wants to go.'Old Fu said.

"Senior, be especially careful this time." Matthew said.

"How about it, do you remember a little bit?" Sima Yi said.

"It's a pity not at all, oh, what is Chaldean?" Lin Xiao said.

"Don't put on such a bad face, even the mouse underneath is more reliable than you. That's enough.

Don't be serious about dreaming, forget it, come over and take your luggage like a disciple."

'Hurry up, even if it is the terminal, don't let the flight attendant wait for you.'

"Please take another ride," the flight attendant said.

"Well, I'm back, dear London.

You are still on the dark streets as always."

"Go to the residential area first."

"What is the black tower in the middle?" Lin Xiao said.

"That's the clock tower, built by the magician's proud instruction essence and delusion."

"It's the place for those rubbish who talk about exploring the root cause, but are basically keen on the struggle for rights."

''It is the magic cave where the monarchs and the magicians led by them repeat conspiracy and resistance every day and night.

"The monarch means you are very good master?" Lin Xiao said.

"You tell me this."

"But let me answer. Although it is the most inferior modern magic, you will be treated specially when you become a monarch."

Sima Yi said: "Specifically, the surrounding Jiucheng is the enemy, and I don't know the extent of when it will be killed."

"Although I am the last seat of the original heir, even so, I experienced food poisoning since I was a child."

'Although it becomes exciting to eat emergency food while walking, but it is also unpalatable, thanks to it.

All I am watching is safe and delicious snacks.'Sima Yi said.

"I asked, I'm sorry," Lin Xiao said.

"Hey, don't put on a sad face seriously."

"I met it, I like to look at other people's bored faces. I like it very much. You are like a flute.

'But did you have amnesia, or did you say that you hit your head and I was beaten down.'

"This kind of time starts in elementary school. You feel a little cute as a pupil."

"Do you remember about the magician?"

'Speaking of it, I seem to be open.'Lin Xiao said.

"It's actually an opening. Although it's not a terrific high position, it also ends for the person who has established his own magician."

"Where do you look to see you as a serious magician, if you have time to engage in these misunderstandings, give me a hard time. To be more specific, bring me luggage."

"Don't talk about interesting imagination, let's go quickly." Sima Yi said.

"Well, Didara, my house, don't let this little luggage make you tired."

"Well, it's a bit weird. Although the barrier has been opened this time, it is also quiet and strange."

Sima Yi said: "This is an automatic doll."

"What, it's an old antique that can be used in combat. Even if there is an enchantment, it would be too blatant to come straight upright."

"It's almost a good warm-up, you take a good look at the skills of the master." Sima Yi.

"It's really useless to let them escape." Sima Yi said.

"Master is so strong," Lin Xiao said.

"Combat ability is the basic of being a magician. After all, the clock tower rewards duel."

"But it feels a little strange to me as an attack. What I want to say seems to be around the monitor."

"With a bad premonition, I hurried into the house."

"Have the guys just left here? In short, it seems that the good little milk dog has not set up magic traps."

"Just in case, you open the door."

'Here should let the master in.'Lin Xiao said.

"Don't say it's useless, the disciple's words should be Master Wie's death, go away quickly." Sima Yi said.

"Oh, there is blasting. If you are ready, I am ready to give a lecture. There is a bad breath. Be careful not to leave me too far.

"How come." Sima Yi said.

"The corpse seems to be a bit impression." Lin Xiao said.

"How come you are?"

"Brother." Sima Yi said.

"It's not like this. What I have been doing so far, I will feel that I am the second division, why is my brother elder him?"

'Brother is?'Lin Xiao said.

"Ah, even I don't know why."

'It seems that M is written on hand.'

"Are you going to meet you without giving time to think?"

"Sima Yi."

"Damn it's endless, this group of dolls ran away from the window"

"But this is the fourth floor." Lin Xiao said.

"Quickly go to the idiot." Sima Yi said.

"Maid Yueling."

"Follow the master's instructions." said the maid.

"The landing is successful, and then give them the magic bullet."

'Take advantage of this, retreat quickly.'

"It's so exhausting, you can't even strengthen your limbs, and it's too much of a crane."

"I'm sorry." Lin Xiao said.

"Give me a good reflection. My name is Sima Yi, the righteous sister of the dead body.

Although one day I will inherit the title of monarch, but why do I think so, why would my brother be killed."

"Is it an important person?" Lin Xiao said.

"Brother, to me, it's not the occasion to talk about these things, what does the maid say."

'I also think that you are the monarch, the master.'

'you too?She is my envoy.'

"I am the maid Yueling, hello."

'I understand.'Lin Xiao said.

"Do you know Kenneth, and she is a stronger maid, after all, unlike humans, it is overwhelming and trustworthy to betray. Why would my brother be killed? Why would I not doubt this."

"It is indeed the basic mode on time. Will the maid and I be given the vulnerability of this kind of thing?"

"By the way, what about your memory do you realize who you are?"

"Except for the name is vague." Lin Xiao said.

"The situation is the same as mine. Just now I thought I was my disciple. It seems that our memory has been modified."

"Who is doing these things with alcohol? Actually you wouldn't be a mortal, right?"

"Is that right?"


"It was a joke, maid."

'If he was a bad guy, he wouldn't have a more decent reaction when he just fell out of the window.'

'Speaking of this street, it is like the nineteenth century. No, it should be said fundamentally.'

"The world has a problem." Lin Xiao said.

"Senior heard it?"

"The contact during the transfer of Lingzi is now included in the seniors, and communication cannot be established."

"Spirit-based Atlas cannot be transmitted."

"What the hell is going on, this place."

"Did we recover from the hindered cognition because of an abnormality in memory and the world, but here it is.'

'You also received strange communications.'

"I don't quite understand either." Lin Xiao said.

"You are not holding my suitcase, do you mean this?"

"Well, you have your own things. It's really a puzzle, what happened to alcohol."

"No matter what, it's impossible not to find the guy who killed the brother."

"Okay, then let's go."

'We are going to my son.'

"As a facilitator, come and help each other." Sima Yi said.

"The prisoner must be caught and punished."

"The most urgent thing is to find one's true identity. It is really embarrassing to find oneself at this age." Sima Yi said.

"The only thing that can be called a clue is the joy written as M, and in the final analysis, what is going on here."

"What is the shock."

"This giant has appeared, here is a trap, everyone is very happy."

"The giant just now seems to have nothing to do with the unrealistic place."

"What, I'm Paul, kid."

"You know a little about the word M." Lin Xiao said.

"Yes." Paul said.

"Really?" Lin Xiao said.

"Come over and sit on my shoulders, I can make a lot of strength." Paul said.

"This is M."

"Really museum."

"You are back, Paul, and you also brought guests." Jin Shi said.

"Paul welcomes back." Jack said.

"Oh, what's wrong with you." Jin Shi.

"What's the matter, you look so pretty." Sima Yi said.

"There is a feeling that it is not the first time I met you with the two of you."

'Don't tell us you know us.'

'I said Jack, if it is someone here, you can find something.'Paul said.

'Find what?'Lin Xiao said.

"Our friend is missing."

'It's missing, it's not bad.'

'It's not clear on this point.'

"Although it is not clear why there are fewer people, we understand that there are fewer people, but everyone is like this."

'We also lost our memory.'

''Furthermore, there are a lot of things that get in the way in Bao Wu Gang, and you can't rely on Jin Shihe.

'Because I couldn't get in, I had to go outside and ask for help.'

"So that's the case, it's really a problem. If you don't dislike me and my disciple, please come and help."' Sima Yi said.

"Am I still a disciple?" Lin Xiao said.

"Compared with the Jiao assistants again and again, it is easier to understand, and now I can't recognize you as Chen Bei." Sima Yi said.

"The so-called mystery is something that U will depreciate. It is hard to say that the encounter with Paul was accidental."

"Then I would like to ask you to share some more detailed information. The Ang Museum is in the way, specifically what's going on." Sima Yi said.

"There are a lot of bad guys recently, attacking us near the museum." Paul said.

"It's not good that something has appeared. It's these guys who ran out again." Jin Shi said.

'It's different from the automatic puppet just now.'Lin Xiao said.

"There are so many hatefuls, even if I alone can't handle them all."

'Which suitcase would you use?'Sima Yi said.

"I will try it." Lin Xiao said.

"This guy is still like this." Jin Shi said.

"Thank you." Paul said.

'This is amazing, your suitcase looks like some powerful shadow of a magician.'

'Could that be the envoy who made a contract with you?'

"Probably this is the feeling." Lin Xiao said.

"It seems to be the same as Paul and the others. So you are also a magician. From here is the highlight."

"Let's get in the way out of the museum first."

"Same feeling." Lin Xiao said.

"The museum is so big."

"Yes, it's good here." Jin Shi said.

"It's so small," Jack said.

'Although it is different from your original place, it is much larger than a museum, so a week is not enough for appreciation.'Sima Yi said.

"You say follower."

"A few of us are lost followers, maybe somebody found it back. We don't know why we handed over the set and we have been playing."

'I found that kind of existence, it is the realm record bag.'Sima Yi said.

"what is that?"

"This kind of occasion refers to the heroic spirits in human history, and you understand it as a great person in the past. With the magician Melon, you must change your way of thinking.

After all, the so-called monsters and mysteries have some rules for the time being, but in the end there are all kinds of them."

"Whether it's flying or going through the wall, don't hesitate to come, even humans can create if necessary."

''In the end, the remaining rules began to change corresponding to different monsters, facing opponents, even if they carried out serious searches and inferences, they would be wiped out.

So the important thing is not made by water, but by what method."

"It's okay to do whatever we want. We should pursue the truth."

"This is what the mystery should say?"

"The branch here is what winter is."

"It's just learning and selling from my brother."

"Now it seems that we have put forward extra things in pursuit of magic. His winter is very pure."

"I am afraid that the followers are strong, they are very simple about their own existence, even if it is disgusting, they will not deceive others."

"That is to look back. It is not necessarily that the water will always be but why he disappeared."

'Speaking incomprehensible things?'Jack said.

"Okay, let's go." Lin Xiao said.