"This is called a Babki locomotive, how about this."

"Super perfect." Lin Xiao said.

"Senior, why are you in tears," Matthew said.

"Although it is really surprising, it shouldn't be sad enough to cry."

"No, Matthew."

"That guy burst into tears mostly because he was moved, just like what the boys dream of in the hearts of primary school students." Al said.

"After all, he is also a man."

"That's it, today I will study this as a topic." Matthew said.

"Anyway, as a race car, you are impeccable, and the team is named Steam Racing to register for the competition." Lin Xiao said.

"It's really sighing. I heard that during the last summer event, serious disturbances occurred in the southern islands."

"It is said that you are playing around on the uninhabited island. This is not good, how shameless it is."

"Since the young and vigorous Skarha is present, it means that at least the young and vigorous people on the surface are exposed to their skin for play."

"Too out of style."

"It's better to say it's a real survival in the wilderness," Lin Xiao said.

"If you say that, it may be true."

"If I were there, I would at least advise.

Okay, let's stop chattering about the past."

"My concern is now, can you understand?"

"This summer is here again, and there is a joyous atmosphere everywhere."

'This time everyone will be addicted to happiness, like children, there is no problem.

This matter itself is not a problem, and occasionally through the joyous holiday to eliminate the heat.'

"I'm so worried. Throughout the summer, I am shamelessly indulging in happiness like a beast."

"I really can't say it. Don't make fun of it. It's unreasonable."

"It shouldn't happen what you imagined, please stay calm." Lin Xiao said.

"Do you know what I am thinking? I have decided."

"Decide what?"

"The Chaldean style requires me to protect it, even if others might, I will never allow it." Yuan Raimitsu said.

"To sum up, with the power of the Eastern God, I will punish all those who violate the morals."

"Zhu Mie?" Lin Xiao said.

"Niutou Tianwang! It's IBA, coming to the gods created by all things." Yuan Laiguang said.

"I am a member of the discipline, and my yo-yo will not pick and choose. It will surely eliminate all the ghosts that disturb the discipline.

Master, I will guard your summer."Yuan Laiguang said.

"Assault, what kind of swimsuit is summer, what kind of activity.

Never admit this kind of thing, never admit it, even if the gods and Buddha forgive me, I will prevent this kind of impossible behavior."

"Gun Tien Lai Guang appears again."

"Sailor suit?" Lin Xiao said.

"I think I'll tell you about this, otherwise there will be a bad ending."

"I'm talking about Yuan Laiguang. Ang Ren is a person who works harder than anyone else."

"The so-called leader is the executor of power, and will protect the capital no matter what happens."

"She did it with thin arms. She is a very powerful person."

"Now that she appears as a mad-level spirit foundation, how can I say it."

"In a very strange state, but that's not all of her. For other reasons, she can still be summoned."

"At that time, it will be like two people."

"Originally, I was very serious, and then I became the Super Discipline Commissioner."

"But this kind of situation is not common, after all, Lingji cannot be easily changed."

"What's wrong, other than the rank, if she is a gun rank, she is a member of the discipline committee." Jin Shi said.

"That is to say." Lin Xiao said.

"I have charged and are ready to correct morals. Look, this yo-yo, use this complete villain."

"What's wrong with you Master, why is your expression so shocked? Are you surprised at changing your clothes?"

"I just think all this is super awesome." Lin Xiao said.

"You are very auntie, since you are dressed, other weapons are not considered.

I have also washed the knowledge about modern times, and there is still no problem with this kind of thing."

"Through the video recording of Chaldea, I learned a little bit."

"I solemnly declare that you must have experienced a number of heavy occasional reading battles, so it is good to take a break occasionally."

"Overwork is harmful to the body, and it is harmful to the body as long as it is done. Take a break to avoid the summer vacation."

"Even in summer, you can't be too immersed in an open atmosphere."

"I don't allow this kind of thing, understand?"

"This is too harsh." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, as a member of the discipline committee, he must maintain the Chaldean discipline and act.

This is what I should do."

"It's a patrol. It's not just for you or Kim Shi, there are young children here. Tourmaline obeys discipline."

"My mission is a long way to go. I don't hesitate to break my body and use my body as a shield. I will fight to the end."

"Well, there is no one else here to disturb the morals."

'This announcement is to hold a racing competition?'

"The goddess is that guy Al."

"What's the matter, what's the breath." "You can get it because you can get the source of Laiguang. I always feel that you are different from usual, and it seems a little sacred. This feeling is."

"Hello Master Sanzang, this is already a matter of discipline."

"What style?"

"Everything is late. Look, just as you know, Master Practitioners are very happy."

"I have been completely immersed in it, and I clearly jumped around in a swimsuit before I even reached the beach."

"Can you hear what I said, if you don't hear it, it's just talking to yourself."

"It's not good to get in the way, but I really mind why she wants to talk to me and what to do." Sanzang said.

"This can't work, Master Master." Yuan Laiguang said.

"Forbidden, you are too impatient to do something evil."

"You mean my swimsuit."

"My dress is an expression of my mood."

"I also don't think this is good."

"But this dress is better than usual."

"Explicitly prohibited."

"Wait a moment, if you want to talk about clothing, so do you."

"It's kind of like a natural type that is constantly being shaped"

"That's also true." Lin Xiao said.

"This is the correct manner. What's the problem if you want to show purity and integrity?" Yuan Laiguang said.

"Obviously this is the way you are wearing a swimsuit," Sanzo said.

'I am so excited, I will never lose to the temptation of summer.'

'I am the guardian, to correct the mistakes of Lin Xiao and others.'

"If you are willing to make corrections, just follow me. This must be what the Buddha meant." Yuan Laiguang said.

"To say so, what a strong confidence, this is the gecko of the heavens, isn't it."

"For your question, I only need to say that the real name of the treasure you saw is liberated, and it will be clear."

"I want to see it, happy, I'll be with you. Although it's not a swimsuit, it's worth looking forward to."

"As expected of you, please forgive me for my rudeness. I believe you will be willing to become a commissioner of discipline and work with me."

"Sanzo, I am very happy to accept you as a member of the Chaldeans. Do you have a horse?"

"This time Feng Ji is the core of the summer festival, so we must work hard from the temple."

"It looks like a fun singularity car."

"I understand that even though it is the first time to participate in a racing competition, it is all on me."

"It's nothing to deviate a little from the track. I will definitely reach the end in the end."

"Since I participate, I must win. It makes me very happy to be with you."

"I'm almost the same person for this, so let's go together, in order to protect the summer." Yuan Raiguang said.

"Oh, you two are teaming up individually, very good partners, I wish you all the best." Lin Xiao said.

"The season of summer activities has arrived." Truss said.

"The long-awaited moment has finally arrived. Regrettably, last year's barbecue meeting seemed to end in a tie, but this year we must win." Edison said.

"Hmph, you will really find an excuse. You should have faced the reality long ago. It is basically my victory."

"You still remember the victory and defeat of last year. You, a eccentric man, you deserve to be a man in a suit by the sea."

"Your thoughts are too narrow. The tight-fitting suit must be the kind of low-budget product, or your boyhood clothes."

"Anyway, it's a sad thing for the rich guy in my pocket. I can't help but want to give you the all-weather suit."

"Your clothes are more troublesome than mine."

"Idiot, I remember that kind of thing. My kelp knot didn't stabbed the beef. You vegetarian, didn't you end up with a pale quilt."

"It's really shameful. Are you a gentleman like this?"

"Don't die the duck's mouth is hard."


"Then let's do it separately this year, I am the real barbecue king."

"I can't ask for you mediocrity," Truth said.

"Your relationship is really good." Lin Xiao said.

"Is that so?" Matthew said.

"But it is true, the two of them said that, but they didn't actually do anything."

"Huh." Edison said.

"What the hell are you two doing.

Even if the summer is open to the public, you must know how to make a difference. How many times have I said that violence is forbidden, but I still haven't understood?"

"There are adults like you in this world who quarrel at every turn. I really want to make me get out."

"I don't mean to let you go out and make a big noise." Helena said.

'Sorry, it seems I was really dizzy by the summer heat.'

"Very good, good boy."

''You laughed, let's go out and calm down."

"What an excellent mediation ability, Miss Helena." Lin Xiao said.

"When you glared at you, the two of them are like cats."

"It really looks like a cat to those two people."

"As expected of everyone's sister." Lin Xiao said.

"It's okay, I don't care about age anymore."

"But what should I say, my spirit has long passed the age of making trouble with young children."

"Among my followers, I live longer, and I can almost be said to be a grandmother inside."

"Although she looks like a girl," Helena said.

"It's unbelievable." Lin Xiao said.

"is it."

"Mental age?"

"Although your appearance is very pleased, can Miss Helena have the memories of her life until her later years with the mind of personal experience." Matthew said.

"That's right, I do have memories of old age."

"Then you are the lady in your old age." Lin Xiao said.

'"That's right."

"But you look very lively." Lin Xiao said.

"Of course."

"I said before, I have maintained this appearance."

"Yeah, Ah Li said that the heyday is Wang Niannian."

"Although it makes me feel, but it's vague, my appearance is like this."

'I can't see that you are a grandmother at all,' Lin Xiao said.

"Well, thank you, I take it as a compliment."

"I see Truth and Edison in the hallway.

I think it must have been a conflict between the people, and this time I was reprimanded by my wife."

"By the way, you didn't talk about the personal situation of the wife who is usually very calm at the head office."

"And finally understand the spirit of the lady herself, from the outside it is such an old town."


"It's a good old blessing."

"I just listened to your conversation."

"I have something to say, Lin Xiao, you can't believe Helena's spirit is close to the old man."

'I think she is the season.'

"It's such a thing, I don't seem to believe you." Old Fu said.

"Some things can be said, some cannot be said." Helena said.

"What's the matter?" Matthew said.

"I'm really sorry, it seems that I said something wrong, there is something else to say." Holmes said.

"Too despicable Lao Fu" Lin Xiao said.

"Unbelievable, why is this."

"You treat me like that." Helena said.

"Cleaning up the classics is just inexplicable, it's just surprise."

"I don't want to wash that you pull."

"Miss Helena."

'She can't hear these words now.'

"This is her inescapable past, this is the curse and the dragon's inverse scale."

"So I was hit."

"Old Fu is a blow"

"So what should it be?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's going to start."

"It's just acrobatics."

"We have not seen a great soul either."

'This is simply a stimulating gesture.'

'Sure enough, he lost his calm in an instant.'

"She is an excellent woman with high self-esteem and full of intelligence, but the excessive load is unbearable for those with a heart."

"Once it exceeds the scope, it will become like this, and it will burden her every time. I really feel sorry."

"The old Fu, it's because of him."

"No way, the matter is over, she is no longer the same as before."

"We will persuade him together."

'What are you doing.'

"Don't lose control, don't encourage yourself."

"This is what you advised us before, whether it is something that cannot be delivered or cannot be seen, it does exist in the world." Truth said.

"But this is not an existence that everyone can see, everyone can touch."

'I won't ask you to criticize everything, just that you don't need to respond with anger.'

'right.'Tras said.

"And your angry look hurts our hearts."

"Me too, you should smile."

'Extremely sorry.'Lin Xiao said.

"I know, but we are at the limit by virtue of oh. That's right, and that."

"This summer event racing, we must participate."

"You don't think racing is a pleasure."

"Very good, it turned into a gust of wind to get rid of Fan Na's fight." Truth said.'