"Oh, you finally said something serious." Edison said.

"It's interesting to mention racing."

Thank you, you see, I'm at this age, and I'm still dazzled by anger. It's shameful, forget it."

"Forget everything you just saw."

"The car is right, and occasionally this is fine."

"In the rare summer, Madam should also enjoy baby love occasionally."

"Yes, it must be a big deal."

"Now that it's locked, the great soul transforms." Helena said.

"Transformed?" Lin Xiao said.

"Oh it's a swimsuit."

"Changed into a beautiful costume."

"This swimsuit is very strong"

"Wait, the level change is so simple, it's incredible."

"Yes, the activity is like this, but mediocre people don't know it's normal." Truth said.

"Let me see, this time I need a partner."

"There is no way, my white circle is single, and the mobile research room can carry multiple people.'

"There is no need to worry about this. Whoever proposes it will do it."

"Of course we will work together."

"Yes, although there are many powerful heroes, no one except us has a professional racing car."

"You can't say this too full." Lin Xiao said.

"It's so decided, let's start, I will build a super car." Edison said.

"This is already very powerful for mediocre people." Truth said.

"Okay, as long as you are satisfied." Lin Xiao said.

"Well, let's cheer up and participate in the game." Helena said.

"I want to be a rock star." Nobunaga said.

"How can you put that kind of title animation without authorization, this is not the kind of activity." said the head office.

"Could it be that Nobunaga, the sweltering heat finally caused your brain to go wrong."

"This place is called Chaldea, it snows all year round, but why is this room so hot?

It's kind of strange, isn't it kind of strange."Chacha said.

"No, it's actually mainly because we occupied the next room in Chaldea without permission."

"Or we shouldn't be exacting," said the head office.

"It's so noisy, isn't it normal for summer heat?" The earthmover said.

"I said that, in fact, because I can't bear this kind of heat, I have already taken off my appearance, even if I have pickled radishes, I'm not happy."

"That's not the case with you."

"At least it's free and see only."

"You guys change clothes."

'Chacha also wants to change clothes.'

"Don't worry, Chacha, as long as I become a rock star, everything will be solved." Nobunaga said.

"I didn't save this letter, I must find a way."

"Appeared, this is Nobunaga's strategy concept that no one except His Royal Highness can understand too simple words. Simply put, it is the world's military."

"That's why Mitsuhide-kun betrayed."

"You must be tired Nobunaga, do you want to eat pickled radish, even though it belongs to Mr. Earthwork," said Cupid.

"Don't take my snacks," the earthmover said.

"You ignorant people, I will tell you in a way that A Kuang's head can understand, and listen to me." Nobunaga said.

"look at this."

"this is."

"What, God's event is about to be held, and the winner may be rewarded with the Holy Grail to realize any wish." said the head office.

"Chacha knows that this is the so-called deception of holding activities. Chacha is very familiar with it, and I have seen it in the TV animation of the Holy Grail War."

"Of course I know that there is nothing good about having a relationship with the Holy Grail. Even the children of Owari can learn the facts from the anime." Nobunaga said.

"But I'm not watching this, but here, the live broadcast of the game here, live broadcast."

"Oh, it's a good event," said the head office.

"Let's join in the fun too." Cha Cha said.

"Very good, I want to participate in this competition, which has attracted the attention of the world, and finally won the championship. I am holding a commemorative concert," Nobunaga said.

"In other words, this is a game that belongs to me."

"It's about to open. The concert site is helplessly selling limited CDs and small goods, as well as selling my limited swimsuit figures." Nobunaga said.

"As a result, my popularity will increase."

"Does it mean that, it doesn't matter it is summer anyway."

"Leave aside the popular Miss Okita figure, Nobunaga has passed a lot of figures and no one wants it."

"Swimsuit?" said the head office.

"Haha, did you finally find it? The princess of the weak executioner society."

"Watch it well, let's go, I am the sixth day demon king of summer!" Nobunaga said.

"This light is."

"Have you seen it, the casual cut customized by contemporary super-popular designers is full of the heroic appearance of the sixth day demon of Xia Zhi with a sense of devil."

"Especially this weapon that you don't know how to use is particularly powerful."

"It's actually here again, a mere free character." Cha Cha said.

"I have already surpassed the concept of free roles."

'Yes, this is exactly how good I am.'

'Ah, I am not a five-star.'

"Impossible, you are not popular."

"In this way, the topic of the whole summer will be exclusively for me, plus the concerts that have won several years."

"Selling novels can sweep the entire music world."

"My voice may appear in other places, just use the name Oda Nobunaga."

"It's not that I have a swimsuit this year," said the head office.

"Poor, the excessive blow made her hallucinate. Take medicine and rest."

'Are there any chacha swimsuits.'

"It must be amazing, that thing."


'For this dress, I have used up all the gold I brought with tea.'Nobunaga said.

'Unauthorized use of funds must die!'

"Ah, the earthwork is furious."

'I am going to be a star."Nobunaga said.

"Ah, I'm defeated."

"It's really a very empty battle." The Chief Secretary said.

"Earth, why are you staring at real ads."

"Let’s go see a swimsuit event."

'I thought I was going to die, but fortunately I ran fast.'Nobunaga said.

"By the way, it's a bunch of unreasonable guys. The racer is a must, if there is that guy."

'The sixth day devil, I heard it.'

"I am the X cat who killed all SABER. I am a fan of super racing driver who dominates the mobile game space racing competition.'

"My dad, you were your guy in the early summer at the last event."

"It's called the Four Heavenly Kings deadly. There are actually five heroines."

"Shut up and don't mention that. I'm talking about what happened when Ang was on the stage when he was exited. I definitely don't allow that kind of unnatural appearance scene."

"Although when I went back, I saw Xiao Ai's face filled with satisfaction."

'Of course I also added an extra meal, but this and appearance are two different things.'

"Aldoria, the lonely food servant."

"I am very interested in this project, so this time I am different from what I usually do," said Dimao.

"It's the Galaxy driver's license!" Nobunaga said.

"Yes, that's it, I am the best racer!" said Dimao.

"Hire." Nobunaga said.

"Hmph, as long as you hire me, you can be exempted from the punishment of random parking in the universe. The parking lot of the universe is illegal."

"Let me show my ID strength is correct."

"My first appearance was on April Fool's Day."

"Your eyes are full of sparkle. How should I put it? It's the feeling that you can't compromise your means for the purpose." Nobunaga said.

"What you can understand my ambition."

"It's true that the hero feels able to save Britain."

"I can see so much at a glance."

'Don't worry, I see many things,'

"There are people like this in this world who understand me. Since you have said so, let me put it down. Good sixth day devil."

"Let us form a team to participate in this competition and win together."

"There are several SABERs participating in this competition, and I have seen a lot."

"This is your situation, Wei Xia, as long as you hit the seat, right?"

"In this way, Nobunaga and Domo combined together, they will be the strongest team."

"What the hell is something like papyrus, follower confrontation, competition?"

"Use your hands to solve the peculiarities. The honor of victory belongs to you. This is such a powerful place. This is the time to show my Pharaoh Wei Yan."

'I thought it was the case, the team is made up of drivers and deputy.'Nito said.

"It would be nice if I didn't have this sentence when I became a shareholder. It's actually a team battle, and the mummies can't drive."

"Since this is the case, I can only do that. Although I am weak, I will find another pharaoh."

"The purpose is not to make me stand out, but to win, and to imprint the greatness of Fake in people's eyes."

"How could this happen? I was rash. The first partner I was looking for, the Queen, likes eating and taking pictures more than games."

'This job is too profitable.'

She traveled arrogantly.

There was no alternative but to find the King of Conquer, but he couldn't find it, but La Er refused to participate.

Oops, isn’t it just not enough to find a partner to participate in the competition?

"I didn't expect things to become like this." Nito said.

"Too ashamed, I really want to dig a hole in."

"Anyway, calm down first, now there is a way out, nothing more."

"Because I'm an inferior follower, I can't let this opportunity pass."

"In this case, you can win, what should you do, you have to accept your life, ha, you can't find a partner."

"Is there such a candidate?" Nito said.

"You must hurry, everyone is fine now."

"Oh I found it, that color scheme makes me feel close."

'Do you believe in Pharaoh?'

"After all, Pharaoh is a king. I am too qualified and I decided to hire you."

"Your face, racing together."

"I don't want to participate in the competition, so goodbye."

"Even if you say that."

"You just said that you don't want to die. I will make a rune for you, which is better than death."

"This is my monster mechanic. According to the propaganda manual, you can make a butterfly, as long as you use the power tool number.

"It's great, I am willing to help you." said the queen.

"It's so lively, everyone is very happy." Lin Xiao said.

"The scale of the competition venue in this predecessor is beyond imagination. It is indeed a large-scale event." Matthew said.

"This is what it feels like to enjoy a holiday, there are many followers in the audience."

"You have been playing on the big screen since just now."

"Miss Al also prepared it?" Lin Xiao said.

"It feels so."

"Moreover, the staff members should pay a lot of money."

"Really, as an event, even vendors don't even arrange it."

"The car is not just for the driver." Red A said.

"For example, this street vendor, which I personally judged to prepare without authorization, is Turkish barbecue, Frankfurt sausage, fried noodles, and shaved ice."

"There is also the ultra-high temperature teppanyaki grilled meat projected on this day."

"It's so perfect and crazy."

"Uncle gave me a cotton candy." Jack said.

"You actually want cotton candy." Red A said: "That's it, the vendors in the summer really need this."

"This is a blind spot, I remember the cotton candy maker should be." Red A said.

"It should be like this, the guests count the orders."

"That's a cloud, right? You can eat it too?" Ibaraki said.

"Of course it can be eaten. It is a simple thing like cotton wool after melting the sugar."

"Just give me some QP and prepare it for you right away."

"Don't underestimate people, I'll pay for as many people as there are." Ibaraki said.

"Let's take this shot." Teacher Qiao said; "I have a good shot. The position of recorder may be suitable for me."

"It's great. Although I don't know why the race is held in the summer, it is great. This is the best summer event."

"I seem to have had a bad luck during Golden Week. I didn't have the chance to play before autumn. There are too many newcomers who have debuted recently."

"Mie You thought that he could receive a model job this time, as long as he put on this set and stood here."

"Come on, uncle white cloak over there."

'The posture I have practiced all night, idols are very popular.'

"You are such a weird person, so sad, but since I feel happy I don't have much to say." Teacher Qiao said.

"At least it is the responsibility of the recorder to leave this dark part in the camera."

'But where is Skaha-sama? "Why do you say that, my body is not good"

"Look at the participants coming, let's go say hello." Matthew said.

"That's right." Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, Lin Xiao, you are here, it is of course that I want to participate in the competition."

"What are you talking about? My head is contaminated by Rose. As the maid of the summer, I didn't expect to be doomed before the game."

"Why do you all wear swimsuits here?" Lin Xiao said.

"Don't you know that the rules say that those who participate in the competition will pass swimsuits."

"I think the seniors mean why you will participate in the competition."

"The answer is simple, we have to win." Nero said.

"This is not being forced at all."

"I'm a tank master who won in Olympia, and it's imposing in terms of rank." Nero said.

"I don't believe that you are already a mage. This is to let no one in car number u do it."

'Fortunately, the race is about to start, but the driver has to.'

"Why do you like to be the main player?" Lin Xiao said.

"Of course it is because I am the king." Nero said.

"Master, thank you." Fran said.

"Perhaps there is no translation, she is glad you came to cheer for us." Steam King said.