The final game is about to begin.

"In fact, as a guardian, my true love and feelings for myself are being tested. In short, Wie has had so many dear cross-cuts."

"I have to change a lot too."

"My dear runs very slowly, so if you can catch the real dear and bring him over, I can let you go." Moon God said.

"If you can't do it, I won't let you go there. In order to lose my breath, I will use more arrows of love to hinder you."

"The goddess has pleaded with you so much. You must perform the love test to help us meet this destiny, right?"

"You actually expect others to help you with the test of fate, but forget it."

"Why did it become like this after all," Nito said.

"I also want to know the reason, probably some unclear relationship."

Luna said: "It doesn't matter which one is good, I just need to solve this problem anyway."

"You can help me, I'll just let your car go, otherwise you don't even think about it."

"I understand." Nito said.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Mai Xu said.

"Forget it, it's better if you don't understand. There are some good things you should understand, and there are still places."

"After all, her place is reflected, there, that is the function of escape."

"Why don't you leave this area." Daimo said.

"In fact, I really want to run away, but I can't look at Gu, it's so beautiful."

"Depending on whether you regard that as a wooden tool, the meaning will also change, but it seems that this bear is banned."

"Be careful, murderous," Moon God said.

"Fleeing again, everyone, go and help me chase down the real dear"

"No matter how you look at it, it's an honor to be a female body. Let us see the last anomaly."

"What's the matter with the winner?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's hard to tell, but I saw Nobunaga." Matthew said.

"I am optimistic about the source Lai Guang." Lin Xiao said.

"I don't think Nito can get out."

'I am an emperor who understands love very well. This is mostly the flirtation between the moon god and the bear.'

Nero said.

"It might be interesting as a script, but now it's a game. I hope you will respect yourself and let us go first."

"There is no reason to feel bored, don't stop us, otherwise those who stop me will die."

"There is no reason to appear, no matter how you wipe it, it can't be cleaned, but it will disappear without knowing it."

"It's like rubbish that doesn't know whether to clean up or not. I really don't have the time to accompany you." Dumao said.

"You too underestimated me." Moon God said: "All attack."

'Ah, it's not good to be outnumbered.'Said Mao.

"It's too messy, it's too."

"I'm going to hit it ahead." Nero said.

"Don't worry." Heida said.

"It's so irritating."

"Now, they are all blocked but Hi Owen, fish in troubled waters, I'm sorry that my wisdom is contemporary Kong Ming."

"Hahaha." Nobunaga said.

"Although I didn't do it myself, I was very happy to see that Saber was hurt by the Moon God."

"I can eat three bowls of rice so happily, it's really delicious."

"I can see the damage to flexibility when I fight Yajing, it doesn't matter, so hurry up and cook a good meal, let's get started."

"Ah, no, it's not so honorable to want to fish in troubled waters." The Moon God attacked.

"Dodge," Nobunaga said.

"It's annoying, please be quiet." Helena said.

"It's okay, this is great, your clothes."

"Well, is the real bear over there?"

"Don't be so disappointed. Although I said this is not poisonous, whether it is a counterfeit is a small question."

"The most important thing is whether the goods are of real value, I think you have great potential, Miss."

"It would be nice to have another year."

"I like it very much."

"Not growing? That's a shame."

"Don't keep talking nonsense here," the professor said.

"Ah, the situation is getting better and better." Nito said; "What should we do."

"Oh, it's surprisingly good. You and that bold are wonderful and bold. You can consider + a mascot as a new member."

"No, stay away from me. If it's true, I won't overturn you, just grab it."


"what is that."

"Have you heard a story about the boss named Wang, who thinks that every time he buys some strange skin on you, it is suspicious, and this is the one who follows this woman."

1001 said:'As a result, I saw an unimaginable scenery in the basement of that woman's house. Such a story is indeed beyond imagination.'

"It's an understatement. It's a person who is good at telling stories. It makes me want to know the follow-up plot and what he saw." Nito said.

'Actually, that woman, in the basement and where the bear is kept.'



"In other words, very scary."

"There are still things that must be done now."

"What a view this is."

''So far it is not a good thing, destroying Hu Fengji.

Yuan Laiguang said.

I thought the bear was a kind of friend for my son."

"But now I am mentally prepared, I want to guard the world's scenery."

"A variety of prohibited events must never happen,"

"Yes, you have been working hard so far." Sanzo said.

"In order to be more swift and violent, I have to spare no effort."

"These words show my determination to guard Fengji, and also seal the shackles of strength."

"Really." Sanzo said, "It's super awesome."

"Probably so, because I saw Jin Shi before coming here."

"He said that Yuan Laiguang should always wear this dress."

"Seeing his situation, but before the righteousness, I have to be so European.

"It's really troublesome," Sanzo said.

"What this breath, there is something very powerful, that can be absorbed and beaten"

"Okay, all these bears are coming to me, you are here"

"Moreover, my inspiration flashed just now, it must be the inspiration given by the Buddha.

"It's not clear whether it is true or false, as long as all are captured and handed over to the Moon God." San Zang said.

"After all, the goddess said that he would give him the real body, so that's the condition."

"Okay, I'm Gunajin, open the robes a little bit, and cheer up."

'Hey wait a minute, does Nie Yaoyao use this trick? It happens to be everywhere.'Xiong said.

"This kind of something that is not too firm or familiar, seems difficult to attack, but it is actually very easy to pay.

"Although I don't quite understand, the other party has come out."

""What's the matter, my situation is so good."

"Since the other party has come to the door, all have reached."

"You guys who disturb the morals, I will use thunder light to correct your character."


"Recovered and almost killed."

"Don't bully my dear." Moon God said.

"Anyway, we will give you your lover."

"It seems that the Moon God can't calm down at all, he has attacked us."

'This is the first time I have done this, forget it, no matter what, only defeated him.'

"This has calmed the storm for a short time before it comes." Yuan Laiguang said.

"This is terrible."

"My dear, don't be afraid."

"Although it is so, it is better for Luna."

"I'm sorry I told the truth."

"Since it is true, what's the situation with your disciple?"

"Holding this is a gift for you." Sanzo said.

"What is this, a glowing aperture." Luna said.

"Try this on Mr. Xiong's head to ensure that surprises will happen."

"Oh, that's amazing, things have changed."

'What happens once it happens.'

'My head hurts, what is this?'

"It seems that as long as my dear peeks or thinks about pinching the girl, my head will hurt."

'Ah, what a good treasure, this little thing.'

"No, you see I have become an hourglass here."

"It's amazing, I am the only one in my dear eyes."

'It is my fault.'

'Sorry for my refurbishment, so don't send me there.'

"Don't apologize like this, I will be with you, the guardian mission is over." Moon God said.

"It's just professionalism, and other teams have to catch up. Let's go ahead and wait until the two settle down." Sanzang said.

"This victory belongs to us."

"There is no objection." Yuan Raiguang said.

"Should I look like a goddess, I would like to give you some advice."

"Because of the texture problem here, the kid was furious again."

"But, I can't catch up anyway, then forget it, okay, dear, let us enjoy the situation without being disturbed."

"By the way, what you hold out is the golden halo, I ask you." Xiong said.

"Speaking of Ang, you actually don't plan to use it."

'Sure enough, I can see that, in fact, it was not given to me, but the Dong Mixiang who let the devil put his appearance.'

"I don't think it's useful, it's just for smashing monsters in battle."

"In short, there are many things that should not be done randomly."

"Just know that using this kind of props has no effect."

"In short, that's the case, we must be stubborn."

"I also feel that emotions need freedom."


''Meeting you in this competition is indeed the arrangement of the Buddha."

It is also very happy to meet you for things that are not there."

Yuan Laiguang: "If everyone is like you, feel ashamed and embark on the journey of redemption for the wrong things they have done.

that would be nice."

"There is indeed some suffering."

"Actually, I don't feel ashamed, not really.

"In short, the end is here, we must win."

"This is the first match, so victory is also necessary." Sanzo said.

"Of course, I am happy to win the championship for you." Yuan Raimitsu said.

"Well, much attention, the final game is coming soon."

"And I can't cry anymore, I can't stop it, but no matter how you cry, you can't stop it again."

Al said: "Finally, there is only the end left, so my temple is ready to break through."

"Being nervous again." Lin Xiao said.

"Who will win."

''Let's reduce the shock together to the end.'

Previously, the result of the game was directly reflected here. When Gourd can trigger, it is not good for occasional writing, but this is another one."

"No one knows what will happen to the final area. Before this, there was only one bridge in the picture, pure conflict."

"Everyone has a chance to win."

"Then let's wait and see, listen well, you can stick to it to be very good now."

"Pour all the magic into the engine and hit the last one to make the wheels spin and leave the badge of the game on this land."

"Okay, let's get started." Al said.

"The final zone begins."

"I will wait to feed the champion to celebrate." Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, you can't lose this."

"You guys!" Nobunaga said.

'The wheels are starting to slip. We are now pledged by Lingxian to keep our current advantage, and we can win.'

"I don't know what happened to Nito."

"They are right behind us, they are really unwilling to give up."

Nero said.

"Black dumb, give me the accelerator to get up."

"At the last moment, don't lose the chain."

"Although there will be problems, our car is very powerful."

Nero said.

"As racers, we must not hesitate to trust our own car."

"This is the power of fetters."

"Of course, although it is irritating, we have one of our Yi swords. As long as we cross the death bridge, I will give you all my support."

"Well, use the big move, Babuki, the champion is ours." said the professor.

"Come on," Fran said.

"It can actually accelerate."

"Yes, my silverware is the steam king."

"Yes, the car is interesting in the final stage," the professor said.

"This is not the place to decide the outcome," Sanzo said.

"I have a watch, Master Mage, this is the time to show my full strength.,"

"To sum up, rush."

"What's going on? That horse suddenly picked up speed"

'Now it's not that we are also sprinting during this painting to let them see.'

"I will handle it."

'I will take you to the ground level, you press the end first.'

"This is Master Master, let's rush together."

"We must win this competition."

"The first place is the king, they will win if this continues," Helena said.

"I have to think of something."

"Leave it to me." Truth said.

"I have felt the atmosphere of a decisive battle now, that is to say, this is Sheng shares."

'Fully open!'Nobunaga said.

"The guy running in front, I definitely can't lose to them!"

"To put it bluntly, actually and cute."

"But this is the end of the matter, the jar is broken and I am waiting for life and death."

"Beyond the limit," said Dumao.

"Fake the legend of the net, you will become a true legend."

"Now the winner is in my hands." Nito said.

"Because Irving wants to win with all his strength and avoid death."

"Okay, it makes sense."

"Then we have to cheer and win."

'Unexpectedly, I waited for a pharaoh gecko.'

"The mobile game team came to the Disappointment Bridge, but who can pass the bridge? The first place is!" Al said.

"Do it."

"Nothing is smashing the bridge."

"It's over."

"The road is gone, we are going to fall."

"What happened?" Lin Xiao said.

"The whole bridge fell down." Al said.