"According to the style of the three-headed dog team, if it is their goal here, it should be the first time to fight to the genius."

"The signal shows that the three-headed dog team is moving but has approached here."

"Is that we leading?" Lucia said.

"No, I remember, this is the style of that woman, we were brushed by her."

"It's just that I'm going to search for the nearby commander's posture of thinking about the beacon, and I will keep this posture after being removed." Liv said.

"But under what circumstances will a structure take the initiative to remove the device in a virus-containing environment?"

"I have a bad feeling."

"There is a situation ahead."

"This is an infected structure." Lin Xiao said.

"From the scan information, they are the Suzaku team."

You are not going to add anything, it was your job to solve this task."

"Sorry, Tierzi, here we are, I'm willing to say it's with you."

"Are you dancing us?"

"I want to make sure that I can be late to her alone, and to blame you for being too efficient. This is our three-headed dog team's compliment to you."

"How can the leader explain to such an action that disrupts the mission?"

"Compared with the brutality of internal competition, this pressure is nothing at all. You should understand it too?"

"Okay, you just curse and wander around us here, oh, let's take a shot"

"You really plan to be alone"


"If they can handle it as a small team, the headquarters will not rule out the children in multiple teams to perform tasks." Xiaobai said.

"Sure enough, it's a desperate mad dog for profit."

"Let's start investigating these two infected structures, and we will help them clean up the situation later.


"In the distance, I only have two skills in virtual dance IE. This blasting is."

"It seems that the three-headed dog team is already at war with Tifa. This is what they will make."

'There are friendly structures in front, why didn't they send messages.'


"He is infected."

"That's from the Suzaku team."

'There is a record just now, and his stomach is also moving forward.'

"You can't let him be surrounded, so let's go and support.

"His body can't support it anymore, and he made a counterattack."

"After the kitchen is finished, put him near the isolation device, and if he can't return his own meaning, it can be hoped that he can survive the arrival of the cleaning troops." Lucia said.

"Yeah." Liv said.

"I'm very sorry, please don't leave the range."

"The first few variants have problems." Lin Xiao said.

"Even if the one-hundred-year unity here is much stronger than those who are not satisfied, it should not be impossible to cause harm to them."

"What the hell is going on." "These people have strange yellow paper in their bodies."

"That is the core part of the isolation device."

"Karma and technology have infected them with new abilities."

"I didn't expect the consequences of using the isolation equipment variant to be so serious, the headquarters never mentioned it."

"It's no wonder that we are accepting that they are the top ten orders."

"But how do we deal with it."


"Yo you."

"Everyone, kindly remind you that we found a few troublesome guys coming towards you."

"Your reminder Zhen Ji that they are here."

"Look, you don't need us.

"Be careful of the shields on them."

"These guys are what you will not deliberately miss out."

"It was found that after all these things are too troublesome for Chef Lika."

"Hey, wait a minute, what else can I like to add"

"When did you Zhemu approached to advance to Ou Biao."

"Don't worry about this."

Then give you a love donation."

"Don't write me a bad check."

'I am too naive to believe what you mean to be sorry.'

"That would be even better. Now the difficulty of the formulation is beyond our expectations, the lever has jumped out of our palms, and now there is no time to play games with you."

"It's so boring."

"The virtual end with u."

"This three-headed dog team is really messy."

"Tifa is approaching us."

"Hey u everyone else near us?"

"Isn't it cleared all the way just now?"

"It's why the structure we rescued came."

"He is already blurred."

"Waiting for billions, he seems to have some sense."

"Please, Owo, I still have to fight."

'It doesn't matter, I also want to take the reference back.'

"How can evolution have that."

"I'm stuck with hallucinations."

"What do you want to do with that device."

'The formula is injected with a special power by a powerful enemy, this power can make the structure too stable under the influence of the virus, and stimulate the power of the virus.

"It's very scary. If it can be used, it will change.'

"But this force requires clothing at the expense of reason, and those who master it can rescue the servants of Aspen virus."

"A lot of things cannot be changed. Although the reference has already been made, the intervention device can restore him."

"Tip, now my uncle can recover."

"We can't watch him go and chop him on his own."

"Follow up" Lin Xiao said.

"As soon as his life enters the room, it doesn't matter whether we interfere or not."

"I hope to help him to UI week." Lucia said.

"Just look forward to it. We pay attention to the direction of infection."

"Then let's follow up"

The continuous blasting just locked the Gray Crow team like a fire snake.

The satellite image is already used by Meiyu, Liv, we need a new route.

"Okay, scanning and recalculating have a new route, please follow me." Liv said.

"This is the subway station."

"This is where things are nearby."

'The subway should have a low concentration, but it's no wonder that the heart is not good. It turns out that this is a hiding place.'

"It's not safe enough, before the collapse."

"Look at the map."

'I understand, clear this area to meet the enemy.'

"Haha, appeared during the torture, her spiked injury pretended to be something IG.

Then it was thrown away like trash, and the ashes were raised amidst the silence of the doctor."

"That's the weakness of the three-headed dog"

"I can see the situation here."

"We just forced her to gather together but she left one song."

You have to pay attention to dealing with her.

"Don't you care about your team members?" Xiaobai said.

"It's just that I'm dead. If I want to turn, I blame myself for dragging my legs." a'Hey, you are really messed up.'

"This is the end of the power of step. Humans can't fight against monks. It's all because of your innocence that you rushed into hell and made my most important commander proud."

"Accepting this cyber power I want to fulfill the commander's wishes."

Tifa exhausted all his strength and began to attack indiscriminately."commander.

"Be careful, look for cover."

"Go inside with him at the last minute."

Principle his space is penetrated.

'Ah, Liv be careful.'

Xiaobai took the place of Liv's last touch, and the black spike pierced Xiaobai's body completely.

The blood hoof inside Xiao Bai kept flowing out.

Xiaobai held back the pain, and shot at the word.

"Well, dare to resist."

Tifa's face was shattered at such a close distance, and then he lost all his strength.

As the power of Heaven's Punishment disappeared, Xiao Bai also knelt to the ground.

At this time, all infected bodies nearby, but the target is us.

It's the body of mention.

This group of people will be surrounded, desperately grabbing power.

They all entered and took them away, so cruel.

"There is no need to look any further."

"Let's move here to get off the tower first."

The Crow team came to Wang Mina.

'Xiao Bai, I want you to put it down, please wait a moment, I will treat you immediately.'

"We will go back soon."

"A weak come out at this time

"You are the Crow Squad."

"who are you.

"I'm from the Tusakura Squad. The headquarters sent me here to meet you. I will use a transport plane to send you to the nearest base."

"Okay, please give Xiaobai to me next."

"Culo helped up the editor, and the members of the Crow Team finally returned to the ground with him."

"You, you, the ghost only eliminated the target. It's very remarkable. The big sin in this place has already gone out and we humans can build a new gathering point."


"Our team is investigating the escalating news in various places, and the escalation has retreated."

"The upgrade is the guy who made the girl of torture. I'm afraid that after a short break, touch us and go into the next more difficult battle."

"Oh, Xiaobai, you are really miserable." Wei La said.

"You look ugly as a machine now."

"Are you human."

The transport plane took off from the huge sandy soil, and the Huicrow team finally left City 015.

A petite and dark person in the subway appeared.

"It's embarrassing, sister."

"Forgot me too?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"One day we will meet again."

"I will restore you to your integrity and let my sister return to our design change again."

"We will live together in this world to welcome the dawn.

"Mie had thought that you would transport Tifa's body, and that such a high virus would come back to Shanghai."

"The stronghold has a protection mechanism, don't worry."

"This is the best opportunity to investigate the enemy." Kulom said.

"I also support it." Lin Xiao said.

"I'm fine.'

"Start searching."

"Miss Luna has arrived, Roland, you have Ou Shiman thoughts."

"Of course, but also left some interesting gifts for the guests in the air nursery."

"Everyone has aspirations, Mr. Gabriel, I am not prepared for the future with such a grand and precise blueprint as you."

"Machine, structure, what kind of solution this broken world will eventually usher in, I am not at all interested."

"I just need to protect Miss Luna and make sure that the world she wants comes." Roland said.

"Please allow us to intervene and escalate. Please let us share her strength and the torture of the virus."

"It's really naive, as long as you embrace and enjoy it, you are qualified to control it."

"Say please or something, you are already dead."

Roland killed him with one move.

"If you want to enter the core of the upgraded network and share the power of Miss Luna directly, you need to prove yourself."

"It is stronger than the virus, so that it can be called the master."

"Being a master, this energy."

"The second category will arrive soon."

"You will kill them."

"It's not good to remember to pick them up with the headset and pester him."

"Of course there is a human being as a seed among those people." Roland said.

'Commander, we are here, this is the Manor Boguan, and the upgraded ultimate disappears from here.'

"Museum?" Lin Xiao said.

"According to records, the merchant here used to be a private manor of a great man in the golden age likes to collect, but in the future it is actually mechanical creatures.

It was once regarded as a large collection and opened to the public as a museum."Liv said.

"I have also heard about this period of history. It is said that the golden age once popularized the use of more mature science to restore various animal trends."

"This museum has been upgraded against the virus since the age of immunity and has been used as a refuge facility until now."

"Although this seems to have a low level of infection, the enemies here in Peony Stone are escalating, we must be extremely careful."

"Yes, they have very strong power." Lin Xiao said.

"Lucia be careful."

"Many monsters appeared behind Lucia."

This recovery attacked with an epee.

"Look, I'm catching up, I heard your business can catch up."

"Nothing. Thank you for your help. You are"

"Lucia doesn't remember me, you shoot harder than then"

'What I posted was to support the hunt for hobby, not just chatting.'

"Then I'm on."

"What a fool."

"It feels good to help him. Isn't he dead yet?"

"These guys."


'Thank you, you shot so fast.'Shenwei said.

"Hello everyone, I am one of these tasks."

"Is it still with Europe?"

"There is a powerful force in their intelligence."

"What does the person you are after looks like."

"I probably know your style."

"The kind of wicked person, I know it at first glance." Shenwei said.

"Find them first, anyway."

'I hope you don't bother you at home."I don't like you when I speak without mercy."

"It doesn't matter." Xiaobai said.

"You two talked about cross talk separately." Lin Xiao said.

"I am the steward here, protecting the heritage here."


"Oh, we asked through a secret channel, leave here now."

"We must complete the task before we go, and we may be friends when we come out."

"Shenwei, simple mind."

"What I want to say is self-familiar." Lin Xiao said.

"I regret the original path now."

'See if you can open the mechanism.'

"There is really no way." Lin Xiao said.

"Go through here and you can drop to the center."

"Boom." Liv said.

"Someone is fighting here."

'I found the signal of the friendly structure, they are fighting a particularly powerful guy.'

"That should be the legendary upgrader." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't be afraid, besides we still have so many partners, this task will definitely be completed." Hem.

"Lucia, you are as good as you were before."

"I don't remember what happened at that time." Lucia said.

"Well, it's so bad to be forgotten." Shenwei said.

"At least I have forgotten your supernatural power, your last fight is very powerful." Lin Xiao said.

"I have always admired you."