"It's weird to think about it, just pulling out the magic sword to get engaged to Miss Afang." Lin Xiao said.

"Xiao Yu, do you know the reason?"

"Also let me live here, even to see an incredible existence like you."

"Isn't all this because I pulled out the magic sword?"

"This," Xiao Yu said.

"Xiao Yu, you must know the reason for this, right?"

"Tell me this."

"Sorry, I also feel that these should be explained clearly to the owner." Xiao Yu said.

"Sure enough, can't you say it?"

"Afang won't let me tell you, she also specifically explained this matter this morning."

"No wonder he called you over in the morning."

"She should have also explained this to the god, so please give us some time." Xiao Yu said.

"Okay." Lin Xiao said.

"That's the only thing."

"I thought you would continue to ask questions."

"Of course I really want to ask, but since you have said so."

"Sorry to disturb the chair."

Unconsciously, a teenager walked behind her, and she looked very upset.

"who are you talking to."

"But there is no one here."

Oops, most people can't see light rain.

In other words, the self just now was treated as a self-talking neuropathy.

'Ah, no, actually.'

"It's just because my brain sometimes has hallucinations and I can see some hallucinations.

'Old problems?'

"Yes, sometimes you can see some ghosts, don't care."

"This seat is not an illusion or a ghost, master."

'I know, but now is not the time to struggle with this matter.'

"Excuse me, Ang Youling looks like longevity."

"I actually believe it."

''It's a girl.

"That's it, it's great, it's someone else, how could that happen."


"Excuse me, have you ever seen a five-year-old boy with short hair wearing blue T blood."

"Boy?" Lin Xiao said.

Pretending to be a memory, secretly looked at Xiao Yu.

"I haven't seen it before."

"I came to clean the yard after noon. I have never seen such a child." Lin Xiao said.

"Have you not seen it? Could it be that what the mother-in-law said is right."

"It must be the voice, the voice will be my son."

"Please calm down, please tell me what happened."

"Sorry, my son is lost, I have been looking for him."

"Did you get lost around here?" Lin Xiao said.

"He ran out alone on the way here, and of course I went after him, but I didn't find him. I thought he came here alone."

'I didn't see such a child in the yard.'

"Didn't you see? I really shouldn't have brought him here."

"Please calm down, there are no monsters here, your son is just lost."

"But I looked for it, but I couldn't find it."

"There is also Ken who is lost. Could you please explain his physical characteristics in more detail, and I will help you find it."

"May I?"

'Of course, I will find him as soon as possible.'

"Have you contacted the Yamen?"

"Not yet, I thought I would find it soon, but you are right, I should contact the Yamen as soon as possible."

"Then you hurry up, I will look for it alone first."

"His name is A Cheng, five years old this year, short hair, wearing blue T blood and shorts."

"Auntie sent the photo to herself, Lin Xiao recalled that she had no impression for a long time."

"It's better to leave this kind of thing to the Yamen chef."

"I'm just trying to find it as far as I can. I will look it up in the courtyard of the shrine first, and then look elsewhere."

'Xiao Yu wants to help.'

"I can help, but even if I find it, I can't find anything."

"I do it, it doesn't matter."

"You can go and see the places where children tend to hide. It's more difficult for me to find places to rest."

"Maybe she was Wie who made a prank, find a place to hide."

'If you find that kid, just meet here or call me loudly, can you?'Lin Xiao said.

"You don't need to worry about the meeting. The owner is Xiaoyu's knife holder. This seat only needs to sense the position of the owner's soul to know where the owner is."

"Could it be that you have been monitoring me."

"Don't worry, I only feel it when I'm looking for it, and I only know the approximate location."

"All in all, you don't have to worry that we won't get along."

"Well, I will ask you when we meet. I will first look for the shrine around here."

"Oh, I see."

Said Xiaoyu was gone."

"Xiao Yu's existence is really surreal." Lin Xiao said.

"Not found."

"Lin Xiao searched all over the shrine, but no boy was found.

"It's not near the shrine."

Trying to expand the scope, Xiaoyu said that she can do where she is probably, then I will find it elsewhere, there should be no problem.

"Still not found."

Will they go to other places? It is possible that boys may also ran into the mountains.

The shrine is close to the mountain, and this place is huge.

From here, it’s a few steps up the mountain, and there are winding trails that continue into the mountain during the period.

"The sun seems to be going down soon."

'We must find a way to find him.'

"After dark, you can't let the lost child stay outside alone. This is the main reason."

But beyond that, there are so-called voices.

So it seems that this place is really strange, right?

Otherwise there will be no Xiaoyu.

I don't know why, I feel surprised, this kind of surreal thing, I accept it very well.

Although I think this place is very inconvenient, it is still uncomfortable to be said that it is a place where God's secrets happen.

Maybe I am not qualified to say such things, but I still can't help being angry.

Find as far as you can at sunset.

"There is no response, there are also rice in this mountain"

Could it be that I think too much, even a child will not come here alone.

It's dark now, if he goes the wrong way, he should go back.

It’s too dark around here, and it’s much darker if you don’t believe it.

There are no street lights in the mountain and the visibility is only a few meters.

Thanks to it being sunny today and the moon shining, in case it is cloudy, I am afraid that I can't see my fingers.

"What really happened."

Almost called the name in the loudest voice but did not respond, except for the wind.

It doesn't seem to be around here, let's go back.

There is no point in looking any further, and the mountain roads are getting narrower.

A place with such poor visibility may be dangerous for local people.

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Dragon City?"

There is no response but the voice is getting closer, isn't it Dragon City?

"who is it?"

Still no response.Not humans but animals.

In the case of Li Ziyue Yue Lin Xiao Xin Ang was shocked, and his body stepped back.

Run away right away.

But the mountain road at night is too dark, and some of the mountain roads are quite steep. If you step on a wrong step, you may fall off the slope.

If you fall, you will be seriously injured.

The sound of principle approaching, Lin Xiao's body trembles involuntarily.

Coming out of the bush was a cluster of black cherry blossoms.

''Is this a creature, singing like a ball of black mud.

What kind of monster is this?"

"It is walking towards itself step by step, but it doesn't look like a creature in any way.

Although his legs were trembling in shock, H still desperately nets leg guards.

Stepping on your dead branches and leaves in the mountain under your feet, your body keeps backing away, and the sound of three branches being cut is heard in your ears.

The golden color in front of her shook violently, and the sound of hitting the ground violently came from her ears.

So dangerous.

The fear that came from deep in my heart tightly bound his ID body.

Out of breath, the heart beats like a drum.

Am i going to die?

I must run away quickly.

But the path is too dark, there is no way, this scary thing is chasing me.

Lin Xiao got up and ran away immediately, heading down the mountain with all his strength.

But Kuro Sakura still did not escape.

Kuro Sakura's back and, and her right shoulder struck the country.

Pain came from the right shoulder, a plot beyond belief, and Lin Xiao closed his eyes.

Oh no.

Losing the level of movement, the body has been unable to distinguish between up and down, and a unique sense of weightlessness when floating in mid-air hits himself.

The next second, he fell to the ground.

Lin Xiao quickly rolled down from the steep slope, hitting the trees and the ground many times during the period.

The field of vision kept shaking, always like this, a huge shock hit.

Then he passed out into a coma.

Light rain?Where am i."

"You found the missing child, don't worry."

"The stars can't be at ease. Now you can't relax. Your situation is more dangerous than a child." Xiaoyu said.

"We have handed in someone to rescue you, please support the team."

"I know."

Xiao Yu kept calling Lin Xiao.

However, her voice became farther and farther and lighter, and finally she fell into a coma again.

Wake up again.

It's a strange room seems like a riddle.

"Is it dawn?" Lin Xiao said.

The room is so bright.

When did I come to bed last night.

It seems that there is no bath.

No, there is a strange smell all over.


The pain of strong thunder made myself breathless.

On the right shoulder, the monster didn't seem to be dreaming.

I fell off the hillside.

And after that.

Oh, it was Xiao Yu who saved me.

Miss Afang seemed to have done something, she was exhausted and slept on Lin Xiao's quilt.

"Miss Afang, i will catch a cold like this."

"Let her sleep, she has been taking care of her master all night."

"Take care of me all night? 0

"I wanted to take care of me personally, but you, he said indifferent to Ou Ziyi."

'How long have I slept'

"You fainted last night. It's the afternoon."

"What about the health, the doctor said that the pledged puppet will be fine with the newcomer."

"There should be nothing, the mail version is a bit painful."

"You have bandages all over you in the kennel. I'm so fateful."'

"The doctor counted European falls, but fortunately he didn't care."

'But everyone is worried about you.'

"Master Lin Xiao."

'Good morning, although there are a few of you in the afternoon.'

'How are you?'Amo said.

Amo looked at Lin Xiao in surprise.

"Is it okay? It's just that Cinderella has been given priority since the beginning of the year, and I don't want to die."

'You have nothing to do. Does the hurt hurt?'

'The wound is a little okay.'

"Let the doctor take a look first. The doctor also said that you can contact me at any time if you need it."

"Thank you, I will lose even reading."

"Fortunately, when you wake up, Master Xiaoyu is finally relieved."

"Yes, my heart stopped beating when I found my master."

'You can also see Xiaoyu.'

"Could it be that I saw a lot of Xiaoyu UR."

'There is no such thing except the owner, only Afang and Amo.'

"It was so hard yesterday."

"This seat has no way to move the owner. If we want to ask someone for help, we can only find Afang and Amo."

"I didn't know what happened yesterday."

"Don't worry, I found the child and sent him back to my mother."

'They are grateful to the host.'

"And this seat should have already told the owner, don't remember."

''I seem to have a fuzzy memory."Lin Xiao said.

When I found the owner, I only wanted to dream of death."

The emery cloth and our shop here seem to have been seriously injured.

"By the way, I changed my clothes."

Wearing pajamas is not usual now.

If the body inherits this way, then it is counted as that.

Not only the top, but also the bottom.

"Who helped Owen change his uncle."

'Ah, it's me.'Amo said.

"How did you change it for me."

'What to change, how to say this kind of thing.'Amo said

"Oh, too." Lin Xiao said.

'Did you see it.'

"Nothing, don't worry about me."


"Of course, this is for treatment."

'I will not sue you.'Amo said.

"I want to sue you. Lin Xiao said.

"I said Miss Amo, you don't seem to take it seriously, I feel very peaceful."

"Why are you so peaceful?"

"What are you talking about." Xiao Yu said.

"Are you an idiot, what's the point of doing this, Master."

"It's about dignity."

"I don't know if you are laughing outside class, please be normal."

'If Master Lin Xiao'

"I'm sorry I caused you trouble. I warned you not to go up the mountain."

'I think it is necessary for Mi to apologize.'

"Do you all know what that dark shadow is?" Lin Xiao said.

"That." Xiao Yu said.

"what happened."

"Good morning." Fang said.

"Oh, good morning." Lin Xiao said.

"Ah, Mr. Lin Xiao...

"what happened."

"You can get up, how about the wound, do you want to change the gauze for you, the bandage is not sent."

Miss Afang is very nervous.

The scared Lin Xiao shrank back.

After a strange posture, the right shoulder started to hurt.

"Let me see your injury quickly."

"No problem, mainly like this." Inexplicably trying to keep a distance from him, she leaned in again.

Now he is holding on tightly.

There was a smiling call in front of me, it was Miss Afang’s ear that appeared on her head.

Could it be said that my mind has been overwhelmed to see hallucinations.

But why do you see these weird things?

Lin Xiao closed her eyes and looked intently, she really had ears.

This is why I don’t like animal ear attributes

"Mr. Lin Xiao, how are you?"

'I may have something, maybe my brain fell badly.'

"I know this is rude to you."

"What's wrong, Mr. Lin Xiao." Fang said.