The story begins after Lin Xiao travels.

Wake up this day.

"I saw the source of that white light, the original curved oval lid.

It seems that I have been sleeping in this dormant bin."

Lin Xiao wondered where this is, who she is, and why is she here?

Ask yourself but cannot answer yourself.

Even if I look for memory, I can't find light.

In order to find the memory comes out of the instrument.

Although I know that walking is useless, my body hasn't walked for a long time, and I feel a little unstable.

There is really no way for people to do it. Sometimes people are still alive, while taking care not to fall, while taking their steps slowly.

The air in the room is warm, but every time I breathe in my lungs, I will feel dust in my throat.

Sometimes life is so helpless, and multiple crossings are also very interesting.

There was a hole in the ceiling. Where did the light outside shine from? Following that light, Lin Xiao saw the dust flying in the air.

It is estimated that I have not entered this building for a long time.

There is a gray layer of gray under my feet, what is this place?

There are countless installations in this wide room.

But I was the only one who came out, and most of them were open, and the inside was empty.

Occasionally it is also related, but there is no Loch Ness in this room. It seems that there is only oneself in this room. It is not self.

Some people fell on the ground.

But you can't say that.

Those who are correct say that they are not humans, but human-like objects, or machines.

These are all robots, some are machinery above the head, there are robotic arms, and some destroy machinery.

I think of what these robots will do with robots.

Created by humans.

Needless to say, the facial features are equipped with emotional functions, making them the king of robots.

It's amazing, this is the future science.

Lin Xiao reached out to the stopped robot.

Without covering these are the robotic hands, very similar to their own right hand.

That's it.

This is a factory.

I was created here, and I am also a robot.

Only one piece was completed and then discarded.

Looking at his right hand that he has not covered is also the most likely conclusion.

I understand what I am walking towards the wall, there is an old automatic door over there and a display next to it, showing something on it.

It was this touch with a mechanical arm, and it felt as cold as an electron in a hand without flesh and blood.

The screen shows that the door is open.

"Life is sometimes full of randomness."

"Can I get out from here?"

"Is anyone staying in this facility really wanting to meet humans."

'Go find your own boldness, in order to open the door to the outside, in order to prove your own existence.'


After the population of this world decreases

In this environment, robots have been developed.

They are full of emotions, which are Lei's boldness. The initial signal of the robot is developed as energy, from the energy of its own community.

You can get energy from food. As a result, robots are almost indistinguishable from humans. They become more convenient as substitutes for family members or other people who need them more and more.

The most important thing is that there is no concept of death in robots.

Therefore, there is a large demand in the extremely hard working environment such as medical care.

It can also be invested in working in places that are harmful to human health.

"These harsh tasks are a blessing for robots."


Of course this is Lin Xiao reading.

He is still in the hot spring villa.

The foreign bus will pick up people on his behalf.

He put on Xiao Mo and went with him.

"It's better to be a little earlier," Xiao Mo said.


Lin Xiao said.

The two went down the slope and started to move towards the agreed place.

while walking.

"Please let me." Lin Xiao turned around and saw a strange face popping up in front of her.

Bumped together.


"What's the situation?"

There was a strong feeling that was enough to make people lose their balance.

His vision kept shaking violently, and he fell to the ground like this.

"Well, what's the situation?"

There is no medical pain, it seems to be bumping into something, completely breathless.

It feels strange.

What happened just now.

But knowing this situation, there is a feeling of time freezing.

What is being used as a buffer.

That really makes people want to cry without tears.

This is really interesting.

"Get up soon."

The girl slowly regained consciousness, and at the same time she also noticed this side.

"I'm sorry." Lin Xiao said.

"I should apologize, you are not injured." The girl said.

"I have nothing to do without injury."


'You are not injured either.'

"I'm fine."

Lin Xiao quickly jumped back and reached out to the fallen girl.

"Thank you very much," the girl said.

"The girl took Lin Xiao's hand and stood up.

It is really big.

"Lin Xiao, you are okay, I think you hit so hard."

"I have a serious problem."

I don’t feel particularly painful when I get up.

Lin Xiao moved her hands and feet gently in the way of a mild warm-up exercise.The result is as usual.

In this case, it should not affect the afternoon exercise.

"I'm really sorry."

"I don't have to apologize, I still want to thank you."

"Thanks, I also want to say thank you at this time." The girl said; "Japanese is so difficult."

"This is a very special example, don't care."

"is it."

"Are you a tourist."

Liuli but very clumsy language, and luggage.

The young girl walked here alone, could it be said.

"Fortunately, it's safe and sound this time, you have to be careful next time."

"Just now because my heart was filled too fast when I was downhill and I couldn't stop."

"Even I was scared."

'It is true that your suitcase is so big, did you travel alone?'Xiao Mo said.

"I do come alone, but I am not here to travel, but to study abroad."

"If I didn't guess wrong, you are Lena classmate."

"Oh yeah, are you?"

"Actually, I am the one who came to pick you up." Lin Xiao said.

"That's it, that's great."

"Thank you so much," the girl said.

"No, I should say thanks to you for coming." Lin Xiao said.

"Anyway, let's go back."

"My name is Lin Xiao when I first met."

"I am entrusted by others to come here to pick you up. I will be responsible for taking you to the villa in a while."

"My name is Xiao Mo, and I came to help lead the way today."

Xiao Mo said.

"Really, I was very helpful, thank you so much."

'I'm very sorry, I can introduce myself, my name is Lena, please advise me more in the future.'

"It looks like you arrived early, but how come you get to the ramp."

"That is completely different from the agreed place," Lin Xiao said.

"Because I arrived earlier, I just walked to Ou casually, dismissed and lost my way."

"I came back to my senses and found that the appointed time had come, so I would rush over in a panic."

"That's why the baggage is charged too fast, it can't stop."

"I'm so sorry."

Lena said.

"I didn't blame you."

If this is the case, it would be a blessing in misfortune to collide with yourself.

So what should I do next.

"According to the instructions, you can only get to the hotel before three o'clock, so there is still some time."

"Excuse me, can I talk about my wish?" Reina said.

"of course can."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Actually, I have been running around, and I haven't eaten yet, so I'm already hungry."

"That's it." Lin Xiao said.

'Let's go, let's find a place to eat.'

For example, the grilled fish shop just now.

But I just ate it just now.

"Do you have anything you want to eat?" Xiao Ou said.

'Tempura these.'

"In the end this is too real.

But girls like to eat without problems.

After looking for a member of Miss Lena, we entered a sushi restaurant.

"The price is right here, and there is no problem with eating too much."

"Here is a sushi set."

"Good," the boss said.

"Sushi." Reina said; "You can actually eat it, there is nothing else but gratitude."

"You like it."

'Why did you come to Sixth School in particular.'

"Because I have always liked this place very much, just call me Lena."

"But why don't you come here in big cities like moving and quiet?"

"This is because my family has been here before."

'So I especially like it here.'

'That is to say.'

"Is that what your grandpa meant?" Xiao Mo said.

'Yes, my grandfather seems to have told a lot of stories about Japan, and then tell these stories to his children and grandchildren.'

'So my family likes Japan.'

"You are also very interested in Japan, so you came."

'Yes, the Liuxue system heard that the hotel hired me as an employee, and I finally helped Li from Liuxue.'

"You have to learn while working."

'My family is not very rich. It's great to be able to study while working.'

"If there is suffering, call us to help."

'Okay, thank you very much.'

"Okay, here comes the sushi."

'Wow, here it comes.'

It’s good to have a conversation, and the payment will come later.

Lin Xiao couldn't eat a few, so he ordered a little drink. The boss didn't blame him. This kind of thing is very common.

"Ah, chopsticks, you are so skilled."

"My mother is looking for some Japanese recipes to cook at home, so I am used to using chopsticks."

"All kinds of dishes are available."

"But do you eat with a spoon."

Lena enthusiastically picked up the chopsticks and ate, the sushi had just entered.

"It's delicious with a little sweetness."

'You like it.'

"Thank you, Mo."

"Rena, with a smile on her face, then stretched her chopsticks toward the sea urchin sushi."

"This is also delicious, what kind of fish is this," Lena said."This is a sea urchin." Lin Xiao said.

"It's not a fish."

"Oh, I've heard that Italians also eat this."

"Probably that."

"It turns out that sea urchins taste so delicious, so great."

'Then I found out, this is a squid.'

"It's so awesome."

Happy, she stuffed blamelessness into her mouth, then flushed with tears.

"Very delicious."

"The reversible expression doesn't seem to be very tasty."

"Could it be that you can't eat the end of the season."

"Then why do you want to put it."

"Your tears are coming out."

'That's the sweat of your heart, don't care.'Lena said.

'After that she got tuna.

Lena danced with painful struggles, after a while she said this was delicious.'

"You don't need to cry."

"It seems that Chen Xin ordered the end of the season."


"We will eat you the rest."


After eating the twists and turns of sushi, Rena showed a satisfied look.

Although she seemed to have other things to do, it was over.

We agreed to play with her in the future, and then went directly to the hotel.

This is the hotel.

"So pretty actinium"

"Wait a moment, I'll call someone." Lin Xiao said.

'excuse me.'

"Okay, here comes it."

'Let you wait a long time, it's Master Lin Xiao, you can find the master, please wait.'

"I'm looking for him, but now there is a more important thing."

"I brought the new employees, and my grandpa entrusted me to meet them."

'That's it, thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help.'A Xing said.

After Ah Xing bowed deeply, he looked at Lena.

"Hello, I am the shopkeeper of the hotel called Ah Xing."

"My name is Lena and I will take care of you from today, Miss Asing."

"Remember to call me the manager at the hotel."

'Yes, the manager.'Lena said.

"It's already here, Lin Xiao." Grandpa said.

"Yes, I brought people, this is Miss Lena." Lin Xiao said.

"I am As, please advise."

"This is our boss."

"This is Lena, please advise.'

"I am very optimistic about you."

'I will work hard.'

'I also want to thank you Wie for leading the way, and I want to thank you all.'The girl said.

"This pronunciation is very good." Lin Xiao said.

She should be sincerely grateful for the occasional reading.

"You don't need to care, please give me your advice from now on."

"Please take care."

'Lin Xiao, you help her move the luggage to the room.'

"Okay." Lin Xiao said.

After hearing this painting, Lin Xiao nodded and went in.

"Thank you, Xiao Mo, today." Lin Xiao said.


'I still have things, you can go shopping, I will do the next thing myself.'

"Understood, I will leave."

'I can help you.'

"Okay, the luggage is here."

"It's the room I've been longing for for a long time. This place is so beautiful."

"You are so courageous that I can't stand it."

''Lin Xiao doesn't like monsters.'

"That's it." Lin Xiao said.

"Youkai or something."

"Too annoying."

"This is not a monster."

'She looked very confused.

At least this is better.

"You must not talk nonsense."

'is it not OK?'

"At least you have to make your pronunciation correct."

'It's difficult.'

"Can you fold the quilt here?"

"It feels great that it can be compromised, and it has a soft feeling. The whole room is a work of art."

Lena looked annoying.

Maybe he really likes it here.'

"What's going on."

''Although you have just arrived, I will tell you about the content. Is it convenient for you now?

"Ah, work, I know."

'I will work hard next time, please also.'

'Also please enlighten me.'

'It seems you have to study hard.'

"I can't speak Japanese?" Lena said.

"But you can say this, few people can say it anymore," said the shopkeeper.

"That's it."

"If you don't have your level, the daily holy lake style is enough. It can be said to be more than enough. You will adapt quickly and we will work hard together."

'Yes.'Lena said.

"Come slowly, I'll show you more."