At this time Mengyu's companion came.

"Too despicable Mengyu." Lin Xiao said.

"Didn't you make an appointment for the two to meet alone."

Mengyu did not answer.

"Obly, throw away the weapon."

"I will give you the time machine." Lin Xiao said.

"So don't kill anyone."

"Even so."

Meng Yu said coldly: "I will be caught and won't be released."

Lin Xiao couldn't resist and was caught by them.

"Apologize for the invasion, please don't kill anyone."

The back of his head was shocked and he fainted to the ground.

"Goal B is here, and the recycling is handed over to you."

I know it is useless, even if Mengyu they don't kill.

Mayuri will also be killed by this world. This is a decision for the world. This is the choice of the Destiny Stone Gate.

Without that kind of thing, vocabulary has no meaning, just created by oneself.

However, what the Destiny Stone has, the will of the world, and the laws of nature can be interchanged with these terms, an absolute power that humans cannot resist.

I opened my eyes and found that I was in the van and there were stickers on the Canghu Lake. I couldn't tell where it was.

My hands are tied, where is it now and what is going on.

In addition to his own car IM Tian there is a man.

I've seen this guy several times before the time agreement, when he wanted to escape with a taxi, he stabbed a man with Li to death.

Sure enough, this guy is also Mengyu, companion.

It seems that he noticed that I was awake, but he didn't speak, just raised his pistol and stared at me silently.

You can't escape because of this guy.

Look at the time in the car, 7:3 has passed.

This car is staying near the LAB. They have already started an attack?

Let them all escape in advance, and they should not be caught.

Whether Mayuri can be saved is still unknown.

If this continues, the time jumping machine will be taken away.

What happened after this, if Mayuri can be rescued, it's okay, but the will of the world will not let her go.

Because there is time to jump the machine, at least you can continue to save.

Until Mayuri is saved, I will do it no matter how many time jumps.

But if the machine is taken away, the future is certain.

You can't save Mayuri's future, anyway, if you jump in time, everything will be erased.

Even if he is hit here now, it doesn't matter as long as he doesn't die.

In this situation where he couldn't use his hands, Lin Xiao could only do it with the top of the head or kick with his feet.

I was probably injured, but I didn't feel pain.

With his backhand tied, he rushed into the LAB.

The time machine must be restarted.

As a result, Mayuri, assistant, and bucket were all in LAB.

And Mengyu's companion was there, everyone looked at me in surprise.

"Lin Xiao." Mayuri said.

When she saw her appearance, Mayuri ran towards Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao wanted to stop her careless behavior.

Lin Xiao wanted to go in and block Mayuri, but was pressed by a man.

Mayuri fell to the ground with a shot, still looking at me with his eyes open.

But those eyes that were wet with tears made people very heartbroken.

This is the result again.

It's the same again.

After that, it was the same thing as Yusheng. Suzuba appeared and knocked down all the enemies, and with the help of his assistant, he made a time jump.

The ultrasonic waves vibrated as if they were about to tear their tympanic membrane.

When I recovered, I found myself in the development room of LAB.The time is five o'clock in the afternoon.

There are still two hours before Mayuri's death.

Jumping the machine in time before their own eyes, they want to reclaim this.

After all, there is no time machine, without sending text messages, there would be no such ridiculous future.

Destroy this thing can be changed into.

Lin Xiao was crazy, trying to smash the time machine.

'Lin Xiao, what are you doing.'

The assistant grabbed his hand.

"Are you trying to destroy it?"

"You don't need to destroy it. It's a decision if you don't spend time loving you. It's not good to just leave it like this."

"Just calm down."

Lin Xiao put down his chair.

Rather, I think about the situation after the destruction, but on the one hand, thanks to the amount, the CIA can return.

Without this device, there is no way for Chen Xin to come.

"His complexion is not very good, what's the matter with you."

'I'm asking you.'

Said the assistant.

'Ah, wait.'

The assistant's entanglement made people start early and had to run out, without purpose.

Walking aimlessly on the street, with a lifeless face, when I walked to the station there were too many people, so I ran to receive it.

It's really uncomfortable. The idea screens on the street are still playing shows.

Is there a way to make it too early to survive safely? Mayuri's death is approaching.

It feels uncomfortable. You can see the fragmentary blue dragons, they are looking at these golden colors.

But now this place is also a date, and it is clear that Mayuri is about to die.

"The man sitting on the ground over there," the assistant said.

Lifting his head, the assistant is by his side.

"I thought you suddenly ran to My Er, because you came to such a place," the assistant said.

"I said assistant." Lin Xiao said.

"What?" the assistant said.

"what time is it now."

'At 5:38, instead of being depressed here.'

"It's better to go shopping together."

It was almost the same thing. At that time, I knew nothing about what was going to happen.

"Why don't you go shopping?"

So far, my own time jump is wrong.

"Assistant." Lin Xiao still lowered his head.

'Call my name for the first time.'

The assistant stood in front of him.

help me."

It’s impossible to be alone, but one is the priority.

Lin Xiao woke up, how many times and how many times, he was alone.

"help me."

"Optimization, just say it straight"

"I found that you have already taken a time jump."


Lin Xiao raised her head in surprise.

The assistant didn't look at him, but said, "You received a call from someone you don't know, and social conditions have changed drastically."

"I will be back in 3 hours."

"what happened."

"Mayuri was killed."

Lin Xiao tried hard to hold back her tears.

Then SERN's matter, and Ou Zi's previous matter, has already died, and cannot be avoided.

"Everything is my responsibility." Lin Xiao said.

When I read with my assistant uncle,

"It would be great if you didn't get rid of the bucket to invade SERN."

"It would be great if there was no suggestion of making a time machine or something."

'I shouldn't let Mengyu join LAB at all.'

"Mayuri's death is all my responsibility."

That's why I decided to save her.

But I was frustrated so quickly in my heart.

"Obviously such a serious thing has happened, you are still wasting time here."

"Because I'm at a loss." Lin Xiao said.

"What do you mean at a loss?"

"There is Li's way to save it."

"From what you said, the chronological hypothesis holds."

"No matter what you do, you will die."

"So just keep repeating the time jump."

"But we did not prove that the theory of loving you Taoyue is safe."

"Although it has been successful so far, no one knows how it will be affected by repeated use," the assistant said.

"Definable will break away from the wheel of time, cause and effect."

"You are risking this now."

'Beyond cause and effect, is this?'

'Isn't it often mentioned in SF novels, in the closed time, forever wandering, never grow up, and forever closed on the same day.'

"In the worst case, it may turn into nothingness."

'Existence is obliterated and you will become non-existent for everyone.'

"Time jump is so dangerous." said the assistant.

"People never keep up with the existence of timeline."

"Heidegger, I also counted boxes just now."

"This is what you taught me."


'I have done time jumps many times.'

"So that's the case." The assistant squatted next to Lin Xiao, thinking that it was yours for you to lose even reading, and it was the same for me to save Mayuri."

"But as a maker of time jumping machines, I don't recommend that you use it multiple times."

"Nevertheless, are you still struggling?"

'I?'Lin Xiao said.

One person cannot do it.

I knew it clearly.

So I want to seek your help."

"For the sake of struggling and saving Mayuri, although I can't do it alone, you can help me with my assistant. Maybe it can be done. I hope it can be done."

"Help me." Lin Xiao said.

"What a mess, idiot."

The assistant said, "Is it okay even if you are broken?

It's unbelievable, the assistant is caring about himself.

"I will help," the assistant said.

"Because Mayuri is an important companion, I am also a partner of LAB."

'And I can't stand how you look so painful.'

"Sorry." Lin Xiao said.

"No need to apologize," the assistant said."Lin Xiao, I have discussed with you before and I am convinced that you are waiting for things. Angshi you really helped a lot."

"So, this time it's my turn to help you."

"I want to help you."

"Moreover, you have to go to Aomori with me."

Not feeling malicious, full of tenderness, like a naughty child.

"Just kill me to stop it, you still go back to time jump, no matter what, you are a mad scientist, and you are alive with self-righteousness at all times."

"Hey, of course, please use that here, hahahaha, to answer." the assistant said.

"Really." Lin Xiao said.

"It's really uncomfortable," the assistant said.

"Okay, there is not much time. Instead of rushing to act, it is better to calmly study countermeasures."

"In other words?" Lin Xiao said.

"You should go to the more advanced one now, and then love to explain the situation to me once."

It really takes time, and I need some interior parts for preparation.

"The assistant stretched out his hand to himself."

Lin Xiao held her hand.

Both Bucket and Mayuri came back. To prevent them from complaining, Lin Xiao gave a lot of money.

"Mayuri just leave it alone, don't you tell Bucket?"

If necessary, I will tell him.

There is no more time now.

Set the time to jump, kick open the door of the landlord, and continue to complete this.

Back to LAB.

"You will be arrested for breaking into a private house," the assistant said.

"Anyway, this thing doesn't exist as long as you go back in time."

Take the helmet from the assistant.

"From your supervisor."

'What happens when you jump over from my supervisor.'

'That data will arrive soon.'

I mean to go back to the past, although it is false that you are continuous, the world line will be serialized together.

But the truth is not saved, everything is valuable.

The assistant who was typing on the keyboard stopped.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao said.

"Ah, nothing."

'I thought for a while, and found that thinking has spared a big circle.'

"Maybe it will become something like a text message."

The world changes after sending the text message.

I don't know except for sleeping.

"Because there is a way to observe the data."

'Miyu is wrong.'

The assistant starts the setting again.

The transmission target is five hours later, 1:40 pm.

"Remember that I finished the time jump at 2 o'clock."

'That's it.'

For assistants to book European style for 5 hours.

"Men who don't have a sense of time, pay attention."

'Thank me, I also have something to check the time.'

"It's fine, Lin Xiao, use the time jumping machine. Never let the mobile phone leave your hand. The mobile phone is your lifeline."

"As long as you hold it, you can go back to any time in the past."

'In case you are defending or being used by others.'

If it is used by others, the memory will be overwritten.

"Or the phone is out of power."

The phone will be like this.

"Time jumps can't be successful. You can never leave your mobile phone once." said the assistant.

"Understood." Lin Xiao said.

"If you go back to today and find something that can't be done, you must do nothing until I finish the time machine at 2 o'clock.

"If this is not completed, tremendous changes will definitely occur in the development process at this time."

'After you are finished, you must immediately announce that you will not conduct the experiment, and then come to look for it. You said that you are coming back from the future, and I should believe it.'

"Why so sure."

"I know my own things best."

"After all, the telephone microwave oven was improved, and it was me who made time to jump the machine."

"By the way, when I heard about your progress, I knew that my strength was not eliminated, and I thought that success is really great."

"To be on the safe side, decide on a keyword."

"What I want most now is a spoon."

"There is no special meaning."

"Because this is created, don't be interested in this."

"Well, I'm ready, gravel can trigger."

Nodded and started jumping in time.

"I will always be your partner." the assistant said.

After the jump was completed, the brain got a headache.

The time jump has not adapted yet, look at the time.

What is going on at this time?

Has entered the final adjustment stage.

Why is this.

There was a dispute with the store manager just now.

The assistant is developing, and he maintains his posture.

"Lin Xiao, come here." Mayuri said to herself while holding the clothes.

"Can you hold this for me?"

"Like this."

"Really, it's amazing." Lin Xiao said.

"I know."

"Oh, what a good person."

Lin Xiao gave the clothes to Li.

"Well, thank you."

"Done, just before the assistant."

"I lost, Mayurie is very good." said the assistant.

"I'm done here too."

The assistant took out things carefully.

That's it.

'We don't do experiments.'Lin Xiao said.

'Is it too sudden?'

'I said, why did you suddenly deny it completely, why do you think I worked so hard?'Said the assistant.

"There is a problem with time jumping. I have something to tell you about this." Lin Xiao said.