"Is the time machine broken?" Lin Xiao said.

"Can it be repaired?" the assistant said.

"It can't be repaired, I just came here by the time machine my father made." Suzu Yu said.

"Although the structure and principle are all memorized through the manual."

The things that are exposed through the manual are completely different.

That being said, it is impossible to use modern technology to repair the 2036 time machine.

"Then how about jumping through the time machine, back to before Suzuwa's time machine broke."

"In other words, to use a time jumping machine, it's not that you don't want to experiment." Bucket said.

The instructions are also very troublesome.

"It will be used depending on the situation, so Ling Yu, do you know when it broke?" Lin Xiao said.

"Well, it must be the rain that I loved late at night, and the machine got water."

"So gorgeously plunged into the building, I broke a hole at that time."

"That's not going in, it's because of the smile error in the coordinate calculation, and where it appears."

"The machine was still quite unstable that day."

'So which day does the rain like.'

'The thunderstorm on the morning of the 10th.'

The time machine can jump for two days, and then the time machine is completed today.

No matter what, you can't jump over.

"No, the time machine won't arrive."

It's hard to see the light.

"I think we should try to fix it." Bucket said.

"Yes, if there is a time machine, it doesn't matter what time is." Mayuri said.

All three fell silent.

Because of me, you all know that death will fall on Mayuri in two hours, less than two hours before Mayuri's death.

It will be too much time to sneak into the broadcasting hall now.

Maybe you should jump to the 11th and make good use of these two days.

"Are you hungry? It should be hungry." Lin Xiao said.

"What happened suddenly," Bucket said.

"Mayuri is starving to death."

Lin Xiao took out 10,000 yuan from her wallet.

"Mayuri barrels go to sell something, and I think about countermeasures while eating."

"Lin Xiao, how come you spend so much money."

'What I mean is to use the money to buy, no need to find the money, just use up all of it.'

"You deserve to be so generous. I admire you so much that we can't do things."

So Toko and Mayuri are proud of Nagato.

"Assistant, and John." Lin Xiao said.

"John is referring to me?" the worker said.

'Who else is there.'

"Why changed the name."

"Because you are John."

'Although it is.'

"It's useless, he won't teach the name seriously."

"Speaking of it, he has always called me a worker soldier."

"You two are fine. I want time to jump to 14 o'clock on the 11th."

"Then let John make such an explanation at one time. On this basis, until the 13th, the time machine will show off his skin."

"What's the point."

"That is, from now on, Struggle 2 will disappear. If you can't fix it, you will jump repeatedly.

'Sorry.'The working soldier said.

"John, I must let you get IBN5100."

"This is neither for you, but also for the future."

"Okay, the battle begins." Lin Xiao said.

"Don't you say the name of the battle?" the assistant said.

That kind of thing doesn't matter IE, it's not a joke.

This is related to Mayuri's life.

"I didn't find a good name candidate in Norse mythology."

'Why Norse Mythology'

"My bay leaf has no meaning, I must say that all secondary diseases like this."

Said the assistant.

"So in the place where I am, Zhan Ming is almost always named like this. Asking them why, they all said this is the tradition."

"Twenty-six years later, I still suffer from secondary disease."

"The villa puppet is such a boring thing."

Obviously related to Mayuri's life, this is not a leisurely time.

Lin Xiao asked her assistant and Ling Yu to help herself, and asked Ling Yu to turn on the TV, and started jumping before Mayuri returned.

When I came back to my senses all of a sudden, I found myself holding my mobile phone and standing there.

The tinnitus did not relieve, Lin Xiao hurriedly confirmed the time and date on the phone screen.

It was on August 11th, 52 hours were directly recovered.

At first we jumped to the time when the time machine was completed on the 13th, and arrived on the 11th from that time.

Although it was the first attempt to continuously jump in time, it seemed to be going well.

Immediately set off to look for Ling Yu, with this convincing, Ling Yu's hand did not burn.

After telling the inside story, Ling Yu ran to the broadcasting hall to confirm what she had said, and then found that the time machine had indeed come back, thus believing Lin Xiao.

Having said these words about the time machine, the only thing that can be done is to try to fix Suzuwa's time machine.

"Then go and take a look."

The bucket is rare and serious.

He became interested in what Suzuwa said about the structure of the world and the act of correcting history.

"Wait a moment," Mayuri said.

Just about to go out Mayuri took Lin Xiao's hand.

"Everyone has forgotten one more thing."

'What's the other one?'

"Suzu's father, where is it now?" Mayuri said.

"Oh, Ang, I thought it was Suzuha who said it."

Suzuyu was a little bit painful.

"It doesn't matter how it is possible, and it will take a while to repair the time machine, if that's the case, is Li Xiang going to find Ling Yu's father during this period."

"how about it."

"This is." Lin Xiao said.

Mayuri puffed up his cheeks while he was hesitating.

"Lin Xiao, that's not okay. It's not okay if the so-called agreement is not followed."


Was it not suitable for an appointment before?Let's find Suzuwa's father together.

By the way, when the Safety Committee was opened, it was this agreement that allowed Suzuwa to stay.

"makes sense."

"Well, Suzuwa came back here, although it is for a mission and other reasons, but I think I still want to meet Dad here," Mayuri said.

"If this is the case, I would like to help."

"Mayuri, you are such a good boy." The labor soldier sniffed slightly.

"It's true, I thought I would see it when I came to this city."

"I found my father in Akihabara in 2010."

"Scare, are you really there?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yeah, you are really rude, you must be handsome and cute in the qualified age."

"The name is Barrel Tito."

"Wow, a foreigner?"

"No, it's probably a neon man. This is a band of resistance. Now in 201, there is no claim to be.'

That's it.

"I don't know, Dad's real name."

"Obviously she is her biological daughter."

Ling Yu showed an expression almost crying for an instant, but immediately turned into a wry smile.

"He never told me, and he died before I asked him."

Judging from this experience, Suzuba was in a very cruel era.

"Then Ling Yu, where did your last name come from."

"It's mother's name."

"That is, there is no clue at all."

"Clues, let's put it this way." Ling Yu patted her palm, then fumbled for herself. Soon, she took out a badge from her pocket.


This is Suzuba's quiz coin Awan, and it seems to be very common.

"It seems that something is written."

It's strange to read.

"This is Dad's relic."

"Also the only clue."

"Bucket, look online."

Bucket checked through a search website, but there were no good results at all.

"Dad should be around the No. 2 Ball Court, overseas can be ruled out."

But it turns out that this is completely irrelevant.

"I don't understand it at all," Bucket said.

"But but." Mayuri said, "This must be a clue."

With Ling Yu's permission, Lin Xiao took it with a digital camera.

"So sincerely to look for Dad Suzuyu."

Although I want to say that there is no free time, the time machine is still unable to move, which means we can't do anything now.

In that case, just follow the truth.

Because the concept of the world line is already confirmed, even if Mayuri is now brought to the end of the world, she cannot avoid her death.

"I have no objection." Lin Xiao said.

"Lin Xiao, thank you." Mayuri said.

Bucket also raised his hand, and then the assistant, and all members passed unanimously to help Suzu Yu find his father.

"Thank you, but I still want to give priority to returning to 1975. This is my father's last wish."

'In other words, once the time machine is repaired, it is okay to give up looking for the father?'Suzuki said.

"That's it?" Mayuri said.

"If I can't find him after searching like this, maybe it's destined that I won't see him."

Suzuwa's words were a great help.

"So how do you find it?" Bucket said.

"We only have the clue as the badge."

"You can only use this as a starting point and go to the shops of those fanatics."

"what is that."

"There are many underground shops in Akihabara." Lin Xiao said.

In broad daylight, sneaking into the broadcasting hall is indeed not a simple matter

As a result, it took 30 minutes to sneak in.

After all, it must be completed before the 13th, otherwise the time jump in order to save Mayuri will be greatly affected.

Mayuri disappeared in Akihabara alone in search of Suzuba's father.

"how about it."

Lin Xiao looked at the bucket conversation checked in the time machine into the water towards the disaster relief.

The hatch seems to be the person who is performing fingerprint registration, and Suzuha can open it.

'The bucket got out of it in sweat.

Lin Xiao quickly pulled him out.

If UR finds out, it may call the police.

Although the novelty is gone now, people still come to see this satellite, so I don't want to do anything conspicuous.

"It's very hot here, this kind of hot day will sink people in the machine."

"By the way, this machine won't fall down."

This time machine is motionless in the wall.

But I don’t know if it was made by JC. Something like a rope is fixing the front section of the folding machine, so don’t worry about the bucket.

"Can it be repaired?"

"I don't know, I can't confirm it yet, but I'm a little isolated, I feel it." Bucket said.

"This thing feels a bit similar to a telephone microwave."

"That means there is a possibility of repair."

"No, I said that I haven't confirmed it yet. I won't continue to check carefully."

"Bucket, now it can be said that everything depends on your level."

"Save the world's favorite set of hackers, you will definitely replace the princes of the mother of time machine in 2036, and be worshiped by the world." Lin Xiao said.

"All in all, we are working towards a solution within two days."

Lin Xiao said.

"Only you can rely on."

"I don't have confidence." Bucket said; "Why is it two days."

"That's because." Lin Xiao said.

"In two days there will be the best climate conditions that can create the singularity. If you miss it, there will be no chance within a year."

Beautiful excuse, Suzuha.

"That's how it is." Lin Xiao said.

'It was too difficult to fix it in two days.'

"Then give you the right to date Phyllis for a day."

"Can you do it?"

"of course."

So the remaining question is whether Phyllis agreed.

Lin Xiao took the badge and began to look for the unknown transliteration.

Although there are many underground shops in Akihabara, those are shops selling electrical appliances or PCC, and there are few accessories shops.

Because after a round, no one knew.

It was the same even when I went to the surrounding stations.

So the two went home with heavy steps.

"Welcome back." the assistant said.

The assistant who was alone in the development came to greet the two of them.

"Looking at the expression, came back without success?"

"Where's the bucket." Lin Xiao said.

"I haven't come back, it's already so late, probably go home."

And you have to hide your eyes and ears, so don’t turn on the lights.

I don't know how Mayuri is looking for Suzuba.

"I feel so sorry, it's obviously not the time to do this kind of thing." Suzu Yu said.

"It's not for you, it's all for saving Mayuri." Lin Xiao said.

Started Bucket’s PC and tried to find a group of badge collectors.

Information to be used tomorrow.

I found a badge exchange meeting for collectibles in this place, and wrote a post for help.

When sleeping on the sofa, a loud alarm sounded in my ears.

'SERN attack?'

Lin Xiao jumped up, the assistant and Ling Yu's figure came into view.

The assistant is holding the phone.

"Good morning."

Judging from that tight face, it was not a beautiful morning.

I really want her to taste the taste of being awakened by this unpleasant attitude.

Lin Xiao picked up the phone to confirm the time.

7 o'clock in the morning.

"You are asking me to get up, thank you."

"This is not a queue."

"There is something I want you to see, that's why it woke you up."

Saw a strange meter.

"what is this?"

'The probability of world line changes.'

It says 0.3.

"This value is calculated from the world line I have drawn."

"Did you do it?" Lin Xiao said.

"It's not from the 2036s."

"This is a glow tube. It has a good taste. I want to confirm that you are the No. 9 item in the future."

'How exactly is this designed? I don't think the world line will be digitized.'

'I am not sure as well.'Suzuki said.

"Do you know who made this?"

"how could I know."

"It's you, Lin Xiao."

"Huh?" Lin Xiao said.

"This is what you did. I remember that it is 11 years from now. It seems that there are special abilities applied to it."

"If you talk about this, people other than you can confirm the world line changes."

'Probably even if the value displayed here changes, only Lin Xiao can detect it.'

"It's not unintentional that you do something useful."

Treat the assistant's complaints as whispers.

This is what I made.

It is something completed 15 years ago.

I did it myself again.

What a wonderful feeling.

"Only the author himself knows this structure, so I want to know that it will be 11 years and you will find the answer by then."

"I met you and Wei La ID?" Lin Xiao said.

"No." Suzu Yu said, "not even once."

"Really." Lin Xiao said.

"So what use is this calculator for me now?"

"When the value of the measuring instrument exceeds 1%, you have reached the new world."

'Yes, that is, Shu Ou must exceed 1%, and Mayuri can be saved.'

It's just 0.6, which doesn't seem difficult.

But in fact it will not be so easy.

"This is for you, it doesn't make sense to put it here anyway," said the migrant worker.