Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 110

In the dark night, the blazing fire is particularly eye-catching. Almost half of Rome noticed this.

From imperial gardens to palaces, temples, large amphitheaters, central squares, aristocratic and civilian areas, and then slums, the chaos continues to expand. Some people take advantage of the chaos to purge political opponents, and some take advantage of the chaos to rob. Others ran around aimlessly. The whole Rome fell into chaos.

With this opportunity, sincerely took Nero to a remote corner of no one, and temporarily escaped the pursuit.

"Leave here anyway." Sincerely said this while looking around.

His feet are fast, and no one is coming to the hiding place.

However, looking at the virtues of these Janissaries, they would not give up unless Nero was found. Something will happen if you stay any longer.

Sincerely thinking so, he took out the hook again. Although the palace's retaining wall was high, it was nothing to him. It's like in the big arena.

"Let's go." After fixing the claws, she sincerely grabbed Nero again, but she avoided him.

Being sincere was a little strange, and then persuaded: "Now is a critical moment, let's just get a little bit closer. Anyway, it's not once or twice being held by me and running."

If it was in normal times, Dame Lori would be very angry when he heard him say this, and then protested loudly:

"Don't underestimate Yu, Yu is the emperor of the Roman Empire! Don't treat me as a child!" In this way, he yelled sincerely.

Not this time. Nero smiled and shook his head sincerely: "No, Qing Wright, you can run away by yourself, leave it alone."

"...What are you talking about?" Sincerely frowned: "You think they will show mercy to your men just because you are the emperor. They want to kill you."

"Of course I know." Nero lowered his head and whispered:

"Now the situation is obvious. The Roman nobles, the Senate, and the Guards. They all wanted to kill me. Of course I know. I was not the only Roman emperor they killed."

"Then and I—"

"--It's useless!" Nero interrupted his sincere words: "What if I leave with Wright now? Rome is already theirs, and the chasers will attack quickly. Where can we escape? What?"

There was a touch of sadness in her voice: "This is Rome. This is Rome's politics, Wright..."

Author's message:

Update la la la la ~ ah, the support of the book friends gave me an illusion of being loved ~

Thanks to Mo Lu, Xiaobai greedy wolf, lonely high warrior, hello chief, TY. Baige, Wangzhi's engraving reward; book guest 5838308579, track 0 cannon, evil Dafa is good, kind, they are all fighting the dragon , Drunken Dream Hongchen's monthly pass

Chapter 35—Love and Victory


Since the other party directly calls her by her name, she is sincere and no longer calls her Majesty: "In any case, I will protect you." While he said that, he stretched out his hand, wanting to hold the lovely Queen Loli in his arms.

——But it was rejected.


"Useless, useless, they are too powerful." Nero looked sincerely with tears: "Since you say that, I can't even bother you."

Saying this, Nero drew her dagger backhand and pointed it at his neck: "I didn't expect it to be you, Wright... It was not long before I met, but you have already been saved. It’s been several times. I was still thinking if... forget it."

Her smile was poignant, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and her bright blonde hair and gorgeous dress were a little messy. Coupled with the raging fires that ignited in Rome, chaos and dark nights produced a kind of thrilling beauty.

Be sincere and almost change your mind.

Want to see Nero die-that must be the most beautiful and most tragic beauty he has ever seen.

Of course, this thought was suppressed by sincerity in just an instant.


"Enough!" Nero cried again: "Why treat me so well!? Don't you know Wright, I am no longer the emperor! I can't give you anything!"

"Do you think I am so good to you because you are the emperor?!" Sincerely, pressing her shoulders angrily: "Don't be kidding, I really like you!"

Hearing what he said, Queen Loli was taken aback:

"It really makes girls happy, Wright." With tears in his eyes, Nero looked sincere and showed a poignant smile: "Think about it, I haven't fallen in love in my life. Although... but I just barely let it You are Yu's last lover... But don't persuade me, I am... the emperor of Rome."

After saying this, she pushed away Sincerity abruptly, raised her dagger again, and was interrupted by Sincerity again:

"Don't do this, we still have a chance!"

"There is no chance!"

"Since they have launched a rebellion, suppress them!"

"They are the Senate, the Roman nobles, and all the upper echelons of Rome!"

"Then suppress the Senate, suppress the nobles, suppress all upper classes!"

"how is this possible?!"

"Of course it is possible! You still have an army to use!"

"The Guards have rebelled. Where can there be an army to use?!"

"——Roman citizen!" said sincerely: "You still have Roman citizens to rely on! Get out and gather them! You are their emperor, and even their benefactor, they like you and hate those nobles in the Senate They.

There are tens of thousands of adult male citizens throughout Rome. There are many citizens who have service experience. As long as we get their support, we can draw out tens of thousands of troops! "

"Yes, but..."

Hearing this sincerely, Nero hesitated and wavered. More still can't bear:

"But this will lead to civil war. As an emperor, I should have protected them. How could I make the Romans bleed for me—"

"--Then you want to hand them over to the Roman nobles?

They even reject your little bit of ethical governance!

After you die, they will definitely abolish the policies you made, whether it's relief, or disclosure of food prices, lower taxes, and disclosure of government taxation limits——

They couldn't stand to oppose even such a thing. Think about what it would be for the Romans under their governance.

They will raise taxes, desperately squeeze the civilians, all the civilians will lose their property, everyone will become the slaves of the powerful and even worse. Think about it, is this all you want to see, Nero? ! "

"This, this, but—"

"You are still young, lovely queen." Sincerely try to make the voice softer: "Just like you said, you haven't even fallen in love yet." He gently wiped away the tears from the corner of Queen Lolita's eyes, and once again She held it in her arms:

"Such a cute, such a cute girl, such a young and cute girl with such a big breast. Do you really bear the heart to die so easily, make your enemies happy, and disappoint the Roman people who love you?"

Listen to the sincere words and feel the warmth of the sincere body. Empress Loli felt shy at first, but soon became firm.

"Of course not, Yu is the Roman emperor!"