Infinity Armament

Chapter 2 Preface (Medium)

Put away your phone and walk towards the bathroom. He threw his phone into the toilet and pressed the flush to twist.

Then he went back to the big bedroom.

The bedroom was tied to three people, Zhou Ze and his parents.

Zhou Ze is a handsome young man. He only has silk ferocity between his eyebrows. He is looking at Shen Yi with angry eyes.

Next to him, his father, tied together, was begging Shen Yi bitterly. Zhou Ze shouted impatiently: "Please, please, please, give me a fart. What can I do for you? Big deal is death. I've had enough fun, I've had enough fun! ”

“You bastard!” His mother scolded and bite Zhou Ze hard: “If you hadn't hurt her daughter, could you have today? You hurt yourself and your family to run for you. You don't know how to repent! ”

Zhou Zemin shouted, “I fucking regret it! Everybody's playing, and they're dead! I've been in jail. What else do you want? This son of a bitch is here now, he wants to kill our family, you beg him to do anything, if he wants to kill him, let him do it, if I dare! ”

“I...” His father was sighed out by Zhou Ze and passed out.

Shen Yi crossed his arms and leaned against the door with his gun. He couldn't bear to laugh out of the mess like the three living treasures in this family.

“I heard you were the boss of the three of you, and you were a little bossy. When those two guys died this morning, they begged for forgiveness for half a day and had no bones. ”

Zhou Ze Yilong: “Did you kill Sun Shuang and He Hao? ”

“castrate first, then kill… and your actions are only one word apart.” Shen Yi replied with a smile.

Zhou Ze looked at Shen Yi smiling and suddenly a chill appeared in his heart.

How is it possible to say that you are not afraid of death?

He just knew he couldn't let go of himself, so he had the guts to howl twice before he died.

But now... when he hears the news of the death of his good friend, he is still afraid.

Shortly after, however, the alarm rang outside the community, and the Zhou Ze family's hearts simultaneously raised hope.

Zhou Ze laughed even more excitedly: “The police are here! You're fucking dead! You're about to let me go. You might have a chance to live! ”

Shen Yi shook his head helplessly: “I thought you had such a hard bone, but in the end you were still this color. ”

He flew a foot and kicked Zhou Ze unconscious.

Shen Yi quickly returned to the living room window where you can see the police everywhere outside.

A group of armed police are ready to attack and are disbanding all nearby residents.

A policeman raised his horn and shouted to this side: “Listen inside...”

“Alas.” Shen Yi sighed.

He took a horn out of his bag and said lazily to the outside: "Shut up, or I'll kill one first. If you want to save the hostages, you can ask someone to come in and talk to me. Better have a weighing point. ”

The policeman couldn't help but stick a horn in the window.

This is the first time he has seen a murderer so well prepared.

“What do we do, boss?” The policeman asked Li Qiang.

Li Qiang smoked hard and threw away the cigarette. He said: "I'll talk to him. ”

“That's not gonna work.” The policemen next door are in a hurry: "To talk, let's go for you. ”

Li mighty glanced: “Do you have more weight than I do? ”

Several policemen shrugged their necks at the same time, and they dared not admit that.

“Everyone said to talk to him with weight. Okay, get ready, I'll be right up.” Li Qiang waved, he muttered: “I still don't believe it, it's all fish in the net, what else can we fight over? ”

“Well... at least wear a bulletproof vest.” A police officer made a recommendation.

Li Qiang thought about agreeing.

The doorbell rings in winter.

Le Qiang's voice sounded outside:

“I'm Captain Li Qiang of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, and I'm here to negotiate with you on behalf of the W City Public Security Bureau. ”

“Come in, the door is open. ”

Li Qiang gently opened the door.

He saw Shen Yi sitting on the couch at the corner of the big living room, and the gun in his hand rested on his lap.

It was the missing police pistol, and Shen Yi's face still had a sunny smile.

Li Qiang immediately squeezed a friendly smile on his face. When negotiating, smiles are the most beneficial weapon that can defuse the tension of the opponent and are far more useful than the constant empty promises.

Then Li Qiang slowly walked over and raised his hands to slow down as much as possible and said, "Don't worry, I'm not carrying a gun, I'm here in good faith. ”

“It doesn't matter if you just carry a gun.” Shen Yi answered casually.

This answer blocked what Li Qiang wanted to say. He thought about it before saying: “I can understand your situation. I hope we can talk peacefully...”

“Do I look excited to you?” Shen Yi asked leisurely.

Again, Li Qiang was blocked from speaking.

The captain of the 40-year-old criminal investigation brigade has not solved many cases in 20 years, and he has solved at least a dozen cases of gunshot killings. But there has never been a killer with a gun, and there is a calm, calm look in front of him.

He seemed unprecedented in his cage and tried to be a desperate rebellion.

Since the other party did not need their comfort and commitment, Le Qiang arrived in no hurry, he simply went straight to the point: “Are they still alive? ”

Shen Yi pointed his gun at the inside bedroom: “Didn't you hear the cry? alive and running. Want to see it? ”

“Heh.” Le Qiang squeezed a little smile: “No rush. ”

“That's right.” Shen Yi smiled, pointing his gun at the sofa not far away: “Sit down. ”

Li Qiang sat down.

When Li Qiang sat down, Shen Yi stood up. This motion made Li Qiang a little nervous, but he saw Shen Yi just walk to the water dispenser and pull out two paper cups from below.

He turned his back to Li Qiang and said, "What would you like to drink? The family is huge, they actually hide the great red robe, this time have a chance to enjoy it. Generally, I prefer coffee, which may be the reason why I go abroad more often, but occasionally I also drink tea, most of the time I drink Sprite Spring, but it's common. And you?”

Li Qiang was calculating the distance and speculated that he would rush over now, could you take him down?

But Shen Yi's words beamed, and he replied: "I like to drink Tieguanyin. ”

Shen Yi snapped his left hand and snapped a finger: “Excellent, just right here. ”

He pulled out a box of Tieguanyin from under the water dispenser, sprinkled some tea into the cup, and looked back at Li Qiang and asked: "A little lighter? ”

Li Qiang's body had just left the sofa. He was about to rush over. Shen Yi's body was stifled in the air, as if he had been set up.

He squeezed out an ugly smile: "The intensity, the spirit of the case. ”

“Yes!” Shen Yi turned back as if she hadn't seen it, adding a handful of Iron Guanyin to the cup.

Li Qiang's rigid body did not know whether to move forward or back well, and the result remained inertial.

Shen Yi turned his back to Li Qiang and said: “I know you want to arrest me, but there's no need to rush. I told you to go check on those guys. You can't miss them. Something really went wrong. You can't even afford to be the captain. ”

Li Qianglan, he finally returned to his normal seating position.

Shen Yi began to flush hot water into the teacup: “Go and see if you want to do it first. ”

Li Qiang stood up carefully and walked towards the bedroom beside him. He stood at the door and swept inside. He sucked in a cold breath of air.

He turned back and looked at Shen Yi: "Where did you get all that explosives? It's not fake, is it? ”

Shen Yi-tou didn't lift his head to answer: “Without such disrespect, I am also a famous college graduate. Although I am not a chemistry department, it is not that difficult to make nitroglycerin? Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. It's pretty simple. You can find a way to find out if you look at Baidu. It's an era of knowledge explosion. ”

“How? ”

“Miniature heart rate tester, manufactured by my company.” Shen Yi refers to his chest: “It is triggered when the heartbeat accelerates above 150 or slows below 60. Did you know that holding your breath for a while can accelerate your heart beat? ”

“Shit, I hate high-tech!” Li Qiang cursed.

He sort of figured it out, and the kid was totally ready.

“Unfortunately, I love playing high-tech.” Shen Yi added, he inserted the gun behind his back and walked over with two cups of tea: “Your Tieguanyin. ”

Li Qiang picked it up almost numbly.

He looked at Shen Yi and turned back to his position. The gun was stuck behind him. Li Qiang was eager to grab it and still didn't dare.

Thinking about it, he said:

“I also hate high-IQ criminals, especially those who don't fear death. ”

Shen Yi chuckled: “I like cops who have a sense of justice, especially those who don't want to die. ”

He raised his glass to Le Qiang and gently sipped his big red robe.

Li Qiang also drank a sip of Iron Guanyin.

He sprayed it all out.

Looking at Shen Yi, he was a little embarrassed, pointing to the cup: “Drink too fast and burn. ”

Shen Yi shook his head and laughed.

He refers to Li Qiang: “You are too nervous. ”

This sentence left Le Qiang completely speechless.

For the first time, the situation was completely out of the hands of the police in the face of a criminal already in the net.

Thinking about it, he said, "I know why you're dealing with them. I saw that case seven years ago, and there's a big problem. ”

Shen Yi's face sank quickly.