Infinity Armament

Chapter 124 Trial

Shen Yi opened the team channel.

The gentle and impatient voice came: "Shen Yi, are you still in the mother ship? ”

“Yes,” replied Shen Yi.

“Core control room? ”

“… Yes. ”

“Shit!” Everybody scream.

Hung Wang roared: “Shen Yi, what the hell is wrong with you? We're running out of time, or you'll fail! ”

All members of Squad 641 have now fled their respective motherships and completed their first main mission, and are now moving closer to Los Angeles. Who would have thought that Shen Yi was still in the mothership?

Shen Yi replied: "I am ready for the mission to fail. We can still afford to fail 500 bloody missions. ”

“Why do you do this?” Gently and unclearly asked.

“There are many reasons.” Shen Yi paused for a moment, and the system tone sounded again in his ear: the door was broken by 10%, armor value remained by 80%, estimated at the current attack intensity, and the support time was eight minutes.

Shen Yichang took a long breath: “We don't have much time left, I'll be brief. There are four reasons why I would prefer a failed mission to risk controlling my mother ship. The first reason is that I want to know if bloody cities are strictly adhering to their mandates. If we take control of the air carrier but can't leave in time, will the city confirm that the main line task is complete? ”

“What's the point? ”

“Of course there is, and that means whether the way the city evaluates a mission is a rigid death rule. ”

The adventurer's first main task is to escape from the air carrier, as stipulated by the Bloody City. Escape is the theme, and the air carrier is only a limitation of scope.

It is conceivable that Shen Yi did not escape from the mother ship, but instead took control of the mother ship. The officer would never think that Shen Yi's mission had failed, but that Shen Yi had exceeded it. After all, fleeing is a desperate choice, a need to preserve oneself after failure, and control is a manifestation of victory.

So would the bloody city do the same in the face of this situation?

That's hard to say.

It's like a teacher asking you to solve a problem with a binary one-time equation, and you solve it with calculus. So the teachers started having headaches... is this correct or wrong?

That's exactly what Shen Yi wants to know.

For Shen Yi, no matter what the bloody city decides, he will get an answer. The answer is unimportant, and it's important that you understand how bloody cities deal with sudden-onset problems.

“Got it. Anything else?” Gently ask.

“Second reason… Remember when we finished our first formal assignment eight hours in advance? ”

“Yes, what is it? ”

“The mission suddenly showed up with the highest reward for the team, and the difficulty increased. I would like to know if this was planned long ago or if it has anything to do with how we accomplish our main task. ”

In WWII tasks, the initial Urban Tip did not give a reminder that the optional tasks had the highest reward. It was very strange that Shen Yi was not officially notified of the optional tasks with the highest team reward until they had easily completed the main tasks. And that task was more difficult than you can imagine.

Shen Yi means that he suspects that different ways of accomplishing tasks will have a direct impact on subsequent tasks. The manner in which tasks are accomplished may result in changes in the difficulty and rewards of subsequent tasks. As Shen Yi took a detoured approach to accomplishing Main Line II early and without damage, the bloody city intensified the German offensive, but also gave the highest reward. In addition, in the world of X-Men, Nedinir was somehow snatched away by US government forces, and then fell back into the hands of Wan Magnetic King. Shen Yi not only got two kinds of powers, but also gained 100% speed of recovery, but faced the pursuit of the powerful Wan Magnetic King.

It is questionable whether this is in line with the due process of hidden tasks.

If both are indeed related to Shen Yi's coincidence, it may explain the bloody city's attitude towards coincidence.

Metropolitan corrections are made and harder to deal with tricky adventurers, but additional rewards are given as they become more difficult.

To some extent, it is understood that teachers conduct surprise examinations for students suspected of cheating, which are more difficult, but are often satisfied and rewarded after students pass, which is also compensatory.

This is also one of the answers Shen Yi would like to know.

“The third reason is whether the pattern can change.” Shen Yi continued.

“Pattern change? ”

“Yes, any mission model should be based on a certain basis. If the Adventurer is to be pursued by the Terminator, the Terminator must be stronger than the Adventurer, right? ”

“Of course, we can't be chased by weaker trash than we are, can we? ”

“That means that the bloody city began with an analysis of the power of both sides, and it should be very certain that the power of the adventurer can never be the adversary of the Skynet Terminator. But the question is, once the basic condition of 'Terminator is better than Adventurer’ is changed, how will the task be carried out? ”

Everyone shouted out, Shen Yi still wanted to change the power comparison between the two sides?

According to Shen Yi, once he takes control of the air carrier, the power comparison between the two sides will change significantly. If the bloody city still arranges Skynet to hunt Shen Yi down as scheduled, it will be much more difficult.

Shen Yi was curious to know how the bloody city would deal with the situation. Is it just adjust mode? Or just increase the pursuit force?

A small thread can trigger consequences and generate countless inferences, and what Shen Yi wants is answers and answers, which enable him to better understand the existence of a bloody city.

When these three reasons are combined, you will find that this is actually how Shen Yi interacts with adventurers as they explore their mission in the mission world.

The bloody city would be involved in the mission implementation process, which Shen Yi has suspected since the World War II mission. And in the X-Men mission, this suspicion rose to the top - Nedinir was somehow taken away, and a covert mission was imposed on him.

So Shen Yi began to understand that the bloody city was never going to put you in the mission world. He left you with a few tasks and left you alone.

It looks at you in the clouds like God...

If you are going to do God's will, then you must first know how much God will interfere with you during the course of your mission and whether your actions are in accordance with His will.

So Shen Yi wants to test God.

It's like the military taking orders from politicians to fight, not only to complete a combat mission, but also to know what kind of reward or punishment they would give you if they didn't or overdid a mission. Most importantly, how many powers do you have that "will, may or may not be" outside?

A true hundred victories would have been three things: knowing your enemies, knowing your subordinates, knowing your superiors.

For adventurers, it's about learning about the target world, mastering their abilities, and finally understanding the intentions of a bloody city.

In fact, this standard applies to any occasion. For example, salespeople need to know their customers, products, and bosses. For example, Group bosses need to know the market, understand themselves, and understand the policies. Even authors need to understand the needs of their readers, understand their abilities, and understand the taste of editing...

An occasional small failure would definitely be a good deal if you could see more clearly who your boss is.

Even Zhou Yiyu could hear this string of reasons nodded. It would indeed be very worthwhile to trade 500 bloody mission failures for many of these answers.

“The question is, how do you do that? How could you possibly control the air carrier?” Vajra doesn't understand. “I don't believe it. The mothership is yours. ”

Shen Yi smiled: “I made two very important friends here, one of whom you already know. ”

“The idiot? ”

“To be exact, he's a genius, and I had no idea he could help us control an airborne carrier, and I wouldn't have made such an adventurous decision if I hadn't met him... because of people. ”

Shen Yi outlined Xi Xiaofan's abilities in the shortest language.

Everyone listens stubbornly.

Hung Wang shouted, "You said your kid wasn't an idiot, he was a genius, and you thought he was an idiot? Ha!”

His tone was full of scorn and bliss, which made Shen Yi very upset. He coughed softly: “... I also said I had never touched such a person before, my retard was fine, my idiot was fine, and so was autism. I only fucking saw it on TV. God knows there are so many people with autism in the world, but I didn't even hit one in the bloody city, and I'm a genius! The only fool I really know is Hung Lang! ”

“Your mother! ”

Anyway, the message surprised everyone. It was also because Xi Xiaofan appeared that Shen Yi decided not to leave the escape pod and instead attacked the control room of the air carrier. Since it was during the first main task that all terminators were on normal alert, they were able to get it easily. The bloody city didn't seem to expect such a result, and now Xi Xiaofan is about to break through the third level of the defense system of the mother ship.

Gently asked, “What's the last reason? ”

“The last reason is that, since adventurers are scattered across different air carriers, it is not meant to be simultaneous with the first mainline mission. As we have already confirmed, since the time taken for completion varies from person to person and the performance varies, the treatment should also be different. Theoretically, then, the worst performing adventurer should have been the first to be attacked by Terminators...”

Shen Yi means that according to the regulations of the Bloody City, the surface of the failure to accomplish the first main task appears to be just deducting 500 bloody points. But it is obviously not that simple, and the success or failure of the previous task directly affects the difficulty of the latter task. The further away from the Aerial Mothership, the later the Terminator strikes, and those who flee the Aerial Mothership just over an hour are afraid to be the first to strike.

From this analysis, the Aerial Mothership is not only the cage of the adventurer, but must also be the first wave of the main force responsible for the pursuit.