Infinity Armament

Chapter 128 T1000 (bottom)

From Terminator 1 to Terminator 4 in the Terminator series, the most frequent appearances should belong to the Terminator of the T800 model, that is, the Terminator played by the Governor in the first and second parts. Then there is the T850 model terminator in the third part, which is also performed by the governor, in exactly the same shape as the T800, with further enhancements.

But in terms of their demonstrated ability, the T800-level terminators, though powerful and limited in strength, are, quite frankly, more resistant and not easily destroyed. But it's not easy here, it's not necessarily hard for an adventurer to deal with a terminator that an ordinary man can kill.

According to the Bloody City Damage Rule, when an attack damage cannot break the opponent's defense, it causes a little compulsory damage. But when an attack damage does not reach even a third of the opponent's defense, it does not have the ability to inflict any compulsory damage.

In this regard, the T800 Terminator can be undamaged in the face of ordinary firearms, but still be harmed in the face of some powerful firearms. It's just that they have the ability to repair themselves, and because of their shock, most ordinary people lose the courage to shoot continuously because they can't "kill" each other.

And the most impressive thing about the Terminator series is that it's not a T800, it's a T1000.

That's the liquid-metal terminator in the second part.

Although in Part Three the Terminator Series introduces a stronger TX Model Terminator with powerful long-range offensive and kinetic capability to control all kinds of Terminators, which is the pinnacle of Terminators, TX Terminators are not necessarily stronger than T1000 if they are a one-on-one battle.

The power of TX lies in its sharp aggressiveness and control over other terminators. As for its ability to simulate, it is limited to the surface, so speaking of variability and flexibility, and its indestructible properties, it is still inferior to the T1000.

For adventurers, the ability to fight alone is always first, and flexibility and immortality are far more important than a strong offensive capability.

So the practical value of the T1000 is actually still on top of TX —— after all, nobody knows what kind of world they're going to go to in the future. TX has its limitations, more for the modern world, but the T1000 works for almost any mission world.

In this regard, the significance of the T1000 is far superior to that of the TX, and if placed in a bloody city for sale, it can be treated as a B-grade product and is an absolute winner.

In addition, Shen Yi has learned that all actions of the bloody city are based on respect for the world context of the original mission and do not easily change the power contrast. That is, since TX is stronger than T1000 in the original mission world, it cannot force the value of T1000 to rise above TX.

And TX, as the highest level of the Terminator World, the existence of dual C-level status is unshakeable, and it is not possible to phase up the T1000 by raising it again.

The next promotion is Grade B.

However, Class B is a three-dimensional world, the robot strength has reached as high as the Transformers level, which is absolutely correct in the conclusions that Shen Yi reached when collecting store information. In this way, the strongest existences of the Terminator world are shaped and can only be double-C, unchangeable and not more powerful.

So the T1000, which is destined to be one grade lower than the TX ranking, can only be commissioned to level C.

In this way, there is a logical paradox - that C-level terminators are more practical and more popular with adventurers than double-C-level terminators, and if they can choose, adventurers would prefer a C-level T1000, not to mention a double-C-level TX, not to mention a 9,000-point spread in the middle.

This is clearly not possible.

There are two ways to solve this problem. One is to weaken the T1000, and the other is to increase the difficulty of purchasing the T1000.

Honestly, both possibilities exist, and Shen Yi is not sure what method it will be.

But all the world characters he's been through so far, they've only seen the enhancement, not the weakening.

From this point of view, it is not the custom of the city to weaken a weapon or figure in order to strike a balance. Instead, it's the habit of the city to do special operations.

In this way, Shen Yi is confident that the city will choose the latter method - increasing the difficulty of purchasing.

That is, the category where the T1000 is classified as a special item, which is extremely difficult to obtain.

Just in the case of mechanical armor, the city adopts the hexing method, blood uniform items plus bloody point method, must have energy crystallization in order to exchange to the corresponding robot.

The T1000 is a liquid metallic man.

The so-called liquid-metal man, by its ever-changing nature, has no core energy crystallization at all.

In other words, a terminator like the T1000, you're killing a thousand people who have no reason to get an energy crystal.

Since it is not available to everyone, the difficulty of purchasing naturally increases.

But not a chance like this, obviously not an urban style —— since you can't have it, why exist?

So bloody cities simply create a universal energy crystallization.

Whoever performs well will be rewarded with a piece of generic C-level energy crystallization for a chance at a T1000 Terminator.

All the problems were solved naturally.

Otherwise, the corresponding energy crystallization can get the corresponding robot, why bother with universal crystallization?

Why reward only one Class D generic energy crystal per person for such a great achievement by controlling an air carrier and forcing cities to take decisive steps to blow it up?

The answer is clear.

You must collect, integrate, and redeem rewards to truly discover their reward value.

Of course, all of this is Shen Yi's assumption, and he can't be sure if things are as he speculated, but he thinks it's quite possible because he always felt that the rewards offered by the city of the mission were not in keeping with his contribution. Then there must be some cat fatigue in there.

So he kept thinking, until the light flashed in his mind, and he remembered the tender split reward.

Information is the basis for everything, and the more information you have, the more detail and reliability you can produce.

Shen Yi thought through the reward split that the reward must also be combined, inferring its solutions and balancing means to various problems through various types of terminators and previous ways of doing things in the bloody city, then inferring everything that remains through the T1000 liquid metal is unlikely to obtain the characteristics of energy crystallization, the contribution of the task he has done himself and his understanding of the information materials of the current bloody city sales, it would be rare if a rough conclusion were not reached.

For a bloody city, it's your own business to give you a chance, to be sure. If you are able to seize the opportunity, it is understandable that this is the reward you receive for completing a high-difficulty brain task that is not life-threatening.

For Shen Yi, things got simpler - he speculated on a possible way to get a T1000, and the rest was to act and take risks for it.

In his character, it would be strange if he didn't gamble this one.

The robot enhancement route was originally a robot of the same level far stronger than the same level of skill, which is like T6 is more practical than a D-level skill, T8 is more practical than a double-D skill, while T1000 belongs to the hidden species of C-level robot enhancement, purchase value of C, strength value of dual-C, utility value can only be ranked B, once obtained, the significance is conceivable.

Even though Zhou Yiyu didn't expect so much at this moment, he finally realized what a huge reward Shen Yi was likely to get. He cried and said, “Shit, T1000! Hundreds of times better than T6. No wonder you're so proud. I should have asked for more. ”

The reward of losing an airborne carrier under their control is now all in Shen Yi's hands. If the agreement has been reached, and things have returned to others, Zhou Yiyu simply wants to regret it too late.

Shen Yi patted Zhou Yiyu's shoulder laughing: “Don't worry, this is all just speculation. I don't know if it can be done. Maybe there are other conditions? Nobody knows. But I can assure you, if I really get the T1000 for 9,000 bloody points, I'll give you some more. ”

“Really?” Zhou Yiyu lit up.

“Of course, but until then, I want you to keep your other promise. ”

“What commitment?” Zhou Yiyu beamed and couldn't figure out what else he had promised each other.

Shen Yi slowly replied: “You said that if the news I gave you was worth something, you would give me back 500 points. ”

Zhou Yiyu's mouth was wide open and speechless.

For half a day, he cursed, “You son of a bitch! ”

He unwillingly returned the 500 bloody spots to Shen Yi.


The Land Cruiser runs straight down the country road to Los Angeles.

That's where Shen Yi and his partner made an appointment.

Perhaps it is the reason for plenty of time. Shen Yi and Zhou Yiyu were not in too much of a hurry to make their way. Instead, they enjoyed sightseeing and looking at the landscape.

While passing an abandoned motel, they even got off to cook themselves a good meal.

Shen Yi's craftsmanship is quite good, and Zhou Yi Yulian ordered well.

Time passed so fast that it quickly entered the afternoon hours.

During this period of time, Hung Wang Jinggang and others have always lived in pursuit, struggling with outrage and hustle - the same tasks, performed differently by different people.

Zhou Yiyu doesn't really want to be with Shen Yi's partner - that would make him lose control of the situation. Although he doesn't have much control now, isn't he at least one-on-one?

However, after all, this time is a Jedi survival model, adventurers killing each other has no benefit, and with Zhou Yiu's current understanding of Shen Yi, the other party's character is obviously trustworthy, so finally agreed.

“Hey, I'm ugly enough to say in front that you and I jointly protected this kid, and no one else can interfere. Even if we intervene, we cannot participate in the splitting.” While driving, Zhou Yiyu was facing Shen Yiduo.

Shen Yi was lowering his head and putting his hands on the computer. Looking at all the information he had obtained from the Aerial Mothership Library, his brain automatically filtered out the useless parts and extracted important content for labeling. At this moment, Zhou Yiyu said that, and he didn't raise his head: “Isn't that fair? Everyone has a contribution to make and cannot ignore others' contributions. ”

Zhou Yiyu put his mouth aside: “What good can I get when they come? Instead, it would be better if we split up now. ”

Shen Yi immediately replied: “The people I have worked with, as long as they are friends, do not want to leave. ”

“Then you run into one now. ”

“Come on, Zhou Yiyu.” Shen Yi finally lifted his head up, and he looked at each other with a smile: “I know you're in a bad mood right now, but ask yourself, for the first time we met, did you lose money with me? ”

Zhou Yiyu was stunned. Shen Yi had broken his finger and said: “Others have completed the first main task, but only benefited from 500 bloody points. What about you? It's 1,800 points, a D-level energy crystal, a temporary Terminator T6, and I owe you a thousand bloody points. You can say you wouldn't have gotten any of this without me. ”

“Neither can you without me. ”

“Yes.” Shen Yi nodded for sure: “But I can partner with any adventurer to play their part. Without you, without Xi Xiaofan, I can't control the air carrier at best, but I can get other benefits in other ways. There are always plenty of opportunities in the mission world, and without these, I can get something else. As long as you think hard, think hard, you always find the opportunity, just to reap the difference. And you? Are you sure you can get extra benefits every time in any mission world? ”

Zhou Yiyu was unable to speak for a moment. Despite his limited familiarity with Shen Yi, he already had some understanding of what kind of person he was.

He is really good at discovering the hidden tasks and hidden roles in the mission world, which can only be seen by the extent to which this person diligently collects and utilizes information, like the laptop in his hand, which is inexpensive but not bought by every adventurer.

But he said, "But you get more. ”

Shen Yi put his face straight: “Zhou Yiyu, don't always focus on the benefits to others. Can I get a T1000, or an unknown number, who knows if the bloody city has set another threshold in the process? And even if I do, that's what I get for thinking and taking risks. Opportunities have been in front of you the same way, you can't blame others for not grasping them yourself. If you find it inappropriate to cooperate with me because of this, I can only say that you have no future. You can't just stare at the people who benefit you. ”

Zhou Yiyu was told by Shen Yi. He nodded and said, "You're right, it's my eyes. I'm sorry I said something wrong, but now I'm reiterating that I'm glad I'm working with you this time. ”

He reached out to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked at Zhou Yiyu and smiled softly: “Children can teach. ”