Infinity Armament

Chapter 140: Jedi Strike Back (Top)

“No!” Kerlis screamed loudly.

He watched as the two figures were dumped far away and the little girl's stars screamed terribly.

At this time, Shen Yi threw the firecracker in his hand and threw it out of his flying claw.

Flying claws pierced the sky like electricity, grabbing Xi Xiaofan's leg.

Shen Yi single-handedly pulled Xi Xiaofan back.

However, he could only save one person after all, and there was nothing he could do about the little girl star.

The little girl instantly stayed away from them, and Kong turned back into the car. Then Xi Xiaofan was thrown back to Kong by Shen Yi. Shen Yi cried indifferently in her ear: “Hold on tight this time! ”

Vajra's heart trembled slightly.

The Land Cruiser rolled over into the air and landed on the ground, extinguishing fire on the spot after making a violent impact sound.

“We have to get the stars back!” Kyle Reese yelled.

The distant stars also fell heavily from the sky and passed out after a few rolls on the ground, and a large crowd of harvesters were catching up.

If they go back at this point, they could still take the little girl back, but the result is to get into the range of the harvester and the bike terminator's encirclement.

Shen Yi pressed his hand on the car and activated the start, whilst shouting: “This is impossible, go! ”

Shen Yi also wanted to save the stars if he could, but he knew that the consequences of doing so were simply beyond their means.

Zhou Yiyu stepped on the throttle and the SUV started again.

Kyle Reese jumped angrily and yelled at Shen Yi: “Bastard! You can't abandon her! ”

Shen Yi twisted Kyle's arm, punched him in the chin and knocked him unconscious. A ruthless tone of blood crest sounded in his ear: "Due to the coercive measures you took against Kyle Reese, the means were severe, deducting 300 points of blood. ”

This punch knocked out his 300 bloody harvest, but Shen Yi didn't even notice it. He fired his gun at the swallowtail batter in the air.

This is not the time to make a difference.

Marcus suddenly said, "Give me a gun and I can help fight. ”

Without saying anything, Shen Yi took a heavy machine gun out of the crest space and threw it at Marcus. Seeing that these people could come out of their gear in plain sight, Marcus just flashed a little surprise in his eyes, but he didn't ask anything, just turned around and opened fire.

Whatever these people are, the machine is the only enemy!

The Land Cruiser drove wildly on the road, getting farther and farther away from the stars. A harvester came and grabbed the little girl on the ground and threw her hand behind her...

Vajra looked at all this from afar and flashed an apology in her eyes.

He spoke to himself in a voice so low that only he could hear it: "I'm sorry... little girl. ”


Losing a star does not reduce the weight of a Land Cruiser.

Vehicle speeds remain unattainable, while missiles whirring in the sky continue to fall around the SUV from time to time, causing road crater depressions, further affecting the speed of the SUV.

A harvester rushed in the footsteps of a rampage, his huge body standing 300 meters away from the Land Cruiser, his shoulder cannon flashing, and a roadside bungalow was blown to pieces.

The Land Cruiser passed through the flickering flame and Zhou Yiyu hysterically exclaimed: “This can't go on, the car has to lose at least two more people's weight! ”

Shen Yi's artillery cannon burst into a motorcycle terminator, beating the motorcycle terminator up to the sky, which is called: “Then you need to make some contribution! ”

“What did you say?” Zhou Yiyu is a beam.

“Didn't you have a motorcycle?” Shen Yi shouted.

Zhou Yiyu shouted outrageously: “I bought it bloody! ”

“If you can't afford that 500 bucks, sell it to me. ”

“You already owe me a lot! ”

“So you need me alive more than ever, or where are you going to collect the bill? ”

“Shit!” Zhou Yiyu honked angrily, turning the car around, avoiding a heavy cannon from the reaper, yelling: “Okay, so who's going to drive the motorcycle? ”

“Vajra, you take the boy on the motorcycle!” Shen Yi refers to Kyle Reese.

“Got it!” Vajra put the gun away.

Zhou Yiyu took out the Prince Harley in his crest, which did not occupy the weight in the crest, and pressed the Land Cruiser against another party immediately after the crest.

Vajra picked up the motorcycle and quickly started, flew out of the Land Cruiser. Shen Yi threw Kyle onto the Vajra. Vajra drove the motorcycle in the air and turned a gorgeous turn to catch Kyle. Vehicles controlled by mindfulness control are to some extent endowed with the talent of Zhou Yiyu's people's vehicle, but cannot be sustained for too long.

The motorcycle roared forward as soon as it touched the ground.

“Take the left road!” Shen Yi shouted.

A motorcycle and a Land Cruiser drove wildly into the left avenue, behind which a large number of Terminator robots chased.

Left Avenue is the most famous Rodeo Avenue in Los Angeles, once the finest and most exquisite clothing mall in Los Angeles, and brings together the designs of some of the world's most popular international masters.

After trial day, the prosperity of the once high-rise luxury building turned into a ruined dangerous building, the roads were full of garbage, the pieces of paper were flying, and the rusty cars were everywhere.

Prince Harley drove first, while the rear Land Cruiser followed him closely behind him, shielding him from bullets. After two people were missing, the off-road car burden was significantly reduced and the speed increased.

Two minutes later, the Land Cruiser had entered the central area of Rodeo Avenue, which was covered with high buildings on both sides, and the Swallow Tail Striker was temporarily unable to dive and had to circle over it, while a large number of motorcycle terminators and harvesters followed. Due to road problems, motorcycle terminators are even closer.

“What the fuck did you choose?” Zhou Yiyu cursed.

“Cut the crap and let's not really get away with this chase.” Shen Yi answered impatiently.

“Kill it?” Zhou Yiyu monster wakes up: “What are you doing with it? That's the reaper, the superb robot in the C-level robot! That's the equivalent of a double-C! ”

“Yes.” Shen Yi chuckled. “But they don't have brains, so they're also the dumbest robots. ”

Shen Yi took something out of the bloody crest.

Super alloy wire!

Exactly the loot from the harvester they killed earlier.

The wire had a huge anchor on its head and a pointed conical strand on its tail, originally a weapon wrapped around the reaper's arm, but was unloaded by Shen Yi.

At this moment, Shen Yi pulled out the steel cord, lifted the anchor and spun it, and with his strength now at 35 o'clock, waving this huge wire is no longer a problem.

In Shen Yi's hand, the whistling and rotation gradually turned into a sharp wind. Shen Yi broke the wire off his hand and threw it at a building next to him, as if it were a beating wave. The wire burst into the building and was wrapped around a huge column. Meanwhile, Shen Yi threw the other end of the wire onto the column on the other side of the building.

This gigantic steel cord runs across the middle of the road like a huge chain of blockers.

The first two motorcycle terminators hit the steel wire, took off in a blast, then one motorcycle terminator hit the steel wire on the heel, and flew into the air. The scene was magnificent.

But not all machines are so stupid.

A motorcycle terminator slanted his body, sliding under the wire, and Shen Yi's firecracker burst into flames, smashing the motorcycle terminator into pieces.

“Well done!” Zhou Yiyu shouted out loud, and he finally understood why Shen Yi wanted to let himself go this way.

This is the only place where that wire can act like a giant mesh.

It's a miracle that a superalloy wire actually knocks down the vast majority of motorcycle terminators. You know, these super fast guys aren't as powerful as Terminators and Harvesters, but they're actually second only to the trouble of swallowtail fighters for the runaway adventurers, and they have a quantitative advantage over the latter.

“What's next?” Zhou Yiyu shouted: “There are reapers behind them, and there are terminators on them that have not been released! ”

“Those big guys aren't fast enough to kill the hunters in the sky first!” Shen Yi answered aloud.

Eight Swallow Tail Strikers in the sky are the biggest trouble for the adventurers. Shen Yi shouted at King Kong in front: | “Kong, how many more can your mind control handle? ”

Vajra answered aloud: "Only 100 points have been restored! Even overdraft life can only be two! ”

“Wait till I tell you to do it!” Shen Yi shouted.

Shen Yi took out a rocket launcher from the crest, which he obtained from his mother ship.

As soon as Zhou Yiyu saw the rocket launcher, he shouted furiously: “Why didn't you take it out sooner if you had one? Last time I used my T6! ”

'Cause I only got two fucking rockets! ”Shen Yi's impatient answer:“ If you hadn't rushed me so hard in the mother ship, I could have gotten a whole box! ”

Zhou Yiyu was stunned for a moment.

He could never understand the need for Shen Yi to loot the arsenal and the harvester, but now it seems that Shen Yi did the right thing.

In fact, in Shen Yi's eyes, the fact that the arms in these mission worlds cannot be brought back does not mean that they have no real utility value.

This is like playing Plants versus Zombies, the bloody point is money outside the game, which can give players special props and abilities, while the nonreward harvest in the mission world is the sunshine that is necessary for customs clearance, although important, cannot accumulate.

It's just that the skills that bloody dots bring are obviously so much more important than money in plant games that many adventurers simply don't want to collect these seemingly impossible gains in the mission world.

However, in Shen Yi's view, while permanent enhancement is important, temporary enhancement means are also indispensable. Especially in the current high-tech world, the significance of the use of own skills has greatly decreased, so locally tailored temporary enhancement means are extremely important.

This experience, again, he gained from his World War II mission, where the vast majority of adventurers fought with weapons captured on the battlefield until late in the battle.

In the world of X-Men, Shen Yi, with a large number of airborne soldiers, immediately after killing the first mutants, arranged for soldiers to loot all arms and strengthen themselves.

This Terminator World, with a lot of high-tech equipment inside, rather than consuming bloody spots to carry permanent equipment from the bloody city, to get some disposable equipment from the local pickup, so the bloody spots reserved for Team 641 this time are not much to spend, and most of them are reserved to summon paratroopers.

At this moment, take out the rocket launcher, Shen Yi shouted at Zhou Yiyu: “Drive the car to the roof, I want to shoot close! ”

With few rockets, Shen Yi must ensure that every hit rate is 100%. In this case, infinite access to the opponent is the best option.

As Shen Yi shouted, Zhou Yiyu restarted his equipment with his own disregard for gravity. The Land Cruiser flew up and rushed to the wall of a building, driving straight into the air.