Infinity Armament

Chapter 151 Third Round of Pursuit (2)

The remaining two Terminators 750, Shen Yi and gentle look at each other.

“One for you, one for me?” Gently and proudly pushed his chest out.

“You're running out of energy, aren't you?” Shen Yi questioned.

“That's why it's fair! ”

“No weapons, just fists and feet! If you lose, let the other party kiss you. ”

“Okay, change the terms, if you lose, promise to have a good day with me, don't move your mind! ”

“It's settled!” Both men rush towards their Terminators at the same time.

Just halfway through, Gentle suddenly realized what, yelling at Shen Yi Jiao: “You cheat! ”

But she realized that she had fallen in love with Shen Yi.

Shen Yi does not have close combat skills, but without weapons, gentle himself does not have close combat skills. Therefore, he is not weaker than gentle in this regard. On the contrary, Shen Yi also has a splinter hand to rely on, and is also a little more gentle in attributes.

He did not say that he could not use skills, he simply said that he could not use weapons. Gentle did not realize the problem at the time and immediately agreed to it. It took him a few steps to realize close combat. His weapons were much more powerful than Shen Yi's. His skills were more dependent on weapons to play. Everyone did not use weapons. In fact, he suffered a great loss.

The difference between a smart person and a normal person can also be seen here, sometimes not in thinking more, but in thinking faster. Gentle didn't expect Shen Yi to be dead in that instant.

Shen Yi laughed and rushed to the T750, punching the machine. His strike is a Phoenix Eye Strike technique in the wrong hands of the splitting muscle, gathering all body strength in one place, can enhance the damage of 30% of ordinary attacks, except that this increase is based on the exertion value of ordinary damage, not the maximum value.

This blow hit the Terminator, and the Terminator reacted quickly. It was not a stupid shooting back, but a counterhand punch to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi softly shouted, one hand to the T750 arm, just about to strike again, the T750 actually bent its elbow towards him. Shen Yi was surprised and flashed by his side. He exclaimed in shock: “There are two things going on. Be gentle, these guys have a close fight routine in their program! ”

“Take care of yourself first.” A gentle and unfriendly answer.

The T750 has swept across Shen Yi's arm, Shen Yi backfired, the flesh arm against the iron arm, the terminator's body just swayed, indicating that the terminator's power is no longer below 40 o'clock. Calculating how fast it reacts, in this way, a T750's personal strength is equivalent to a novice adventurer who only strengthens strength, agility and fitness. The individual attributes are not low, but does not possess the skills and equipment of adventurers.

Shen Yi just blocked this blow. The T750 has swept Shen Yi's left arm across the arm. Shen Yi kicked the T750 chest with one foot in the reverse leg. The other party ignored it. A handknife was cut on Shen Yi's calf.

Shen Yi retreated in pain and shouted again: “Be careful they do not avoid attack at all, like to exchange injury for injury! ”

“Got it!” The gentle voice also carries a weight, and apparently, after not using a high-speed neurological response system and a samurai knife, her ability dropped dramatically, and she was also struggling with a T750.

However, for Shen Yi, his fighting interest grew.

He snorted, suddenly deceiving himself up, to the terminator is a claw, the terminator is about to strike back, Shen Yi has turned to hit the terminator's arm, then his back slapped toward the terminator's face, then a kick.

Shen Yi's fast attack finally unfolded like a tide at this moment.

Since Shen Yi has never acquired offensive skills due to multiple mission experiences, Shen Yi has gradually become accustomed to interrupting the opponent's rhythm and compressing the opponent's continuous strong attack method in close combat.

In his X-Men mission, he used this technique against Southern Adventurers, Mutants Kinnell, Angelica, and Jadin Bonito, and even more so against Magneto.

This was initially entirely due to his lack of melee skills, but also inadvertently gradually developed his own style of combat.

From the initial unconscious imitation to the later conscious play, gradually formed a unique system of combat, but at present Shen Yi himself is not very clear.

All he knows is that as a self without attack skills, he doesn't want to defeat any powerful opponent in an instant, the only way is to suppress, desperately suppress, and suppress the opponent.

This time he was facing T750 Terminators, all robots that had been entered into the battle program and each had a higher AI, but Shen Yi never believed that they could really be smarter than humans. Therefore, Shen Yi's instinctive thinking again calculates the reaction of the other party.

Completely out of instinct and an uncontrollable nature, his brain spins rapidly, like a computer, watching, remembering, analyzing the opponent's movements, determining the opponent's reaction and his own response, as if he were back in the X-Men world against the Southern Adventurers.

This is not unusual, it happens occasionally among ordinary people, as if people who have never danced occasionally enter the dance floor and are able to dance incredibly flexibly, just because he feels the footsteps of his partner completely at the first moment and responds in a timely and correct manner. This phenomenon, however, is very rare and is not sustained for long, often only for a few moments.

What Shen Yi is doing now is making it normal and able to persist for a considerable period of time.

Even the velocity of a bullet cannot be faster than a person's thinking, although it is too divergent to control. Precision talent increases his ability to control precisely, not only in terms of muscle flexibility, but also in terms of precision in his brain thinking. The sense of immediacy that once appeared in the X-Men world was reproduced in Shen Yi at this moment.

This feeling is like the effect of an epinephrine surge in ordinary people, except that the average person shows the old lady lifting a big truck to save a four-year-old, or the author of a Nissan Thousand Words suddenly wrote 30,000 words a day, while Shen Yi shows a high degree of observation and full analysis of the surrounding things.

Every time he enters an excited state, everything about the target enters his field of view, and he quickly analyzes each other's movements like a computer.

Shen Yi felt like everything around him was slowing down.

Every foot of his punch, on the robot beside him, makes a powerful collision sound, he can clearly see the marks of cavities in the middle fist, hear the squeak when the gear is rubbing, and also the exhaling sound driven by the T750 when the fist is swinging back.

He can see that every reaction of the Terminator is so precise, and it's always the same.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is a powerful symbol of each other, but in Shen Yi's eyes, he has found their weaknesses.

The next moment, Shen Yi's eyebrow slightly raised, and he suddenly said: "Machines are machines, programs exist, can never compare to people's intelligence. ”

When this T750 right arm lifted slightly and Shen Yi's left hand protruded, pressing on the Terminator's rocket launcher, the Terminator's right arm did take to the rocket launcher, but grabbed an empty space.

Shen Yi smiled: “Left hand, chest. ”

The Terminator flashed his left hand and punched Shen Yi in front of his chest. Shen Yi twisted his torso and rubbed the terminator's fist past him. He hit his knee on the terminator's waist.

Then backwards and backwards, his torso backwards, spitting out two words simultaneously in his mouth: “Sweep legs. ”

A steel right leg of the Terminator was scraped from his face.

In just a few minutes, Shen Yi has thoroughly figured out the movement procedures of these Terminators.

Machines are machines, and even if they're smarter than T6T7, they still have their own fixed reaction programs, so essentially they're still stubborn, clumsy, fixed, predictable.

The adventurer in front of you is even easier to predict than the southern adventurer you've met.

The more excited he was, the more he couldn't help but kill the Terminator. He simply stopped when he almost hit him, then let the Terminator strike himself with a left punch and a right punch. He carried his hands, idly avoided, and looked at the opponent's strong and fierce attack as if nothing had happened. It was easy to walk as if walking in the garden behind his home. The Terminator's offensive methods and targets were reported from time to time in his mouth.

Fortunately, the machine does not have shame, otherwise it is afraid to commit suicide already at this moment.

After a while, Shen Yi finally felt dizzy and dizzy in front of him. He made a move. He hit the terminator's head easily and knocked it off with his last bit of armor.

The Terminator slammed down.

Lifting her head gently, not far away, she looked at Shen Yi with a gentle smile. Under her feet lay a Terminator.

The game was lost by Shen Yi.

Gentle obviously watched for half a day, until Shen Yi stopped and said softly, "Should I hate you for giving up my chance to kiss me once? Or should I be glad you could spend the whole day with me? Or congratulations on being in the same state you were last time? Looks like you're getting a grip on that feeling. ”

”Shen Yi smiled.“ Whatever...

Suddenly a dark appearance appeared in front of the eyes. Shen Yi's body swayed for a few moments. There was a lot of blood in the nostrils, and even silk blood appeared in the ears.

Gently rush an arrow to hold him: “What's wrong with you? ”

Shen Yi shook his head: “Nothing, it's just a headache. It should be an excessive side effect of the brain. This time of entering the state is much longer than the last time. I feel like my brain is empty right now and I don't want to think about anything...”

The consequence of overexerting power is afterwards exhaustion, or even weakness. The consequence of Shen Yi's overuse of his brain is a cracked headache and a few faint desires.

Gentle Airways: “Terminators are attacking the repair center in a big way, and people need you to direct them, and you're having this problem at this time. ”

“… you put King Kong in charge. ”

“I should have stopped you when I knew it would happen. ”

“The problem is that we don't know, but even if we do, I will persevere, and this state of affairs is hard to come by, and I must seize every opportunity to become familiar with it, to become familiar with it until I master it. ”

“But King Kong and them...”

Shen Yi suddenly grasped Genjuku: “No one's world can turn without anyone. Never look at yourself so important. They could have done just as well without you and me... maybe even better. ”

“So what now? ”

Shen Yi paused for a moment and panted: “Let me rest for a moment, just a moment. ”