Infinity Armament

Chapter 228 Being in the Bureau

Due to the existence of Parrot of Destiny, Jack Sparrow no longer has any doubt about Shen Yi's acceptance of Tia Doma's mandate.

In that case, we all share a common goal.

That's why he came to Rover.

For Jack Sparrow, Captain Jack, one of the Nine Pirate Kings, had no intention of targeting the other Pirate Kings, after all, in violation of the Pirate Convention.

Despite the pirates' arrogance and disregard for any law, the piracy conventions developed spontaneously by the pirates remain binding on every pirate king.

Thus, despite Jax Palo's good relationship with Tia Doma and his material desire for Tia Doma, he was easily reluctant to target other pirate kings - perhaps the only exception being Barbosa, the Caspian pirate king.

But things are different now.

It is now the middle period of Part III of the Caribbean Sea. Elizabeth and Will Turner just got Jack Sparrow back from hell.

Their purpose in saving him was to use the power of the Black Pearl against the Dauntless.

And for Jake Sparrow, unless he agrees to serve a hundred years aboard a ghost ship, even if he escapes from prison, once David Jones finds out that Jake Sparrow is not dead, he will hunt him down again. This created a demand for Jack Sparrow to unblock the Goddess of the Sea. Because she's the only one who can handle a ghost ship.

There are two small changes in the plot here. One is that Barbosa was not involved in saving Captain Jack. Second, the end-of-the-world map is not on the Black Pearl and is still in the hands of Captain Tsunami. Elizabeth has amazing memories of finding her way to hell with her own memories behind a map of the end of the world, but not for long.

And for Jack Sparrow, that map of the end of the world is exactly what he wanted.

So Shen Yi and Jack Sparrow soon had a common language at the moment.

Before the start of the negotiations, Shen Yi gave a gentle look to the gentle, gentle will, so he said to Elizabeth casually: “Would you be interested in visiting the Rover? This was once the boat of one of your most hated people. Perhaps you'd be interested to hear how we killed the Baron. ”

The excitement shines in Elizabeth's eyes: "Of course. ”

A gentle greeting to Elizabeth's roaming tour followed Wilduna behind his fiancée, while Ro Hao extended the same invitation to Captain Jack's sailor.

Shen Yi was willing to gently take Elizabeth and others, in fact, in preparation for negotiating cooperation. Diplomatic negotiations always seek advantages for themselves whenever possible.

There are a lot of people on my side of the world, even when it comes to speaking, the bottom gas has to be a few points. Jack Sparrow is a smart man, but the bandits have never been good with knives, but not with mouth tricks, so they have fallen invisible in this regard.

Shen Yi is now facing Jake Sparrow alone, and it is only a matter of time before he says, "Well, I think now we can move on to what we talked about. By the way, where were we earlier? ”

“Freedom, my freedom.” Jack Sparrow replied very seriously: "I do not deny that the Ghost Ship is a great threat to me and I do not want to be locked up in that horrible place of hell anymore. ”

“Ah!” Shen Yi made a sudden enlightenment.

He bowed his head for a moment and said slowly: “I guess even in this situation, you still don't want to fight the other pirate kings. ”

Jack Sparrow has been unable to complete Tia Doma's mandate not because of his incompetence, but because of his identity concerns about attacking other pirate kings. If he seriously attacks other pirate kings, even if he unleashes the Goddess of the Sea and defeats the Ghost ship, he will be pursued by other pirates.

Shen Yi's analysis of this was clear, and Jax Palo was more straightforward in saying: "My father is the protector of the Pirate Code, and he is the most loyal to it. Any pirate who desecrates and violates the Pirate Code will be attacked by him… I am, after all, his son." (1)

“Then I think a useful outsider might be very helpful to you.” Shen Yi laughed: “An outsider with the ability to destroy the Dauntless. ”

“An outsider who climbed the Dauntless and annihilated it while I was attracting all the firepower of the Dauntless.” Jack Sparrow is welcome to add.

“A good model of cooperation, isn't it?” Shen Yi winks: “You attract people's attention, and I'm in charge of the action. Maybe this model can continue to work until you get what I want. ”

“You want to deal with all the pirate kings by yourself and take the letters from them?” Jack Sparrow has a little bit of a bad appetite to imagine.

“I will try to be civilized. ”

“You're dreaming!” Jack Sparrow immediately rebutted: "And it was not necessary. Barbosa thinks he can persuade the pirate kings to hand over their letters. ”

“That was before.” Shen Yi laughed: “Barbosa thinks he can use threats from the British Navy to force all pirate kings to agree to give out their letters. But the problem now is that Beckett is dead and the Ghost Ship still exists. ”

In the original plot, the British navy was able to coerce the flying Dutchman into working for himself by possessing a soul coffin and using powerful military pressure soldiers to force the city to sink. In order to protect himself, Barbosa proposed a plan to learn about the Sea-goddess. So in the original plot, Beckett's intimidation was because the unblocking of the Goddess of the Sea was a fruit.

But in the new screenplay of the Bloody City, the unblocking of the Goddess of the Sea became a cause, and Beckett's soldiers threatened to crush it, but it was a cover and an excuse to seduce people.

As for Beckett now, dead and fearless, the threat to the Royal British Navy, though still present, is no greater than it was before. Even under the threat of the Ghost Ship and the Dauntless, the Pirate Guild did not necessarily agree to unblock the Goddess of the Sea, especially in the present situation? Barbosa's plan was therefore doomed to bankruptcy, and fighting became the mainstream option to obtain nine pieces of mail.

As for Elizabeth becoming the pirate emperor... as the plot changed, it was long gone, without even thinking about it.

At this moment Shen Yi said, Jack Sparrow also realized the problem.

While the British Navy is a threat to all pirates, the Ghost Ship is only a threat to him alone, Jax Parrow. Pirate kings may not attack each other easily because of the existence of pirate codes, but the death of other pirate kings is definitely a tragedy. Shen Yi's proposal became important because he could not ask anyone for help in this matter.

After a while, Jack Sparrow finally said, "I want that map of the end of the world, all but half of us. ”

This sentence indicates, at least, that agreement has been reached between the two individuals on the issue of joint seizure of correspondence.

“My appetite is not small, I am the one who works hard and hard.” Shen Yi is not satisfied.

“Then you better figure out that there are thousands of pirates in Sinking City, and if you don't want to kill them all the way through, then the only way to get close to them is through me.” Jack Sparrow is serious about pointing to himself.

“You're a good guide.” Shen Yi smiled and looked back at the Vajra: “Vajra, in a war, how much good is it usually to him if we need an insider to lead us? ”

“One thousandth of the harvest is good enough.” Kong smiled with a smile.

Hung Lang turned to answer: "* Are you eligible to share? Just give him a few gold coins and he'll send them out. ”

Jack Sparrow's face became a little ugly.

He is also a pirate king at best. He is said to exist as a traitor dog leg internal response, but from the nature of the hand he has just described, it really only serves this part.

In this role, there are also delusions about taking the lead in negotiations with each other, and naturally there are some intentions.

After all, he is not a good negotiator. There is nothing to say about being crowded at this moment. He always feels that something is wrong, but he can't say anything. He can only look at Shen Yi angrily: "Cooperation requires good faith! ”

“From your offer, I see no sincerity. ”

“What do you say?” This statement completely reveals the essence of Jack Sparrow's lack of control over the negotiating situation.

“By number of contributors. You take us in, I'll count you in. We are responsible for fighting and obtaining Pirate King's Credits. ”

“There are five of you. ”

“Exactly. ”

“So I only get a sixth?” Jack Sparrow looked at Shen Yi in surprise and his appetite was too big, wasn't it?

“It's already pretty good.” Shen Yi replied with great sincerity: "I don't need your help, just bring us in. ”

King Kong also patted Jack Sparrow on the shoulder: "Why do you care so much about Tia Doma's homework, what's more important than freedom? ”

Hung Lang also came up to persuade Captain Jack: "Think about the risks we're going to take. If we fail, there's only one way to die, and you never have to worry about that. Captain Jack, it's a fair deal. ”

Three men, you said something to me about a round-the-clock bombing of Jack Sparrow.

This brainwashing statement drowned Jax Palo, and although he felt it was inappropriate, Shen Yi's reference did make sense.

There's no reason to argue, Jack can only scream:

“Well, let's put this off for a while, and I'll have to think about it. ”

This has already been a huge concession for him.

“No problem.” Shen Yizhi is a very good speaker: "Now, there is one question left. ”

“What?” Jack asked.

“I need to know their strength. Captain Jack, if you fight any of them, who's better? ”

“It's all the same, but I'm even better. ”

“So...” Shen Yi bowed his head for a moment and finally said: “Hung Lang, go and fight with our Captain Jack. ”

Hung Lang squeezed his fist. Ka Ka directly rang. "Happy to obey. ”

Hands up and punched Jack Sparrow in the face door...

Hung Lang and Jake Sparrow were fighting each other, Shen Yi and Kong watched the two fight calmly and chatted casually.

“If both parties work together, only one of them will reap one sixth of the harvest, and one of them will reap five sixth of the harvest," said King Kong. How did you figure out how to calculate the distribution by head? That's a terrible idea. ”

Shen Yi looked at the distance and the two of them fought, whispering: "If you watch the news more, you will learn a lot of political wrist. On Earth, when China became the second-largest GDP country in the world, our leader loved to say that we were still a developing country, and our per capita level was still very low… At the Copenhagen Climate Control Conference, when 26 developed countries set emission reduction targets for all countries on a country-by-country basis, China proposed its own emission standards: population by population basis. You know what that means? If that standard were adopted, China's carbon dioxide emission standard would be five times that of the United States, because we are five times larger than their population. ”

“… I like this calculation standard. ”

“I like it too.” Shen Yi smiled and patted Vajra.

“He hasn't said yes yet. ”

“What does that matter? I certainly wouldn't expect him to reap only a sixth of what he earned, but as long as he accepts our standards, then no matter how hard he struggles, he won't reap the big heads... so don't ever negotiate on the tracks that someone else has designed for you, otherwise no matter how hard he struggles, you won't be able to jump out of the trap that someone else has designed for you. ”

“It's like being in a bloody city, no matter how powerful we are, can't get out of its control? ”

“… yes. ”

silent a while at the same time.

Fighting continues, and it looks like Hungry Wave and Jack Sparrow have fought a tiger wind for a short period of time.

Shen Yi's eyes turned deep and distant and seemed to be thinking about something.

Long time ago, he said: "After the battle, let Hung Lang and Jacques get as close together as possible. Get as much information as possible from him about other Pirate Kings as possible. You can also participate. ”

“Don't ask him directly? ”

“Don't give the opponent a bargaining chip. ”

“I understand.”