Infinity Armament

Chapter 292 Life and Death Line

Black Lightning's fast Mercedes-Benz on the prairie, and the sky behind it, lots of winged dragons are beating their wings to chase.

Shen Yi carefully observed the distant sky with the infrared telescope and estimated the flying speed and number of winghand dragons.

“At least 300... damn, that's enough. Michelle, slow down. Our bureaucracy can't keep up.” Shen Yi noticed that the two Mustangs were getting farther away from themselves. Although it was also modified by Zhou Yiyu, without the boost of the power source, the black lightning strikes a big difference in speed.

“Yes, sir.” Michelle slowed down slightly.

“Those wingman dragons are catching up.” Zhang Jianjun is a little anxious.

“That does not justify my abandonment of my soldiers.” Shen Yi faintly replied.

“You can cancel the summons! ”

“That'll be a lot of money when I reconvene, man. ”

“…” Zhang Jianjun never expected Shen Yi to give him such an answer.

It's typical. Do you want money?

Lan Mei is also in a bit of a hurry: “So what do we do? ”

Shen Yi glanced at Lan Mei: “Didn't you prepare for any escape before you entered the wilderness? ”

Lan Meier blushed: “Yes, there is... just...”

“It's just that your way out is neither safe nor safe, so you'd rather hope that I could kill them all like a madman?” Shen Yi looked at her sarcastically.

Lan Meier shut up and Zhang Jianjun frowned: “Brother, I see you are a man of understanding. Since you have said all this, I am not afraid to tell you honestly. Yes, most people who dare to enter the wilderness have their own retreat, which is the random transfer scroll. This thing is a must-have scroll for the vast majority of adventurers entering the wilderness right now, except for the Red Tiger fool. This scroll helps us get out of the danger zone effectively, but there is a serious problem with it being transmitted immediately. This place in the wilderness is in crisis, using this scroll, no one knows if it will get out of the wolf cave and into the tiger's mouth, so..."

“So you won't use it easily. Smiling ghosts run into the jungle. I guess he's got this thing, too, right?” Shen Yi smiled.

Zhang Jianjun nodded: “Yes, otherwise we will not invade the wilderness without skill. ”

The Random Transfer Scroll is the biggest rely for most adventurers to dare enter the wilderness. This scroll can only be used in wilderness areas and is randomly transferred to an area within 100 miles after each use.

This allows adventurers to quickly escape danger in times of crisis.

However, such a scroll is not absolutely safe, and you know its transmission range is too large.

The farther the better, the better the distance is just right.

A hundred miles long transmission is too big, and if you don't pay attention to it, you might be transferred to a high-difficulty area. Even if not transported to high-difficulty areas, there is no shortage of possible transported to the nest of some kind of vicious beast.

Worst of all, the Random Transmission Scroll has too low a priority and too many ways to crack it, which leads to it being effective only against the Wesen, while the chances of getting rid of the Adventurer are extremely low.

Consequently, such dependence is neither secure nor insured.

Even so, because of the random transmission scroll, many adventurers have mustered the courage to break into the wilderness and try to make a fortune in this dangerous place.

Most people didn't make it back alive.

As for the Red Tiger, he is a rare fool, even the random transmission scroll is not ready to enter the wilderness, a man like him who is immortal is no longer rational. Li Song, on the other hand, was quite intelligent, bringing both a random transfer scroll and a battlefield disengagement scroll. The best way to escape is to pull the distance away from the scroll with the battlefield and, if you can't escape, make sure that it is not sealed by the opponent before using the transfer scroll, while maintaining a certain distance - and of course, the cost of escape increases.

Shen Yi naturally knows this kind of thing, but he doesn't have it himself. It's not that he doesn't want it, it's not expensive, it's a thousand pieces. The point is he's the kind of man who never put his destiny in luck.

He is willing to face known strength, rely on his own preparation and strength to fight hard, and not to send himself to a powerful, potentially violent beast because of a purposeless and indiscriminate transmission.

After confirming that both Zhang Jianjun Lan Meier and others have random transmission scrolls, Shen Yi faded: “How about a condition? I don't like to fight alongside people who might leave me running at any moment. So if there's a way back, it should be a communal retreat. If you're willing to hand over all the random transmission reels, you can stay in the car and I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. And of course, you can object to that, so I ask you to get out of the car and go wherever you want. ”

“You...” Lan Meier looked at Shen Yi with surprise.

Shen Yi replied coldly: "Sorry, if you want people to value you, please prove your worth first. Random transfers of scrolls like this have turned your value into zero in my eyes. ”

Lan Mei was silent for a while, but Zhang Jianjun took out three random transmission scrolls and sent them to Shen Yi: “You're right, I used them when I met the Frenzy Beast. What I do next is up to you. ”

The juvenile gardener replied, "I don't have a random transmission scroll, and there's no way back. The M7 team lives and dies together and will not flee alone. ”

Shen Yi was slightly stunned. I could tell that when the teenager said that, he had a certain resolute tone...

The Far Winged Dragon has flown closer and closer, Lan Mei “ah” shouted: “Okay, here you go, all four of them are here! ”

Shen Yi glanced at Lan Meier and started to communicate deep into Lan Meier's consciousness. Lan Meier only felt her heart tremble. For some reason, the man in front of her had actually gone deep into her heart.

She glanced at Shen Yi in a dazed manner, but Shen Yi had withdrawn the communication without doing anything. She said faintly: “Congratulations, you passed. ”

“Then hurry!” Lanmeyer almost screamed hysterically.

I didn't expect Shen Yi to lazily answer: “Attack? That would only provoke them completely, not necessarily. ”

This answer left Lan Mei alone: “What did you say? ”

Shen Yi has taken out her energy earrings and put them on herself: "Remember, don't target them anyway! ”

Communication activated!

The energy from the consciousness of the mind builds a bridge of communication between Shen Yi and the Wing Hand Dragon.

All winged dragons feel at the same time that a consciousness enters their hearts, as if it were a primitive call, talking about something.

At the same time, the winged dragons hissed and gathered in a huge wave straight into the sky.

The thunderous sound shook everyone's face white.

Lan Mei was terrified and screamed: “What's going on?! ”

Nobody cares about it.

Large swathes of winged dragons in the sky were inspired by something, and suddenly became agitated and swept towards the sun.

Their speed of flight accelerated sharply, diving straight down as if it were a shell, and some winged dragons had opened their mouths and a fireball formed in their mouths.


A flamethrower sprayed out of the mouth of a winged dragon and hit it hard against Black Lightning.

Michelle made a sudden turn, and the flamethrows landed less than five meters away from Black Lightning, blasting a wave of red clouds.

Then two flamethrows fell straight from the sky, falling on the left and right sides of the car, shocking the body.

Zhang Jianjun roared and took out a gun from the bloody crest to shoot at the sky. Frost held him down and shouted: "Do not shoot! Sir's communicating with those guys. You'll piss them off! ”

“I see your officer has provoked them!” Zhang Jianjun roared.

“Please calm down, sir, and trust us, sir!” Frost screams, he quickly pulls the death revolver towards Zhang Jianjun's head: "Sir, if you dare to shoot the winghand dragon, I will shoot you! ”

Zhang Jianjun glared hard at Frost and finally took the gun back.

At this point, Lan Meier suddenly screamed, “Careful! ”

Frost looked back and saw a winghand dragon suddenly diving towards himself, and the sharp claw on the tip of his wing had grabbed Frost's head, lifting him up and grabbing him into the air.

At this moment, the elbow and armpit became loud, and no one thought, looking at Frost being caught in the air, the boy suddenly raised his hand and the blue vine flew out of his hand, wrapping Frost's feet like a rope. Meanwhile, Hubby Ford and Lyle jumped up and grabbed Frost's foot together.

The winged dragon could not eat such a heavy weight, it was dragged down. It hissed, and the flamethrows in his mouth appeared, pointing at Frost's head and spraying away. As Knight waved his hand, the chain of confinement had wrapped around the wing dragon, throwing it towards the distant sky, and the wing dragon had lost its direction and fired a flamethrower into the air.

Once the teenager had harvested the vine, he returned Frostra.

Frost was shocked and said, "Thank you! ”

The teenager replied softly: "I hope your chief is quick. ”

Shen Yi is still communicating with Wingman Dragon. It seems that these fierce beasts are not so well negotiated. The advantage of communicating is that it can connect directly, regardless of the level and number of opponents, but the downside is that you can't control any life directly, you can only talk to them in good words.

However, facing a fierce beast like Wingman Dragon, it doesn't look like an easy job to get someone to give up their delicious food.

Shen Yi's face is already covered with bean-sized sweat, and his energy is depleting.

“Evans! Kafka!” Frost screams.

Soldier Evans has raised his gun to Shen Yi, and two medical bullets have been fired into Shen Yi's body.

Then Kafka puts an energy glow into Shen Yi's body.

Shen Yi's swinging body finally stabilized.

Wingman dragons in the sky are still attacking people in cars.

Their former servants flew in successively, beating the people on the wagon with their wings, from time to time firing flamethrows at their targets. It was like a meteorite rain falling in the sky, burning fireballs falling out of the sky, blowing up the ground from crater to crater.

Three cars rolled desperately in the flame rain, and a large number of low-altitude diving winghand dragons had covered the entire sky.

It's like clouds pressing directly over their heads, looking up, and already seeing these vicious faces clearly.

From time to time, they use their mouths and fingernails to dive underneath them and use their own high speeds to sweep past each other like a cyclone of death.

A winghand dragon simply parked in the car, his small eyes stared directly at each other and looked at the hair in everyone's heart.

“Oh my God!” Lan Meier made a desperate cry.

She had already begun to regret handing over the random transmission scroll to Shen Yi. She regretted even more that she had come to a place like the wilderness obsessed with herself.

Compared to here, the cruel mission world is paradise!

A winged dragon in the sky burst into a sharp squeal and dived towards Lan Mei 'er.

Lan Meier could no longer restrain the desire of her hand, and the flying knife in her hand sparkled the light of death, shaking the sound of metal.

At this point, all winged dragons suddenly burst into a terrible whistle at the same time.

The wingman who attacked Lan Mei 'er suddenly turned and flew into the air.

Frost Big Happy: "Sir, it worked! ”

Lan Meier's face changed and her face faded: “It's over, my skills have been activated! ”

The flying knife in her hand suddenly flew out towards the winged dragon who had jumped at herself before. The knife pursued the target with a brilliant and colorful light.

Frost was shocked: "No! ”

The winged dragon was about to be shot by a flying knife, and a silver wave suddenly flashed across between the winged dragon and the flying knife.

Exactly T1000.

The flying knife stuck into the body of the T1000, shining silver light, and almost all of the chest of the No. 1 was blown open by the knife before falling back to the ground.

Shen Yihoran turned around and looked at Lan Meier angrily: “Woman, you almost left us all dead without a burial site, you better remember that you will not have a second chance to make a mistake! ”